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20% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash and Predator crossover / Chapter 3: Predator - Different

Capítulo 3: Predator - Different

Ash watched with blank eyes as his father returned to Pallet town in a casket. He may have been small in size, but he was not blind or stupid. He had lived a full life before being reborn in the Pokemon world. He had heard how his father was part of an investigation bureau that investigated cold murders like this one. He had not expected his own father to become a victim as well, and Giovanni and his Dad were friends? And guess what else, Giovanni was also his Uncle and he had two cousins, Red and Silver. Definitely a different version of the Pokemon world.

Giovanni, "How are you holding Delia?"

Delia who had tear tracks down her face looked at him, "Utterly broken. I don't know how Ash is dealing with it. He has been quiet too quiet. He is never quiet."

Giovanni looked towards him with sympathy before nodding, "It is possible, he is in shock. He is barely five and already lost someone, rather three people to a monster."

Delia sniffled turning to the Oaks and her nephews who were in a similar predicament, "Why did this have to happen to us?"

Giovanni, "I don't know Delia. I really don't know. If I had the power to change this I would."

Ash left the two and walked over to Gary, 'I am an adult. I already died once. I won't cry or maybe, I'm in denial? It doesn't matter, I will comfort the others first. My cousin and Gary and his siblings are actual kids.'

Red, "Ash? Hey, come here."

Silver, "You okay sport?"

Ash hugged them, "Gary, come over here."

Gary mumbled, "Ashy.... Dad is... Dad is gone and they don't know if mom is alive or not."

Ash, "Your mom is no doubt kicking the asses of the bastard who did this."

Blue gave a small smirk, "Yeah, she's a badass."

Red pulled Blue while Silver pulled Daisy and the six of them had a giant group hug. Daisy was supposed to go on her journey in a week but she decided to stay at home for another year instead. Ash figured he would do the same thing if he was in her position. Daisy however did receive her starter from Professor Oak insisting she had at least two Pokemon with her to keep her safe. At least, untill the perpetrator was caught and brought to justice.

Ash then turned to Giovanni, "Uncle, could I see my Dad one last time?"

Delia, "Ash... That's.... "

Ash, "Please, I just want to say goodbye."

Giovanni nodded, "I understand, Delia perhaps you should say goodbye too."

Delia looked between her brother in law and son before nodding, "Okay."

Giovanna addressed the workers, "Gentlemen, if you would please."

Silver, "Dad... "

Giovanni, "Come both of you. Let us say goodbye to your mom as well. It's the least we could do."

Ash, 'Yeah, Red and Silver are siblings in this world, but their mother was killed during an investigation mission.'

Silver and Red were taken by Giovanni to Viridian City which was actually not so far from Pallet town. In fact, Daisy decided to go to school there and following her Blue and Gary decided the same thing. Delia thought kids should stick together and entered Ash into a school in Viridian City. It was not so bad Ash supposed though he cleared through the pre - school classes, very easily. Ash didn't mean to but it was hard to act like he didn't know basic maths, science, etc like other kids.

Gary had been a mix of jealousy and pride in the beginning but resolved to study harder instead. He would not be left behind and had a suspicion Ash dove into his studies as a distraction from the loss. Thanks to what happened though, Ash on the other hand remembered the detective series Sherlock Holmes. During free time, he would write in one of his spare books to kill boredom because the others were in class. Giovanni came across one of those books and read through it then turned to Ash.

Giovanni looked worried in Ash's opinion, "You are very curious about how your father died, aren't you?"

Ash nodded, "Yes, but I'm not suicidal enough to challenge who ever it was. I remember the carnage on his body, despite the best efforts to cover it up."

Giovanni took a deep breath before releasing it, "Good, I lost my friend and wife. I refuse to loose any of my children."

Ash, "You won't. This... whoever it is seems to only challenge adults."

Giovanni, "You are right about that, now about this book. I think you should publish it. It is very intriguing."

Ash blinked, "I only wrote it as an outlet."

Giovanni, "And it is a good outlet, perhaps it will help someone else as well."

Ash thought about it before agreeing but under a pseudonym not his real name, he doesn't want unwanted attention. The older man frowned before his eyes shone with understanding and agreed, it would be safer for everyone involved. Of course, he told his sons about it though and the next time the group got together, which was for lunch, the two questioned Ash about it.

Ash, "I needed an outlet to my frustration that's all. They say they are investigating but nothing has come up as result."

Gary pat his back, "I understand. No one can give us clear answer as well."

Daisy, "I'm very curious about this book though."

Blue, "Yeah, me too."

Silver, "Dad said, it's a detective mystery book."

Red, "I think, all of us can understand why you wrote it. What happened to our parents is very frustrating."

Ash, "Exactly! What the F! But anyways their incompetence aside. The Houndour of Baskerville will hit the shelves next month. Uncle Gio says, he is working on an air tight contract to protect my identity till I'm ready to show myself to the public."

Gary looked at his best friend with pity, ever since they brought Uncle Ketchum home, Ash had shut himself out. Well, he was still open with them, to the point of clingy but other kids, he shut them out, like those kids last summer camp. Ash had helped a red head boy and a blonde little girl but after that, he avoided them whenever they were around. But it looks like he had found an outlet now and is doing better, he is becoming more open. Thank Mew! The only good thing that came out from the camp were the Poke eggs they found in the middle of the forest.

The young Riolu, Axew, Happiny, Charmender and Flabébé were a Mew send gifts for all of them. Riolu and Ash got along like a cup and plate, the same for Axew and Gary, Happiny and Blue, Charmender and Red and Flabébé and Silver. Ash had not expected a Flabébé to be born in Kanto, they had all been confused when Silver's egg hatched but after a lot of searches they had come across the Kalos local Pokemon list. Flabébé was a fairy type Pokemon which was very rare just like Axew from Unova. Professor Oak however was more worried due to other reasons and was always on the phone and meeting Rangers.

Time passed by and soon enough, it was time for Red and Blue to go on their own Pokemon journey. Over the years, the boys and their Pokemon had taken to hanging around near the forest area. A few wild Pokemon, who were interested in learning new moves or battling or getting stronger would approach them. Some would follow them home which made Giovanni huff in amusement at his two sons. Ash had no leg to stand on though, he kept being followed by a Spearrow who kept challenging Riolu.

Blue laughed at them but Red pointed at the Chikorita of all things following him smirking at his flabbergasted expression. Silver was followed by an Igglybuff who he found out later was a fairy type as well and apparently had a crush his Flabébé. Gary had a Swablu of all Pokemon sit on his head making herself comfortable and refused to leave. Red though gave Ash a conniption and a Deja Vu. He was being claimed, yes, he is damn sure it was a claiming, by Mewtwo himself. The genetic Pokemon had seen Red with Giovanni and had become curious about him and started following him around.

Giovanni had not been pleased at the idea of an unknown and unregistered Pokemon stalking his son. Red though was flattered and convinced his father to let Mewtwo join him on his journey. In return, Red would record all of the interactions, the moves that Mewtwo learned, plus how the environment affected Mewtwo and how Mewtwo fared during battles and training. Giovanni sighed before saying he had to talk to Mewtwo first then he would agree to it. Mewtwo never said what they talked about but Red noticed he was very protective of him after it.

Silver went on his own journey one year after Red and Blue left on their journey, with Gold a very hyperactive teen. Blue had become the youngest Champion of Kanto only thing, one week later Red defeated him. Lance had been very impressed in the beginning, but one month later Blue defeated Red and the next month Red defeated Blue. Silver had to stifle his laughter everytime there was a meeting in Viridian City and Lance's eyes fell on his older brother and his rival. Lance would dread the first week of every month because of those two.

Silver's eyes gleamed, he wanted to be the same level of a troll as his older sibling, he just needed a powerful rival as well. Lance felt a shiver go down his spine as well as a feeling his headache was not over yet. He gave the red head a suspicious look before looking away. Silver had become interested in the Fairy type Pokemon and had made plans on going to Kalos and Galar to catch some after his first year of journeying. Giovanni and Red were not jumping at the idea of course and Red insisted he went to Galar with a group.

Silver was in the beginning affronted by the babying but in the end, accepted it and met with Cassidy and Butch. The two were one of the strongest students Giovanni personally trained and they had been curious about the Kalos and Galar regions as well. Silver was reluctant, but figured it would be better than having Red or heaven forbid his father following him around. He would never live down that mortification, he booked it to Kalos in the next flight that was available. Once there Cassidy and Butch informed him they would be setting up Rocketto inns in Kalos and to always keep his card on him.

Silver enjoyed his stay in Kalos though he was pretty damn sure Cassidy and Butch were too busy fighting someone. He was not blind, he could see the bandages and the limping though he pretended not to notice it. He had a suspicion it might be Team Flare but he could be wrong as well, because Team Flare used Pokemon not weapons. Unknown to Silver, Cassidy and Butch had run into a Predator in Kalos and Giovanni wanted that monster taken down. That thing had been in Kanto but followed Silver to Kalos. The man felt actual fear when he had learned of that information and ordered his men to be on the look out.

When it was Ash and Gary's turn, well, things were very tense in their family. Daisy had returned in the beginning of the year with one arm missing which made alarm bells go off inside Ash's head. Delia did not want the two youngest to go on their journey especially after Red had returned with one eye missing and Blue with a scar across his face. Ash and Gary simply stared before shaking their heads and giving them hugs to welcome them. The teens would not tell them what happened only that their friends were now dead and never coming back. Gary noticed Red had three Pokemon missing while Blue had four missing, that too their strongest Pokemon.

Ash frowned, 'What is going on out there?'

Lucario who had evolved a year ago frowned, -Something is terribly wrong.-

Ash, "Yes, it is."

Gary was hugging his Haxorus, "I only hope we are allowed to go on our journey."

Haxorus nodded, "Rus haxo rus."

Fearrow trilled, "Row fear."

Lucario, -That's true, brother. They can't keep safe guarding us.-

Altaria crooned, "Ri ri ria, altaria."

Ash looked in the direction of his older brothers, "I just wish, they had not lost their Pokemon."

Gary muttered quietly, "Yeah, any news from Silver?"

Ash looked down, "He is attending Miss Opal's funeral. I heard that she fought against a monster who decimated her Ace team."

Gary was alarmed, "Oh! Is he okay?"

Ash's expression fell, "I don't know. He refused to answer any of my questions."

Gary, "We should travel together. It would make them worry less, I think."

Ash looked at him then nodded, "Yeah, I was originally planning on just traveling and taking part in some competitions. But now, I think I will be taking part in Gym battles just to get stronger."

Gary looked at him surprised, "You weren't planning on taking part in the League."

Ash, "Not really.... I want to see the world out there more you know?"

Gary, "Yeah, I get it."

Ash, "Well, tomorrow we are going on our journey."

Gary, "Let's hope nothing goes wrong then."

Ash fist bumped him and left for the evening, planning on packing for his journey. After the first book which sold really well for a kids book, he wrote two other books, 'Scandal in Blackthorn' and 'Case of Identity'. He was writing his favorite ones from the Sherlock Holmes series. The three books had earned him a lot of money which let him get two nice capsules coloured black and gold. One to collect food, berries and other organic necessities and the other to hold his clothes and other items.

Gary had received the capsule his late grandmother had used as a trainer and to say Ash was curious about it would be an understatement. Ash was used to seeing the modern capsules not just in the shops but also in the previous life so seeing a very old antique was interesting. Gary was very smug about it after he noticed Ash's interest in the capsule and decided to keep it. The two noticed that the adults around them were very much reluctant to let them go on their own but after they received their pokedex, that was that.

Ash, "Come on! Let's get to Viridian City, Uncle Gio says he has Pokemon eggs for us."

Gary gave a wry smile, "Most trainers receive their first Pokemon as a gift."

Ash, "We already have our first and second Pokemon."

Gary, "Any idea what the Pokemon would be?"

Ash, "No clue whatsoever, except they were found during an investigation and they want to give the two a new start."

Gary looked up, "Well it takes a few hours to reach Viridian City. Do you want to check around the forest for more Pokemon?"

Ash, "We could go to the river."

The two went to the large river that was located in the forest and saw a few trainers around as well. Gary recognized Misty the youngest Gym Leader of Cerulean City and wondered what she was doing there before shaking his head. It was not his business and she was probably here for the infamous Gyarados that could sometimes be seen during the heavy rain season. Good luck to her, trying to catch the Gyarados. The two spent time by the river while Fearrow and Altaria flew around the area keeping an eye out.

Ash simply sat back and enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere, not like Gary could blame him, there were a few trainers who had fallen asleep. The bright day and the cool wind made a very calm atmosphere. Half way Gary caught a Poliwag while Ash caught a Shellder, he was quite happy and decided to stop fishing while Gary continued. Ash took out their lunches and after eating they decided to head to Viridian City again and just in time as it started to rain heavily. Shellder and Poliwag quite enjoyed the rain while the two searched for shelter and for a place to stay.

Ash, "Hey, I don't want to freak you out but we have been followed."

Gary, "So you noticed?"

Lucario, -And it's not human or Pokemon. The aura is all wrong.-

Haxorus snarled, "XO!"

Gary, "Well as long as they don't attack us, we won't attack them."

Ash, "Good idea. The rain is coming to a stop. Let's get out of here. I'm freezing, someone no doubt used rain dance and blizzard."

Gary, "Yeah, a simple rain dance would not have us freezing to the bone."

A figure on the trees watched the two as they left the shelter they had picked. His elders had told him about how the young of this planet who would go on their journey to become an adult. Some would take years others became powerful in a handful of months, depending on how they chose to do things. It was interesting. The unblooded warrior followed the two youngest of the family his Elders were very interested in from the beginning. He watched as the two entered the main City and went to what the 'trainers' called a Pokemon gym. He was a bit disappointed when there was no battle and instead they received two eggs, was it for dinner? Humans were unpredictable.

Ash, "Out of curiosity, where did you find these Poke eggs?"

Giovanni, "They are from Hoenn, actually. You are not cleared for the details so don't ask beyond this."

Gary, "We understand."

Giovanni, "Have you thought about what you want to do?"

Ash, "The two of us have been talking and I want to take part in Pokemon double battles and become a specialist in double battles. I will probably take part in Pokemon show case as well for relaxation."

Gary, "Yeah, I'm already working on a Mastery on Altaria and Haxorus lines and getting a Dragon Master title based on them. I will be doing the normal route for gym battles and Pokemon contest."

Giovanni, "Oh? How interesting! Kanto is holding it's first Showcase here in three days, there is a contest tomorrow."

The two boys perked up and decided to stay in Viridian much to the adults relief. Red and Blue mostly checked up on them during their stay in Viridian. They watched the contest and Showcase cheering them on. Ash and Gary had planned their performance together and it turned out to be a lot of fun. Serious battling was cool and all, but a bit of performance fun was very relaxing for their Pokemon who enjoyed showing off. Their watcher while disappointed at the short battle during contest was fascinated by the power and control the beasts had. The two were young, he could be patient.

[A. N.: Welp! I ended up giving Ash and Gary an alien stalker.

Don't attack me! That's basically how the Predator hunt works.

My friend says I should add stalking as a trigger warning as well.

Take care everyone. Till next time.]

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