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75% Re:Asura / Chapter 35: Capella

Capítulo 35: Capella

"Hehe, surprised".

Asura watches as Capella smile and yells surprised like it was just a hilarious joke.

"I got you real good right hehe even though I didn't sign up for this".

Asura keeps watching Pandora with a deadpan look.

"So you are not going to say anything". Asked Capella with a forced smile on her face.








Asura's head was down and Capella notice as Asura's bloodlust start leaking a red aura so much so it became hard to breathe the rocks began to float and a slight earthquake began to happen when Capella saw this she said at the back of her head.

"Yikes, he looks mad".

Asura then shouts out in a fit of rage as he takes Capella by the bare face grabbing it tight and crushing it in the process as he said in a fit of anger.

Capella was expecting something like ripping a couple of limbs off but why the face she then said while Asura grabs her ass by the face.

"Come on not the face we can talk aBOUT THISSSS". Capella was then all the way back as Asura push with full force yelling.



Capella was slam face-first into a fucking tree breaking a lot of other trees behind her.




Asura began breathing harder and harder as he began breathing slowly as he said.

"Ok, I am not mad just a little annoyed sigh to think I got played just like Echidna sigh".

Asura then heard Capella's voice.

"Are you alright now you see all you need was a little released right although it fucking hurt nothing is wrong in releasing your anger let this generous Capella be your outlet to your stress". Said Capella in a very easy going straightforward voice.

"Shut up just because you manage to pull a fast one on me that doesn't mean she escape if I want I can easily catch her.

Asura then said to Cortana.

"How far is she I already had placed my curse on her".

[Notice the curse she has is somehow been suppress at this rate it will be completely destroyed in 45 hours]

"Wait what how".

[Although Pandora might be physically weaker than you she is not someone so easily fool she has her ways and her biggest advantage over you is the fact that this is an alternate reality so of course there is more than one way to get rid of a curse after all the curse you place on her was an immortality curse for torcher as powerful as it may be it grows weaker if you didn't make it permanent and also you only made it so she wouldn't die from such a long throw from the moon to the Earth]

"Sigh I see maybe I was a little too arrogant FUCK and to think me and that worthless mother now share something in common with each other we both got the middle fingers from Pandora I see why Echidna says she is an expert on saving her own skin she basically trade this sadistic bitch for her freedom".

[But don't worry though Pandora can't hide forever as she will have to slip and say your name at least once it will be at that moment she will be in checkmate].

"I see Eldritch awareness before this ability there is no ideal hiding spot as all escape route had been rendered obsolete fufu fine then I will play your meanless game of tag but it will be you that will be on the losing end as matter of fact get your entire army and prepare everything you have it will be your loss, in the end, I have all the time in the world but I very curious knowing her how far is she".

[In a time span of 1 minute she has already reached the next half of the world which are undiscovered lands but the system has also detected 458 different versions of her scattered all over the planet essence of the curse is presented in all of them]

When Asura heard this he became a little piss as he said.

"TSk, so she already using that ability sigh and to think she is using it in a way that it throwing even me off if anything her tactic is very cowardly she is the perfect escape artist".

[Affirmative the numbers are still increasing it appears Pandora isn't taking any risk and using the full power of envious incarnation]

"Tsk, envious incarnation an ability that is not of the vainglory skillset but an inherent one from her mother if anything it not strong nor is it all-powerful but it extremely dangerous if used correctly".

"You see it basically the ability to split oneself into 999 version of there self when at full power these Incarnations can only do intermediate grade magic at best while some might have a chance to gain divine protection from Od'lagna normally those with authority is hated by Od'Lagna but Pandora finds a way to bypass it racism even tricking the world itself".

"But this isn't the scary part of this ability like I said it not powerful nor is it a god-like skill at all but what makes it scary is the unique way Pandora uses it. You see these incarnation appearances can be random so as their genders as well but Pandora uses them to gain influence in many regions did you know that she has been the holy king of Gusteko for almost 3 centuries".

"It wouldn't be no surprised if she can trick from Od'Lagna with relative ease why can't she tricked Odglass as well or as all her worshipers call her the mother of Gusteko an ancient great spirit that rests on mount Pardochia as she is the one that chooses all of Gusteko holy king each coronation and Pandora has been the king for 3 centuries meaning she has been tricking her for over 300 years why do you think Capella assassin organization is a big deal over there as her influence is second to the king".

"If I am guessing right and thinking of the obvious Pandora made all the clones into perfect replicas didn't she meaning they all have everything as the current her have well spirituality".

[Affirmative Pandora manage to hide both physically and spiritually, as she split and share the curse with her clones, and her soul fragment, is also split perfectly between the other 999 So finding Pandora might be a little annoying it better to wait till she says your name]

"I see might as well give her time to plan I can counter her if I am able to see what she is planing through her eyes it won't be hard I simply have to play my cards right as matter of fact".

Asura then looks at Capella who head was stuck in the tree trying to pull herself out.

"AHHH godammit please help me get my head out of this you know it is very uncomfortable". Said Capella struggling to free herself from the tree as she slowly regenerates.

Asura looks at Capella as he sighs he knows he suppressing her authority but that the thing with Capella's authority a simple suppression doesn't stop her as her authority is absolute right after altering her body to however she wants it to work the alteration remain till she changes it again.

For example, if she at the time only fix her body to do simple regenerations and her authority is cut off the alteration remains this ability was the reason she owns the biggest assassination organization in the world as she offers big lead immortality by given them super regeneration, to be honest Capella is the seconds smartest out all the sin archbishops with Pandora been the first.

You see Capella doesn't refer to everyone as a meatbag she is liked a delinquent of the Re: zero worlds you have to earn her respect if you want it after all Capella is the reason why her long last family is all dead after all-father, mother, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, all of them are dead because of her after all Felt is the last thing to a family she haves but then and again she created a disease the only affects the royal family luckily in some point and time Felt father manage to save at least, Felt discarding her in the slums and the same night all the Royal family dies.

If we disregard her having the worst personality and the cruelest of the witch-cult she makes a good pet for spying and infiltration someone I will definitely need but not right now and there also the fact she wants all the love in the world as she believes it exists for her to monopolize as she sees fit but then again I can't be mad at her well I can and I will but I honestly don't give a shit, to be honest out of all the archbishop she is the last one anyone wants to run into.

At least running into Regulus will only be a limb or instant death or you can run it Betelgeuse look at the bright side is only going to be one night of brutal torcher or even gluttony you feel no pain let pull off bullshit fusion while running into her is eternal torcher or really slow death. As she uses her authority to change her targets into a pile of a cook or raw meat hell even toads as the consciousness of her targets remain and the worst thing is right after you are eaten by maggots and flies you will always regenerate never-dying always been in constant pain.

But hear this out of all the archbishop she is the only one I can say that has a legitimate and absolute reason for her personality to be this fuck up her backstory is really fuck up extremely fuck up you think been a princess was easy well not for this girl has truly experience and embrace the darkest side humanity has to offer.

Although it wasn't mentioned in the anime Capella reject turning back to a human as it reminds her of her childhood trauma no you could say her bastard of a brother did some crazy shit to this girl from the very moment she was born horrible experiments, horrendous torcher, and more that why she kill this generation of Emeradas after all Capella is at least 59 if I remember correctly was what Asura was thinking.

Asura then started doing some mathematics and came up with.

"So I guess she is Felt great aunt that would instantly kill her if she knows about her how interesting but I can always hit her right in the trauma since I know of it so she is easy to control".

Asura then walks up to her and pulls her ass out of the tree.

She then looks at Asura and said.

"Aww my god, you have no idea how it feels to be strangled by a tree aww you are so fucking mean was it really necessary to bash my head in like that". Said Pandora in a pissed tone.

Asura gave her a cold stare as he said.

"You should be lucky I didn't fucking ate your ass". Said Asura with a cold glare.

"Ohoho I see my beauty has captivated even you to the point you want to eat me treat this Capella well and I might just let you". Said Capella in a prideful voice.

"Shut up thot did I gave you permission to talk chummy with me". Said Asura as he bitch slap Capella into another tree with his huge long blue and black tail as half her face was missing but it began to regenerate.

She then looks at Asura while her face is regenerating as she licks her lip and said.

"fufu So your the type that likes it rough as well my type of people". Said Capella in a teasing dominant tone

Asura looks at Capella as he makes up his face.

"Tsk, You and I have the worst compatibility there cant be two sadists if you are going to be a pet in this new master and servent relationship you need to know your place".

When Capella heard this she was piss even if he was a demon God how dare he told her to know her place.

"I will have you know that this great me submits to no on...

Capella looks at Asura who took the form of her brother and when she saw the wretched man who completely broke her and left her to die more time than she can count she dropdown and saw look at her bother she then began trembling as her confidant demeanor began to crumble she look at her father she then began to hold her head in fear as she said in a panic.

"B-B-BRother w-w-w-w-WHy are you here"? Ask Capella in fear.

When Asura saw this he smiles as he said to himself.

"So her reaction to her horrible trauma is the same as in the anime aww don't break too quickly my pet".

Asura was able to do this with the power of metamorphosis, absolute cell control, body maneuver, and bio interior formation all of this wasn't his original skill set but the arsenal of skill within his brain capacity as the brain is the core of the body with enough control over the brain changing cell formation is child play for Asura so you could look like practically anyone but he won't have their power or unique body structure at least, not the stronger ones like Ichigo or Goku if you know what I mean so using God-Childs is way more effective.

Asura then looks at Capella and uses a skill for the first time ever dream manipulation and authority over all dreams as he can make a person see things beyond their worst nightmare truly Asura was now embracing his authority as an apostle of dreams.

So he showed Capella a quick daydream of the time she experiences of her entire life and also one of her worst torchers during her brother's experiment on testing how the body handles dragon blood to strengthen his own blood so the royal family could achieve further perfection in the future generation.

Capella was put under a very realistic daydream as she then saw.

Change of POV

Ha, where am I were is brother?


Capella then began to hear the sound of all too familiar diabolical machines and when she looked she saw the thing that her brother used to test the durability and regenerative capabilities many times when she was young.

"Now now sweetie do this for love as your pain is the love of this country as you shall be it lion and protector you shall replace the dragon".

"N-n-n-NOoooo Please anything but the slicer".

Capella looks at the weird machine with a lot of fire crystal and multiple glass lens stack up above each other and when she sees a laser beam came out as her brother said.

"Let's start small today how about we just take your right arm you should be fine the dragon blood within you should not harm you even with this much heat... hopefully we will now commence the test".


The burning hot light came closer and closer to Capella's right arm she couldn't escape as she was strapped down by all fours by huge rusty chains that are sinking deeper and tighter as she struggles more.

"No, be a good girl take it as a Lungunica should".





Capella tries to free herself from the chains but cant she sees the red hot light embraces her arm as she screams.


The laser took her arm as she raised up from the bed in pain but couldn't get up because she was chained to the surgical bed".

Capella's brother began watching how Capella heal so quickly even under intense heat her regenerative capabilities never fail to surprise him you see out of all the king kids Capella has the greatest affinity with the plague blood all of his other siblings he even forcefully beds a lot of pure nobles to have children of his own using the dragon blood on them but they would instantly die.

You see Volcanica blood is the purest of the purest it can heal any wound once pour on it but once anyone tries to commit the taboo of literally fusing the blood with something else the stronger blood turns into a horrible poison killing the host almost instantly but for some unknown reason Capella is the only one to survive he notice this as he saw Capella accidentally drank dragon blood when she is little and nothing happens to her this was where it all started he could prove how humanity is the strongest race

"Ok guys wait till she heals up completely proablly another minute at this rate the synchronization with the dragon blood should be perfected by the next 4 years I should be able to achieve immortality and take the Lungunica bloodline to even further heights after all why should we worship the dragon why should mankind worship a lizard haven't we strive long enough by ourselves to prove that humans are the one and only God of this world.

Not only are we the oldest species but out of all other races our adapting ability far surpasses any other we are the Gods of this world but yet if anything he should be honored that we are using him to further the greatest race which is humanity".

He then looks at Capella as he said.

"My precious little humanoid dragon Kaida don't fail me now"!

This man is Adam Emerada Lungunica and the brother of Emerada Kaida Lungunica the lion king of Lungunica fifty years prior to the start of the original story as she no her brother was the reason that the plague blood turns to a disease that only kills those of the Lungunica bloodline, of course, he didn't know that Capella only adapts to the dragon blood as she in some point and time when she was younger met a beautiful platinum hair lady.

Who gave her the power of survival who would have thought that Pandora already foresaw her future and was waiting till Capella completely brake to awaken the witch factor within her of course she would only awake the witch factor after her death and rebirth as the cruelest archbishop.

For countless years day and night even when Emerada wasn't on the operation table she serves her country fair and just overtime she was describing to be extremely cruel she would cut down her enemies and even people that annoy her but it was because of her cruel upbringing she last fate in both God and humanity and developed a twisted personality that love is the cure for all thing.

With love, there will be no suffering if punishment is not needed.

With love, everyone will bend to your will.

As love is out of generosity so anyone that received love should be glad that they even have it

And if they don't appreciate love then they are not worthy of it.

As the years go Emerada becomes stronger and stronger as the dragon gain powers in age but she notices that not even she could withstand Volcanica power so easily if anything she is slowly dying but thankfully every time she goes back on the table the pain feels less and less.

Just last week she was been eaten alive by flies and the month before that she was exposed to extremely hot temperatures amazingly though she gains some fire resistance.

And a year prior to that they wanted to test the absolute limit of her regeneration so they melt her to the bone and amazingly she regenerates even from something as serious as that.

In short, they stop treating Emerada as human and something more as a weapon to strengthen Lungunica further.

Emerada knows better than everyone else that she doesn't have much longer to live as the black vein keeps going further and further till it eventually reaches her brain and her heart at best she had at least 2 more years of life left within her.

As she grows weaker and weaker after various test and experiments and even more exposer to the dragon blood Capella start noticing she getting slower and slower, she had less physical strength, her vision was worsening, her skin was falling, she was vomiting blood, her beautiful hair was falling out, her bones were like sticks and easy to brake in short she is slowly rotting from the inside out.

She eventually even loses all ability to taste, all ability to move, and all ability to do everything except hear and see

Eventually, Adam saw this and in a fit of rage, he decides to use the last remain use of Emerada to inherit the compatible dragon blood so he decides to rape Emerada to give birth to his future heir after his rise as king.

In a fit of panic, fear, rage, regret, loss, and hate Emerada unconsciously use the half awaken power of her authority of lust and modified the Lungunica bloodline to be born with the same diseases as her as soon as they come in contact with the dragon blood even looking at it will trigger the cells in the body to slowly kill the victim from within luckily for Felt she doesn't even know how dragon blood looks.

And right after Emerade of as she is known today as Capella she gave birth and died and disregarded like trash and to cover things up about the fact that she didn't die because of the dragon blood Adam said it was the cause of a disease he was so confident his father would pass the throne to him but sadly, in the end, he didn't get the throne and it was his older brother.

After generation of interbreeding with each other all those of the Lungunica bloodline perish to an unknown disease caused by the new Emerada who was rebirthed into Capella she didn't become aware of it till her rebirth but she wanted that lineage gone from the face of this world.

Capella watches everything done to her in Asura's alternate negative version of a daydream.

Capella POV ends.


Capella took a huge breath as she went down to the ground in tears holding her head.

"Please just s-s-s-stay away from me I became strong, I am C-C-C-Capella the s-s-sin a-ar-ar-archbishop of Lust, I am not your tool or anyone else tool STAY AWAY DONT LOOK AT ME WITH THOSE LUSTFUL EYES I-I-I-I". Capella began shouting in fear and anxiety as she uses the dragon blood within her and grows a pair of huge black dragon wings cover in black flames that cant be out by water and burn everything it touches.

Asura saw this and smile as he said mentally.

"Well Pandora if want to play a meanless game of domination tag, by all means, go right ahead you might have won the battle but I have won the war you can't hide from me forever you sacrifice a great pawn so you can escape I won't let this gift go to waste I always wanted a pet dragon girl but who would have taught it would been this sadistic bitch hahaha well now Capella don't brake too soon the fun has just begun". Asura said with a very sadistic tone as we reach for the trembling girl hiding under her wings.

"I know these flames will burn me to nothing if I touch them but for me suffering only make me stronger".

Asura touches the hot black flame as it engulfs his body burning it Asura didn't scream because in his original body he doesn't feel pain so easily the flames keep burning him as he regenerates with equal speed then he heard the statement he hasn't heard for 3 days now or in his perspective of time 257 years.

[Congradulations due to the host Asura skill absolute adaptation you have gained the unique skill Emperor of the negativity]

Emperor of the negativity: A unique skill that only you can use as this ability was born from your body been burn from the flames of judgment that is said to be impossible to out by this world standards one of the many series of flames the holy dragon Volcanica posses as these flames were created for punishment and order this skill make you fireproof to Volcanica judgment flame.

Asura then went to Capella and rips her wing off as she screams in pain.

"AWWWWW HOW w-w-w-were you able to touch me that impossible".

"There is no point in hiding my fair lady the fun has just begun if you submit to me I will cherish you".

"nO nOOOOOOO NOOOO NOOOO NOO STAY AWAY, STAY AWAY, STTTTAY AWAY"! Capella began stoning Asura with twigs, rocks, huge chunks of dirt, snowballs, and other worthless projectiles as she desperately crawls away as the wing on her back bleeds and slowly regenerates normally her dragon transformation has two modes ground mode which she turns into an elephants size dragon with a huge wing but she can't fly and the second mode been queen mode as she turns into a giant 200-meter black and gold sky dragon that rules the sky.

She transforms into the same dragon Pandora transforms into earlier as she alters her body to fool Asura using the lust authority for her to escape and she took on her form potentially fooling him but now she regrets it she didn't want to stay with this man that looks like her brother.

Capella turn into a giant 200-meter dragon to run away or fly away from Asura but she didn't make it far as Asura was holding her by the tail normally Capella isn't using her authority and she can't stay in this dragon form for long without her authority as it killing her even now she needs the authority of Lust to stabilized her dragon blood that why she didn't use it earlier to fight Asura before he kills Roy.

But right now she just wants to escape she is terrified extremely terrified so much so she forgot about the plan she and Pandora discuss earlier she didn't sign up for this.

Then she felt an extremely horrifying pain on her dragon legs and arm as they were burning with blue flames normally she is a dragon and flames don't hurt her or burn her but instead she was wasn't been burn but freeze.

Asura looks at a giant dragon flying away from him in fear as he said.

"I already made my favorite toy got away earlier right under my nose I ain't making my new pet loli-dragon getaway either". Asura said with a bored look on his face as he came with up a great idea as he holds the tail of the dragon preventing Capella from getting away as he finally uses the most destructive fire ability he has.

[Flames of eternal frost]. Asura shouted then from there purple bluish flames erupted from Asura's arm as it spread to Capella's legs and arm and wings from there almost instantly Capella's limbs became nothing but ice.


All the limbs crumble as she falls from the ground in hopelessness.

"My limbs why won't they grow back"?

"Flames of eternal frost a flame so cold that it surpasses absolute zero meaning it so cold that it literally changes one body component into ice your blood, flesh, bones, cells everything instantly transforms to ice you can say it works the same way as your change and variation as you can transform fatal wounds into heal wounds while these flames work just like that well it only transforms biomasses and other properties into nothing but ice".

"The only downside is it only works on those weaker than me my precious little dragon".

At those words, My precious little dragon Capella began turning back into a human as she began turning back into a human but this time her entire body had black veins as she began spitting out black blood as she looks at her brother with tears of black blood coming out of her eyes.

"I beg you please NO more sphh just let me die in piece I don't want to go back to the slicer nor fly pits or the lion den or the acid pool just end my suffering".

"Let you die and why would I do that you will live and living is the only thing you will be doing hahaha death is a mercy far too great for you and that I will never gift you all the people you kill, all the people you hurt, all the people you torcher, all the people you brutally trap into disfigured and ugly bodies like toad and meat alike will finally have some peace of mind knowing".

"That the very person who ruins their life will spend the rest of her life as both the plaything of demon and also a great pet you will make a perfect mount who need a car or dragon carriage when I have colossal sky dragon loli as my ride".

At these words, Capella was in fear.

"I don't w-w-w-want to be a toy".

At the same time, Asura heard the voice of the higher existence in the form of the voice of the world.

{Cthulu is pleased with your cruelty}

{Gaia is shocked by the flames of eternal frost}

{The God of the forge is interested in the flame of eternal frost}

{The Goddess of frost is interested in the flames of eternal frost}

{The mother of all beast is interested in the flames of eternal frost}

{Hestia is interested in the flames of eternal frost}

{The primordial spirit of flames is interested in the flames of eternal frost}

{The god of mercy feels pity for Capella and is praying you give her a little mercy}

{The goddess of forgiving light feel great pity for the fallen soul Capella}

{The Goddess of justice demands you kill her for her sin this instant and that is an order, not a request}

When Asura heard these words he said to all of them.

"Can you all just shut the fuck up my lord this thing is my property and has become one of my treasures why the hell should I kill her she is my god damn pet if they behave well you treat them good if they disobeyed it the owner job to put them back in place so why the hell should I kill my belonging are you trying to piss me off fuck justice and I am already showing her mercy by not killing her my god some of you higher beings are extremely naive and retarded and I will only say this once justice no your god-damn place how dare you to demand me do you want to rage war against me no problem more food for me"?

{Justice decide to fuck off}

{The heaven are laughing at the Goddess of justice for her sudden cowardness at Asura words}

{Cthulu totally agrees with your argument that some of these world gods is naive and need to be replaced}

{Some higher existence take offense to your claim}

{The God of mercy feel sad for Capella}

{The Goddess of forgiveness decides to forgive just this once for your disrespectful attitude toward her and heaven and they will be no next time as you disrespect her happiness for forgiveness and authority and she also said no your place you shity unforgiving demon}.

At the last statement made by a god Asura then said in an angry voice.

"Bitch please fuck you your happiness and forgiveness as a matter of fact go and shove both of them up your shitty ass do you think because you ask and demand I will move to your will who or what the fuck do you take me for women well guess what bitchy Goddess FUCK YOU AND THE HEAVEN TOO".

{The Goddess of forgiveness is piss at your existence and has cursed you with the curse of eternal blindness}

{The heavens are piss and some Gods decide to put more than 100,000 curses on you for your disrespect and they all said FUCK YOU TOOO AND KNOW YOUR PLACE YOU WORTHLESS DEMON}

From their Asura began feeling pain all over and he also lost his sight which was impossible he shouldn't feel pain as he unlocks over 25% of his brain capacity but my god it was unbearable but he would shout he need to teach Capella who the master and who is servant till he hears Cortana.

[You have been curse with the curse of eternal blindness from the goddess of forgivness]

[You have been curse with the curse of infertility by a random God]

[You have been curse with the curse of stiffness by a random Goddess]

[You have been curse with the curse of hard breathing by a random God]

[You have been curse with the curse of weak bone by a random God]

[You have been curse with the curse of ugliness by a random God]

[You have been curse with the curse of off a 1,000 plagues by a random Goddess]

All the curses you think exist Asura was now inflicted with.

{The heaven is all laughing at your suffering}.

But the laugh didn't last for long as Asura's trump card far surpasses the heaven common sense so much so what he did next was what truly made the higher existence fear him as he causes one of the greatest mass pandemics the God race has ever known or seen.

As Asura heard Cortana's voice.

[Due to the immense amount of curse place on you the supreme skill absolute adaptation created the unique supreme skill The wrath of Asura]

The Wrath of Asura: How dare you treat the honored one with such disrespect the one said to be the king of all curses by cursing him with countless curses this skill will reflect all curses cast on you with a 1000x the force and effect on it caster and guess what these curses are permanent no celestial or the highest entity could lift this curse Except for Asura now feel the wrath of the honored one bitches and know your place.

When Asura saw this he smiled and he yelled out.


[All the curses placed on you have been reflected with a 1000X the force and effect]

{Every higher existence of this world is in shock of what you have just done to the God race}

{The Goddess of forgiveness cries in pain as her eyes feel like it staring directly at the sun core as she is now blind}

{Poseidon has left the chat}

{Many Gods in heaven has been curse even some supreme Gods}

{The heaven is in a serious casthrosphe}

{25% of God race have been branded with the wrath of Asura}

{The heavens are on fire some gods have gone insane and is fighting among themselves}

{50 lesser Gods have just randomly died}

{3 Supreme Gods are in a critical state}

{400 Archangel lost their wings and became a vegatable}

{Everyone is confused on what the fuck Just happen}

{The snake of deceit can't take it anymore and she needs that demon D}

{Gaia is shocked and confused of what the hell is happing in the heaven realm}

{The God of curses is shocked as he cannot remove even the weakest curse}

{The Goddess of Justice is happy she decided to fuck off}

{Cthulu is laughing his tentacle off at how foolish the God-Race is}

{Cthulu think this comedy is too much for him alone and has invited the Nyarlathotep}

{Nyarlathotep has joined the chat of the world}

{Both outer-Gods are laughing their asses off at the God Race}

{Nyarlathotep is watching you}

{Random Phycothic murderous sword hero is laughing at the God race}

{The mother of all beasts is shocked but is still laughing at the God race}

{The Nyarlathotep has granted you the universal title God-slayer}

{The Nyarlathotep has granted you the universal title divine-punisher}

When Asura saw this he was shocked at just how scary his trump card is but even so he can't allow such disrespect he needs to humiliate the bitch of forgiveness as he said.

"Blame that disrespectful bitch of a goddess for your suffering I was thinking about lifting all your own individual curses but I change my mind if you don't want to live your lives with blindness or infertility for all your lives bring me the Goddess of forgiving light as an offering she might make an excellent slave hmm and also that demanding bitch the Goddess of Justice as well your call you have 1 year before the offer up".

{Cthulu can not be any prouder}

{Nyarlathotep is please by your cruelty}

{Both outer gods have high expectations of you}

{Both Cthulu and the Nyarlathotep is curious about how you reflect all their curses with relative ease}

{But neither will ask as they both think it your trump card and respect your privacy}

Asura could only think how kind these outer Gods are but he has ignored his Capella for too long.

Change of POV

Capella watches how her brother was just standing there with a pissed face as he shouts.


She was confused she couldn't move and the one person she fears above all else is before her till he said.

"Now now Capella I guess it's time".

Capella became extremely scared as her brother smile at her the very smile she hated and fear at the same time.

Capella began crying her eyes out

as she said.

"Please I had enough I will submit please just stop it sniff sniff sniff sniff".

Capella cried and cried and cried and cried her eyes out like crazy.

"I will submit, I will do whatever you want, I will become your plaything, I will kill anyone you want, but please no more experiment, no more pain, I just want to live a life where I am loved by all is that too much to ask for I simply want to be love that all so please I don't want to go back to the lab, the fly pits or lion den". Said Capella in fear and distress



Capella continues crying till she felt a warm pat on the head and when she looked she saw the regular Asura with long purple dimensional hair that almost looks alive as the star-like structure move accordingly on its own it almost like a universe was inside.

She knew this person was a man but he looks so much like a girl for some reason her heart waver at his looks his beautiful red eyes his soft tender looking skin his pointy ears and a cute little red horn sticking out his head.

She wanted to touch his hair and feel his skin she was completely in aww just a moment ago she was in despair and constant trauma then the next she thinks she falls in love at first sight and instantly calms down.

She wanted to touch him, she wanted to kiss him, she wanted to know more about him, it almost as if her twisted urge of receiving all the world love suddenly reverse as she now wanted just him.

She was confused about why does she feel this way.

Why does she feel like she can't disobey his orders?

Asura watches directly in the eyes of Capella as he uses the apostle aura to calm her down and the full power of his charm skill to completely seduce her he has already broken her she won't betray him as she nows fear him in sense he turns the fear into love quite fuck up but to Asura, she will be apart of something greater.

She watches how Capella turned deep red as she glazes at him with a very lustful face with this he knew it was over for her now he could control her and find out more about Pandora's secrets and other secrets that weren't mentioned in the anime as well.

he smiled as to test out how obedient she became.

"So tell me, Capella, what are you feeling"?

"I-I-I don't know I feel fuzzy inside, I feel so happy, so complete".

"And why do you feel complete"?

"I don't know just looking at you made me realize what love is".

"Ohhh and what might that be"?

"I don't know I don't understand I feel strange it like I cant disobey you".

"But I'm asking you what does love me to you"?

"To submit and give your all to someone else wait why am I acting like this".

"Ohh I see tell me then who are you in love with is it the witch".

"I don't need her love anymore as long as I have you... wait what the hell am I saying".

"Oh, I'm flattered so you will forgive anything I do towards you"?

"Of course what a stupid question... NO I don't want this, you are controlling me arent you".

"Nope, I am not doing anything".

"Aww I see I guess I really am in love what irony to think I fell in love with the sin hate the most".

"Oh really"


Capella looks at Asura with a red face as he smiled and that smile was it for Capella that was the point of no return as she said.

"I want to tell you something".

"And what might that be".


When Asura heard this he smiles as he said.

"I love you too".

Capella smile at his reply but it became a frown at his next statement.

"But only as a pet"

"Ha, but why I want your love I need your love I absolutely need it please just give me a chance I want to be something more than a pet even if it just a simple slave".

Asura smiled as he finally got her into his grasp as he said.

"Ok, I will answer your desire for love but on one condition".

"Anything I will do anything".

"You need to be useful to me though my word is the law and if you agree I will promote you to personal pet".


"Yes and if you become even more useful to me I might promote you to a personal slave and who knows surprise me and I might even make you one of my many wives I plan to acquire I am very greedy after all".

"Really well I shall be the greatest pet dragon ever".

"Good well fix yourself up".

Asura then gave Capella control over her authority then the black vein caused by the dragon blood inside her start to dissipate and became under the control of her authority.

She transforms her frozen limb into new limbs as she jumps towards Asura wrap her dragon tail around him and gave him a deep kiss which surprised Asura but he allowed it.

While he was been kissed by Capella he said to Cortana.

"Buy me a dog color with a cat bell that allows me to control her even without temptation, seduction, and celestial charm I ain't taking no risks".

[Congradulation you gained Rick cute slave color 1000AP shall be deducted]

Rick cute slave color: Created from the God of science Rick Sanchez a slave collar once worn absolutely no one can deny you only work on those of the mortal level and purple realm entities it full black in color and also have a cute small black cat bell with a spike around it can also change shape depending on the User size it practically indestructible by this world term and also included a full black bracelet with control panel.

here is the function of the remote bracelet.

.Emotion reader

.sensitivity manipulator: 1/1,000,000

.Self detonator

.Multiverse GPS

.Communication device

.EPM field

.Force field

.Mind control mechanism

.Multiverse language communicator

.Memory control mechanism


.Jizz proof


.Supernova proof

.Minor Singularity proof

.Blood proof

.Unstaniable alloy

From there a black bracelet forms on Asura's right hand with a virtual control panel and when he saw this he said in his mind.

"My God he exists here as well"

[Rick is everywhere and nowhere he is human-cyborg but heaven take his threat as that of the God level]

"My God".

"How about Morty".

[Who Morty]

"Of course never mind"

"I wish I could talk to the dark comedy of my childhood"

[Would you like to send him a friend requested on the group chat Yes/No]


[Now sending a friend requested to Wubba Lubba dub dub]

"Of course that would have been his user name tbh I don't even know how he is in a group chat of celestial but I have learned never to question anything from the Rickverse.

PS: Who should we add to the group chat as long as there extremely Op or have god titles or for a good BS reason everything fair game.

Asura then looks at Capella as he said if you want to give yourself up me put this on Asura gave Capella a Black color.

Capella waste no time and place it around her neck as the red light turn green then fade back blue.

From there, Capella felt something attaches itself to her spine but she didn't mind it.

Asura then looks at the bracelet and he was surprised to see her emotions as she feels happy and confused about why she is doing this.

"Well, then I might as well have a bite".

Asura then went for Capella's neck and partake in her black blood and to his surprised, it was the most delicious thing he has ever tasted so much so it tasted way better than Lucy's blood.


Asura continue feeding soo much Capella had to regenerate at high speed if she didn't want to die.

"Your so forceful Asura-sama"

"What the hell is this shit it's amazing".

[Volcanica blood]

"If her blood tastes so good I wonder how the real deal tastes like. Asura said with stars in his eyes

Change of POV

Somewhere far away at the very top of the sage tower, a blue dragon was having a nightmare of been eating alive by a scary black sea of Shadows till he said.

"NOOOOO Satella". Says Volcanica In his sleep, as he almost rolls over the edge but thanks to the power of the divine protection of Comfortable sleeping he rolls back to the middle.

POV ends

"You make a great meal this is a huge + now back to the main topic so tell me what is Pandora plan how did she escape me".

"Oh well, you see.

Change POV

Pandora looks at Capella as she said.

"I can't use my authority but it looks like you can so here the plan I need you to switch places with me". Said Pandora with a serious look.

Capella look at her like she is insane as she said.

"That's akin to suicide you know that basically sacrificing me to save yourself".

Pandora understands where she is coming from but she needs to escape as she said.

"Yes I know that but with these last 5 minutes I have been with him I can only say he is a monster in every sense of the word I honestly think this guy is worse than even the Gods of this world and Volcanica hell even the sword saint but there is one thing I know he extremely arrogant and forcefully and that is his weakness he still suppressing my ability so I can't escape nor rewrite the world".

But that where you come in.

"What can I even do".

"Simple your authority allows you to alter the body regardless and this body is slowly healing thanks to his curse so I need you to heal me by transforming my damaged wounds into heal wounds from their transform my body to look like yours and yours to look like mine".

"Ok I get it I will transform your scent looks and aura to look like mines but how can you be sure of your escape and my safety".

"He won't kill you if anything he proablly going to make you a toy as well and if you need to fight when he found out that I had escaped and end up dying in the process I shall take your liver at least you could regenerate an entirely new body if you die there and you also possess dragon blood like me so you should be able to transform into a dragon if things go south".

"And after I take your appearance I shall fight him so we can make the act more believable".

"And since your authority is absolute the effects won't come off and to make sure I live alter my body and give me super speed regeneration and a dragon transformation that look exactly like yours and also alter my muscle to make me run faster and also include super strength".

"I can do that but not even me is confident when it come to escape that goddam thing what make you think you can escape with just that".

Pandora just said one word.


"That gloomy bitch I see her world of sorrow".

"That right".

"And there also the fact that he thinks he is suppressing you that look like me and probably release his authority lock on you witch is actually me giving enough time to teleport to the other side of the world".

"I see you are fucking genius Pandora Sama lets do this"

From there Pandora and Capella did their plan and that how we are here at this point and time.

POV ends

Asura heard this bull shit and ask

"Who the hell is Hetra"?

"The witch of Melancholy".

"I see so Hetra is the gender-bend version of Hector but what the fuck was the world of Sorrow that wasn't in the original anime as he could only crush things like magic and others in a whole. Asura thought in his head

"So what is this world of Sorrow".

"Well Hetra is nothing but a gloomy bitch as her mother is a Goddess and her father is human so she is a demigod but she always in her world of sorrow which is basically just a black and white world of this real-world if you ask me a world of absolute loneliness were she isolate herself she the cult secrete weapon and is even more powerful than Pandora and also in her world she is God any and everything could happen there".

"If she is more powerful than Pandora how was she able to control her".

"I don't really know but I think she said some Bull shit about a true name or something like that honestly I never care nor understand so that all I can tell you".

When Asura heard this he instantly understands.

"What a turn of events I never expected this as a whole as this wasn't even in the anime if that's the case isn't she as powerful as Satella". Said Asura in his head till he heard Cortana.

[Negative she is two stages below satella and the reason she wasn't labeled as a treat since she is neutral and non existing as she spends all her time in a unique domain, to be honest, the system can only say she is 2 realms below base on the power been shown she could be 6 realms higher than Satella or even weaker honestly she needs to be out of her world to get a proper read on]

"Sigh what a troublesome existence so tell me what her ability".

"To be honest I don't know all I know is she capable of controlling gravity and her control over the world of Sorrow that all I know".

"Very troublesome existent so tell me is there anyone else I should be worried about".

"Well Hetra is the only one that even I don't want to get involved with there also Theresia and 5 divine beasts Pandora keep as a pet and we have a total of 1.5 million loyal cultists and 60,000 slaves under our command we also have an army of 100,500 sky dragons ohh and the white whale and I also heard Pandora can control the great hare to some extent, ahh I almost forgot we have that thing".

"What thing"?

"That genderless monster Pandora calls daughter".

"What the hell". How much has the world change Asura thought to himself?

"So what is this so call genderless monster".

"I believe it a homunculus spirit variant that Pandora created using the flesh of the black snake, the spiritual core of something she calls the Primordial spirit of death honestly I never heard of those types of spirit before oh and also a piece of her own flesh there was one time she told me she has the purer form of dragon blood".

"I see but why do you call it a monster".

"Ohh because it has weird power call rules and consequences that can change cause and effect and can alter reality in a whole but Pandora doesn't interact with it much and if anything she always has it in slumber mode since she replicates her witch factor and places it inside that thing so in a sense it is the archbishop of Vainglory but it because of that she can control it".

When Asura heard this he was shocked so many things change and when he thought about it Morpheus did mention some people here are a lot stronger than in the original.

"Anything else I need to know about".

"Naw well there Pandora buttle name Alfred who claims to be a possessor of genesis magic like can you believe the nerve of some people and thing that even worse he claim to be a descendant of Merlin the the great like how Cocky can one person be such liar and retard he literally claims he have knowledge of God level magic".

Asura was confused really confuse so he asks Cortana.

"What the hell genesis magic Cortana".

[It the same thing as Natsuverse true magic]

"Shit how loaded can the witch Vanity be like my god sigh the funny thing is even with all this I highly doubt they could beat that thing inside the Elior forest seal".

"And what kind of magic does he have".

"Don't know never saw him use it".

"Sigh really troublesome but this might actually be fun I see dark side has a lot of interesting characters I don't know anything about. How interesting well as long as I never revealed Eldritch awareness I am still the victor". Asura said in his head

"Sigh I wasted over 30 minutes talking to you and I promise Rem I would be back in 10 sighs we should head back Capella and it also a good time to test out how fast you are as the mansion is 14 miles that way".

"Really ok fine".

From there Capella transforms into a huge 200-meter black and gold dragon as Asura went back into his snake form and when Capella saw him she blushes once more.

"Master transformation are all beautiful".

"Thank you well now it's time for you to see your new family and don't worry I'm sure they won't mind an ex Archbishop if Emilia can keep a world-ending cat why can't I keep the sadistic colossal sky dragon-loli baba right well then shall we go".

Right away master.

From there both Asura and his pet dragon went back to the mansion as Asura was enjoying his new vehicle.

next chapter
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