(A.N: Just edited the title)
Early in the morning, Tyrouge and I head downstairs, we saw Ash with Pikachu on his shoulder, and
Misty talking with Nurse Joy, and Officer Jenny.
They greeted me good morning, as they asked me again if I want to go to Pewter City together, to which I told them that I would tour around the Viridian City first before heading to Pewter.
Hearing my answer, they once again thanked me from yesterday, to which I waved it off. They exit the Pokemon Center and go in the direction of Viridian Forest.
We also head out, we looked for a nearby park, and then do our daily training.
Back in the Pokemon Center
"Nurse Joy, I saw this yesterday night after the incident, seems to belong to the Team Rocket" Officer Jenny showed the shield with a fist mark on it.
"And from the moment I arrived, I saw the trainer named Noctus in a fight with the two"
"Oh did that kid know martial arts?" asked Nurse Joy.
"It seems so, mostly trainers only rely on their Pokemons, so when accidents happened they have no means to at least defend themselves"
"Oh I see, by the way, I've talked with my sister in Pewter City, she said that she already received the Pokemons that I sent yesterday"
"That's good, I hope that there would be no incident like this happen again, luckily trainer Noctus stall time for the reinforcements to arrive, otherwise there will be a lot of damage" Officer Jenny sighed.
I taught Tyrouge the 'Basic Fighting Style' to which he started practicing.
We followed our daily workout plan through simple jogging, push-ups, and more.
Of course, I added Saitama's legendary secret training, although I only added a bit so that Tyrouge can adjust as he grows stronger.
After 2 hours of workout, we headed back to the Pokemon Center and ate our breakfast.
Then we decided to tour around the city and buy the equipment we would be used on our training.
Our first stop would be the Viridian City Mall, we didn't know where to go so we just walked around aimlessly.
Tyrouge kept pointing from here and there. I look like a parent with a kid who points at the toys in the toys store.
We saw various stuff such as posters of the Elite Four, as a particular guy caught both of our attention.
The Elite Four Bruno, a tall muscular man with long black hair tied with a thick ponytail, and based on his attire, he seems to be a master of fighting type.
I think Bruno and I had some similarities, though I wouldn't be focusing on one specific Pokemon type, hell I can even catch a Ditto and teach it with all the techniques making it a jack of all techniques.
"Yo Tyrouge! see that guy over there has a Hitmonchan, you think you can defeat it?" I asked.
"Ty... Tyrouge... Tyrouge...? Ty... Ty... Tyrouge... (Are you kidding me boss? Of course we would, not just that, but all of them)"
"That's what I'm talking about HAHAHAHAHA"
"Tyrororouge... (HAHAHAHAHA)"
I suddenly heard a noise as I saw a commotion happening various flash of cameras, as the crowd formed holding posters of a celebrity.
Can't help but be curious, as I squeezed through the crowd with Tyrouge on my shoulder, only to see a beautiful face waving her hand to her fans, as she walked with her bodyguard to somewhere I didn't bother to know.
My gaze followed her as she turns towards our direction, our gaze locked for a split second, as I waved at her to which she smiled and waved back.
I felt happy seeing her smile, she must've thought that I was one of her fans, anyways after that the crowd dispersed and Tyrouge and I return to our stroll.
Tyrouge on my shoulder knocked on my head.
"Tyrouge... Ty... (You seemed happy boss)"
"Oh it's nothing HEHE"
We continued our stroll, more like window shopping since our budget is not that much, we looked for some cheap clothes but good quality, since my clothes are mostly the same.
Entering the store I picked three different pairs, as I was about to pay for them to the cashier, I saw Tyrouge wearing sunglasses, he seems to like it so I also bought it for him.
After that we decided to head to the sports center to buy equipment for our training I bought two small punching bags, two pairs of punching gloves and four sets of weights for the ankles and arms which we wore after paying, I would have bought more but I can just make the others myself.
I also decided to buy cooking utensils, since I will be needing them when I'm out in the wild.
I put all the things that I bought in the inventory except my clothes which I put in my backpack.
Checking my budget, I only had around 13,000 Pokedollars, since I also buy some ingredients, the equipment is a bit costly so that's all that is left.
Exiting the mall, I decided to take a look at the Pokemon Academy since it's free to go, with Tyrouge in tow who wore his shades.
Arriving outside the academy I saw little kids running and playing and some Pokemon Trainer with their Pokemon, the guard noticed me and approached me suspiciously.
"Good day Sir, what brings you here? Are you the trainer?" he asked.
"Uhm yes, I guess" I'm not sure what to answer, but I'm sure that I am a trainer.
"Well, in that case, welcome Mr. Trainer, follow me to the principal's office, the principal is waiting for you" he said, as another guard switched with him to guard the entrance.
"You can just call me Noctus" I said, still not sure what is this all about.
"Okay Mr. Noctus"
Following the guard, I never expect that the academy is that big, I saw children and some young trainers roaming around here and there.
*knock *knock
"Come in"
Entering the principal's office, I saw a bald middle-aged man wearing eyeglasses.
Reaching his hand as he greeted me "It's nice to meet you Mr. Trainer the name is Albert the principal of this academy"
"Nice to meet you Mr. Albert, my name is Noctus and I think I'm not the trainer you're expecting" I decided to tell the truth.
"Oh I see, but I think its fine Mr. Noctus since we invited trainers to share their experience and give tips to everyone"
"Oh I see" I answered, I decided to at least share my experiences with the young ones.
'Seems pretty easy' All I have to do is to share my experience in a classroom.
I followed the principal to the auditorium, that's the moment I realized I completely f*cked up. I don't have any experience speaking in front of a crowd since I was practically a loner in my past life.
I saw Tyrouge snickering beside me, to which I glared at him.
Walking backstage I saw the seats are filled up.
[Ding!] I sighed in relief, knowing that there will be rewards after this, I checked the quest panel.
[Quest Name: "Just Do It!"
Quest Details: As a trainer who doesn't always rely on his Pokemons for his safety, provide tips to the students and young trainers, so that they can manage to save themselves when accidents happen.
Quest Reward: 5 BD Points, 5000 Pokedollars
Quest Time Limit: None]
Upon seeing the reward I became excited.
"This is the sacrifice that I'm willing make" I muttered under my breath.
"Are you ready Mr. Noctus?" asked the principal smilingly, as I nodded.
As he pushed me to the stage, followed by Tyrouge.
"Hello G-good afternoon everyone, let me introduce myself, I'm Noctus Shieda a-and I am a Pokemon Trainer, and this is my partner Tyrouge"
"Tyrouge (Sup y'all)" as Tyrouge give them a thumbs up while wearing his sunglasses.
"*cough For today everyone I will be talking about tips for trainers so they can easily save themselves when accidents happen"
I talked on and on about trainers should learn self-defense and basic martial arts, so as to not always rely on their Pokemon, I also talk a bit about my past about the first time a wild Pokemon almost attack me, I kept the sensitive information about my parents. Though I have limited knowledge and first time speaking in front of a crowd, I properly delivered my speech.
The kids and young trainers learned new things that will surely help them with their adventure.
Walking out off the stage, I met the principal who in turn congratulated me for my successful speech and thanked me for the knowledge that I share with the young ones, he passed me an envelope, and I just pocketed the envelope and say my goodbyes as I exit the academy.
A while later a Pokemon Trainer arrived at the entrance of the academy.
"I hope I'm not that late" he approached the guard and asked, as the guard took him to the principal.
"HAHAHA of course welcome Mr. Trainer" the principal and the trainer head to the auditorium.
Walking out of the academy, Tyrouge and my stomach growled, as we decided to eat lunch first before going to a nearby park to start our training.
Along the way, I bought small sacks, rope, and foams for the equipment that I would be making.
We reached a simple restaurant and have lunch.
After that, we return to the park where we had our workout in the morning.
I found a bench and just act normally as I took the sacks and foams out of my backpack.
I filled the sacks with foams, while Tyrouge ties the end with a rope.
We plan to tie the other end of the rope on the branches of a tree, as we practice our dodging ability.
While we are busy, a suspicious person approached us.
The person is wearing a jacket even the sun is high up, sunglasses, a cap, and a face mask.
As I noticed the figure I immediately stood up to confront that person.
Tyrouge stood beside me prepared to attack if the other party do something bad.
"Shhh" the figure told us to be quiet.
Now I'm pretty sure that this person might be a drug dealer or something.
"Wait!" my voice cut off shortly after hearing a voice of a girl.
"What?" I asked, I would still attack even if the other party is a girl, I'm an advocate of true gender equality.
"Wait, calm down, I'm not a bad guy"
I signal Tyrouge to stand down.
"Who are you then, you looked suspicious to me" I said, even though I'm pretty sure that she had a special identity.
"Uhm you see, I have a special identity" she spoke.
"Are you a daughter of a rich family, a member of some secret organization, or a celebrity or something?" I asked to which she nodded.
"Then why are you here anyways the park has many people they might identify you, you should have your bodyguard right?"
"HEHE yeah, I just ran off since we would go to another city tomorrow, I heard that there is a cake shop here so I decided to try before we leave, but it's already closed" she said with a dejected tone.
'Closed? that shop closes early huh'
"Your luck is bad aren't ya, luckily I still have some spare cookies here, want some?" I asked, since I store it in the inventory it's still hot.
Smelling the aroma the woman couldn't help but drool, she immediately wiped it embarrassingly.
"Here take all of it" as I hand over the bag with some cookies in it, it's not that much since Tyrouge and I ate some along the way.
"Are you sure?" she hesitated a bit since from the smell alone it seems to be delicious.
"Yes!" I asked grandma for the recipe so I pretty much know how to make it, though not as delicious as grandma's, it's fine I just felt bad for the girl, since we would be also following the diet plan that I created which we would not be able to eat it often, so it's better to give it away to spread grandma's delicious cooking.
"Tyrouge... (I'm done boss)"
"You're done already?"
"Ty... Tyrouge... Tyrouge... (Yep pretty much since your so busy talking with a girl)"
Tyrouge already had a plan in mind on what to tell for the next call with grandma.
"What are we waiting for let's go to our next destination" we store the foam bags on the backpack as we jog to no one knows where only the author.
"Wait, I forgot to ask your na-" she said as our figure get's further and further.
If Noctus was here, he would've thought that it was a bit too cliche.
Looking at the bag of cookies in her hand, she can't help but think of the guy earlier who gave it to her.
As she turned the bag, she saw a note.
{To my cute, handsome, and beloved grandson Noctus}
Seems like Noctus also forgot about the note.
Upon reading it she can't help but giggle.
"Noctus huh, I look forward to meeting you again" as she smiled and walked in the direction of a hotel.
(A.N: That would be all for this chapter
If you like the story I would highly appreciate it if you save it to your library. YOUTH!!!)
(I'm not sure if I would be able to post till Wednesday next week since we would be having our reports so yeah. Thanks!!!)
I don't need the "Power of Friendship", I only need the "Power of YOUTH!!!"
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