By the time the ship reached Earth the Unova League and Grand Festival were already done and over. They watched Ash's interview where he mention he would be heading to Kalos region next and that was where they decided to go after landing on the moon. They would be making contact on Earth by the use of the smaller detachable ships and Bumblebee had decided to go ahead first. The yellow bot pointed out his vehicle form was very similar to Earth's Camaro and he could blend in better till they decide to make an official contact.
Blades, "I'm coming too."
Bumblebee, "Are you sure?"
Blades, "I may have scanned one of Earth's flight vehicles from Ash's book while he was in Cybertron."
Heatwave, "Me too actually. The fire truck in one of his books was right up my ally."
Bumblebee, "Awesome! The three of us can go and scan vehicle specs for the rest of the group then."
Heatwave shook his helm, "Blades and I will do that. You have a more important job."
Blades nodded, "Find Ash and keep him safe."
Bumblebee chuckled wryly, "Yeah! Good point!"
Over the last few Earth weeks they had watched his different performances and listened to his interviews. Ash had told them about the problems Earth had to deal with but not in depth, listening to the interviews had given them perspective. Then Soundwave had hacked into their systems and found more spark attack inducing information. Ash was involved in many world ending crisis and was almost killed and definitely hurt more than once. It was very difficult for their two leaders to not just barge into the world and hunt down the people who hurt him.
In Bumblebee's humble opinion, Ash lived quite a fulfilling life and vibrant life. He had created his own blog, wrote story books, had many friends, a large family, created art, travelled, enjoyed battling and even mentored other human sparklings. The yellow scout honestly just wanted to join Ash, he and his friends looked like they had a lot of fun traveling together. And the group chats, the chaotic group chats, he wanted to join them so bad, he wanted to get to know Molly and Max and Gou and Serena and so many of them better.
One look at Blades, Heatwave, Chase, Boulder, Cool Aid, Shadowsteel and Roadblaster, the scout could tell they wanted to do the same thing. But Optimus and Megatron forbid them from simply barging into the planet, the two understood their desires quite well. However they had to do this properly and had contacted the leaders of the different regions instead and agreed to meet them. Unknown to them however Makeshift and Sunstreaker had already sneaked out of the ship followed by Sideswipe.
Makeshift, 'I'm coming.'
Sunstreaker, "Don't do anything stupid that will jeopardize our chance Makeshift."
Sideswipe, "Why are we following this guy again?"
Sunstreaker, "Because we don't want him to frag slag up for us?"
Makeshift, "Tsk! I don't need a babysitter gladiator!"
Soundwave, "Megatron, trouble!"
Megatron, "What happened?"
Soundwave pointed at Makeshift being followed by the twins, "Makeshift, Sunstreaker and Sideswipe disobeyed orders!"
Optimus had a dark look, "Sunstreaker, come in!"
Sunstreaker, "Here Prime!"
Megatron, "Gladiator what is the meaning of this?"
Sideswipe, "Don't get angry at us boss bot. We noticed Makeshift has been obssessively devouring every information packet available on your sparkling."
Sunstreaker, "We'll make sure he doesn't do anything stupid."
Jazz sighed, "Unbelievable!"
Chase, "Maybe they can randevous with the other team and work together?"
Prowl hummed, "Sideswipe is good at collecting information despite his Unicron may care attitude. Sir, if I may, we could give them missions instead."
Megatron went to decline before he thought about it, "Well our little one was ranting about this criminal Cyrus being at large. Perhaps they could go after him to capture him."
Optimus's optics gleamed, "We can even serve him as a peace offering. I believe there is still a bounty on his head."
Jazz brought up a screen, "Yup, have a look, the bounty increased last month."
Megatron, "Soundwave, pass the new mission to our three troublemakers. If they are going to act hooky they might as well be productive."
Soundwave nodded, "Understood."
Makeshift when he received the order was in the beginning a little confused. He was very sure he would be ordered to return to face punishment. Instead he received a new mission to fulfill. After going through the detail he understood why, this Cyrus hurt his sparkling. This particular human was going to be offlined by him, personally. Sunstreaker rumbled in anger as he went through the medical record they had received of Ash after his run in with Cyrus. In one of his medics words, it was a miracle Ash survived the powerful attack on him.
Sideswipe, "The two bosses want him alive."
Makeshift growled, "We'll see if he is worth keeping alive."
Sunstreaker, "For once I agree."
The three of them shifted gears and headed towards Hoenn where the blue haired man was apparently last spotted. Meanwhile Ash on the other hand had boarded the plane to Kalos with Gou, Molly and Chloe. They would be meeting Serena at her home region and as Ash was looking outside he thought he saw three cars speeding on the ocean? He was flabbergasted and rubbed his eyes before looking out again only there were no cars speeding on the water. He shook his head figuring he was just seeing things and it was probably a group of water Pokemon surfing together.
Chloe, "I can't wait to meet Serena in Kalos."
Molly, "Me too. Too bad Max didn't join us."
Ash smiled at her, "He wanted to join May while she travelled through Unova. And not to forget he will be turning thirteen by the time he is in Unova. So he will become a full fledged trainer."
Gou, "How time flies! I still remember when Max would cling to you during travels. It was cute."
Ash, "I'm just glad, he trusted me to be able to comfort him when needed."
Gou, "We should get some sleep. It'll be early morning when we land."
Chloe, "Good idea!"
Ash nodded and closed his eyes to rest up before they landed on a new region. His journey through Unova was fun and at the moment Iris was traveling through Jhoto while Cilan was visiting Hoenn. Team Plasma had really tested his patience and while N was a God send and a sweetheart his father's group was just... Ugh! They woke up during lunch time to eat from the list, it was not that bad and Gou made sure Ash was alright. Ash assured him he was alright and nuzzled close to Lucario who was using his aura to keep Ash calm. They landed in Kalos after a few more hours and Ash got out of the plane stretching his back.
Ash, "Here we are, Lumiose City."
Gou, "I see Serena."
Serena was waving, "Hey everyone! Welcome to Kalos."
The group grinned and Gou insisted on taking a photo and posting it online in order to avoid their parents and friends from freaking out over them. Ever since what happened with Cyrus their parents had become very paranoid of knowing about where their kids were all the time. Having a public account helped in decreasing their worries and fear. When the Cybertronians saw the post they were all very ecstatic to know they were correct. Blades, Bumblebee and Heatwave made a plan on meeting with Ash at one of Lumiose City's popular joints.
Heatwave, "We should meet them at this Professor Sycamore's lab. Ash did mention they are a common meeting point for the younglings of this planet."
Bumblebee, "Good idea!"
Blades, "I know where it is."
Serena was knocking on the Professor's lab door, "Professor, we are here."
Ash's Fenekin looked around curiously, "Fen."
Ash, "This is your home region baby girl. I know you were stolen from this place a long time ago but... Do you remember anything?"
Fenekin looked up at him and tilted her head, "Fen ne."
Ash, "It's okay. Take your time."
Fenekin nodded and looked around as Professor Sycamore opened the door welcoming them. The group looked around as the Professor welcomed them to Kalos and offered them a place to stay. Alain Kalos's newest Champion and partner Champion to Yvonne greeted them and asked if they would like to choose a starter. Serena looked at Fenekin and nodded, she wanted a Fenekin to match with Ash and Gou had been wanting a Chespin. After they left the lab to look around with Serena leading them around for a tour.
As they were returning from their tour they met a pair of siblings and Molly hit it off with Bonnie who was happy to make a friend closer to her age. Ash requested Clemont for a Pokemon battle, his Pikachu was curious about the electric type Pokemon in Kalos and Clemont agreed. As they were battling they were interrupted by a Froakie who challenged Lucario who eyed him curiously and accepted the challenge. Froakie put up a very good fight against the aura Pokemon before fainting from exhaustion.
Ash, "Oh dear!"
Lucario, -We should get him to the lab.-
Bonnie, "You talk?"
Lucario, -Aura speak. It's called aura speak.-
Clemont, "I knew Lucarios could do that but hearing actual words is another matter."
Ash picked Froakie up, "You can ask questions on the way. Let's hurry back to the Professor's lab."
Heatwave who was driving near the area noticed them, "Found them! They are heading to the lab."
Blades, "On my way."
Bumblebee, "Same! I'm just glad they are not in some sort of trouble."
Heatwave, "... As the humans say, don't jinx us."
Blades laughed nervously, "Yeah, let's just go meet him."
Bumblebee, "I have informed the others we have found Ash with his friends heading to Professor Sycamore's lab."
When they reached the lab the group were already inside making sure Froakie was doing alright and healing. As the three bots were wondering how to go about next they heard a crash coming from inside. The three looked at the building alarmed as they heard a loud pain filled scream coming from inside. They transformed and tried to look inside to see what was having and saw a Pokemon called Garchomp trashing in pain.
Garchomp jumped away from the group not wanting to risk hurting any of them and ran to the roof away from the place. Ash looked back at the people who had brought the item but they were already gone, he knew it was not Jessie, James or Meowth. The three of them were currently in Jhoto securing the region after the clash between the Rangers and the hunters. Ash ran after Garchomp calling her to come back followed by the others who ran after him.
Gou, "Ash, that collar!"
Ash, "I was thinking the same thing."
Serena, "If we get rid of it, Garchomp will be back to normal."
Chloe, "Molly, Bonnie can you contact Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny?"
Molly, "I'll call Nurse Joy."
Bonnie, "I'll get Officer Jenny."
Ash, "Clemont, can you make sure the citizens are clear of the area?"
Clemont, "Yeah, I can."
Ash nodded and along with Gou and Serena went after Garchomp who was screaming from pain. Working together the three of them managed to get the collar off of Garchomp who whimpered as she fell. Serena and Gou caught her whispering comfort and helped her calm down. The three bots gave a sigh as things seemed to have calmed down but it was a little too early to celebrate. As things started to calm down Ash noticed the area Fenekin, Froakie and Pikachu were standing on started to crack.
Ash jumped after them, "No!"
Optimus who was watching the news whimpered, "What is he doing?"
Megatron, "Scout! Rescue bots! Catch him!"
Bumblebee, "Right!"
Blades, "On it!"
Heatwave, "Hang on, Ash!"
Bumblebee transformed and started to race up the building with Blades following him after transforming. Bumblebee sped up and opened one of his doors as Ash fell inside the yellow Scout's car. Blades flew higher and landed on the roof opening his cockpit telling the others to enter. Gou and Serena was watching wide eyed but nodded and got inside with Garchomp.
Ash looked around, "Welllll... I didn't see this coming."
Bumblebee, "It's been a while, Ash."
Ash, "Bee? Bumblebee? It's you right?"
Bumblebee, "One and only."
Ash grinned before looking outside, "Get to the lab's private garden. No one will bother us there."
Bumblebee, "You heard him boys!"
Blades, "Loud and clear, hey there Ash! Long time!"
Ash chuckled, "Hello to you too Blades. I'm gonna guess and say the fire truck is Heatwave."
Heatwave, "What gave it away?"
Ash, "Holy Mew! It really is you."
Heatwave, ".... That was a wild guess?"
Ash laughed while Gou and Serena were watching them interact wide eyed and looked at each other nodding. They would question Ash later on for now it was obvious they were friends with Ash and considering Lucario and Pikachu were calm, the talking vehicles could be trusted. The two young adults watched as the three vehicles went to the private lab garden and Professor Sycamore ran inside asking if they were alright. Ash assured him they were alright thanks to his friends and motioned to them to introduce themselves.
Heatwave transformed first, "Hello Professor, my name is Heatwave. I am the leader of Rescue Bots, Sigma 6."
Blades was next, "Hi, I'm Blades, the medic of Sigma 6. Nice to meet you. Ash told us a lot about you guys."
Gou blushed, "Really?"
Serena was pink too but turned to Ash, "You didn't tell us about them."
Ash, "A lot of stuff happened and there was no guarantee I would have lived long enough for them to reach here. Humans live for a maximum of one vorn. One vorn is one year equivalent. You do the maths."
Alain nodded understanding, "It's like with the Ghost Pokemon."
Bumblebee, "Ash, don't talk like that. Hello, I'm Bumblebee I'm the youngest Scout in Prime's team."
Ash, "You joined Optimus? Congratulations!"
Serena feeling out of depth by what was happening asked, "How did you even meet them? We traveled together for half your journeys and you never showed any inclination to meeting... Um... What species are you?"
Heatwave, "We are Cybertronians from planet Cybertron."
Gou, "Oh Arceus! You are aliens! Real aliens!"
Sycamore sighed, "Actually are you the same aliens who contacted the international confederation a few weeks ago?"
Blades nodded, "Yes, we are."
Bumblebee, "Ash, I think I should be the one to tell you about this."
Ash, "What's wrong big guy?"
Bumblebee, "You told us about Cyrus once."
Ash, "I had to explain how I got my scars to Sire and Carrier..... I had a feeling I sign the death sentence for him when I did that though."
Blades chuckled, "You sorta did, you are a Prime and a High Lord's first sparkling. Most Sires and Carriers never allow their sparklings out of their sights till they become younglings."
Ash sweated a little, "Ah! I see.... They sent someone after Cyrus."
Lucario, -They do realize that they can't keep trainers locked up, right?-
Heatwave nodded, "Yes, which is why they have been trying hard to keep their instincts down as much as possible."
Ash, "Oh.... Should I go and meet them then?"
Sycamore, "Wait! Wait! Wait!"
Alain, "Professor?"
Sycamore, "No one is going anywhere! Your mother and other parent figures would have my head if I allowed it."
Ash, "Umm... How about we hold a large meet and greet then? I will have my first Contest here in a week. It will be a good way to properly introduce you to Earth's culture and introduce Earth's inhabitants to you."
Blades, "Jazz will love that. He is a sucker for cultures."
Ash looked at Serena and Gou and mouthed he would explain in detail later and the two smiled and nodded. Ash would be explaining this to everyone tonight in a group video chat, in fact they had already messaged others to be online after a few hours. It was obvious they group was not leaving Lumiose City for a week and Clemont and Bonnie who joined them were pretty shocked by the presence of actual aliens too. When Megatron and Optimus heard of Ash's plan, they were actually pleased that their sparkling was willing to help them.
Megatron was not sure how to react to the strange organic planet and it's equally strange creatures and laws. But he could see the appeal if he were being honest, the prospect of being allowed to choose what profession to pick, the chance to build yourself up and earn respect. It was not just him, even his warriors were very fascinated by the world infront of them. Most of them never had the freedom of choice, from the moment they were born their future were already decided for them. A world where you had the freedom to choose and build yourself on your own sounded too good to be true.
Megatron, "Are you alright Devastator?"
Devastator, "Yes, Lord Megatron, it's just this world feels unreal.... Like something I would only dream to exist in my fantasies."
Roadblaster nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I have never been interested in being part of a High Council and I don't want to. Honestly speaking I quiet enjoy learning about mining and if possible perhaps take over a mining operation."
Optimus chuckled, "Yes, it does put things in perspective for us doesn't it? We have been so used to the caste system, no one bothered to ask what any of us truly want to do."
Soundwave nodded in silent agreement, his symbiotes were watching the Pokemon battles as well as competitions. Rumble especially enjoyed the Pokemon Contest where it didn't matter how you looked, what mattered was execution and how it made you look powerful. He had seen a few acts with powerful Pokemon like Charizard, Gengar, Mimikyuu, Gyarados and a Salamance. They put the fear of God in the spark of the viewers and yet they won the contest with very high praise, Ratbat was very taken by it.
[A. N.: Yay! They have met!
I'm very excited to write the next chapter.
Take care of yourselves dear readers.
Till next time.]
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