/ Fantasy / Ranger_

Ranger_ Original


Fantasy 4 Capítulos 8.8K Visitas

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On the day of his 18th birthday, Ohta Taro experiences an alteration within his body. He acquires the ability to perceive Demons, violent creatures invading earth from the demon realm. During his first, sudden encounter with a demon, Taro’s body is paralyzed from shock and fear. Just when Taro is about to get attacked by the demon, an armored knight equipped in godlike armor appears. He eliminates the demon with a single slash from his swordlike weapon and introduces himself as the "Warden". The pent-up shock in Taro's body overwhelms him and leaves him unconscious before he can grasp the reality of his situation. A new world is awaiting Taro upon his awakening.

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  • Calidad de Traducción
  • Estabilidad de las actualizaciones
  • Desarrollo de la Historia
  • Diseño de Personajes
  • Antecedentes del mundo

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The start was very hooking, I can't help my curiosity to become untamed. This is very interesting and definitely a recommended novel for me! Great job for narrating things and a plot so intricate and complex.

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The genre is not my type at all, yet I found myself crawling over each and every line... I'm totally in love with the way you use words and create magnificent breathtaking lines. You are indeed a successful project for a future author\ writer, and I'd love to be among your first fans - The book is already in my library, can't wait for more. P.S: It's an honest opinion✌ ...

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i have to fill up the 140 characters required to be able to leave your light novel 5 stars so this is me filling up the 140 characters required to be able to leave your light novel 5 stars. also i love it :)

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This is one hell of a book! Only 2 chapters in and it's better than most of the books I've read. I'm loving how the dialogue flows so effortlessly; the writing style is amazing, Keep it up Author!

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