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50% Raundon (BL) / Chapter 6: Home front

Capítulo 6: Home front

Sundays were usually very calm around their living area. Since the factories were generally shut and restaurants don't open until the early evening, there was little traffic sounds around. It wasn't yet a middle of the day even, but sun was already shining up. This late autumn day was quite nice actually. Last days still enjoy the so-so warm and nice weather until the winter season will start. That was why Luna was sitting on the sun chair in their small enclosed backyard, covered herself under the warm felt. She was actually reading and drinking beer, enjoying her day off without any worries.

The sound of a running motorcycle came closer little by little. Until Luna was sure someone indeed drive it near their side of the building. And she has only one person in mind who that could be. After waiting a little while, she finally could hear their front door opening. Since she keep their backdoor open at the moment, Luna has a straight sight to their kitchen and living area. "Good late morning, dear. That was a long run to the store and back," Luna teases and gets up, walking in. She could see Jaxen in the living area. "That was Kazuros bike I just heard? You send me a note you will come back later but isn't this a lot later?" she adds while walking, lips turned to wide smile. "So? Did you finally clear your head?"

Jaxen clears his throat. "I'm not alone, mom..," he says and turns to look behind him toward Kazuro who also has slowly walked in. When their eyes met, Kazuro bows lightly while wearing his usual handsome smile. "How are you, Luna? Sorry to intrude like this," he politely says and casually keeps his eyes on the woman. "Again."

"Woah! Kazuro! You finally followed him in?" was Lunas instant reaction. Smiling happily she immediately grabs the younger man from his arm to get further inside the living area. "Now I thought you get tired of Jaxen already and I would never see you again." She fastly turns to look at her son and says with a more quieter voice. "Took you damn long.."

Jaxen sighs unbelieving. Glancing him once, Kaz moves his look back to Luna and leans toward her. "Get tired? Impossible. More importantly, I brought you gifts. As an apologize," he used very gently sound of voice while straightening his back and handling a paperbag to her.

"Apologize? Why, you were such a help and joy to eyes before. What is there to apologize for anymore," woman laughs and was already eyeing what she receiced.

"For lying to you..."

"Lying?" Luna looks Kaz smiling. But when young man wasn't wearing his usual smile on anymore, but suddenly looking quite serious, woman realizes something was going on. "Oh..?"

- - - -


Wow, the exact same reaction.. Kaz lows his head. "Like I said I'm not in touch with my parents.."

Young man was sitting on the floor, at the side of the low table in the living room. Luna was sitting on the couch, hugging a pillow as she has habit to do.

Jaxen opens the beer can and leans down to set it on the table in front of his mother. After doing so he moves on the other side and sits down on his regular spot, across the table, on the floor. While moving his eyes on Kaz next to him, he opens an orange flavored soda can and gives it to him. Kaz takes the offer, smiling back.

"Then who the hell takes care of you?" Luna keeps and aggressively takes her beer and drinks from it. Her mood went wavingly from high to down. She was so confused and angry after hearing someone would let a kid live alone like this in another country!

"Oh, if something happens, my contact in the city will take care of it. And alarm my nanny. He is my guardian," Kaz shows a shy smile. Trying to point out there was no reason to worry.

"If something happens?? A Contact?! BULLSHIT!"

Wow, their reaction was indeed the same. Son and mother.. Kaz felt extremely scared at the moment. Basically no one has ever yelled at him like this before. Was this really how people would normally react..?

But when Jaxen moves his hand on his knee, Kaz calms down a little. Older guy was looking at him. He could easily see how confused Kaz looked at the moment. Thinking how long he has lived alone, that being just normal to him, it might be very weird from his point of view to get such reactions. What Jaxen was planning to do was not let his mother ever know HOW LONG actually Kaz has lived like that. She might do something crazy after that.

"They send you money right? Enough you to live?" she keeps then after she had calmed down again. This woman was very fast with chancing her moods.

"Yes, Ma'am," Kaz speaks immediately, lowing his head again.

Jaxen was calmly looking at him. That polite bowing thing must be from the Japanese culture. Young man used it all the time.

"Shouldn't I call a police or social workers..?" was what Luna was wondering next.

"Mom," Jaxen has to take part of this now, before his mother would get too excited. "Many in high school lives alone, like in their own apartment or in the student dormitory. It's not so rare these days."

Now Kaz was the one staring Jaxen. It was true, there were many others living alone while studing.

"Oh really?" woman turns his look toward her son. "You know what happens when you let kids live alone? YOU WILL FIND THEM SLEEPING IN THE STREET DEAD DRUNK!" Kaz lows his head more. Damn, he was so scared, so scared. His heart was beating so strongly every cell in his body tell him to hide. Well, even Jaxen felt quite stunt after hearing his mother yelling.

"What else they do? They indeed drive around the whole night and eventually start skipping school, use drugs and then they find themselfs broken sleeping at the back of an alley," Luna adds with more calmer voice, but damn, wasn't that just even more scarier. After a short silent, woman sighs deeply out. "If your parents don't take care of you, I will be your parent. You are way too cute to sleep on an alley," she says and pets Kazs lowed head while walking pass them. "I need a smoke.." And she walks out from the backdoor, closes it behind her.

Jaxen was eyeing her mothers leave, then turns to look at Kazuro who still kept his head down, too scared to look up. "Yeah, that's a right lecture from a real parent..," he smiles, fondling Kazs leg. "Are you okay? You look like you are about to cry."

"I am about to cry..," guy whispers back. His heart still hasn't calmed down. "I definitely see where you get your strong attitude.. That woman is scary.."

"Ha?" Jaxen tsihs. What strong attitude?? Compared to Jaxen, Luna was a maniac.. "But see, she wasn't mad at you because you lied to her. Actually she isn't mad at you at all, but at your parents. Calm down. She is fast to yell like that. When she comes back, she will probably just cry and hug you. Just, lets not tell her yet how long you have been living alone. We don't want more drama.."

Breathing heavily through his nose, Kaz moves his face up a little. Indeed guys eyes were teary. Even his hands were shaking. It was quite emotional to see him like that, but still Jaxen also see that being very cute. Teasing him right now would be too cruel.

And indeed, when Luna came back she immediately commands the youngest stand up, gives him a hug, simple stating, what ever Kaz would need, she would help him. Apologizing for yelling. And the whole situation calmed down.

"You are staying the night," she calls then when she finally could put a smile on her face again. Kaz nods smiling and hums. Trying to wear at least some of his usual self. Luna turns to look at her son, smirking. "In your room?"

"Hell yeah in my room," Jaxen states surely, staring at his mother while getting up and taking Kazs bag on his carrying. There was no need to explain more why. His mother knew already. "Come." Kaz follows the other.

"No dirty moves!"

"Who would even wanna do anything while you are here!" Jaxen tsihs back and opens the door to his room wide open, turning his smiling look toward Kaz. "This time.. you can walk in yourself." He adds when their eyes met.

The room looked exactly the same as Kaz remembered. It wasn't a big room, but there was space. Bed was made. This time the worktable was full of papers and school books. Clearly some studying were in progress.

Jaxen closes the door and puts the bag down, eyeing the other.

"I must have been quite heavy to carry, ha?" young man smirks, after meeting with Jaxens eyes. "I still can't remember a thing.."

"Hell yeah you were, martial artist," Jaxen snorts, putting a smile on his face while pushing Kaz further the room with his palm, toward the bed. When youngers leg hits the frame, Jaxen shoves him down, gets on him.

"This is not playing dirty?" smiling, Kaz had to ask, while already searching others lips to meet with his owns.

"This is a reward. Since I let her upset you like that," Jaxen says quietly and kisses the other. "Forgive me."

- - - -

The same evening, after a long time of chatting this and that during the leftovers from yesterdays lasagna, cleaning the dishes and visiting the grocery shop together, they all were finally heading to take their rest. Luna has used to stay up late and watch some TV shows before going to sleep so she took over the living area, while boys were doing their evening routines. Of course there were still some time before actually going to sleep. And usually Jaxen would have studied some, but he was already very sure that would be impossible tonight. Like he could concentrate on studying when there was this handsome guy in here.

Kaz opens the door and walks back in Jaxens room after brushing his teeth. Older turns to meet with his eyes, shows a smile and looks back to his laptop. He was sitting on the chair at his cleaned worktable. "If you are not that tired, we can watch something?" He might not have a nice big TV like Kazuro has, but the laptop was better than nothing.

Kaz hums, moving his hands on Jaxens shoulders. "You really kept that note?"

Jaxen looks Kaz, then the note pinned on his noteboard on the wall. "That? Yeah, I was going to throw it away but.. that handwriting looked beautiful so.." That was the same note with a heart Kazuro left behind him when he woke up here a week ago.

"My handwriting is beautiful?" Kaz asks, feeling flattered.

Jaxen clears his throat. "Yeah.. It was like.. art? Kinda girly.."

Kaz snorts, releases his touch and moves his hand toward the note and takes it. "I was just leaving with Luna and came back to get my phone. I write it in hurry," he explains, turns the note over while taking the same pen he used before from Jaxens pen holder. "I should have write it like this." Young man starts to write on the table. Jaxen was intently watching what the other was doing.

Finally Kaz moves his hand away.

' ありがとう ♥ ' was now written on the note.

"It says 'thanks' too?" Jaxen asks smiling, looking at Kaz who by now has straightened his back and was going to pin the note back on the board, this new writing out. "Arigatou?"

"Yes. That's the word. I can't really write Kanji, but that should be right," Kaz smiles and moves to sit on the bed.

Jaxen was eyeing him while the guy pushes himself to lean on the wall, taking his phone. Then finding the older guys eyes on his owns again. They were staring each other in silence. Until Kaz had to turn his look away for a second just to get it back on Jaxen. "You keep doing that, I will not behave, man.."

"You really are quite handsome.."

"Is that all I am?" Kaz tsihs smiling.

"It's something I can't unsee," Jaxen clears. Indeed, those deep brown eyes and handsome jawline were the firsts that catch your eye. Not to mention that smile. "Is there, like, a line of girls asking you out all the time? Take-a-number queue system? Any guys?"

Kaz has to show a grin. This guy was teasing him now? What, was he jealous? "Not all the time but, yeah, there are some. But about real dating I have always turned them down. I can't see myself going out with someone I'm not interested so I have never dated anyone before."

Kaz must he kidding. There was no way he hasn't dated. "What? You have never really dated anyone?" Jaxen doubts smiling.


That was pretty straight answer. Said in a way you had no reason not to believe his words. "..Ha? You are shitting me..," that was surprising. "You asked me out so easily? I thought you do that all the time.."

"Wow, how harsh.. You are my first real crush. The first one I ever asked out myself," younger notes straight, laughing a little at Jaxens doubting. "It was easy because of that. But when you refused me, I would be lying if I said I wasn't surprised. I was so sure you would say yes.."


"And you are also the first guy I have slept with.. Older girls I have more experience."

Jaxen was just staring the younger man who has moved his eyes on his phone screen by now, clearly just speaking his mind out. And the Kaz clearly didn't realize what kind of confession he has just made out loud.. Or did that sound so 'cause Jaxen himseld had imagined otherwise. He was so sure this guy has dated through his live.

When Jaxen didn't say more, but just kept staring at him, Kaz moves his eyes on him again. "What? Is it that weird? Not so many of our age have dated dated, right? Besides, you know I will turn them properly down still. And now I even have a good reason, when I'm with you. You jealous? That's a turn on."

Yeah, this player didn't see how cool that just sounded. Older guy closes his eyes while sighing. Gets up.

Getting his phone moved away from his hand, Kaz finds himself lying on the bed, Jaxen passionately kissing his lips while squeezing his fingers around Kazs. Hell no, having this Kaz didn't mind but takes the offer and rounds his arms around the other, answering that kissing.

"I'm your first crush?" Jaxen whispers during the kissing, slowing his movements. Rubbing his front against Kazs. "You dare to say something that sweet when we are not alone.." Before Kaz could answer or do anything, Jaxen moves himself down, drags Kazs boxers down and takes it straight in his mouth, sucking lustly.

Kaz bites his lip to silent his voice. This was way too fast move. He didn't know how he should take this. He couldn't speak cause he was afraid he would moan out loud. Instead he closes his eyes and leans his head behind. Let the older keep going. That felt incredible good. Jaxens technic was incredible good!

Now, Jaxen didn't slow down. He kept going, making Kaz even move his hips a little. There was no way this guy would last long when he did this this suddenly and hard. And when Kaz then comes, he moves his hips, making Jaxen take it all in his mouth. When Kaz was desperately trying to hide his voice, he still ended up breathe out once quite loudly.

Finally Jaxen takes it out of his mouth, swallowing, coughing since Kaz went pretty deep just now. With a fast move, Jaxen puts youngers boxers back on the hardened part and gets up. And leaves the room, closing the door carefully behind him.

Kaz was even his breathing, thinking what the hell just happened. His heart was beating so fast. It took him awhile to get a hold of himself again.

That guy just now.. ..what the hell was with this sudden attack..

- - - -

When Jaxen came back, Kaz was intently looking at him, still sitting on the bed. Older guy closes the door and calmly walks back next to bed, sits down.

Kaz sighs out, grabs the guy from his shoulder and pushs him down. "What was that just now..?"

"I wanted to do it, so I did," Jaxen whispers. But that answer didn't satisfied Kaz at all.

"You don't think that's quite unfair?" he tsihs quietly, actually looking a bit angry. "Don't just suit me then go jerk in the toilet yourself. I won't stand that.. That is.."

"It was your damn own fault..," older keeps and takes a hold of Kazs neck who has leaned down closer to his face. "Saying something like that all of a sudden.. Man, you're gonna make me too proud."

Kaz lets his eyes move though the blushing guy under him. Without saying a word he takes his space on the older guy when he lows his head against Jaxens chest. Breathing out deeply.

The heartbeat inside this guys chest was strong and fast.

Damn, their feelings for each others couldn't be more equal..

next chapter
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