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73.73% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 159: EPISODE 159: Unexpected Turn of Events!?

Capítulo 159: EPISODE 159: Unexpected Turn of Events!?

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" Camellia beamed with excitement while banging two pots.

"I... It's early in the morning Camellia." Glade uttered with a drowsy voice.

"I know! Didn't Captain Smith tell us that we have to arrive at the harbor early today?" Camellia recalled.

"Ah!? I totally forgot about that!" I beamed with shock and hurry as I unfurled my blanket. It was six in the morning, I totally forgot about our quest with Captain Smith.

Another day mournful day has arrived for Laurenburg. Today is the last moment for Ms.Beatrice's funeral. Most of her closest relatives will be visiting her today, alongside with Zhery and Sean for one last look at the former champion's ashes.

And my friends on the other hand, will be visiting the Uno-Laura city for a quest to find the beast behind the myth. Camellia prepared her notebooks and sharpened all of her pencils. While on the other hand, I went directly to the Pokemon Center to switch out Pokemons.

For today's team, I'll be using:




-Riolu of course.



Who knows if the beast is a legendary Pokemon? Plus, Zapdos is an electric type that deals with a whole lot of damage against water type Pokemons. Still, it is unclear if this legendary Pokemon or maybe just a plain Pokemon is a dual-type or just a water type. Maybe it could be a new Pokemon species, who knows? Only time will tell, as the quest to find the beast continues!

"Welcome aboard my ship young lads!" Our sleepy spirits were suddenly awakened by Captain Smith's pirate voice. His ship was made out of metal, it had the looks of a mini pirate ship mixed with technology. Captain Smith's ship also had fishing rods and life vests.

The ship was colored with gauntlet gray. It operates with a large battery found under the deck. The flagpole's pigment was coated with fireweed, while the deck's floor was burnished with empire gold.

As we strode to the deck, we could feel the wind and breeze blowing our hair and caps. Camellia held her victorian hat tightly while Glade, eh... he's not fond of wearing hats.

<Wingull! Wing! Wing!>Wingulls flew and glide with the breeze. The azure blue sky was filled with thin clouds while the water from the lake was warm and gentle.

The ship also had small cabins for me and my friends. It was made out of metallic walls, and had a pirate feeling to it. When the time was right, Captain Smith giggled and rang the bell. He turned the steering wheel clockwise and set sailed to the further reaches Uno-Laura.

Vaporeon was a nice Pokemon to play with. A white eloquent mane, blue eyes, and a yellow filling in the fin. His tail was long, while his body smelled like fish.

"Uno-Laura consists of two main parts, the shallow and deep reaches!" Captain Smith explained while steering the both.

"The shallow reaches consists of gentle and warm water, however, the deep reaches are filled with violent storms and raging currents." Captain Smith added.

"V... Violent storms!? Oh wait... there's no rain, I forgot." Camellia was shocked for the moment until suddenly she remembered what happened in Enju town.

"Eh? What do you mean no rain?" Captain Smith questioned.

"Um... It's nothing. Hehe." Camellia uttered with worry as a sweat droplet fell from her face. Me and Glade were also worried that Camellia almost caused the region to panic.

From one person, he or she can spread the news to hundreds or maybe even thousands of people. Those people will then spread the news to other people until the whole region knows about it.

"Eh!? This is mind-boggling. There's no storm." Captain Smith beamed with shock and awe while looking at the vast sea. Everything seemed normal, Camellia extended her hand and felt that the water was warm.

"This is shocking... I was expecting a storm, yesterday I was expecting one too, but it surprised me with a hurricane instead. No water, just wind." Captain Smith thought deeply about what was happening.

"If there is no storm, that means it is easy to spot the beast right?" Glade questioned.

"It's also weird that my Vaporeon can't use rain dance as well." Captain Smith wondered.

For hours, we've been sailing under the sea. No storms, just strong winds. Due to boredom, I have decided to try fishing. It is my first time, so don't expect me to catch a Manaphy or a Gyarados.

"Step 1: Gather your equipment..." I uttered softly while reading my fishing manual a guru gave me yesterday.

"Step 2: Understand the importance of each equipment:


The spool is what the fishing line is wound around


When the handle turns, line is forced back into the reel


The bail is a metal arm that can stop the line from coming out of the spool

When "closed", little to no line can come out of the spool

When "open", line can come out of the spool freely

Reel Foot

The reel foot is like a puzzle piece that firmly connects the rod to the reel

Drag Knob

The drag knob allows you to set how easily line can come out of the spool when the bail is closed

When the know is "tightened", line cannot come out of the spool with the bail closed

When the knob is "loosened", line can come out of the spool with very little force applied when the bail is closed

Line Roller

The line roller accurately guides the line from the spool to the rod


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How to Setup and Use a Spinning Rod and Reel

By colson0513 in OutsideFishing





Introduction: How to Setup and Use a Spinning Rod and Reel

Are you frustrated with the tedious process of setting up and learning how to use your spinning rod and reel? If so, have no fear! You have found the Instructable that will show you everything you need to know about your spinning rod and reel. Although it is initially difficult to set up and use, the spinning rod and reel will enhance your fishing abilities and will give you the versatility you need to catch nearly any kind of fish.

With no previous knowledge or skill on spinning rods and reels, this Instructable will take you approximately 30 minutes to complete. However, with a little more experience, setting up your rod and reel will take you just 10 minutes of your time.


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Step 1: Gather Your Equipment

Spinning Reel

If you have not purchased your spinning reel, you should first research what kind of reel will suit your needs

Here are informative sites from Bass Pro Shops and Cabelas to get you started

You should also visit a nearby Cabelas, Bass Pro Shops, or Gander Mountain and talk to their fishing department to determine what reel is best for you

Spinning Rod

Often times spinning rods will be designed to go with specific reels. So, I would recommend that you go into your local fishing store to ensure you get the rod that you need

Fishing Line

The type of fishing line you will use is fully dependent upon what type of fish you are fishing for

Here is a helpful site from that shows the basic types of fishing line


The type of bait you should use also depends on what you are fishing for. Research this before you go fishing.

Tip: Bring multiple types of bait when fishing, as fish will prefer different baits during different days


No researching here! Any kind of scissors will work


Step 2: Understand the Important Parts of the Equipment

The Reel


The spool is what the fishing line is wound around


When the handle turns, line is forced back into the reel


The bail is a metal arm that can stop the line from coming out of the spool

When "closed", little to no line can come out of the spool

When "open", line can come out of the spool freely

Reel Foot

The reel foot is like a puzzle piece that firmly connects the rod to the reel

Drag Knob

The drag knob allows you to set how easily line can come out of the spool when the bail is closed

When the know is "tightened", line cannot come out of the spool with the bail closed

When the knob is "loosened", line can come out of the spool with very little force applied when the bail is closed

Line Roller

The line roller accurately guides the line from the spool to the rod.

Rod Tip

The tip is the last 4 inches of the rod and is the thinnest part of the rod to help you feel when a fish bites

Caution: Be aware of where the tip of your rod is, as it is the easiest part of the rod to break


Guides are circles that the line passes through and are there to keep the line close to the rod

Reel Seat

The reel seat is the other "puzzle piece" that the reel foot connects to that secures the reel to the rod


The handle is often made up of a softer material than the rod, as it is what you will be holding the entire time you are fishing" I'll be honest, all those informations was unable to process in my head right away. I read the book and all I know are the words fishing and rod.

" Step 3: Connect the reel to the rod, what in the world is a reel?" I questioned.

"Step 4: String the rod...

1. Grab the tip of the line with one hand.

2. Open the bail arm with the other hand.

3. Place the line on each of the rod guides." I uttered softly while setting up the fishing rod.

"Step 5: Set the drag knob...

. Turn the drag knob clockwise to tighten or counterclockwise to loosen

2. Manually pull line from your reel to determine how the drag has been effected

3. Repeat these steps until the drag is set at a desirable amount

It will take experience to determine what to set your drag to, so ask someone with more experience if possible

If that someone is unavailable, set your drag on the loose side, as setting it too tight can cause the line to break when reeling in a fish

Setting the drag should always be done before you start fishing. However, you CAN change the drag while fishing, if you realize the drag is too loose or too tight. Here are signs and results that will occur if the drag is not set properly:

Drag is too loose

The fish can easily take the line out of the reel

The hook will have little tension in the fish's mouth, allowing the fish to spit the hook out

Drag is too tight

The rod is bending a lot, but the fish is not taking out any line

The line will have too much tension in it, causing the line to break

It is important to note that when reeling in a fish, the fish should be able to take a line from the reel (unless the fish is very small). How tight the drag will be will depend on what type of fish you are fishing for and what type of line you are using. You will quickly learn what your drag needs to be set to once you get out to the water and start fishing." I continued to read what was written in the manual, and just like I said, the only words I understood were fish, fishing, and rod.

"Oh man Riolu, I don't understand this manual!" I complained while shaking Riolu's body.

"Don't pour all your frustration in me!" Riolu beamed with anger and squinted his eyes.

"Sorry Riolu... I don't even know what a reel is." I became disappointed and beamed with frustration.

"I see you're having problems with fishing." Camellia giggled and sat beside me.

"Yeah... I don't know how to fish. All I know is that you use a fishing rod to fish, and I also know that this fishing rod is a super rod." I uttered softly with disappointment.

"Here, I'll help you." Camellia smiled and took my fishing rod. I was amazed that she didn't need to need to read the whole manual.

"Thanks Camellia... I never thought that you were this good at fishing." I complimented.

"My mother thought me how to fish when I was young. Since I lived on a remote island, fishing was kinda my hobby back then." Camellia explained while setting up my fishing rod.

"That reminds me, your mother is the queen of team Chaos right? Is she like your father, who's dream is to become a God?" I questioned.

"No. My mother just wants to support my father. She loves my father very much. The truth is, my mother is caring and compassionate towards all People and Pokemon. Sometimes, my mother would scold dad for hurting a Pokemon or a person, especially if that person is me.

I'll also be honest, father is afraid when mother scolds him. That's why she has no choice but to follow what the mother says. He's scared to hurt me because she knew that mother would scold him again." Camellia giggled and explained.

"But if your mother cares for all people and Pokemon, why doesn't she scold Arville about his wrong ambitions?" I questioned.

"When it comes to dreams, the mother does not interfere. She doesn't want the father's goal to be disrupted even if she knows that what he's doing is wrong. Anyways, here's your fishing rod! It's all set." Camellia smiled and handed me the fishing rod.

"Alright, all I have to do is to toss this string right?" I questioned.

"Um... do you have a lure?"

"A lure? What do you mean by that? Is that food or something?"

"No silly! A lure is used for attracting water type Pokemons. Here, I'll give you my lure. Don't worry, you can have it, my mother made me 29 more." Camellia smiled and handed me a lure. The lure she gave me was shaped as an Eevee.

It looked like Camellia's partner named Ivy, when she wasn't a Sylveon yet. "Thanks Camellia." I smiled back as I hung the lure on the tip of the rod.

"Now, all you have to do is to turn that counter-clockwise then toss!" Camellia pointed while explaining. Her explanations were more profounding rather than the fishing manual. Me and Camellia waited for about ten minutes. The lure was soaked deeply as we waited patiently for a water type Pokemon to take the bait.

"Um... you do know you're using a super-rod right? Meaning there's a high chance for you to catch a strong Pokemon."

"Oh really!? Great. I can't wait to see what Pokemon I'll be catching." I beamed with excitement and enthusiasm. Three minutes later, a Pokemon bit the lure. I was shocked as I and Riolu reacted quickly.

"Ah! It's too strong." I uttered loudly while using all of my might to pull the Pokemon up. Even Riolu was pulling my leg.

"Oh my, it must be a big Pokemon!" Camellia uttered with shock and pulled my shoulder. We tried as much as we can to pull the Pokemon to the ship but it kept on pulling us instead.

The three of us battled the squirming Pokemon fiercely. Brute strength and might is needed when fishing up a large Pokemon. Captain Smith was cheering for us while Glade was taking pictures.

<Gyarados!>The Pokemon raged with anger and decided to show himself. It had a long body, largemouth, feisty eyes, and large fins, but it couldn't fly. Moments later, the other Gyarados joined in the fun and caused a large hurricane on our area. No rain, just wind and dark clouds.

"Oi lad! What course have you brought upon us!?" Captain Smith questioned as the waves gushed violently.

"You can go to Gyarados! I didn't mean to catch you." I uttered and shiver with fear while Camellia hid behind my back. Fear succumbed to the four of us while the hurricane started to blow the wind.

<Gya! Gyarados!>Gyarados beamed with anger as it tried to use rain dance but was unsuccessful.

"Zapdos, come out then use Extreme Electron!"

<Zapdos!>The Pokemon used the attack on one of the Gyarados and caused it to faint. The other two Gyarados attacked Zapdos from behind and used Hyper Beam on it, ending Zapdos pretty quickly.

"Zapdos return to your Pokeball!" I shouted as thunder came crashing down to the sea.

"Oi you there! And the one with the victorian hat, don't attack ye Gyarados! Ya in a suicide mission or somethin'!?"

"Come on Camellia, we have to go to the other side of the dock!" I instructed and pulled her hand. The Gyarados were their worm-like bodies. The boat started to shake due to the violent winds and waves.

"Ahhh! Hold on tight." Captain Smith instructed while trying to control the ship.

Me and my friends clung unto a pole or any sturdy object. The barrels started to roll to the sea, as lightning burned down the flag. "Curse ye killers!" Captain Smith beamed loudly while controlling the ship. The Gyarados continued to follow us as the burning flag started to spread on the pole. Me and my friends were unable to do anything.

"Kalem help!" Riolu beamed loudly. He almost fell down the ship, good thing I was able to grab her hand.

"Hang in there Riolu!" I instructed while trying to cling on one of the ropes and on Riolu's palm.

The burning pole started to fall down and damaged the head of one of the Gyarados. The Gyarados dropped on the ocean, leaving one left.

<Gya! Gya! Gyarados!>Gyarados raged and used Hyper Beam on the ship. Captain's Smith's ship separated into two.

"Go away ya filthy scamps!" Captain Smith infuriated as Glade and him separated with me and Camellia.

The ship was wrecked into pieces as the larger parts of the ship sank to the bottom. I, Camellia, and Riolu were able to cling unto a metal scrap.

"Wh... Where's Glade and Captain Smith!?" Camellia questioned and as she spits out water from her mouth.

The three of us began to drift away from the wreckage. Glade and Captain Smith on the other hand also drifted away. Gyarados was able to calm down sometime later, as the hurricane disappeared. The raging water Pokemon returned to the depths, living the ship all wrecked while we got separated from our friends.

"Camellia, hang tight!" I instructed while clinging tightly to the metal piece. The waves were still violent and brutal. It drifted me and Camellia alongside with Riolu to a small deserted island. Glade and Captain Smith were also drifted away. They were able to cling on a piece that was scrapped from a metal door. They flew across the sea and landed ashore on the other side of the island. If you're wondering what happened to Vaporeon, it came with Glade and Captain Smith.

While being drifted ashore Camellia suddenly shouted. "Something bit my leg!" Camellia shouted win pain while trying to shake off the Pokemon that bit her leg. Unexpected turn of events have caused this quest to prolong. What will happen next?! The answer's to come as the journey continues...

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