The morning's ordeal had tired them all. They had not rested well last night, and as soon as they came to the Pokemon Center, the girls left straight for their suite.
Aizen stayed with Nurse Joy for a while. He handed her the Pokeballs of Wartortle, Machop, Growlithe, Gloom, and Pidgeotto before going off to sleep.
And sleep he did.
When he woke up, it was late in the afternoon.
The girls were already up and they were in the training ground behind the Pokemon Center.
He was glad to see that Leaf was not slacking off. She was ardently working on the training of Flabebe, Weepinbell, and surprisingly, Pidgeotto. Anira was right by her side, playing with Rinko.
Aizen approached them, and after a tight hug by Anira, he inspected the feathers of the Pidgeotto that was perched on the bench. Its feathers had started darkening, indicating that it was close to its next Evolution. Pidgeotto was well above average in size, and its wings were in perfect shape.
"Aren't you a beautiful bird." He smiled at it and scratched the head lightly.
"Preee..." The bird sang under his ministrations and then took off in the air, showing its beauty in all its glory.
"Have you scanned her?" He did not take his eyes off the bird that was doing different maneuvers in the air.
"Yes!" Leaf nodded to him. "She has the ability Keen Eyes. And she knows Gust, Sand Attack, Feather Dance, Agility, Mirror Move, Wing Attack, Air Slash, and Hurricane," She proudly informed him.
"Congratulations!" Aizen caressed her head and smiled. "And it seems like you want to teach her Steel Wing?"
"Yes!" Both Leaf and Anira nodded to him. "And Double-Team!" Anira added.
He saw Misty sitting under a Tree with Politoed and Gloom, and she was busy showing the two Pokemon something on her Pokedex.
He was about to ask what she was doing, when Misty beamed a bright smile and approached them together with Gloom and Politoed.
"Leaf!" She excitedly called out. "I was just showing Gloom what she wants for her possible Evolution. And she wants to evolve into a Bellossom!" She showed them the picture of dancing Bellossoms on her Dex.
"That's awesome!" Leaf excitedly crouched down and caressed the cheek of Gloom. "You will make a beautiful Bellossom."
"Gloom..." The grass pokemon shyly said.
"What's her moveset?" He asked.
"She has the ability Chlorophyll. And she knows Acid, Sweet Scent, Poison Powder, Sleep Powder, Lucky Chant, Moonlight, and Giga Drain."
"That's nice." Aizen smiled at the little Pokemon. "We will find you a Sun Stone, but first, you must learn Venoshock. After evolving into a Bellossom, it would get tremendously hard for you to learn it on your own."
"Gloom..." The little Pokémon replied in acceptance.
Anira then handed Aizen the Pokeballs of Growlithe, Machop, and Wartortle.
"You did not call them out?" He smiled at her.
"Nope." She pulled a tongue at him.
Aizen first called out Nidoran, Scyther, and Mega Metagross. And then he called out Growlithe and Machop.
The two Pokemon warily looked at everyone around them, and panicked as soon as they held the sight of Dexter. But after seeing Politoed and Gloom present there, they calmed down a little.
Aizen crouched down and gently patted the head of Growlithe.
"I will be taking care of you from now on."
The orange puppy timidly nodded its head.
He could sense that he had to take it slow with these two. Their trauma stemmed from their previous Trainer abusing them and overworking them. So training was out of question unless they asked for it first.
He ran his finger through the Machop's head, relaxing him a little.
"I will call you Chopper from now on." He smiled at the fighting Pokemon. "And you will be Archie." He gave the orange pup some more pats.
Names were powerful tools to generate a sense of belonging in every living being. And he needed them to feel wanted and cared for.
"Now then," He looked at the Pokeball in his hand. "Time to meet General Wartortle!"
His words made the girls giggle and politoed cheerfully clapped her hands.
He threw the ball in the air, and the indigo tortoise appeared from the white light.
The moment Wartortle saw Aizen, he stumbled backwards. There was unmistakable fear in his eyes, but soon, he composed himself and looked around the girls and all the Pokemon surrounding him.
"Aww... His ears are so cute." Anira fearlessly approached him and started caressing those furry ears and tail.
Leaf and Misty too joined her and Aizen just stood there, chuckling at Wartortle's ever-changing expressions. Eventually, he grew too embarrassed that he retreated inside his shell. And that earned a loud round of laughter from everyone including the Pokemon.
Aizen took out his Dex and scanned Growlithe's Pokeball.
"Growlithe, the Fire Pokemon. Growlithe is a quadrupedal canine Pokémon. It has orange fur with black stripes along its back and legs. The fur on its muzzle, chest, belly, and tail is beige, as is an additional tuft of fur on top of its head. Growlithe's coat is noticeably longer on its chest and tail. It has gray eyes, a black nose, and large, round ears with beige interiors. Its forepaws have two visible claws, while its hind paws have three toes each. Each paw has a brown pad. Growlithe are very loyal to their friends and Trainers."
"This Growlithe is Male."
"Ability: Flash Fire."
"Moves Known: Bite, Roar, Flame Wheel, Fire Fang, Agility, Morning Sun, Reversal, Flame Thrower, Iron Tail, Double-Edge."
The moveset elated Aizen, and saddened him at the same time. He could feel that growlithe had been put through hell without a care to achieve this moveset.
He sighed and scanned the Pokeball of Machop.
"Machop, the Fighting Pokemon. Machop is a humanoid, bipedal Pokémon that has gray skin. It has three brown ridges on top of its head, large red eyes, and a relatively flat face. On either side of its chest are three, thin, rib-like stripes. Its feet appear to have no toes, while its hands have five fingers. Machop also has a short, stubby tail. Machop are capable of lifting many times their own body weight."
"This Machop is Male."
"Ability: Steadfast."
"Moves Known: Leer, Low Kick, Focus Energy, Karate Chop, Bulk Up, Counter, Protect, Dynamic Punch, Low Sweep, Seismic Toss, Vital Throw, and Submission."
He could feel the pain of Machop when he saw the moveset. With everything, it should have long ago evolved into a Machoke, but its trauma was hindering it.
"Wartortle, the Water Pokemon. Wartortle is a small, bipedal, turtle-like Pokémon with a similar appearance to that of its pre-evolved form, Squirtle. Some differences are that Wartortle have developed sharper and larger claws and teeth, and that their tails are larger and fluffier than those of Squirtle's. The fur on Wartortle's tail darkens with age. Wartortle have developed large furry ears. Like its pre-evolved form, it can also use its shell to protect itself."
"This Wartortle is Male."
"Ability: Rain Heart."
"Moves known: Tackle, Tail Whip, Withdraw, Bite, Rapid Spin, Protect, Waterfall, Rain Dance, Hydro Pump, and Skull Bash."
"Yeah..." Aizen couldn't help but laugh when he imagined Wartortle using Tail Whip.
"What's are you laughing at?" Misty approached him and asked.
"Wartortle using Tail Whip." He chuckled some more when he said that.
Misty too giggled when she visualised it.
"I doubt he would listen to you if you ask him to perform Tail Whip." She smirked at him.
"Yeah, well... I am not in the mood to tease him today." He did not give in to her provocation. "Anira!" He called out to his little sister.
"Yes, Brother?" She came running to his side with Rinko in her arms.
"We will be preparing a Pokemon Feast. Special food for everyone." He smiled at her.
"I will help you out!" She excitedly said and then skipped ahead of him to their Suite to get the utensils and ingredients.
Their group occupied nearly all of the Training Ground. Some Trainers approached them and observed their Pokemon. And most of them seemed to be interested in Dexter. But none of them had guts to get anywhere near him.
Aizen, with the help of the girls, prepared PokeFood for all of them. Dexter did not need to eat PokeFood, and so he was the only one not interested in the party. At Aizen's, signal, it silently teleported away to hunt for food.
It was satisfying to watch their Pokemon devour all the food after all the effort they had put in. Even the former Squirtle's Squad did not shy away. Wartortle's hesitation had vanished the moment he had taken the first bite, and now it was happily lying back on its shell, spinning around very slowly with the help of its tail.
"Alright, Scyther. We will continue our Training to learn Aerial Ace."
The green mantis was pumped up for training after the fulfilling meal.
Even though Scyther could not tap into the full potential of Aerial Ace, since he was not a bird Pokemon, it would still prove to be an invaluable asset in the moveset. The key was Scyther's ability, and his natural speed. He was born to rely more on his speed, and Aizen wanted to make him a Powerhouse. If Scyther, someday, decided to evolve into a Scizor, all the speed training he was putting him through would prove invaluable.
They trained until late in the evening, and went to bed early. Tomorrow, they would depart for Bill's Lighthouse, which was a few hours away from the Hazelwood Town.