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Capítulo 22: 1 prongs


Little vampire Harry, along with his Sire Demetri, are about to really shake things up in Forks. Oh the adventures Harry will have.

Chapter 1Disclaimer: I do NOT own Harry Potter. That magical world of wonder and excitement all belongs to the amazing and wonderful J.K Rowling. She is a gift and goddess to the literary world. Also I do not own Twilight.

Warnings: AU. I will run from canon and probably occasionally look back to make sure it's not behind me waiting to bite my ass. Kiddy vamp!Harry, Awesome Volturi. Not so awesome Edward and Bella, but not outright bashing. HP world will play little in this, might pop up like a jack in the box and scare you though.

Pairings: Twilight Canon couples.

Prong 1

Demetri liked it when they were allowed out to hunt for upstart covens hoping to build an army. It was like a special field trip. Aro, Caius, and Marcus would choose a few select members of the guard and send them out. They would get to prowl the streets and track down armies of newborns, and when the time was right, it was like Christmas to humans. They pounced, they slaughtered, they loved it.

That was the case this time. Some nobody vampire with no talents decided he was bored. With boredom came ideas, and this one thought that creating a newborn army would give him some entertainment. The idiot didn't think his plan through well enough because after he bit several people, the newborns turned on him and killed him. He wasn't strong enough to handle several extra strong newborns at once, and perished. When the Volturi first got word of the accident, Aro sent Demetri and Felix out right away. 

They arrived in England and tracked down where the newborns were feeding in the slums of London. They went in, and started taking every single one of them out. Some begged- they killed them. Some fought, and they killed them. Some tried to run, and they made sure to give them an extra painful death. No one got away when Demetri was hunting. 

When they were almost done, one slick newborn managed to slip away and tried to flee. Demetri had to give the man a hand he was good. But not good enough. Demetri finished off the rest of the newborns and together Felix and him took chase. The newborn was fast, and Demetri expected that he had a talent, but he didn't care. He would kill him all the same unless the gift was extraordinary and would impress Aro.

They followed the newborn until they reached the countryside. The Newborn, tired and hungry, diverted his course and went for a house. Demetri, at first glance, thought that the place must belong to a person who breeds dogs. There were too many of one dog for them to just like the animal. The newborn had slipped inside and started tearing out the throats of the people within. Demetri counted four of them. Felix stopped his friend and offered to go in alone. The tracker let him. Felix was better equipped to handle a newborn that just fed, and Demetri didn't want to get in the way. So while Felix went to take out the last newborn, Demetri wandered around the land. 

As he was approaching a rather tall tree, he caught a scent. A delicious scent. A scent that sang to him, and made his mouth fill with venom even at the faintest trace of it on the wind. Demetri's eyes went black as he searched out the source. Hearing a heartbeat, Demetri stalked forward until he reached the tree. Looking up he saw a pair of bright green eyes staring at him in fear. Smiling at the little boy in the tree, Demetri jumped and grabbed the boy, twisting him in midair so his neck was exposed and Demetri bit down, savouring the delicious nectar that flowed into his mouth. The tracker gave a moan at the taste. He didn't think he had ever had a human taste this well.

Demetri was pulled from his feast when he landed on his feet and Felix appeared, staring at him with wide eyes. Demetri detached his fangs from the child's neck and licked his lips, wanting to collect every single drop of blood he managed to take from the little body in his arms. 

"Demetri..." Felix started.

"Singer." Demetri responded promptly. Felix's eyes showed his understanding.

"The ones inside are dead." Felix stated.

"Hmm." Demetri said in turn. He cradled the small body in his arms, wishing the child had been bigger so that he could have feasted on more of his blood. But you don't always get what you want. The tracker was contemplating leaving the kid outside or throwing him inside with his family, when he heard a moan and whimper.

Felix's eyes shot wide as he looked at the little body in Demetri's arms. The tracker, not wanting it to be real, slowly looked down. The child's eyes were closed, his skin deathly pale letting his unique lightning bolt scar stand out, his heartbeat was faint, and when Demetri bent down and smelled, he could smell his own venom working its way through the child's system.

"Well shit..." Demetri summed up the entire situation. 

o.O.o Years Later o.O.o

Bella, Edward, Emmett and Alice stood in front of the Volturi, watching and waiting for what the group would do. Edward was thinking that coming here to die was probably one of his more dumb ideas, Emmett was hoping for a good fight and a chance to live, Alice was trying to see into the future hoping she would see what would happen, and Bella.... well Bella wasn't sure what was happening or how she ended up underground Italy with a group of ancient looking vampires.

"Well isn't this quite the situation we have found ourselves in." Aro spoke with an amused tone from his seat. "Edward begs us to kill him, threatens us, and then is saved by a human..." He trailed off.

"Let Bella go." Edward demanded.

"Tsk tsk... I don't think you are in the position to be making such demands Edward." Aro lightly chided.

Edward merely glared in response.

"Felix...Kill the human." Aro commanded.

A very tall vampire with black hair, olive skin with a chalky pallor, and broad shoulders stepped out of the assembled guards. With a flirty little smile and wink at Bella, he lunged forward. Edward cut him off, and as Alice was ready to join, Demetri grabbed her by the chin. Emmett was also halted by two other guards that appeared, keeping him in place. Edward was quickly overwhelmed by Felix, and right before Felix was going to kill Edward, Aro stopped him.

"No no Felix, there's still hope he will join us." Felix stopped, but didn't let Edward rise from the floor. "Well this is all very touching that you want to let your little human love live, you have to understand the rules. She knows about us so either she dies or is turned. But I am curious as to why you are so enamoured with this one..." Aro explained.

"Just let Bella go." Edward rasped from his position on the ground.

"Come human, give me your hand." Aro commanded.

Bella hesitantly walked forward, looking back at Alice, Edward, and Emmett occasionally. Aro moved his hand in what looked like an encouraging gesture, but it did not soothe or comfort the girl. When she reached the Vampire leader, she placed her hand in his, and waited. Aro looked the girl in the eye and smirked. 

"Jane, come test your gift on this human." Aro commanded. A young blonde girl stepped forward.

"No!" Edward yelled as he struggled to get to his feet.

Jane looked at Bella, and concentrated. When nothing happened, Jane's face contorted in pain and frustration. Aro chuckled and held up a hand. "That's enough Jane." the blonde girl stepped back, looking furious. "Well isn't this interesting... Edward dear, does your gift not work either?" Aro asked.

Edward tried to stay silent but one gesture from Aro to Jane and Edward screamed in pain. When the screaming stopped, Aro asked again. Finally, Edward grudgingly admitted that no; his gift did not work either.

"Well maybe she should be turned after all and be allowed to join Volterra. I think her gift would be very beneficial."

Bella stepped back and slowly walked back to Alice and Emmett, as Edward struggled on the floor, denying Aro's words. "Bella will not be turned and damned to this life. Even if she were we would never join you." He yelled.

Bella watched as Edward argued in her favour, while Aro watched him in that amused sort of way that parents watched their children explain their daily boring adventures. Bella was considering stepping in and expressing her desire to be turned when she felt something poke her cheek. She lifted a hand to swat it away. She felt it poke her a second time and once again she tried swatting it away, wondering if the Volturi knew they had bugs down here. She was poked a third time and Bella decided to check what was poking her. Turning her head, she was met with the sight of a child sitting cross-legged, hovering beside her, and looking at her in a contemplative state. Bella screamed.

All eyes snapped over to her when a single groan broke through the silence.

"Harry! I told you to stay in our room!" Demetri said from where he was still holding Alice in place.

The child, Harry, turned towards the other vampire and gave an impish smile. "I was going to, but then I was curious. I was hiding but I noticed that this girls face never changes. Like ever! Not when she's scared or surprised. Even screaming it stayed in that bored looking state." 

"An immortal child?" Alice said softly.

"I can't believe this!" Edward raged. "You will kill Bella because of law, but is it not your own law that states one can never create an immortal child? That creator and child will be killed immediately, yet here you have one!"

Aro looked at Edward before addressing Harry. "Harry love, why don't you return to Demetri now." 

Harry giggled as he uncurled his body, placing one cold hand on Bella's shoulder he pushed himself away and floated across the room to Demetri. Demetri let go of Alice and plucked Harry out of the air. Once he had him, Demetri said "Hover Off." and Harry went limp in his arms. Demetri lowered Harry to the floor, and once he was free, the child scampered behind Demetri's legs, shyly peeking his face out afterwards.

"Harry is a very special child." Aro started. "When Demetri accidently turned him, I had prepared myself to kill the best tracker in the world. However, upon meeting the little one, we found him to possess amazing self-control and maturity. After numerous tests, we deemed him to be of no threat and allowed Harry and Demetri to live. Plus the little guy is just too adorable to kill."

The Cullen's stared at Aro in shock. The image of the terrifying Vampire leader was slowly being shattered. Edward seemed to recover first, as it was usually the case when Bella was involved. "If you can make an exception for that child than why can't you let Bella live without being turned?"

"Because Bella is not Harry." Aro stated simply, his smile finally disappearing. Aro and Edward entered a heated staring contest.

"Hover on." A voice intoned, breaking the silence that descended.

Edward and Alice turned incredulous eyes to their brother. Emmett grinned sheepishly at them. "I just wanted to see if it would work." he explained. 

A quiet giggle came from behind Demetri as a head of messy black hair popped out. Harry gave Emmett a shy smile and wave before ducking back behind Demetri.

"I'm sorry but it doesn't work like that." Caius spoke up, startlingly the Cullen's. "Only Demetri has the ability to command Harry's power."

"Oh..." Emmett pouted a little. 

"Yes our little Harry is so special. He can float, fly, and switch personalities." Aro bragged.

"Switch personalities?" Alice asked.

"Yes. Harry is a shy little vamp on ground. But in the air he is a mischievous little prankster."

The Cullen's tried to look at Harry but the little vampire was safely hidden behind Demetri. Aro watched with amused eyes as Harry avoided the Cullen's gaze, before Marcus brought him back to the task at hand, with a few whispered words.

"Of course Marcus, of course. Now Bella must die." Aro announced.

"No!" Edward screamed.

"Wait!" Alice called. "Bella will be turned! I saw it!"

The three Volturi leaders looked at the smallest Cullen. "Have you? Will you let me see?" Aro asked, but his tone told them it wasn't a question but a demand. Alice nodded her head and walked towards Aro. Aro held her hand and closed his eyes as Alice's vision flashed across his mind. Opening his eyes, he smiled. "Will it seems she will be turned. I guess there's no reason to kill her. Felix let Edward up."

After that, they Cullen's were allowed to leave. Once they were gone, Harry and Demetri approached Aro.


"Yes Demetri?" Aro looked at his best tracker.

"Harry is bored and is wondering if you would let us go to Forks and investigate this Bella Swan further. He thinks Edward might try to renege on his deal and not turn her." Demetri explained.

Aro took a moment to think it over before a cruel smile appeared on his face.

"I think that is a lovely idea. Harry love, make sure to cause lots of havoc for the Cullen family while you're there."

Prong 22 Prongs to annoy them all

The plane was just landing when Alice was hit with a vision. It didn't show much but what she did understand was that Charlie and Bella would be getting houseguests. Their faces were blurry and she didn't see anything past them arriving, but Edward being Edward read her mind and started questioning Bella if she knew if anyone was coming to visit. Bella had shaken her head in confusion, and the subject was dropped. They wouldn't get any further.

Thinking it over, Alice decided it would be best to wait and not mention this to the rest of her family. After all, it wasn't like the vision showed her that anything bad was going to happen. It could just be Bella's mother and her husband dropping by. Walking through the gate, Alice forgot all about her vision when she saw Jasper waiting for her. She rushed over to her mate and threw herself at him. They were all together again.


Charlie Swan had just sat down, removed his shoes, and cracked a beer when someone knocked on the door. With a heavy sigh, big heave, and some muttering Charlie got up from his recliner and walked to the door. Opening he was surprised to see a young man, probably late 20's, black hair, dark brown eyes, olive skin but oddly pale, and smartly dressed standing there.

"How can I help you?" Charlie asked.

"Are you Charlie Swan?" the man asked. Charlie couldn't place his accent. He was thinking Greek, maybe Italian... could be British or French for all Charlie knew. 

"Yes I am." Charlie answered simply.

The young man gave him a relieved smile before holding out his hand. "Hello Mr. Swan. I am Demetri Robins, and this is Harry Robins." 

Charlie shook the man hand, and hoped he wasn't crazy because he could only see one person on his porch. Apparently, his thoughts showed on his face because Demetri gave a deep chuckle. "Harry come introduce yourself." Demetri said looking down and behind him. Charlie followed his gaze and saw a little boy appear behind Demetri.

"Hello Sir." A small soft voice spoke. Charlie studied the kid and saw that he also had black hair, accent, usually pale complexion, and those dark brown eyes. They could be father and son, if you looked hard enough. Though Demetri looked too young to be having children, Charlie wouldn't judge. He knew that young teenagers liked to experiment and Demetri's experiment may have ended in a surprise. He could respect the young man because he seemed to be willing to care for his child.

"We're sorry to show up unannounced like this Mr. Swan, but recently our mother passed, and we were looking for other family members. We searched hard and we finally came upon your name and we just got too excited and seemed to have shown up here without proper introduction or contact first." Demetri rambled out quickly in a nervous tone, leaving Charlie's thoughts swirling.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh I'm sorry; my mouth has seemed to run away with me again." Demetri apologized. "Our mother" he gestured towards himself and Harry, "passed away two weeks ago. Our father had already walked out on us just after Harry was born, and well I can try to support him, but I wasn't sure if I wanted him to live pay check to pay check with me."

Charlie nodded his head; he could agree that such a lifestyle would be hard on anyone, never mind a person also trying to support a child.

"Well we looked into our family's past and we realized that our mothers, father was the son to the youngest boy your grandmother gave birth to, and well..." Demetri trailed off.

Charlie was going to work the math out in his head, but he figured that if they were claiming to be family the least he could do was invite them in. "Come on in you two, we can talk more inside."

"Thank you Mr. Swan." Demetri said as he turned and took Harry's hand and led him inside.

Once they were seated, Charlie started up the conversation again. "So my grandmothers youngest sons.."


" son's, daughter, was your mother?" Charlie asked for clarification. 

"Yes." Demetri answered simply as he pulled a few sheets of paper from the inside pocket of his coat and passed them over. "Just in case you didn't believe us."

Charlie took the paper and opened them to see a family tree. Following the lines of one he saw his name and Bella's, and few spaces over on another branch was Demetri and Harry Robins. "so are you looking for money?" Charlie asked, unsure why these two would chase such an elusive family connection.

"Nothing like that Mr. Swan-"

"Call me Charlie." Charlie cut in.

"-It's just I was looking for someone who would be kind enough to look after Harry for a few weeks. Just until I find a higher paying job and can take him back full time, without worry. I will even pay you back for any expenses when I come to get Harry again." Demetri quickly offered at the end.

"What is your plan for a job and school? You are still in school aren't you?" Charlie asked. He certainly looked young enough to be.

"Well I just finished my university degree last semester and I was looking around for a job, while working at a gas station in Michigan, but with Harry now, I plan to keeping working at the gas station and send out various resumes to look for a new job. I will point out that I am willing to move for work, and hopefully if someone hires me, I can use my savings to find a nice apartment for Harry and I in a new city." Demetri explained.

Charlie looked over at the little boy that this conversation was revolving around. Harry was playing with the hem of Demetri's coat, closely cuddled into his side.

"How old are you, Harry?"

Harry's head snapped up at the question, "Nine sir."

Charlie frowned. Nine was much too young for a child to be moved around constantly. They needed stability and a nice home. Looking at Demetri, Charlie got the feeling that he was a nice guy, and they way he looked at Harry, you could tell he greatly cared for the child. Charlie made up his mind over the situation, he was a good man, and a family man, no matter what anyone else would say.

"Demetri, I could help you find a job here in Forks and I have a spare bedroom if you and Harry don't mind sharing." Charlie offered.

Demetri looked at him with wide eyes, while Harry mirrored his expression. "Mr. Swan you don't need to do that. Just watching Harry is fine, I can go back to Michigan-"

"Nope. I want to do this. Your family and family should always look after one another. Harry is greatly attached to you and it would probably tear him up to see you go. Plus you also need stability and while you live and work here in Forks, I can help you out. All I ask is that you respect the rules of this house, respect the people of Forks, and work hard." 

Demetri nodded his head before he addressed Harry. "Would you like that Harry? If the two of us moved to Forks?"

Harry nodded slowly before giving Charlie a shy smile. "Thank you sir."

"None of that sir business, just call me Charlie!" Charlie felt something warm inside of him at the sight of Harry's smile. It was the same feeling he used to get when Bella visited him. Comparing then and now didn't make Charlie feel old, in fact he felt more youthful in the presence of these two.

"Now, do you two have luggage or anything to bring in before I show you your room?" Charlie asked as he stood.

"Well, we have a few bags in the car." Demetri answered.

"Well let's go get you moved in. Then we can talk about you quitting your job in Michigan and when you will go and get the rest of your stuff." Charlie stated as he put on his shoes. He would need to call Bella and tell her about their houseguests, but first he needed to know where his wayward daughter was and when she was getting back.

Looking at Demetri and Harry, and how polite both were, he hoped their politeness and Demetri's responsible personality would rub off on his daughter. 


Bella and Edward were driving up to her house when Edward stiffened and stopped the car. His nostrils flared as he took in the scent of other vampires around Bella's house. The scent was familiar but he couldn't quite place it. His thoughts jumped to Victoria, but if it were her than Alice would have seen.

"What's wrong Edward?" Bella asked.

"I smell vampires." Edward told her simply. "Stay in the car. I'm going to go check it out." Bella nodded.

Edward exited the car and ran to Bella's front door. He could tell that the vampires were inside with Charlie. He couldn't hear their thoughts, it came in muddy. Running to the side of the house, Edward scaled the tree outside of Bella's window and stepped inside her room. Looking around, the room looked the same as he had left it all those months ago. 

Bella never seemed to change.

Edward walked towards the door, and opened it peeking out. The hallway was clear so, Edward stepped into, hoping to get a hint as to why two vampires were here. He made it to the top of the stairs when he heard someone speak.

"Charlie, is someone else here? I thought I heard someone walking upstairs." Edward froze. He knew that voice. Mentally cursing, Edward ran back into Bella's room and outside. 

He got back to his car and started the engine.

"Edward did you find anything?" Bella asked as she placed a warm hand on his forearm.

"Demetri from the Volturi is inside your house." Edward hissed as he slammed the car into reverse and took off.

"Demetri? What about Charlie?" Bella asked sending fear filled eyes towards the direction of her house.

"He seemed fine. It sounded like he was talking to them." Edward switched gears and spun the car around, pushing on the gas to speed away.

"Where are we going now?"

"My house, I need to tell the others." Edward explained, mentally going over everything he knew about Demetri and trying to find a reason he would be in Forks.

Once they got back to the Cullen's Edward ran around the car and let Bella out. Before they reached the door, it swung open to see a worried Esme waiting for them."Edward dear what's wrong? Jasper could feel your anxiety as soon as you hit the driveway."

"Demetri from the Volturi is in Forks. More specifically he's in Bella's house." Edward explained. He heard several exclamations of surprise race through his family's minds.

"Are you sure?" Carlisle asked.

"Positive. I recognized his voice."

"But Alice should have seen if someone from Volterra was going to show up." Esme frowned.

Alice looked upset but at the reminder of seeing it clicked. "Oh.."

"Oh what?" Rosalie asked.

"I got a vision just as we landed that Bella would get visitors. I couldn't see their faces though, but Charlie looked happy to see them. Charlie and two others were sitting in her kitchen talking and laughing about something, so I didn't think much of it." The smallest Cullen explained.

"Well you should have seen the Volturi sitting there, probably plotting on how to kill Bella." Edward snapped.

"Edward don't take your anger out on Alice."Esme reprimanded him.

Edward sent an apologetic look to Alice and she smiled in turn. "It's fine Esme, but what we need to do is find out why Demetri is here, how to get rid of him, and how to keep Bella safe." Alice said.

"I say we just let him kill the human." Rosalie piped up.

"Rosalie!" Carlisle scolded this time.

"What? Demetri kills Bella, he leaves, and we're all happy and safe." Rosalie explained without remorse.

Edward growled at his adopted sister.

"Stop it you two. We won't give Bella up to be killed." Carlisle announced. "Plus I don't think Demetri is here to kill Bella."

"What?" The entire coven said at the same time.

" told us yourself that the Volturi was a bunch of ruthless killing vampires with elitist issues." Jasper spoke up.

"They do kill a lot but it's mainly to feed. Also they are the only reason we have a vampire government. I can admit that without them then there would be a serious lack of humans or vampires would have been hunted down and extinct a long time ago. The rules they set were beneficial to the vampire community. They are ruthless because if they show mercy, then some other coven may try to use that and take over. 

While they may be ruthless, they are honourable in their own way. If they said they wouldn't kill Bella, then they won't unless they have a just cause. If Demetri is here than he was probably sent to keep tabs on the situation but isn't a real threat." Carlisle explained.

"Do you think we could talk Demetri into eating Bella?" Rosalie curiously asked.

"Rosalie!" The Cullen coven yelled.

"Bella will not be eaten." Carlisle commanded. "I think we should go over to Bella's and talk to Demetri. We can personally ask why he is here, and if he plans to stay we need to 

inform him about the treaty."

"Will we all go?" Alice asked.

"No. I think Edward, and I should be enough." Carlisle stated.

"Honey, are you sure? Alice said there are two people, and I remember you telling me that Demetri and Felix are close. In case there's trouble maybe we should all go." Esme spoke up.

"You're right..." Carlisle trailed off, going deep in thought.

"It's probably Harry." Emmett spoke up for the first time. The sudden boom of his voice had everyone staring at him. "Well Aro said Demetri is the only one who can control Harry's powers and I don't think Demetri would leave the little guy in Volterra to cause havoc." Emmett explained.

"That... that sounded smart." Alice piped up.

Emmett sent a small glare at her. "I am not dumb like you all think. Plus how can you guys not remember that kid? He was floating all around Bella and giggling." 

"I know you're smart love." Rosalie soothed "You are much smarter than Alice and Edward."

Emmett seemed slightly mollified by Rosalie's words but still a little offended. 

"Kid?" Carlisle asked.

"You won't believe this Carlisle," Edward perked up "the Volturi turned a child, and kept it. They broke their own law."

Carlisle frowned again. "That doesn't sound like Aro, Caius or Marcus..."

"The kid is awesome though. He floats! Like actually floats!" Emmett seemed back to his cheerful self.

"Even with a gift I don't think they would keep him alive. Children have no control and when they throw a temper tantrum they can slaughter hundreds."

"You just have to meet the kid to understand." Emmett argued.

Carlisle seemed to think over Emmett's words. "True, maybe we should go meet him now."

"I think we should all go." Esme stated.

"Yes I agree." Carlisle conceded. The Cullen's plus Bella trekked out to the garage and loaded into two cars. They pulled out and started on their way to Bella's house.


Charlie was in the kitchen talking with Billy Black about cancelling their plans for the night, while Harry and Demetri sat in the living room.

"Demetri how long until the Cullen's get here?" Harry asked quietly so only his partner could hear, while stopping himself from rubbing at his contacts.

"Soon, I can sense them getting closer." Demetri answered idly playing with Harry's wild hair. "Once Edward heard me he ran straight back to his family to warn them."

"Do you think Aro was telling the truth when he said that Edward sits outside the humans window watching her sleep?"

"Probably." Demetri answered simply. When the head beneath his fingers started rising, the tracker pushed it down and said 'hover off' without thought. They sat in silence for a few more minutes, Demetri playing with hair, Harry thinking, and Charlie laughing at some joke or story Billy Black told.

"They're here. All of them." Demetri whispered.

A moment later the door was heard opening. Charlie quickly ended his call and strode into the living room, giving Demetri a look before continuing to the front hallway.

"Charlie I'm home." Bella called.

"Bella!" Charlie said happily. "And the Cullen's. Doctor I thought you and your family moved away." Charlie was heard saying.

"Well you know young love. Edward just couldn't stop complaining about missing Bella and convinced us to move back." Carlisle answered.

"Yes, Edward..." The two Volturi members smiled at the clear dislike that sounded through Charlie's voice. "Well come in, everyone. Bella I'm glad you're finally home, there's some people I would like you to meet."

Harry crawled onto Demetri's lap as the Cullen's shuffled into the living room. Seats were quickly filled after some chairs were brought in from the kitchen.

"Bella I would like you to meet some cousins of yours. This is Demetri Robins and his little brother Harry." Charlie announced. Harry gave a small wave, while Demetri grinned and offered a 'pleasure to meet you'.

"Charlie, are you sure their related to us?" Bella asked bluntly, ignoring the two.

Charlie gave his daughter a stern look. "Bella that is not very polite. Yes I'm sure, and they will be staying with us for awhile so you should be more hospitable to them."

"Well this is a nice little reunion, I think some tea would be nice. Chief Swan would you mind if I went to prepare some?" Esme asked.

Charlie sat up. "Don't worry yourself Mrs. Cullen, I will go make some. And just call me Charlie."

"That would be lovely, and I keep telling you to call me Esme." The motherly vamp smiled at the officer. Charlie went to the kitchen with a small smile, leaving the rest.

"Why are you here?" Edward quickly hissed, quiet enough so Charlie wouldn't hear, but loud enough for Bella.

Demetri sat back on the couch in an arrogant posture, pulling Harry with him, and smirked. "Just connecting with long lost family of course." Demetri drawled in a deep tone, sending a shiver down the female's spines.

"Aro said you wouldn't kill Bella." Edward argued.

"We won't. No need to worry about your little human, mind reader." Demetri continued to smirk staring straight into Edwards eyes.

"We won't hurt her." Harry spoke softly, startling everyone.

Carlisle stared at Harry intently, "How old were you when you were turned?" 

"Nine, sir." Harry stated simply.

"Why did you two come here?" Carlisle asked, not stopping his observation of Harry, looking for anything that would tell him more about the child. So far all he learned was that he was polite

"Aro wanted us to check on your health sir."

Carlisle didn't believe the little vampire and turned towards Jasper and Edward.

"Demetri feels smug and Harry seems nervous in front of us. I don't think he's lying- maybe just not telling the whole truth." Jasper said.

"I can't hear them. Their thoughts are muffled somehow." Edward added.

Carlisle frowned. This wasn't ideal.

"Tea's ready." Charlie called as he walked back into the room. He was carrying a tray with various coffee cups, a box of orange pekoe, and the electric kettle. "Who would like some?"

"I think Edward said he wanted some when you left sir." Harry said. Demetri clamped a hand on the child vampire's shoulder. 

Charlie gave Edward a strange look. "Well Ladies first, Mrs. Cullen?"

"Thank you Charlie." Esme smiled at them man, ignoring the look he had just sent at her son.

Charlie started pouring tea and awkwardly stirring it about before handing the cup to each of the females in the room. Esme and Alice accepted their gracefully, Bella just blinked at her cup, and Rosalie sniffed before giving a small 'thank you'.

A sniffle brought all eyes in the room to Harry. Harry was slightly rubbing his nose, and looking down, his bangs covering his eyes. 

"What's wrong Harry?" Charlie asked with concern. The boy was in Demetri's lap, and Demetri was using one hand to hold Harry's shoulder, his thumb rubbing small circles.

"Nothing, sir." Harry said softly before he mumbled something. The vampires heard gibberish.

"Are you sure sport?"

Demetri looked up with sad eyes, slowly bringing Harry to his chest to comfort him. "He said that Edward is looking at him meanly and it scares him." Demetri supported his statement by sending his own glare at Edward. 

Charlie turned a stern look to Edward. "Well it's getting late Doctor, and I'm sure you would like to take your family home for a nice dinner." Charlie said trying to politely dismiss that Cullen family.

"Of course. Actually we were wondering if it would be alright to have Bella stay over for a few days. The girls just got back together and I'm sure there's lots to catch up on." Carlisle asked politely, itching to question the Volturi members more, but keeping his desire at bay.

Charlie frowned. "I'm sorry Doctor but Bella is grounded."

"Charlie!" Bella finally spoke to object.

"No Bells, you took off like that. You never called, you didn't ask permission, and frankly I think that just shows how young and irresponsible you are. I know your friends are back, but actions have consequences." Charlie said firmly.

"Chief Swan, maybe an exception just this once." Carlisle tried to haggle.

"Mummy never had exceptions. She said letting one off punishment was teaching them bad habits." Harry said softly.

Charlie sent a warm smile his way. "See Doctor, I wouldn't want to reinforce bad habits. Maybe once Bella is ungrounded she can go visit but until then she isn't leaving this house unless it's for work, or school."

Charlie started ushering the Cullen family to the door, while Bella argued. Edward turned around and glared at Harry, but the little vampire sent him a wicked looking smirk. The child vampire stuck his tongue out at the mind reader before letting out a quiet giggle. Demetri merely smirked that irritating smirk once more before leaning forward and saying 'hover off'.

Edward wasn't happy.

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