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100% Raundon (BL) / Chapter 12: Slow Saturday

Capítulo 12: Slow Saturday

Because Jaxen was feeling extremely tired after spending the whole night messing around with Kaz, wearing himself totally out of energy, he didn't go to his work to the deck this morning. Hell no, this might be the best time to quit as he had plan. That job wasn't a must-go anyway, but more like 'appear and you get paid' kind of job.

So these guys were both sleeping still, even when it was over one pm already. Because this apartment has a great air conditioning and the window blind in front of the window doesn't let much light in, it felt very comfy to take their rest. Even if the huge bed they were sleeping in was like after a storm, they couldn't mind. They didn't shower last night. Nor change their sweaty sheets. They had fall asleep right after their act of attending each others bodies.

The familiar sound of his phones ringtone was what woke Jaxen up. Taking his time to finally move his heavy feeling body to crawl nearer his phone, Jaxen grabs it and answers with a tired sounding hum.

"Hey, honey. Were you still sleeping? You are not at work?" Luna asks surprised after realizing that was a voice of someone who just woke up, rather than someone getting ready to leave work.

"No," her son explains quietly, rubbing his eyes which he still couldn't get totally open. "We are still sleeping at Kazuros place.."

"It's one pm already, dear.."

"It is..?" have they really been sleeping this late? "We were up the whole night.. What you want?"

"I hope you guys weren't drinking or something.." Luna says while sounding already a little mad, ready to give 'both' of her sons a scolding.

"No. But I'm not gonna tell you what we were doing..," he states, clearing it was exactly as it sounded like now. TMI. "I'm still sleepy. What you want..?"

While Jaxen was calmly listening to his mother, Kazuro also has woken up by Jaxens voice, now moving a little, thinking to stretch his aching body. But instead of finishing what he just started, he lets out a loud mumble. His lower back hurt.. His insides felt like burning..

Jaxen turns to look at him, showing a smile after realizing Kaz was staring at him with an angry glance. Yeah, this guy definitely could feel the after pains now. And that was the very first time for him. Jaxen could bet how badly numb he was feeling, since they didn't hold back last night. Although, like Jaxen was any different. He neither want to move yet.

"I think we can. Give us some time to wake up..," older says and ends the call. "How are you holding up there?" He adds his question while closing his tired eyes.

"Why it's my back killing me and not my ass..," Kaz just tsihs and hugs the nearest pillow he could find.

"Cause your lover knows what he is doing," Jaxen moves to meet Kaz, rolling his leg and arm around to hug him, leaning his head on the pillow Kaz was holding. "Your back will get used to it if you let me do it again someday. Do you hard from behind.." His fingers touch Kazs ass. The sound of his voice was very teasing. Kaz moves his hand in front of Jaxens mouth. He doesn't want to hear more or he would seriously die of embarrassment. Jaxen growls upper to meet Kazs face, moving the others hand away and squeezing it gently. "Are you okay?" was what he asks next. Seriously, he wasn't jolly of making Kaz feel uneasy now, even though this was all unavoidable when you have sex as blindly passionately as they just did last night. Damn, when they got in to it they couldn't hold back at all.

Kaz hums. Young man was blushing, but doesn't move his tired glance from Jaxen. "I am.. What she wanted?" That call sounded important.

"To us watch Lili. That duo plan to go out in girls night or something."

Kazs eyes went wider from excitement. "I get to see Lili?"

Jaxen smirks to this incredible cute reaction. How he was that excited to meet her.. "If you change me to her now I will seriously get jealous.. She is adorable."

"Yeah, you better watch out. She might snatch me if you are not carefully," Kaz smiles back and pulls the other even closer, kissing. Jealous Jaxen was always cute. "Did she say when? I'm too tired to move yet.." The sigh he lets out next told it felt very uncomfortable to move even a little.

"That is why I told her to give us some time," Jaxen clears. "I bet you can't even walk without feeling it.."

"HA? How the hell you manage to do this then??" meaning to ask how Jaxen usually looked like nothing ever happened even if they seriously haven't hold back like ever.

Jaxen smirks after seeing his lovers depressed face. "You get used to it. Like, walk it off. It needs practise."

"Practise?" Kaz sighs and closes his eyes. "How many times we need to practise.. It's like I was hit by a car.." His hand gets around Jaxen even stronger.

"You say you let me do it again?"

Kaz opens his eyes, glaring the others face. "Not now.."

"I didn't mean now..," Jaxen notes and turns the younger under him. "I was a little rough earlier.. I'm sorry.."

"Neeh, that was.. kinda turn on too. Think that.. you hadn't done it either..," Kaz whispers smiling. He didn't ask Jaxen to stop because it hurt or anything, but more like that act felt overwhelmingly good. A little too good. "I really like the controlling you. That's sexy."

Now it was Jaxens time to blush. Such a praise from this handsome guy went straight to his head. How he wouldn't feel jealous to share that smile with everyone else. "You know.. I really like you.."

Younger snorts. Why guy suddenly wanted to point that out. Wasn't it obvious! "I know. But I have been wondering is it really just my face? You don't want my money but you are after my body?" Kaz teases, making Jaxen grin. Older sits up, takes his phone and opens it. The sound of a camera going could be heard next. That confused Kaz. Did Jaxen just take a photo?

"There, since I never took that picture, now I have it," Jaxen throws his phone away, locking his eyes again on Kaz, leaning his upper body down. "Go ahead. Grow older. Change your face. I bet I will love it anyway.."

Love it..? After hearing that Kazs heart couldn't stay calm and his body start to feel warmer.

"I will say it again. I really like you. No, I really really really like you," older states calmly, having this very sure jist around him. "I have never been this serious with anyone.. And it.. kinda scares me.. you know."

Kaz couldn't help but just stare the other when Jaxen knowingly continues without waiting any reaction yet. "We have really rushed things here. Being together almost nonstop ever since we.. So, I thought, after we talk about christmas.. The idea of not being with you never occurred to my mind. 'Cause it felt like impossible. Why you wouldn't be with me..?" he moves his hand to pet Kazs cheek. "I know you like me. The hell, you love me too. But.. are you okay with all this? Have I.. been too bossy and forced you in any way..? I try to doubt my feelings.. and yours.. to be too strong 'cause we are always together. There is no time to be alone. Think things alone.. Still.. I can't help feeling I'm just damn happy and.. I get scared because of that. To lose you.. or something.. you know.."

Kaz didn't say a thing. He was more like trying to process all Jaxen just blurted out. How freaking mature way this guy talked. Kaz hasn't even thought things like that. Since he was just simple happy to be with Jaxen. So, still without speaking, Kaz just sighs, closes his eyes, slowly moves his arm to cover them. Yeah, those words sounded damn sweet.

Jaxen shows a smile and moves his fingers on Kazs face. "Are you crying again?"

"You are the one making me cry here..," younger tsihs quietly. He was always very sensitive, and right now his every charges were down. How dare Jaxen choose a time like this to clear his mind like that. That was unfair.

"Anyway. That was..something I wanted to say. That's all," older says quietly, blushing. He brought all this up quite suddenly, but it felt like the right time to say it. Jaxen knew he can be very selfish sometimes. Act quite frank. And his younger lover was the type to just happily come along with his mind, so Jaxen has been worried.. If Kaz really was okay with this all...

"Just..," Kaz finally speaks out. Taking a moment before he goes on. "Don't doubt my love 'cause I haven't said it out loud. How unfair.. Baka.."

Jaxen smirks, and lets his mind calm down. No way he would have believe two weeks ago this stubborn show-up player was actually very serious and shy under his mask. "That's not what I meant, you know.."

Kaz tsihs laughing, still hiding his eyes. "You can't take back your words. To have me ten years," he then points out, sounding a little proud. "I don't need time alone when I can share it with you. Why I even need to be alone to think how I feel..? That's stupid. You know how I feel.." Before Jaxen could say anything back, Kaz keeps, without showing his eyes. "Besides, I wouldn't be lying here butt naked feeling this dirty if I wasn't being okay with this," he takes his pillow and hits Jaxen with it, now actually looking at the other. "Shame on you. Don't give me that crap!"

"Ha? You call my emotional opening a crap?" Jaxen tsihs, playing a little annoyed while tickling the other from the sides. Sure, there was probably no point to say this all when he already knew in his heart what they have together wasn't anything minor. It was more like they just fit to each other very perfectly. Him and his cutely blushing lover here.

"It is crap!" Kaz laughs. "Stop that! It hurts! My back!" Now Jaxen could battle his way to reach his lips. This sweet contact could bring both of their minds under such a calm state they just stay fondling each other a while. Hell no, if their bodies weren't feeling so numb right now they would have definitely kept going until ending another round..

"How about a shower.. We really stink..," Jaxen suggests after they finally separate their lips. He moves his fingers around Kazs hair. "And we really have to change these sheets. Are you hungry?"

Kaz hums for answer. "But I'm too tired to move yet.. Give me a minute."

"I can go out and get us something. You can still lie down. We are not in the rush here anyway," older pushs slowly himself up to sit. "What you want to eat?"

Kaz closes his eyes, thinks a while. "I don't know... But take my card."

"Don't you rich bitch think I can't afford to feed us both," guy smirks while he gets up, planning to go and take a shower alone. Younger might really advange of taking some more rest here before actually getting up.

"Neeh, let me pay our living and you can just enjoy the ride," Kaz smiles, taking a better position to relax. "What's the point have millions if I can't even spend it to my lover.."

Jaxens legs stop moving the very moment Kaz unwittingly blurted that out.

The silence fell on the room. When Kaz realizes it was way too quiet all of a sudden, he actually turns to look at Jaxen who stood a little further, eyeing back at him eyes wide open.

"Millions..?" Jaxen calmly asks, trying to keep his calm and not let his inner storm reach out. "You have millions?"

Clearing his throat, Kaz turns his face away, finds a blanket and hides under it. Shit, Jaxen has told him he didn't want to know how much Kaz actually had. And since Kaz has never showed him that number, it became like a taboo conversation between them. And that taboo he has just bringed up..

Jaxen was about to speak, but swallowed his words. Instead he sighs, turns and starts walking. "No, I don't want to know.."

But when he comes back some time later after taking a shower, towel around his waist, he walks determinedly next to the bed, looking Kaz who was still lying halfly under the blanket. Younger was tiredly eyeing back. Ready to get scolded or something.

Jaxen takes Kazs phone from the table and hands it toward Kaz. "Show me," he states quietly. They were looking each other in silence. Jaxen has made up his mind. He really wanted to see it for real.

Carefully, Kaz moves his body, takes his phone and immediately starts to open the right app. When he was done, he raises his look and gives the phone to Jaxen.

Older takes the phone, but needed to breath deeply in once before looking at the screen. And indeed, there were too many numbers. Jaxen has never seen that long number in a bank account. Yes, there were millions. Over sixtyseven.. The rest eight numbers were just blurry to him. Why Kazs mother send him money every month if he already has this much? This was insane. This was unreal.

"This.. is all yours..?" older whispers his words.

Kaz hums.

When Jaxen didn't say a word for a long moment after that, but just stares the screen, Kaz finally opens his own mouth. "You angry?" he has the courage to ask. Making Jaxen look at him.

"Why I would be angry?" he asks back. Sure, he was pretty taken aback, but why ever someone would be angry about something like this? That didn't make sense.

"I learnt a long time ago.. showing that makes people vanish around me..," young man clears carefully. Not that he was scaring Jaxen would do so. But he has had his experience. And Kaz knew his money was an issue to Jaxen, this difference between their worthen was a big matter.

Jaxen sighs and sits down, still eyeing that number. He gets it. Could easily imagine how some people would react, thinking this guy was clearly standing way too high scale if he has this much money. Trying to advantage of him, talk to him just because of his money, then vanish. "So.. You have basically live your whole life with this much money? Have never needed to count?" Meaning Kaz has never needed to count how much he can spend or can he afford to buy something. Of course Jaxen already knew this. But it still felt unbelievable. Very unreal. This was like clearing it, how rich Kaz really was.

Younger hums.

"How you.. I would go insane if I had this much money..," Jaxen tsihs smiling, this time looking properly toward Kaz, giving the phone back. "Should I fear a little? When you turn eighteen, you can do anything with that."

Kaz relaxs and shows a smile back. "What anything? It's just money."

Older smirks. Yeah, just money. Something what everyone else were doomed to spend hours to get for the sake of having a pleaser life style. A house and food. But indeed, Kaz was right. It was just money. He has really never felt being like some rich snob, even when he wasn't hiding he has money. He keep his feet on the ground.

"You hate it? That I have money more than you?" Kaz keeps, wondering.

"No, silly. I have always knew you have it way more than I do and I just have to get used to it. But..," Jaxen sighs, trying to think how to say it right. "But that amount is insane. Don't you dare to make me too used to it, you know. I still have to work my ass out to make my own money." He stands back up and starts to search clothes to wear from Kazs wardrobe. "That I'm not as wealthy as you are doesn't mean I can't spoil you too."

"Or you can marry me and have my money. It's lonely when you have to work," young man smirks and hugs his pillow. He drops his uneasy mood. Jaxens reaction was after all very neutral. That made Kaz feel so relief.

"If I ever marry you we will have a prenup," Jaxen tsihs, actually just wanting to forget this whole thing for now and fastly go back to his normal mood. He shows a shirt toward Kaz. "Is this some brand?"

"That's MB. Like forty bucks.. If we get married will I be Kazuro Clandon? I would like to change my last name," young man starts to wonder out loud, sharply still looking toward Jaxen when guy would show him another pair of clothes to ask the prize of it. And not long, Jaxen does. This habit of them Jaxen started after he found out some of Kazs clothes were indeed not so normal. And Jaxen liked normal. At least so normal people wouldn't point him out. "That's Monge. Can I buy our rings?"

"If it has a name it's expensive..," Jaxen mumbles and puts this 'Monge' shirt back. "I let you pick them. I'm older. I will pay." The moment Jaxen drops his towel to wear these white underwears he just found, Kazs eyes were immediately wide openly locked on him. Damn, no matter how many times he sees him, naked or dressed, this guy really has a nice build. He could definitely see some kiss marks on Jaxens back too.

"You eyeing me?" Jaxen smirks and pulls his underwears on, turning to look at Kaz, who indeed was staring at him.

"I am," Kaz smiles back.

"You want another round?"

"Hell no.."

Keeping his eyes on Kaz, older shows even wider smile. To get THAT guy looking at him like that when he himself was a real hottie in every scale felt kind of unreal sometimes. "You know, I have been thinking you weren't so straight from the beginning," he adds and starts to walk back next to the bed, putting on a shirt. "You can't possible just change your interest like that from girls to a guy."

"I can when it's you.."

Jaxen hums. Indeed, when they met and talk for real the first time, this guy seem to be all over him already. And Jaxen was sure Kaz didn't even think it much when he thought Jaxen would go all alpha on him. Got that vibe. Kazuro was simple ready for anything because he really liked Jaxen. "You really have never looked any other guy, like this?" Jaxen moves his hands teasingly around his own chest and front down there.

"No...," that face shows his clear thoughts. Like saying 'hell no' instead. Even the idea was very odd to Kaz.

"I'm glad," he smirks proudly and puts some random jeans on what he chose, kneeing then down and laying his arms on the bed, eyes on Kaz. "Your lover will go now and get you something to eat. What you want?"

Hearing him, Kaz tsihs, blushing. "I wanna go with you.."

"You just get your lazy ass up and take a shower. You stink," older pets the youngers hair and gets back up, clearing his throat while moving away. "Besides you might feel embarrassed soon.. You don't want me to be here.."

"Ha?" Kaz was confused. But Jaxen doesn't say more, just takes Kazs keys from his jacket hanging near the door. He shows a final glance toward Kaz, smiling. "I'll see you soon."

- - - -

When Jaxen came back, he could hear Kaz was still taking a shower. Letting him take his time, older guy heads to the kitchen, puts down the grocery bag on the kitchen board next to the sink and starts to unpack.

Since Jaxen couldn't find anything he liked from the ready-mades the nearest store downstairs has to offer, he simple bought ingredients to make breakfast himself. And 'cause this spoiled brat didn't have any tools to make anything here in the first place, his lovely lover bought some, like a frying pan, simple pot and a set of kitchen tools. As an extra, he bought steamer, like for rice. This seriously took some blow in Jaxens wallet, but these were something they were going to buy next year anyway, when Jaxen would get his own apartment with Kazuro.

Besides, Jaxen needed to be fast before that millioner buys them instead under his nose. It was awfully clear Kaz has spend about this much already on Jaxen and himself during these weeks. Jaxen wasn't even sure when was the last time he used his own money..

Indeed he was already slowly getting used to Kaz using his money first before Jaxen had a change. For that he needs to learn some tricks to avoid that.

The time Kaz was ready and walking out of the bathroom, Jaxen was already cooking for them. The delicious smell filled the whole area. Instead of going to change, young man meets Jaxen in the kitchen, curiously looking what the other was doing. Jaxen turns the toasts on the pan and moves his eyes on Kaz.

"I'm almost done," he shows a smile after seeing Kazs surprised look. There was no sign of his tiredness anymore.

"Wow, this feels.. very weird," Kaz sighs smiling. This was very pleasant view. A rare moment someone was actually cooking in this apartment. "Are you roasting toast on the pan?" he awes. "Where you got that?" His eyes went through the usually empty kitchen area. The pan wasn't the only new thing here. His smile drops. "A RICE COOKER??"

Jaxen hums. "I googled, Japs eat rice and soup for breakfast so I wanted to make it for you. But I kinda couldn't find all the stuff so it's now just rice with egg. And toast. And fruits," he points the fridge. "I also brought orange juice." Kaz turns his look to the direction Jaxen was pointing and takes fast steps toward the fridge, opening it.

The glass bottles were still where they have always been, still unopened. But there also were now two orange juices, indeed some fruits inside the clear plastic bag and a pack of eggs. Because the temperature of that fridge wasn't so different from the normal room temper, Jaxen just put everything in earlier.

"It's nice to see it filled, right?" Jaxen smirks while looking Kazs back, but when he doesn't get any answer, he drops his smile. "Kazuro?"

Kaz was just staring the view in front of him. And after a while he finally closes the door, slowly. "Yeah.. it is."

His reaction didn't go unseen from Jaxen. Older guy sighs and turns the heat off. He reachs his hand to pull Kaz closer, turns him around to meet with his eyes. "Hey. Get used to it," Jaxen says quietly, smiling. What was simple normal to Jaxen could be a totally different to Kaz. Younger really looked like he was about to cry again. "Okay?"

Kaz takes a hold of the desk behind Jaxen, leaning his head on the others shoulder. Hum was his only answer.

Jaxen moves his hand on Kazs head. Damn, this guy really could be very sentimental. Well, how Kaz couldn't be. His lover has filled his empty life with so many new things. And was now even making breakfast for him. Sure, he was originally from Japan, but Kaz has never mentioned he used to eat rice every single morning when he still lived with his nanny. So this was very nostalgic. Jaxen might not even realize how much this small gesture mean to him.

"That's more like it. Go change and lets eat. You want to be in your full strenght when you meet Lili," Jaxen says quietly, waiting his younger lover to calm down again.

He could hear a long breath out. "Anata wa.. saikou desu. Sugoku ureshii..," Kaz silently adds, without moving still. He felt extremely happy right now. "Arigatou.."

Older guy moves his hands now to completely hug him. Damn, sometimes this guys reactions were close to even make him cry.

"You are welcome.."

- - - -

"Here they come!" Luna calls out loud when she and the guests in the house could hear the sound of someone driving the motorcycle. It stops next to their building.

"Do you remember what you wanted to ask from Jacky?" Hanna turns to look at her daughter on the couch, smiling sneakily.

"Yes!" Lili smiles happily and grows more excited now when she heard Jaxen would be coming. She also had heard there would be someone with him.

When Jaxen opens the door and they get in, Lili was already calling out him. "Jacky! Jacky!"

Now there was one more new calling name for Jaxen. Kaz calmly watchs Jaxen to put this incredible cute looking smile on his face while walking in to meet the girl who instantly jumps on his arms. "Hi, girl! It's been a while," Jaxen smirks and gets the young girl up with one easy lift. "How is school? Have you been nice there?" He takes a good hold on Lili to sit on his arm.

"I have. We made christmas tree decorations yesterday," Lili proudly explains, then turns her eyes on the other guy walking behind Jaxen. She went shy all of a sudden and leans her face closer to Jaxen. "Is he brother Kazuro..?"

Jaxen looks toward Kaz. Hums. "He is. Say properly hi," he puts Lili back down.

When girl wasn't so sure what to do next, Kaz takes out his handsome smile, walks closer and crouches down to meet her. "Hi. I'm Kazuro," he shows his hand for shake. "You must be Lili. I have heard a lot about you."

Humming, Lili shows a wide smile and shakes Kazs hand bravely. No doubt Kazs smile could melt every girls heart. "Can you come shop with me?"

"Shop?" Kaz was surprised from this sudden question, but doesn't drop his smile. Did she want to go out?

"Lili. You need to explain where you want to go with them," Hanna clears.

"I want to buy presents. But mom can't be there."

"Christmas shopping? Today?" Jaxen gets it and pets Lilis hair while he walks toward the kitchen. "We can go. But we should go right away. It's this late already."

"We thought you would be here sooner," Luna smirks to his son, teasing, raising her class of wine. "It doesn't have to be today."

"No, we can go," young man keeps, but needed to turn to look Kaz who was just getting slowly back up. "If you don't mind?"

Kaz hums smiling. "No. I would love to go."

"But first you need to finish your dinner," Hanna orders her daughter, who immediately shows excited face. Lili takes Kazs hand and pulls him with her toward the living area where her unfinished meal was waiting.

"You can sit with me," she bluntly says while dragging him to sit on the couch. "I show you my school project."

Kaz does as he was asked and sits down with Lili who was jazzed up to show what she has done so far. Jaxen was eyeing them smiling, taking a standing spot next to her mother who greets him with a touch on shoulder. Usually he was the one Lili was excited about, but Kaz has clearly stolen his place. "I prepared snacks for you guys. Lots of sugar. But don't let her stay awake too late," Luna smiles.

Jaxen hums. "Thanks. What you were planning? Will you be back at night?"

"Yes, but who knows when. "

"Take your time. I think we are just gonna watch some movie with the snacks when we'll come back," young man plans out loud. "It's been a while I get to spend time with Lili. And she seems to like Kazuro already. I'm glad. And jealous.."

"Who wouldn't like him. He is a charm," Hanna adores while smirking to Jaxen. Then she keeps with a little quieter sound of her voice. "You really found yourself a nice guy. I was sold when I first met him. Such a polite kid. Be nice to him. Don't scare him away."

"I'm always nice," Jaxen tsihs smiling and turns to look at Kaz who was sitting on the couch, talking with Lili about her school. Girl has taken his whole focus by now. "I heard you are going to north at Christmas," Jaxen wanted to verify.

Woman nods. "We are. There will be a big gathering this year."

Jaxen looks now his mother. "So we are going to the country?"

"That I was thinking." Luna answers while taking a gulp from her wine. "And it's okay to take Kazuro with us. I already warned dad. That his favorite grandchild is bringing his sweetheart with him."

Jaxen blushes a little when he has to hear his mother use those words. "Of course I'm bringing him.."

"I think he would follow you anyway," his mother notifys quietly, showing this very adoring smile, poking Jaxens shoulder with her own, teasing. "You know what Kazuro did, before you start going out? He asked me teach him to cook. So he would become a good househusband for you." The rest she add whispering.

Now hearing THAT made Jaxen instantly blush. He needed to clear his throat before speaking. "As if.. You would have said something already if he really did," thinking his mother must be just teasing him.

"Don't believe me? It's hard to talk with you in private when you two are always together," Luna keeps and takes her act out. "I have been feeling so lonely lately. Ever since you brought him in, no more mother and son time.. Thank god, my new son gives me attention."

Jaxen ignores her words. "..He really said that?"

Luna straightens her back. "Kazuro! Didn't you say before you plan to be his househusband?"

Kaz turns his eyes on the group further behind him, showing this sure and proud smirk. "I did. And I plan."

Jaxen drops his head to hide his face when their eyes met. Damn, of course this guy has said something like that.. It was possible. Very very possible..

Luna next to him was happily smiling when she could see her son act this cutely. "Told ya. A boyfriend material."

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