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6.45% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 13: EPISODE 13: Z-Crystal, here we come!

Capítulo 13: EPISODE 13: Z-Crystal, here we come!

"So Kalem, you are up against a Totem Pokemon later, are you ready?" Glade queried while me and Riolu were eating lunch together.

"Yeah! Me and Riolu are more confident now than never before!" I boasted towards Glade.

"What strategies are you planning to use then? You do know that Totem Pokemons are very powerful right?" Glade questioned.

"It depends. It depends on the type of the totem." I answered.

"Well whatever your strategy is, always remember not to get intimidated by the totem Pokemon."

"Thanks for the advise Glade, I'll surely remember that!"

"I know you will..."

"Lunch is over, we ask everyone to proceed to their classes except for Kalem! Kalem, please proceed to the Emerald woods for your Totem challenge." The headmaster proclaimed through the use of a microphone and speaker.

Everyone was in a rush going to their perspective classes. In the meantime, I was walking towards the Emerald woods, but before I left, I was wished good luck from Glade and Zhery.

"Alright Riolu, remember our strategy!" I instructed as we walked through the corridors.

"I know Kalem! We're gonna totally win against the totem Pokemon!"

"That's the spirit Riolu!" I bubbled.

Before entering the Emerald woods, I saw Kahuna Hala blocking the way together with the headmaster.

"I wonder what's going on?" I queried upon my mind.

"Oh there you are Kalem!" Kahuna Hala exclaimed as I walked closer to him and the headmaster.

"So, feeling nervous again?" The headmaster asked.

"Nope, me and Riolu aren't scared anymore, we could totally nail this challenge!"

"That's the attitude my boy!" Kahuna Hala exclaimed.

"So Kahuna Hala, where can I find the Totem Pokemon?" I asked with confidence.

"It can be found deep within the forest, guarding the Golden tree..." Kahuna Hala answered.

"A Golden tree?" I wondered.

"Yes Kalem, A golden tree... It is a kind of tree that can bear all types of berries, from Oran to Aguav berries!" The headmaster explained.

"So all I have to do is to go in the woods, find the golden tree which bears all different kinds of berries then I can battle the Totem Pokemon?" I had to clear things up.

"Yes, once you're done... You can return back to the orphanage, if you win against the totem Pokemon then you can battle me!" Kahuna Hala cleared.

"So, Kalem... Whenever you're ready, just walk towards the woods!" the headmaster said.

"Alright headmaster Beatrice, Kahuna Hala, I'll be going now and I'll be knocking down that totem!" I said with pure confidence.

"We bid you good luck Kalem!" the headmaster and the Kahuna shouted as I walked farther from them and nearer to the Golden Tree."

"Alright Riolu, the instruction is clear and loud, all we have to do is to find the Golden tree that bears all sorts of berries!"

"But where can we find the golden tree Kalem?"

"Well I guess we have to keep on searching Riolu!" I said with determination.

We searched for almost one hour and we still couldn't find the golden tree! There was even a point where me and Riolu doubted about the existence of a golden tree here in the woods.

"I'm... I'm so tired" I said groggily.

"Well we have to keep on searching just like what you said Kalem!" Riolu said as he tried to recover my determination.

"But, I'm too tired I want to rest" I said groggily as I was about to close my eyes and sit on a log.

"No... Keep it together Kalem! We have to keep searching, you want a Z-crystal right?"

"Oh you're right Riolu!" My sleepy body turned into a determined one as I stood up and continued to walk.

"Hmmm, where could this Golden tree be?" I asked myself, then an Idea rushed into my brain!

"Aha! I know what to do, Riolu, why don't you ask the Pokemons around the area, if they had seen any golden tree around here."

"That's a great idea Kalem! I'll go ask them!" Riolu climbed down my shoulder and asked the surrounding Pokemon if they have seen any golden tree nearby.

"Umm excuse me Spewpa, but have you seen any Golden tree nearby?" Riolu asked.

Spew... Spew... Spewpa!

"So Riolu, what did Spewpa say?"

"No... Spewpa doesn't know."

"Then don't give up Riolu!" I told Riolu as he looked for more Pokemon to ask from.

"Hey Larvitar, have you seen a tree that has all sorts of Berries?"


"Yes, a golden tree... Have you seen one of those around here?"

Larvitar... Larvi Larvitar!

"Oh... Thanks anyways" Riolu thanked.

"So does Larvitar know any golden tree?"

"He knows what a golden tree is, but he doesn't know where to find one," Riolu explained.

"Just keep asking, I know one of these Pokemon knows where to find it" I told.

Me and Riolu were then interrupted by an explosion in the nearby pond.

"Come on Riolu, lets see what happened!"

"Haha! Palpitoad surrender to us right now!" as tight net surrounded Palpitoad's body.

"H... Hey, what are you doing to Palpitoad!?" I asked and exclaimed as we arrived in the lake.

"You're here again kid?" Nate asked.

"Team Chaos! What are you doing with Palpitoad!"

"Urgh! You just don't know when to give up do you?" Cyra asked with anger.

"Let go of Palpitoad, or we'll battle you!"

"Challenge accepted kid, try battling me!" Cyra volunteered to battle me and Riolu!

"Alright then! Go Riolu!"

"Ekans! Shine and Glimmer!"

"Riolu use metal claw!"

"A new move Eh? Take a look at this, Ekans, dodge then use super fang!"

*Riolu's metal claw missed!*

*Ekans super fang was able to hit Riolu*

"You think we're giving up so easily? Riolu use Quick attack!"

"Quick Ekans! Dodge it!"

*Ekans was unable to dodge!*

EKANS!!!! Cyra's Pokemon slithered.

"Ekans use super fang once more!"

"Riolu circle around Ekans"

"Ekans behind you!"

"Riolu, use Karate chop!"

*Ekans is unable to battle!*

"You were just lucky kid! Come on Nate leave that Palpitoad let's find one somewhere else!" Cyra badgered!

"Alright if you say so!" Nate responded.

Team Chaos left with their fancy helicopter, they left Palpitoad all injured and hurt!

"Palpitoad are you alright? Riolu use metal claw to cut the net!"

*Riolu cuts the net*

"Here, I have a super potion,"

"But Kalem, that's our last one, what will you give me if I'm about to lose against the totem Pokemon?"

"Sorry Riolu, but Palpitoad needs it more than you"

*Kalem sprays the super potion*


"Kalem, Palpitoad said thank you!"

"Well Riolu, please say that I said you're welcome to Palpitoad"

"Palpitoad, my buddy Kalem said your welcome!"

PALP! (Palpitoad smiles.)

"Oh right, Palpitoad Palpitoad! Can I ask a question?"


"Me and Kalem are looking for a golden tree with all sorts of berries! Do you know where we can find it?"

Palp... Palp Pitoad toad Palp!

"Oh really? thanks so much Palpitoad!"

"Riolu what are you two talking about?"

"Kalem, Kalem, good news! Palpitoad knows where we can find the golden tree!"

"Oh really! Thanks Palpitoad!" I smiled towards Palpitoad.

PALP PALP! (Palpitoad smiles)

"Come on Kalem, it's just east of the pond!" Riolu told me as he jumped to my shoulder.

"Riolu, you don't need to be in a rush!"

"I know, I always become excited every time I adventure out with you!" Riolu cooed.

Finally after moving towards the east, we finally found the golden tree. It was guarded by two Pokemons... One was tall and one was short.

I quickly grabbed my Pokèhandbook since I still don't have a Pokèdex yet.

"So that small one is a Yungoos! And that big one is its evolution, the Gumshoos that Kahuna Hala was talking about!" I concur

"Gumshoos, the totem Pokemon of the Emerald woods, please accept my challenge!"

GUM GUMSHOOS! The totem Pokemon bickered.

"Kalem, Gumshoos said that if I want to battle him, I must first defeat yungoos!"

"Alright then Gumshoos, I'll battle Yungoos!"

"Go Riolu, face towards Yungoos!

YUNGOOS! (he shouted in determination)

"Riolu use quick attack!"

Yungoos used headbutt!

*Both Ruolu and Yungoos were damaged!*

"Riolu now try using metal claw!"

Yungoos used protection!

*Yungoos was protected from the metal claw*

"Riolu jump to the sky!"

Yungoos looked up!

"Now use KARATE-CHOP!"


*Yungoos was badly damaged!*

"Finish this fight with metal claw!"

*Yungoos fainted*

"Alright! We did it Riolu, that battle was to easy!" I said confidently.


"Kalem, Gumshoos said that he'll gladly battle you and me!"

"Alright Gumshoos! Me and Riolu are ready to battle you... The totem Pokemon!"

*Gumshoos glares at Riolu and Kalem*

"Just like what Glade said, don't get intimidated Riolu!"

"I got it! Don't worry Kalem!"

"Riolu use karate chop!"

Gumshoos used lear!

*Riolu's attack was cut in half!"

"It... it didn't do a thing!"

Gumshoos used super fang!

"Riolu dodge it! then use Quick attack!"

*Riolu dodged the attacked, Riolu used quick attack but Gumshoos dodged it!"

Gumshoos used Bite!

*Riolu was bitten! And lifted up!*

"Riolu stay strong then use metal claw on Gumshoos face!"


*Gumshoos fell down*

"Quick Riolu use quick attack while Gumshoos is down!"

Gumshoos stood up before Riolu used quick attack!

Gumshoos used Super fang!

"Oh no Riolu!"

*Riolu's body was hit towards the floor!*

"Is this it? Is this the end?" I asked myself as Riolu was trying to stand.

"I... I can still do it Kalem, command me an attack hurry!" Riolu pleaded as he tried to stand up.

"R... Riolu, use met-"

*Gumshoos kicked Riolu!*

Riolu tried to stand up again,

"Argh!!!" Riolu shouted as he stood.

"Go Kalem! Tell me what to do, I can still fight!"

"R... Riolu, try using Met-"

*Riolu was kicked again!*

"Riolu no!"

"I... I can still fight!" Riolu shouted with determination.

"K.. Kalem, tell me what to do!" Riolu pleaded.

"If you're not giving up Riolu, I won't give up too, Riolu Protect yourself from Gumshoos's kicks by pushing the foot with Karate chop"

*Riolu pushed Gumshoos down!*

Riolu tried to stand up before Gumshoos does, Riolu's body looked tired and faded but its determination will never run dry!

"That's it!" I realized the weakness!

"Riolu use quick attack on the foot of Gumshoos!"

*Riolu tripped Gumshoos again!*


"Gumshoos is still standing strong and sturdy, Riolu use Metal claw on the right foot of Gumshoos!"

*Riolu tripped Gumshoos again, but Gumshoos still stood up!*


*Gumshoos was able to kick Riolu again!*

*Riolu blasted off!*

"Riolu are you alright!"

"I.. I can still fight! I can still stand!"

*Riolu stood up once more, but it looks like that Riolu can't handle another kick!*

"Come brain cells! Work!" I said, as I was thinking of an idea."

"Ahaaa! Riolu go under Gumshoos"

*Riolu goes under Gumshoos!*

"Now Climb up its tail then on the head use Metal claw all over again!"

Riolu did what I told him, Gumshoos's arm was too small to fight Riolu in his head, and finally, Gumshoos dropped dead.

"Kalem! We did it! We won!" Riolu shouted.

"I ran towards Riolu and hugged him very tight!"

"If only mother and father were here to watch!" I began to sob but not in sadness but in joy.

Gumshoos stood up after resting awhile and gave me some berries to heal Riolu.

GUM GUM Shoos! Yungoos!

"Kalem, Gumshoos and Yungoos wants to reward us with these berries as a sign of defeat and sportsmanship.

"Thanks so much Gumshoos and Yungoos! I won't forget the battle we ha-"

"Astounding! Astounding!" I was interrupted by someone.

"Kahuna Hala? Headmaster Beatrice?"

"Well, well, you defeated a totem Pokemon!" Beatrice said.

"Yes, and it's all because of me and Riolu's teamwork."

"Astounding my boy! What an astounding performance!"

"Thanks so much Kahuna Hala."

"Come on, lets go to the battle stadium, there you can have your grand trial! A duel against me!"

"Alright Kahuna Hala, me and Riolu are ready for your battle, and Z-Crystal... Just you wait, because me and Riolu are gonna achieve you!", I said in full joy and happiness.

As we left the Golden tree, me and Riolu waved back at Gumshoos and Yungoos!

Our determination has reached 10 000%

Me and Riolu are one step forward on obtaining a Z-Crystal.

next chapter
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