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46.66% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash and Predator crossover / Chapter 7: Predator - Final Frontier

Capítulo 7: Predator - Final Frontier

Ash woke up feeling Lucario and his two other Pokemon beside him, 'They must have left their Pokemon balls while I was sleeping.'

Lucario, -You are awake Meema.-

Ash, "Good morning, how long was I asleep?"

Lucario, -Twenty four hours Meema. You worried him a lot.-

Ash, "I see."

Raai'kiel walked in then, "You are awake. I was worried something happened."

Ash was surprised at the worry, "It's the price of power. Nothing is for free. Do not worry about it."

Raai'kiel fidgeted, "You nest brother kept an eye on you and took care of your needs and at the same time lectured me on what to do and not to do. Are you truly alright?"

Adh smiled tentatively, "I'm better, do not fret, this is normal really."

Raai'kiel nodded, "Very well I will take your word for it. I got you food."

Ash, "Thank you."

The Yautja placed the food on the table and divided it for everyone, including the three Pokemon surrounding Ash. Ash pat Trevenant who was helping him sit up and got up, by his other side was Pikachu, the yellow Pokemon was too stubborn to leave him. Pikachu had sneaked inside one of the two pokeballs Ash had decided to take even though he hated pokeballs. Ash was more important than his own comfort and had gone inside just as Ash had decided to leave with the Outlanders.

Ash, "Buddy, you good?"

Pikachu broke away from his suspicious staring at Raai'kiel, "Pika pikapi pikachu."

Lucario hummed, -Eat Meema. You have not eaten for many hours now.-

Raai'kiel watched his chosen mate with eyes filled with interest, despite not being nourished yet, he still put his little one's well being above his first. Raai'kiel purred inside, he made a good choice picking the raven haired ooman as his mate and future nrak'ytara for his cubs. He could not wait to return to his home planet and start combining both their DNAs, to create lovely young ones to raise and train into powerful warriors or future nrak'ytara. The little yellow one, a Pikachu, as they are called looked at him suspiciously when he started purring but except for a warning spark didn't do anything.

Ash, "Where are we at the moment?"

Raai'kiel, "We just left your home galaxy. The Elder is grateful for Gary's input about the wild Pokemon. I will admit I didn't really know much about them."

Ash nodded, "Gary loves learning about everything from A to Z. It's not surprising he learned everything he could get his hands on about the Pokemon who lived in outer space."

Raai'kiel, "Urrr'kiel has chosen a very smart mate, though I think I got luckier."

Ash flushed, "If you say so."

Lucario grumbled, -Finish your food first Meema. You stop distracting him.-

Trevenant eyed Raai'kiel, "Nent."

Raai'kiel raised his hands chuckling, "Of course, of course. I would be a horrible mate if I can't even feed him."

Ash mumbled, "You don't have to. I can take care of myself."

Raai'kiel, "Perhaps, but I want to take care of you and give you everything."

Ash looked at him in wonder, "Those are powerful words, be careful of what promises you make."

Raai'kiel, "I mean it. Now, come I believe your Gary has been wanting to see you. He has not stopped pinging me every moment he is awake and moving."

Ash chuckled placing his empty plate down, "I can imagine. He has always been protective of me, ever since we were children. Personally though I think rather than a friend, he sees me as a younger sibling."

Raai'kiel paused and hummed, "You are not wrong. That was what we observed too from watching you."

Ash took the arm offered to him and walked out much to his Pokemon's grumbling, "Come on guys. Let's go meet Gary and his Pokemon, they are no doubt worried."

Pikachu climbed up to his shoulder, "Pika pikapi."

They walked through the hall way of the ship together with Raai'kiel who was introducing him to the other Yautja who watched them curiously. Ash greeted them as he was shown earlier and the Yautja greeted him back, some of them eyeing the locked hands with interest and relief. Ash was not sure if he was seeing the relief or imagining it, did something happen between Gary and Urrr'kiel while he was asleep? Ash would ask them once they see each other, they were heading to a large room filled with other Yautja and Gary who was surrounded by his Pokemon.

Ash blinked, 'Don't tell me something did happen... '

Gary, "Ash, you are awake."

Ash, "Yeah, did something happen?"

Gary, "What do you mean?"

Ash, "I felt the tension when I entered. What happened?"

Gary whispered, "It's a little misunderstanding and honestly I think I might have ended up embarrassing some of them. I'm not even sure, Urrr'kiel won't tell me anything, he has been a smug little shit over it though."

Ash raised his eyebrow, 'First name basis already. To think he was vary wary and suspicious of them before.'

Raai'kiel was talking to Urrr'kiel in hush tones while Gary caught Ash up on what he had missed while resting. It was not much as it had only been twenty four hours but it was interesting to learn new things about the ship and the Yautja. Gary had entered what Ash liked to call researcher mode and had taken to learning about everything with the speed of a freight train. The two stuck together after that learning what they could about the language as the ship travelled through the uncharted galaxy. Well, uncharted for Humans but charted for Yautja, they would map out their own routes soon, Ash was curious enough to do so.

Raai'kiel had taken to sitting behind Ash after a few days, "We are stopping at a popular market area. Would you like to join me?"

Ash hummed, "Can we even go outside safely? I mean humans have never gone anywhere outside our home planet. I don't know if it would be a good idea without proper steps."

Raai'kiel hummed placing his chin on his shoulder, "Perhaps.... Gary did mention it a few days ago. We will deal with it, do not worry."

Ash, "Alright."

Raai'kiel, "Just like that?"

Ash, "Just like that."

Raai'kiel, "I expected you to fight more. Don't misunderstand, I am happy you are not against our joining. But I'm curious, why you are not angry."

Ash laughed, "I see. I prefer not to be angry, though you have angered my family. They are no doubt angry to the point they will find a way to Yautja Prime."

Raai'kiel, "Forgive me but Earth is not advanced enough for space travel."

Ash smiled mischievously, "There are other ways to travel to different worlds."

Raai'kiel eyed his smile, "Are you eluding to the Pokemon that you consider Gods?"

Ash, "Maybe ~ Nothing is impossible in this universe."

Raai'kiel decided to drop the subject when he saw Ash was being mischievous and won't answer his questions at the moment. Instead he told him about the galaxy they were entering and how popular the local market was among different aliens. Ash nodded realizing other aliens no doubt existed, though he half wondered if the other aliens would be actually welcoming to humans. As far as he knew, no other alien aside from the Yautja successfully entered Earth's atmosphere in the past, thanks to a territorial Rayquaza clan.

Gary, "Ash, are you joining us too?"

Ash nodded, "I am honestly curious about this market. It sounds like an interesting place."

A female Yautja Ash remembered she was called Yagouti approached them, "The Elder wishes to talk to you both."

Gary, "Okay, Yagouti right?"

Yagouti nodded, "Follow me."

Ash mused, "Wonder what this is about."

Yagouti led them to the main control room, "I have brought them respected Elder."

Elder Too'kiet turned to them, "We will be entering a new Galaxy. But before that you need to be fitted with a universal translator."

Ash, "What about our Pokemon?"

Too'kiet looked at the Pokemon staring at him, "If they wish it, they can have one as well."

Lucario, -Meema if I may suggest something?-

Ash, "What is it?"

Lucario, -Get it temporarily. We are Aura users, as such we use aura to communicate.-

Too'kiet, "You have explained about Aura before, if it can make you understand than good. If not then Doctor Warkah here will add the translator."

Ash, "I would like a temporary one, for the start, but after a while I think I should be able to communicate with them."

Urrr'kiel spoke up, "Gary is a fast learner, so I have no doubt he will be able to communicate after a while as well. They already speak in our language like they were born for it."

Gary flushed at the compliment, "You are a good teacher, that's why."

Too'kiet in Ash's humble opinion looked very happy as he ordered a temporary solution for the two oomans. The black haired man could not help but wonder if they tried having mates before but they all rejected them. After getting a temporary translator fitted on their right ear they were ready to disembark at the port which connected to the market. Ash was between Raai'kiel and Lucario while Gary was between Urrr'kiel and Haxorus. They felt the curious stares from many aliens though none of them approached the group wary of the reputation the Yautja possessed.

Raai'kiel, "This way."

Ash took the hand offered and went to the front of a strange looking shop, "What's this place?"

Raai'kiel pressed what looked like an ID to a scanner and led him inside, "A shop that sells written items, much like the book store in your previous world."

Ash looked around seeing books, scrolls and tablets, "Ah, I see. I suppose we will get more study materials here. We should buy some for Gary too. He would want a copy."

Raai'kiel hummed grabbing a couple of the tablets, "Very well, we will buy a copy for your brother."

Ash smiled sweetly, "Thank you."

Raai'kiel purred, "Anything for you my lou-dte kale."

Ash, "Thank you."

The seller coughed, "I'll ring them up."

Ash turned to the orange skinned female alien who reminded him of Starfire from the Teen Titan comic but with white hair. Ash blinked, he was not expecting that but Ash supposed he had never seen aliens before and he was in no place to judge. After all, Pokemon were such a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colour, he would be a hypocrite to start judging other species based on their looks now. Raai'kiel placed more books on the counter ignoring the other aliens who peeked at them from behind the shelves curious about him and the Pokemon.

The other aliens around them murmured amongst themselves as they watched the trio go from one stall to another. It seems the mates the Yautja got this time were interested in them as well, usually they try to escape from that particular race but this creature was not running away screaming. One of the Nurkloi, an alien from a galaxy closer to Yautja Prime was curious about the new creature that according to rumours was from the forbidden sector. The sector that was protected by a territorial clan that would destroy anything or anyone who got too close to them.

The Nurkloi clicked, "Who is this young creature?"

Raai'kiel looked at him suspiciously, "My mate Nurkloi."

Ash eyed the blue coloured alien with large fins for ears, "Hello to you too. We were just looking around while getting to know each other."

The Nurkloi looked astonished at that and muttered under his breath, "Getting to know each other? He is a Yautja. I have never met anyone who wants to be closer to a Yautja unless they are a Yautja."

Ash eyed him and turned to Raai'kiel, "Are there any other items we should get first?"

Raai'kiel, "This way."

Lucario, -You must have quite the reputation for everyone here to be interested in you.-

Raai'kiel, "It's not me they are interested in but rather Ash here and no doubt Gary too."

Ash pulled Raai'kiel's hand, "We should go find them. Gary may not look like it but he hates gossip and can become short tempered."

Raai'kiel, "Worry not, I'm sure Urrr'kiel will make sure they are alright."

A sudden commotion caught their attention making Raai'kiel twitch, "Perhaps not."

Ash, "Come on. Haxorus is protective of Gary and if Gary gets angry then, so does Haxorus."

Raai'kiel, "I have seen the destruction he can create. Over there. Urrr'kiel what happened?"

Urrr'kiel, "That nougnat thought he could insult my mate. Haxorus took offense and accepted his challenge to fight."

Gary was grinning, "Stomp him to the ground, then use rock tomb."

Ash sweat dropped, "Well they are having fun."

Raai'kiel, "It seems to be the case."

Urrr'kiel snickered, "They thought they could get to my lou-dte kale easily."

Ash watched as Haxorus used rock tomb to bury the alien that looked like a cross between a Feraligator and a Dodrio get buried under the rock tomb. The only thing that could be seen was their head which was probably concussed if the dazed look was anything to go by. Haxorus gave a haughty humph as he turned to Gary who pat his neck getting a purr from the suddenly docile creature. It gave everyone who was watching a whiplash when the beast went from a monster to an adorable child seeking praise.

Ash, "You kept him alive?"

Gary, "Hmmm... Yeah, who knows he might come back stronger and my baby here can have another round."

Haxorus gave a feral grin, "Rus."

Lucario, -Not a bad idea.-

Pikachu muttered under his breath, "Pi pika pikachu."

Raai'kiel raised an eyebrow at that, 'Why do I get the feeling Pikachu wants the unfortunate fellow dead?'

Too'kiet appeared with his guards and eyed everyone, "I heard there was a problem."

Gary smiled beguilely, "No problem at all Elder, this fighter here challenged my Haxorus and Haxorus accepted. I even recorded the whole thing here."

Too'kiet nodded sharply, "I see. Will this be a problem Enforcer?"

Ash blinked seeing an alien in a sharp uniform, 'An Enforcer? Holy Mew, he looks menacing.'

The Enforcer spoke, "If you have a recording of the whole thing then no. It'll make things easier."

Gary smiled passing the video camera to him, "Here you go."

Ash, "When did he get the video recorder?"

Urrr'kiel, "He had it with him in his capsule, and we found batteries that could be charged through solar a while ago."

Raai'kiel, "That's convenient."

The Enforcer, "You are good to go. I'll deal with this fool. But next time no fighting in the market."

Gary hummed, "Yes, I noticed there are no battle arenas. I would suggest you clear out space for one. People could use it to fight without weapons."

The Enforcer narrowed his sepia coloured eyes, "You sound like you deal with this a lot."

Gary laughed, "Not me no, but I have an older sibling in charge of security. At one point he was fed up of breaking up the fights and built two battle arenas in the middle of the main markets. Anyone who wants to let out steam go there to battle, without weapons. A market won't have any buyers if the sellers and customers are dead."

The Enforcer hummed, "It does sound more logical, something I'll talk with the higher ups about next meeting. Stay out of trouble."

Ash snorted, "Already pitching ideas Gary?"

Gary, "Why not? Besides, it's a little weird to not have battle areas. I know this is not our home but I have noticed people fight anyway."

Too'kiet, "Have you got everything you require?"

Raai'kiel, "Yes Elder."

Urrr'kiel, "We brought the last item just before the fight happened."

Too'kiet nodded, "Time to return. And Gary, well done."

Gary blinked, "Thank you Elder."

Raai'kiel and Ash joined the two and went inside the large spaceship leaving the market place bursting with gossip. Gary twitched but Ash distracted him mentioning the tablets and books he and Raai'kiel had brought for both of them to study. Gary perked up and Urrr'kiel went through the tablets while answering a few questions the two oomans had. By Ash's side Raai'kiel was walking with his arm around the dark haired man's waist glaring at the other aliens who were eyeing his mate.

Raai'kiel took them to the left, "Let's go to the library room. The two of you can go through the items in peace there. Urrr'kiel a word with you in private."

Urrr'kiel nodded, "Come Gary, let's get the things set up. We will have to re - fuel so we have to leave you for a bit."

Gary was already reading a tablet with the dictionary Urrr'kiel gave him before, "Alright, have fun."

Raai'kiel chuckled, "I'll send one of the young bloods with food for you."

Ash smiled, "Fine with me. Ah, I wanted to ask if we could stop somewhere for our Pokemon to stretch and train a bit."

Raai'kiel hummed, "That's one of the things I will be talking with the Elder actually."

Raai'kiel walked out with Urrr'kiel after setting them up, "Brother, did you notice?"

Urrr'kiel snarled, "Yes, I refuse to give my mate to any of them."

Raai'kiel nodded, "Yes, I also believe that our young mates will not allow anyone to force them either. In fact, I do believe one of the reasons they decided to join us was because we proved ourselves to be reasonable."

Urrr'kiel agreed reluctantly, "I agree. Good thing we didn't listen to our older siblings and forcefully take them."

Raai'kiel snorted, "That would have us dead no doubt, especially with the mess the older siblings and parental units went through with the other clans. We would have been dead ten times over if we even dared to touch them without showing we meant no harm first."

Urrr'kiel, "Especially their Pokemon cubs, they are loyal to death. A very terrifying yet at the same time comforting prospect."

Too'kiet, "Is everyone here?"

"Yes Elder."

Too'kiet, "The encounter was an interesting one. I was expecting them to try to run away but they didn't. You have chosen well."

Raai'kiel, "Thank you Elder."

Urrr'kiel, "Our mates know they can trust us."

Too'kiet, "You must realize they have caught attention of other races now. No doubt, they will get attention from our rival clans. Are you prepared to defend them and your tight to be by their side?"

Urrr'kiel straightened up, "Yes Elder Too'kiet, I am prepared to fight for us."

Raai'kiel, "Ash and I have agreed to deal with things like this together. It was one of the few things we discussed."

Too'kiet nodded, "Good, because we are almost home."

[A. N.: Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Next chapter will be on Yautja Prime. A cousin shared a few comics with me about the Yautja life on the alien planet.

I'm looking forward to writing it.]

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