The clouds of dust and smoke settled, revealing the figure of Ryu, whose face was twisting with anger.
"Give her soul back!"
Rakash was dumbfounded, to say the least. "How . . . how are you still alive?"
Ryu didn't hear anything. His ears were ringing, and his mind was in a frenzy of thoughts about Seraphina, who was slowly turning to sand. The image of her pale face lying on the floor was enough to consume him with rage that he was going berserk.
He just lost Ferris. He couldn't lose Seraphina too!
"Give her soul back!"
Using the strength of his whole body, Ryu leaped forward, and the floor cracked with his force. Using his momentum, he brought his gauntlets onto Rakash with so much power that Rakash's feet bore a hole into the ground as he defended Ryu's attack with his staff.
NOVEMBER Stretch Goals!
50 GT = 5 Chapter release
Rank #20 Win2x = 5 Chapters release
20,000 worth of Gifts = Commissioned Cover
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