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21.05% Queen In Green & Gold / Chapter 4: Beginning of a Universal War

Capítulo 4: Beginning of a Universal War

"Loki is dead..." Sakura cried.

"Yes. Yes, he is." Frigga responded.

"My Queen! You've come to see me."

"You lied. It was Loki who brought the Frost Giants to our realm. Why would you sacrifice your life for my dead son?"

"Because I loved him more than anything! I want people to believe he's a Hero to humanity truly. He put an end to Jotunheim. Those monsters won't hurt us any longer or anyone else."

"Loki may have evil intentions, but he has a good heart. I'm grateful that I am not the only one who sees that. However, I cannot applaud you for this. Loki killed families and innocent children."

"I know. I'm sorry for your loss My Queen."

"No, I'm sorry that you lost your Husband."

"We weren't-"

"Loki wanted nothing more but to take your hand in marriage. You've made him so happy, and now you're stuck in this prison for the rest of your life."

"Now I will die here. Basically a hundred years for Asgard is nothing, but to humans, it's a lifetime."

"I have to attend a party now to celebrate the victory of Jotunheims defeat. I will come to visit you as much as I can update you. If you need anything from me, you let me know. I owe that much to you."

"Yes My Queen. Thank you for your kindness."

"You may call me Frigga, or you can call me Mother if you'd like."

"I'd like that very much. Thank you." Sakura cried as she sat on the floor knowing her entire life is now over.

Throughout a few months had past and Frigga visited every other week supplying her with food, furniture, and books to study further sorcery than Loki. Day after day she would train her physical strength slamming her own body over the painful seal containing her. Frigga returned to notice her physical body muscle had shown and how strong she indeed has become.

"Someday you'll be as strong as Karnilla, or even stronger." Frigga smiled

"Did you tell Loki that too."

"No. I told him he was as powerful as her, and you can be too. The only one I've ever known ever to surpass her was Odin. Not to offend you in any way, but Loki was much more powerful than you. He may have been a scaredy-cat, but he was strong.

"Such as?"

"He had the power to speak to people through their minds from other realms and dimensions. You are only capable of speaking through the dimension you reside in. Although your healing abilities are much stronger than Loki's since he never focused on healing more on Reincarnation."

"What are you saying?" Sakura questioned as she slammed against the barrier, "Are you saying Loki is still alive?"

"I can't say for sure. If he fell to space than he most likely did not. No creature is capable of breathing the air of space especially not a human."

"Teach me more! Teach me everything Loki and Karnillia knew."



"I don't know how too. You'll have to read on your own. At this point forth it's too far advanced for me to teach you, and besides, if I stuck around here for too long, I might be banished to the mortal realm as Thor once was."

"My apologies. I asked too much of you." Sakura bowed.

"I shall provide you the courses to do so. Stronger healing spells to forbidden Immortality to spells. Temporary sleep and paralysis spells and teleportation. You can use Forcefields, but are you capable of transformation?"

"You mean shapeshifting?"

"Loki can shapeshift to any being he pleases including animals. Although depending on the animal, he transforms too he may not be able to use the same skills such as breathing underwater or breathing fire. However, he can cast an illusion to do so which is the first thing I've taught you. Creating illusions of yourself and others. Start by transforming objects into living creatures." Frigga said handing her sorcery books, "I will forge you into the most magical being in Asgard."

"Thank you. Mother." Sakura smiled.

As she turned to face the other way Frigga smiled to herself then left the prison. The first book Sakura had picked up spoke of talking through the mind of someone else, and possibly control it although the mind stone poses that power. She read for hours trying to find a way to communicate with other realms.

"Loki has to be alive! He can't be dead; I don't believe it. This book will teach me how to find him." Sakura said shuffling through the pages.

Over time she attempted to communicate with others within the nine realms, but with no luck. Nothing but silence throughout the universe. She focused on healing the bloody wounds around her body and placing spells upon herself to block away from the pain. Sakura had trained every day finding a way to become stronger in every ability in spells possible. Eventually, Frigga had raced down to greet Sakura once more within the prison. Her heart was racing, and she took deep breathes before speaking. Sakura kneeled to her attempting to reach out to her.

"What's wrong? Who's dead?"

"No one is dead. Loki is alive in the Mortal Realm causing trouble. Powerful beings had captured him, so Thor had gone down to Earth after him."

"I thought the Bifrost was destroyed?"

"Odin restored the Bifrost. This is a serious crime that Loki might not be able to escape from. I have no idea what he is planning, but it involves the Tesseract."


"He found out the Mortals had the cube that's why I'm assuming he is on Earth."

"So you haven't figured it out yet?" Sakura sighed sitting back down on her chair, "Loki was unable to take over Asgard, but now with the Tesseract, he can take over Earth. He wants to rule over the Mortal realm so that when I stand by his side, my past will transform into a past that will become only like a bad dream. He's trying to help me, and help himself at the same time."

"What are you planning on doing?"

"I have to communicate with him." Sakura said shuffling through the pages of the book, "I haven't been able to figure it out, but if I focus on his location on Earth, It might be easier for me to contact him."

"That magic is far too advanced for you right now. If he had wanted to communicate with you, he would have done so a long time ago. He's been on earth for a day now, and he's probably badly damaged from the loss of oxygen in his system. Maybe he was afraid to tell you because he knew his failure to succeed might be more than possible. Leave him be. The time will come when he will return."


"At most a few days depending on how stubborn he is. Thor will use your name to convince him to return home, and he will obey his brother."

"I am supposed to be there by his side! I should have jumped and fallen with him! I want to see him now!" Sakura shouted as the objects around her flung away from her.

"He will be here momentarily. I'll leave you to your thoughts. I know you wouldn't go as far as to kill yourself because you love Loki too much, but whatever happens, use your magic to protect him even if it costs you your life for his. He's my son."

"And he's my King." Sakura cried.

After Frigga had left Sakura continued to cry banging her head over the Barrier unreasonably trying to punch her way out of her cell. She threw chairs until the legs had snapped off and transformed herself into a raging monster unable to escape its cage. The guards had arrived putting her down to sleep. They removed the barriers and holding her down to chain her in cuffs. Using her spells to counter the rest she kicked and attacked until they had knocked herself out in the process. The guards muzzled her and tossed her body back against the wall locking her up again. The room had been destroyed, but she had awoken once more listening to voices of the guards bringing in a new prisoner.

"Would you like a cell next to your wife. I wouldn't recommend it she's the scariest being I've ever met besides you, and your father, and your brother. Nearly escaped a few times before and after she realized you were alive."

"What? Are you talking about Sakura, she's no criminal?"

"Once you marry a traitor you become one. Now get in there." The guard laughed locking the door.

He turned to his left to see her wounded, bloody body sprawled across the floor as she had tried to move. Her eyes were puffed red, and her body had been brutally beaten. He kneeled as a tear rolled down his cheek crying out her name. He ran towards the front barrier calling to the guards.

"Guards! What have you done to her? Sakura!" Loki screamed.

"You have my word; she did this to herself." The guard said looking over to her cell, "The day she arrived in the prison she begun slamming her fists over the barrier and banging her head against it for weeks."

"Damn. Did you put her to sleep?"

"Yeah a few times, but she had kept waking up and brutally hurting herself that we had no choice but to restrain her. We were afraid she would take her own life."

"Then why isn't she awake? Let me in so I can heal her. That's an order."

"We don't take orders from you." The guard laughed as he walked back to his post.

Loki took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Through his mind, he had reached his Mother begging for her help, and for her forgiveness, she had entered the prison to witness the horrific sight. She cried for Sakura in a rush to save her life. Frigga reached the guards slapping every one of their faces.

"She's an Asgardian Princess, and you deny her healing! You should be ashamed of yourselves." Frigga shouted.

"With all due respect my Queen she's a traitor."

"No she was only protecting the one she loved most in this world, and she is being punished for a crime she never committed. As your Queen I demand you allow Loki permanent entry to her cell as well as my entrance to heal her."


The guard released the barrier between them and allowed the Queen's entry. Loki rushed to her aid as he had noticed some healing magic planted over her. The Queen smiled in relief as she healed her smaller wounds first.

"Loki she's going to be okay. The pain must have been too much for her that she had to knock herself out as she was healing herself. I'll take care of her. Move her to the bed for me." Frigga said preparing her magic.

He picked her up and kissed her over the forehead. Loki laid her down on the bed and watched as his mother desperately healed her. A few moments later after analyzing the damage she had cured her internal wounds quickly before she had bled out.

"She should awake at any moment. Keep her by your side." Frigga said as guards had brought in more enemies of Asgard to their cells.

"She will always be my left hand, Mother." Loki said facing the barrier, "Odin continues to bring me, new friends. How thoughtful."

"I had sent you books before I arrived."

"First of all I've only just arrived, and to see my lover had brutally injured herself because of me! No books nothing can keep me satisfied here for the rest of my life."

"I've done my best to keep you comfortable."

"Have you? Does Odin share your concern? Does Thor? It must be so inconvenient them asking for me day and night."

"You know full well it was your actions that brought you here. Don't forget what she has done to herself is also your fault." Frigga complained.

"My actions. I was merely giving truth to the lie I've been fed my entire life. I was born to be a King, and her my Queen."

"A King? A true King admits his faults. What of the lives you took upon the earth. A Queen would stand for her people in desperate times, but instead, she follows your every move."

"I've only taken a handful of lives compared to Odin-"

"Your father-"

"He's not my father!" Loki screamed.

"And am I not your mother...?"

"...You're not..." He replied

"Loki..." Sakura coughed.

The mother walked away from the prison while Loki had kneeled to her crying for her. He kissed her embracing her warmth for the first time in what seemed like forever. She opened her eyes combing his hair back with her fingers as they stared intimately into each other's eyes. Unable to move she lifted her core slightly than fell back in pain.

"Don't move you'll only harm yourself further," Loki said holding her hand tightly.

"I failed you." Sakura cried, "I've been in here reading the books your mother had sent me while you fought on your own and lost. We could have won together."

"Umm...No. That war I started on Earth ended up becoming a huge regret of mine that I'd rather not talk about. I fear that big green monster..."

"Green monster?"

"Forget I said anything. Rest your head."

"No, I'm not done perfecting my skills yet. Help me back up."

He frowned and picked up the books his mother had been handing over to her. High advanced sorcery he never realized she was able to understand. Loki threw the books out of her reach and stared down at her with tears in his eyes. Whispering to himself pacing around and sighing until he could finally think straight.

"No! This is far too advanced! Far too dangerous for you!"

"Just because I am mortal doesn't mean I can't stand by your side in the war."

"So that's what you've been up too. A Queen stays behind to protect its people."

"As I heard. You need to apologize to your Mother, Loki."

"She's not-Fine! You want to know these skills so bad I'll teach you myself, but I will teach you the magic of Immortality and Resurrection before you even set foot on a battlefield. And..."

"Loki I can handle my-"

"And you will be my wife!" He said pointing his finger to her.

"Really?" Sakura cried as they heard screaming from another cell.

Loud shouting and screaming had caught their attention. Loki had run to her side to see what was afoot noticing the prisoner's escape. A strong frighteningly tall prisoner had been going down to each cell and letting loose each one. Loki turned to face Sakura seeing she is too weak to move.

"I have to cast an illusion over you. Do not move or speak; you'll hurt yourself if you do."

"Okay," Sakura said as she laid back down.

A green haze had covered the room making her cell look like no living soul was inside of it. The beast had finally reached her cell then continued to face Loki. In his mind, he begged for this beast to set him free and to leave his lover to rest as she recovered. The monster stared then walked to the stairs where a fight had started between the guards and the escapees. A beast horned like a boar and a bull.

"You might want to take the stairs to the left," Loki said to him.

The beast did not respond but listened to the request. He had left the area as the fight continued around him. Loki watched as the fierce battle had gone around him, and as the guards had fallen one by one. Finally, Thor had reached the prison swinging his hammer back and forth as the Palace had been taken over by Dark Elves. Eventually, the room had emptied, and the silence frightened both of them. Loki had taken one more careful look to see if anyone was there, but no one was in sight other than the guards carrying bodies away for the Asgardian Funeral. He pulled his spell back revealing Sakura as she lifted her torso to see Loki's face.

"What's wrong? What's happening?"

"I didn't do this." Loki quietly replied.

"I believe you." She said limping her way over to hug him.

He laid on the floor with her and hugged her. One of the three great warriors entered the prison to speak to them. His eyes were as if his heart was wounded and he had removed his helmet from his head. The two turned their heads to face him so he could speak.

"Queen Frigga was killed in the crossfire of the attack. Dark Elves had entered our Realm. I am truly sorry for your loss."

"What?" Sakura cried.

The warrior bowed as Loki nodded to him when he had left. He wrapped his arms tighter around her body as she cried in his arms. A single tear flowed down as he destroyed everything around him in anger. Sakura held him while he blew everything around him away.

"Loki... What are we to do now? We are defenseless here in cells."

He removed himself from her grasp and calmly walked away from her standing directly in front of the wall. He clenched his fist and slamming himself over the cell and breaking the furniture. He screamed and shouted crying while Sakura cowered in a corner unable to do what he was doing but cry in a corner. In fear of her life Sakura had crawled over to her side of the cell crying over the wall until he had finally calmed down. He had destroyed his outfit and collapsed leaning against the wall of his cell staring over at Sakura.

"I'm sorry."

"You and I are very much alike. I had the same reaction when you had died, and left me here. Now that our Queen, your Mother, is dead, and I unable to stand and take my frustrations out on this cell all I can do is lay here for now." Sakura sighed, "I think I hear your brother..."

"Damn..." Loki said as he had cast an illusion of himself in front of him.

Just in time, Thor had faced both cells noticing Sakura in the corner of her cell weeping and Loki's illusion pacing around the cell.

"Thor. After all this time, and now you've come to visit me. Why? " Loki said pacing, "Have you come to gloat? To mock?"

"Loki enough. No more illusions."

His illusion sighed out of disappointment and disappeared showing Loki's current weak state. Thor pointed to Sakura trying to explain how she had given it away that he was using an illusion spell. Unwell Loki stayed were he laid unpleased of his brother's arrival to see him.

"Now you see me, brother. Did she suffer?"

"Loki!" Sakura complained.

"I need to know. Did she suffer?" Loki asked once more.

"I did not come here to share our grief. Instead, I offer you the chance of a far richer sacrament."

"Go on..."

"I know you seek vengeance as much as I do. You help me escape Asgard, and I will grant you vengeance, and you can leave this cell."

"You must be truly desperate to come for me to help." He laughed as he turned to face his head to Sakura, "What makes you think you could trust me?"

"I don't. Mother did. When we fought, I knew there was a glimmer of hope that my brother was still in there. You betray me, and I'll kill you."

"What about Sakura? I won't let her stay here she's injured. I can't take her with us either."

"On our way, you can carry her to the healers. They will take care of her. If she misbehaves, she will be locked up once more in this very cell you lay on. Stripped of her powers and forced to live in a cushioned cell if I kill you."

"If that's not Hell then I don't know what is," Sakura responded.

"We're you really going to off yourself?" Loki asked.

"Maybe. It doesn't matter now what my answer is you're beside me, and that's all that matters." Sakura answered refusing to look at him directly.

"Not that I plan to betray you, but make sure this room is cushioned on all four sides including the ceiling and floors. Gag her so she doesn't bite her tongue and cuff her so she won't hurt herself."

"That can be arranged."

"Please don't," Sakura responded.

"Too bad I'd love to see that." Loki smiled seductively.

"Alright, that's enough are you in or are you not?" Thor said rolling his eyes.

"When do we start?" Loki replied.

Thor removed the cell's barrier allowing his brother's escape. He waited carefully as Loki picked up his future bride and carried her off to the healers. The women in shock to see Loki out of bars beside Thor allowed him to lay her down over the table. Knowing what had happened to the Palace, it didn't come as too much of a surprise to see him. The healers had gone straight to work as she moaned in pain.

"Let's go Loki. She will be safe here."

"I love you, Sakura. When I return, and this is all over, we'll be wed." Loki smiled as he began casting a sleeping spell on her.

"I'll look forward to that. Don't keep me waiting." Sakura said as she fell to a deep slumber.

"Okay. Let's do it." He said after he had kissed her forehead goodbye, "Take good care of her. Make sure she doesn't off herself."

"Come on Loki," Thor said dragging him away from the healer's room.

The healers covered her body a magical spell lifting her a piece of her body above her to see her internal and external damages. They repaired her section by piece returning her to her bedroom robed in a black cloak and watching over her carefully as requested. Odin opened the doors to her room watching her slumber.

"How is she?"

"Loki's wife will live."

"Wife? Not yet. She loves him enough to end her own life I've heard." Odin sighed, "Loki is dead. She is to spend the rest of her days imprisoned in cushion padding on all four sides. Don't forget the ceiling and the walls. Muzzle her so she can't bite her tongue, and cuff her. You can tell her, and depending on how she reacts I will allow her to see him one last time." Odin said smiling as he had walked away from them.

"Yes, my King." The Healers said.

When she awoke, it was the worst-case scenario. Unable to move her mouth within her muzzle and chained to the cushions like a rabid dog. She pulled for hours shaking the chains to see if there was any way out. Odin had approached her from outside her cell trying not to smile at her. She looked up at him pulling the chains up so she could stand up.

"Is Loki dead?" Sakura cried in a muffled voice

"Thor and Loki had left to destroy the Dark Elves on Svartalfheim. Asgard soldiers had only found a body. Thor was nowhere to be found." Odin replied removing her muzzle.

"Please let me see him." Sakura cried, "I need to see his face one last time. I'll do anything to see his face again."

"So be it. If you attack a guard or me, you will be executed on the spot. Do you understand?"

"Let me out of here."

Odin moved out of the way so that the guards could remove her from her cell. Piece by piece removing every cuff and chain connecting her to the cell, leading her to a much colder room where the healers had prepared him for his funeral. The moment she walked inside she noticed his cold body laying motionless over the table. Sakura hovered her hands above him afraid to touch him. On his stomach, he had been stabbed all the way through and suffered tremendously.

"No...No..." Sakura cried as she kissed his cold forehead crying, "What am I supposed to do now Loki? I can't rule the world without you."

"We will give him a beautiful funeral. He will float down the river and be sent to the stars where his mother rests."

"This doesn't make any sense. He shouldn't be dead."

"You're in mourning, child. It's time to accept that he is gone." A healer said.

"I can't leave his side. Do you mind finding my Resurrection books? I have to find a way."

"Sakura he's been like this he's not coming back. Prepare the boat casket." The healer responded

"No!" Sakura screamed blowing everyone up against the walls.

The Healers caught her from behind and paralyzed her. Unable to move she cried and whined while Odin had picked her up and carried her out the door nodding to the healers. She removed herself from paralyzation and pulled out a dagger from his robes. She held it up to his neck and pushed him to the closest empty room and closed the door behind them. Sakura continued to weep in frustration panicking about what she was doing.

"You never loved Loki! He was born to be somebody, not just anyone. He was born to be my husband. My King. You took that away from him and gave him false hope all those years. I should kill you and take the throne myself."

"Lady Sakura this is my loss as much as it is yours. Asgard needs only a King who can protect our nine realms not destroy it for the sake of having power."

"You are mistaken. I do not seek to kill you for your power. I will kill you in honor of my husband!" Sakura screamed raising her dagger to him.

"I can't bare to see you like this anymore. I yield." Odin said holding his hands up in the air.

"What are you talking about?"

"I said I yield," Odin said as a bright green light transformed himself to Loki who had been in hiding the entire time.

In shock, Sakura fell backward on to the floor widening her eyes at this site. She sighed then laughed before standing back up again. He did not attempt to smile only worry for her. As he closed in on her to kiss her she raised her, palm and slapped him across the face.

"I deserve that." Loki smiled.

"Why would you do this to me? Keep letting me believe you were dead. Does Thor know you are alive? Where is your Father?" Sakura questioned, "I should have known this entire time..."

"I exiled Odin to earth for hurting us. Thor is gone to protect the other realms it is unknown to when he shall return. So I exiled our gatekeeper replacing him with a guard who will alert me right away if Thor has returned. I even exiled Lady Sif because she loves him."

"That's cruel." Sakura laughed.

"Admit it you never liked her anyway."


"I do love you." Loki smiled.

Sakura raised herself on her toes and kissed Loki on the lower cheek. She placed a spell on the door to lock it while she used her magic to undress him within a split second. Suddenly she had stripped herself and pushed him to the Royal golden guest bed.

"When I become your Queen I expect that you give me plenty of hourly attention." She demanded as she crawled over him seductively.

"Naughty aren't we?" Loki responded kissing her aggressively.

"Don't you dare die on me ever! Don't fake die on me! You keep leaving me behind everywhere you go. I want to go with you! I want to stand with you." Sakura cried.

"You will," Loki replied.

For over an hour he thrust in her so hard the leg's on the bed had broken. Guards had quickly hurried over to the bedroom due to the loud banging sounds. Loki promptly covered them up under the covers casting an illusion of Odin mourning for his son.

"My King are you alright."

"Yes, I am only heartbroken. First I lose my wife then my son. It's too much to bare at this moment in time."

"I'm sorry for your loss My King. I hope we can send the Prince off to a better place." He bowed as he had left.

The illusion faded and Sakura had laughed to him as she lay on the bed beside him. They had stopped for a moment to continue where they had left off and finished momentarily. Loki helped her off her feet to transform both backs in natural armor. His smile brought her heart at ease knowing all hope was no longer lost for them. Not yet anyway. He had stopped smiling to start a real conversation.

"You've become much advanced in your skills of healing. I'm impressed you've even come farther than I have in healing. You've learned many abilities while I was away for so long from you, and you've become stronger."

"Yeah, I perfected in that Illusion trick you used to do with your brother. Watch." Sakura smiled as she transformed the broken bed legs to snakes.

He laughed watching the snakes slither past their legs. Sakura waved her arms back causing the illusion and the bed pieces to disappear. She pushed him back with her chest seductively transforming her armor to please Loki in every way she knew how.

"I can also create armor of my own free will." She said.

A gold crown with bending horns formed over her head, and extended black and green leather and gold armor wrapped around her flesh. He smiled looking up and down at her body like every second of the new armor she had made for herself. Out of her hand, Sakura crafted duel black daggers.

"Incredible. You have become stronger than I could have imagined."

"Now can I fight by your side?"

"Well now that you have perfected healing. You should be able to know your immortality spell."

"Will this let me rule by your side forever."

"Of course. If I were to not give this to you, I would lose you in the next eighty years, and that's no time at all. I don't want ever to lose you either. So stay with me. Our love will be forever eternal." He said interlocking each other's hands.

"Tell me what to do, and I'll do it," Sakura yelled out.

He lowered his head to whisper in her right ear a forbidden spell. Sexually aroused by his voice she listened to every word he was saying. Out of magic, an outer lining of herself removed itself from her body. She had reached inside locking inside the ability to stay beautiful and alive for as long as Loki will live. Once she had finished, it had returned to her body. Loki held her cheeks and kissed her with a bright smile on his face.

"How do you feel?" Loki asked

"I feel like a Queen," Sakura responded.

"Now that you know how to keep yourself alive for eternity how would you like to stand by the throne with me again?"

"I would love that."

"Good. Now for the next however many years, my brother decides to stay away I will teach you everything I know that you don't already know."

"I look forward to it. So that after you've taught me, I can teach myself more than you already know."

"Alright then." Loki sighed laughing to himself.

"By the way where is the Tesseract? How did you manage to have two infinity stones in your possession at once?"

"I stumbled upon a Mad Titan when I had faked my death. He handed me an Infinity stone and asked me to retrieve the other for him." Loki smiled.

"Loki..." Sakura said fearfully of what is to come.


"You might have started a world war, no a universe war. We shouldn't be keeping two Infinity stones in one place that's dangerous." Sakura cried out, "What have you done...?"

"I don't know. All I know is that I have locked the Tesseract away in the vault and gave the mind stone to a collector on another planet."

"And you are for sure it is safe there?"


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