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15.43% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 44: Kanto

Capítulo 44: Kanto

The group walked through the forest till they found a path that was used for transport and Fearrow and Pidgeotto flew down. Fearrow pat Pidgeotto using his wing, she was panting due to exhaustion and although Fearrow did not show it, he was feeling tired too. Fearrow pointed down the road and Ash guessed if they followed the road they would reach a Pokemon centre. Fearrow nodded at that and Ash returned them promising them a good massage once they reach the centre. Zubat, Butterfree and Chimecho were already resting in their pokeballs. They had been travelling for three days since they left the village, even Pikachu had taken to sleeping inside Ash's bag. Lucario and Bulbasaur on the other hand enjoyed chatting while walking together, they had been talking about the training they did and Bulbasaur could not help but compare it to other trainers.

Lucario, -I understand your confusion, but Ash, Gary and their elder brothers have always been like that as far as I could remember.-

Bulbasaur, "Saur bulba Saur.", 'He raised you from an egg.'

Lucario, -Yes, I don't think they realized how different and strong they truly were. The elder Oak is very protective of them. He taught them himself and never bothered to tell them how far they are compared to other trainers.-

Bulbasaur sweatdrops, "Bulba bul.", 'And they only realised it after going on a journey.'

Lucario, -It was a very humbling experience knowing how far Elder Oak went for us.-

As they were walking they came across a big shadow which made them pause. The group stopped wondering what it was before Ash decided to take his pokedex out and scan it. It read the Pokemon as Charmander, Bulbasaur frowned looking at his state.

Misty, "Wait! What's a Charmender doing here? And why is it so dirty?"

Ash, "He's not doing well. Look at his flame!"

Brock, "You are right."

Jameson, "Should we try to catch it?"

Jessilina, "Without battling, I don't think the little one could handle it right now."

Lucario however was ahead of them and climbed up the rock, -Hello little one. What are you doing out here on your own?-

Charmander, "Char maan, char."

Lucario nodded before getting down, -He says he is waiting for his trainer.-

Bulbasaur, "Saur?"

Ash's eyes sharpened, "He has a trainer?"

Jameson frowned, "He has a horrible trainer. He should have taken him to the centre."

Misty, "He looks really thin too."

Brock, "You are right, I can see his ribs from here."

Jessilina grimaced, "I'm guessing we have another one of those types."

Ash climbed up the rock, "Hi, my name is Ash, we are going to the Pokemon centre which is near by. How about you come with us?"

Charmander shook his head, "Charmander."

Bulbasaur climbed up as well, "Bulba bulbasaur."

Lucario nodded, -At least come and eat something.-

Ash, "I'll personally bring you back here after you have eaten food. Please Charmander, it would make me very happy if you join us for lunch."

Brock, "Who knows maybe we will run into your trainer on the way as well."

Charmander perked up at that making Ash look at it sadly before he climbed down and waited for Charmender to join them. He watched as Charmander got up and started to climb down only to get dizzy and slip luckily Ash was close and managed to catch him in time. Ash decided to carry him despite the protest from the fire lizard, he sushed the little one and carried him as the went towards the Pokemon centre.

Ash, "We got ya. Don't worry okay."

Charmender grumbled but couldn't help but make himself comfortable, it had been a long time since someone held him. Ash frowned looking at the Charmander, when he caught him some of the dirt was removed because of his hand, he saw the scale. He had no doubts this Charmander was a shiny, he had some suspicions about who it's parents were and they wouldn't be happy. The day turned dark soon and Ash and the others ran as the clouds rumbled above them.

Brock, "Good thing we managed to get Charmander to come with us."

Misty, "Yeah!"

Ash, "Less talking, more running!"

Pikachu was holding on to Lucario's shoulder, "Pi pika!"

Bulbasaur was held by Lucario, "Bulba!"

Jessilina, "I see the centre."

Jameson, "Let's make a break for it."

They ran and soon burst into the centre, just in time for the rain to start pouring heavily outside. Charmander shivered looking at the heavy rain, he would still have been waiting out there. Ash approached Nurse Joy and explained the state they found Charmander in and requested if it was possible to contact his trainer. Nurse Joy gave a sympathetic smile before nodding and going to help the Charmander clean up and get a check up while her sister got to searching for his trainer. As they were waiting for Charmander and their Pokemon Ash heard a familiar voice call him.

Ash turned, "Gary!"

Misty, "Gary long time!"

Gary, "Hey Ashy! Misty and Brock too. I don't know you two."

Ash made a face, "Really?"

Jameson, "I'm Jameson. This is my sister."

Jessilina waved, "Hi! I'm Jessilina."

Gary shrugged, "Nice to meet you. It rhymes with my name. That Charmander yours?"

Ash shook his head, "Afraid not."

Misty, "We found him a while back."

Gary looked at the door where Charmander went through, "He looked familiar somehow."

Ash, "He's a shiny."

Gary's eyes widened, "You don't think.... They are gonna be mad if he's their kid."

Ash gave a dark smile, "All the more reason I hope we find his trainer."

Coral, "What's this I hear about a bad trainer?"

Gary, "Coral, you are training to become an Officer. Can you help us with this?"

Ash explained their suspicions about the Charmander they found making Coral frown, "I see, unfortunately these cases are very common. I will see what I can do once we find this trainer."

Brock, "Oh you are amazing Coral, your dedication to becoming an Officer touches my heart.... ufghffg."

Jessilina, "Pfffffffffft!"

Gary snorted, "Zubat disagrees!"

Zubat, "Zu zu!"

Misty, "Good job Zubat!"

Ash meanwhile decided to call Red, "Hey big brother!'

Red, "Ash, this is a surprise! A pleasant one of course."

A voice at his side, "That's your brother, he's adorable."

Red glared while Ash blushed, "Behave Gold!"

Gold, "Sorry, was just stating facts. So whatcha need kiddo?"

Ash, "Red, your Charizard mated with Lance's Charizard and gave birth to a few Shiny ones right? Do you have a list of who received them?"

Red looked at Ash, "Yes, I always keep a list why do you ask?"

Ash, "We came across a Shiny Charmander and I think he's abused."

Red's face was blank, "Where are you right now? I'm coming over in fifteen minutes."

Gold, "Kick that trainer's ass."

Red, "I plan to."

Ash, "We are in Route 46, Pokemon centre!"

Red nodded, "Close to Vermillion city. I'll be there!"

Ash joined the others, "My brother is coming, I think we better get to work if we are gonna help Charmander."

Nurse Joy came out, "Your Pokemon are all fine and healthy. Charmander is in a bad shape, he has severe case of malnutrition and dehydration as well as a few marks from physical abuse."

Bulbasaur and Oddish were sticking close to the fire lizard while Lucario, Pikachu, Zubat and Sandshrew joined them. Jameson was about to speak when they heard a few laughs coming from infront of them. There were a few boys talking loudly disturbing the other trainers around them and Nurse Joy just sighed. Ash would have ignored it but Charmander's expression caught his attention. He motioned to Gary who called Coral, she looked at the group with narrowed eyes before talking out a recorder and approaching them with them.

Ash, "Excuse me, I couldn't help but over hear, you have a Charmander?"

One of the boys answered, "Yep, our boy Damien certainly had one."

Damien flipped his hair, "But he was such a weakling I left it on a boulder."

Coral frowned, "It's raining, you should go get him at least."

Damien scoffed, "Puh lease! If that stupid thing is dumb enough to stay in the rain, that's his problem."

Ash was biting his cheek in anger when Gary spoke, "You did not release it?"

Damien, "Course not, I'm not going to give another guy a chance to have a Charmander."

Ash spoke low and dark, "So you rather he died then?"

Damien shrugged not noticing the disturbed and disgusted looks he was getting, "That's his problem."

One of the guys spoke, "Hey man! That's going too far."

Another spoke, "Yeah dude, if you want I can train him instead."

Damien got angry, "Shut up, Charmander's my Pokemon, I'll do what I want with that worthless piece of trash."

Nurse Joy gasped, she had just come out after checking Charmender. The poor fire lizard had heard everything Damien said making Misty and Jessilina to rush and comfort him. Bulbasaur and Oddish stood infront of him with anger.

Damien looked at the Charmander in disdain, "You are back? Didn't I tell you to wait on the rock? Why did you follow me? Can't follow orders now? You are really worthless aren't you?"

Ash punched him hard, "SHUT UP! You bastard! Let go of me Brock, Gary, Lucario, I'm going to teach him a lesson on how to take care of Pokemon."

Gary, "He'll get what he deserves Ash, calm down. It's okay."

Brock, "Charmander needs you more."

Lucario moved a hand coated in calming aura and held Ash's shoulder, -Calm down Meema, please!-

Ash calmed down, "You are right. This is not over brat. You better watch your back.", before walking to Charmander.

Damien moved back, "You are crazy. He's crazy."

Gary, "No that was a normal reaction."

Misty gave a dark smile, "If he hadn't punched you, I definitely would have bastard!"

Ash spoke softly to Charmander as the others kept Damien busy, "Did I scare you? I didn't mean to, he just made me angry."

Charmander shook his head looking at him in awe, he had never seen anyone stand up to his trainer before, human or Pokemon. He saw humans trying to cozy up to him and Pokemon being left if they were not up to pat like the Squirtle he had become friends with just because she was not a shiny. He wondered how she was doing and if she was okay, he snuggled closer to the warmth that hugged him.

Damien seeing this got pissed, "You little traitor, you would go to that lunatic instead, just wait till I get my hands on you."

Pikachu jumped in front of Ash cheeks sparking and growled in warning, "Pika!"

Red's voice came from the door, "You will do no such thing, Damien Burke."

Damien paled, "Champion!"

Red's Charizard had come with him and she moved forward and picked up both Ash and the little Charmander who remembered her, she was his Meema. The little one started to whimper and cry as both Ash and Charizard cooed at him softly, Lucario, Bulbasaur and Oddish gave him silent support. Pikachu had not moved from his position, he remembered this boy now, he was the same trainer who had released him after he lost a few matches and refused to evolve.

Officer Jenny came forward, "Damien Burke, you are under arrest for abuse and attempted murder."

Damien, "Hold on, what proof do you have?"

Coral gave a shit eating grin which turned dark, "Oh I don't know, maybe a recording of your word on how you prefer Charmander dead."

Damien paled more looking at the recorder, "I can explain!"

Officer Jenny, "You can explain that to the court!"

The boys who were with Damien looked at each other before they made a unanimous decision to stay out of it. Damien had gone too far, even though they were not into Pokemon like he was, that didn't mean they would intentionally try to kill them. Red and Officer Jenny collected the evidence and statements of everyone before getting the results of Charmander's check up from Nurse Joy. There was a special clause for the hatchlings that belonged to a Champion's Pokemon that protected them till they became adults themselves or their trainer became a well accomplished adult. Damien may have been an adult but he was definitely not accomplished nor was Charmander fully grown yet.

Red approached the huddle of Pokemon and Ash, "How is he?"

Ash looked at him, "He fell asleep, thank you for coming."

Gary, "What's gonna happen to him?"

Red sighed, "We'll see tomorrow, we need to get Damien's licence suspended permanently, that will release him and all of his Pokemon and make it illegal for him to own one."

Brock, "That's good Charmander didn't deserve any of the things that happened to him."

Misty looked at Charmander sadly, "Poor thing, he looks so small too."

Jessilina hissed, "He's small because Damien had been starving him. Sorry Nurse Joy, but I had to make sure."

Nurse Joy sighed, "It's okay, I'll excuse it this time, just don't do it again."

Jameson, "How about we turn in for the night? Are you staying Champion Red?"

Red, "I'll room in with Ash. We have always shared and it wouldn't be a good idea to separate them."

Charizard huffed, "Zarrrrrr!"

Red pat her neck and told her to carry Ash to the room he booked for them, Misty and the others blushed realizing they didn't even get rooms yet. Brock and Jameson got one room and the girls another room and they retired for the night, the days events weighing heavily in their minds. Misty hugged Oddish close to her that night and Jessilina watched her quietly knowing how much today probably changed her view of the world. Gary was holding on to the Growlithe he had saved a few days ago from the poachers. Today's events had hit home a bit too close for him, Blue had been merciless on the poachers when he realized Gary was involved.

The next day Red informed Ash that he and Charmander may not have to appear in court as the confession was heard clearly. Ash sighed in relief and hugged Charmander, Charizard had wanted her hatchling to go with her but the cunning little lizard had caught himself in one of Ash's pokeballs during breakfast much to her exasperation. Ash had been surprised then laughed before promising Charizard, he would take care of Charmander after all he was family, has always been actually. Charizard nodded before hugging both him and Charmander goodbye before Red had his Alakazam teleport them back to the Champion castle.

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