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93.23% Pokemon: Radical Redux / Chapter 247: Preparations

Capítulo 247: Preparations

After the Party Ash let Abra take everyone back to their home so they could pack up, they agreed to meet in Vermilion to take a ship across the water, he already called Surge ahead of time, who was laughing his ass off hearing about the first boat crashing.

So after some much-needed sleep, once he woke up he started getting stuff ready starting by going to the lab, he also told Abra to go collect the Pokemon he let stay out.

Admittedly yes, Gyarados was left at the Orange islands, but it's only been a day and nothing Abra can't help fix, so no harm done.


In the Hidden Village, Venusaur came back to visit Melanie, actually thanks to Abra he has been going back and forth between this forest and his parents' forest.

Venusaur was enjoying being able to catch up and show Melanie just how strong he is now, compared to how he was when, although it looked like after he left a lot of the Pokemon that were staying here also left and some came in, but that's fine that's the whole point of this place.

One night he learned that actually Pokemon poachers learned about this place and have been trying to come here, but it turns out those Pokemon that left never left the forest itself, 

He only learned this after hearing a Butterfree say there were humans with bad intentions at night. When he got there he saw the group of Pokemon he protected already took care of it, including the 3 Golem, 4 Tauros, Jigglypuff, and the Oddish that evolved into a Gloom.

Seeing them was good for both of them, for them they could see the Pokemon that protected them, and he could see that he inspired those same Pokemon to protect the Village in secret.

Meanwhile over at his other home, when he was with his parents he spent time with them trying to make up for lost time, and even though he couldn't beat his father, he was already called the second strongest in the forest.

His mother spent some time creating something for him, and since he said he would visit she spent a lot of time and energy creating something in her bud, it took days of refining it but eventually, she created a Miracle Seed, but this one was far more potent.

Items like Miracle Seed or Dragon Fangs do have a boost when they are used as held items, however there is another way to use them, if the Pokemon chooses to eat it and absorb its energy it gets a smaller but permanent boost, and the fun part is that it doesn't matter how strong the Pokemon it can always benefit from it.

These items are much rarer however, Ash couldn't even find one in the department store over in Celadon, he couldn't find any of the boating items like mystic water, charcoal, sharp beaks, etc.. and even when Ashtwo went into the black market it was rare and the few they had were sold at exorbitant prices.

Anyway, Venusaur took it but didn't eat it right away, he put it in his bud, and there was something else, well it looked like after he managed to defeat his sister he had become quite popular, and his sister started teasing him by 'introducing' him to some of her friends.

Venusaur was still young, he was 3 years old now, but he still had things he wanted to do….also there was someone that caught his eye already.

But he left it at that, he wasn't particularly Interested at the moment, and that would probably change later but right now he had some stuff he needed to do,

But one thing did happen before he left….he learned from his parents something that he didn't know if he should celebrate or dig in a hole and never come out of it, he was going to be an older brother.

After that, he was more than happy to see Abra, the first time anyone ever said that, but he got taken away.

Then after 2 months since Ash let him go so he could catch up he knew it was about time, so he bid his farewells and waited for Abra.

When she arrived she sat on his head, and he let her, admittedly since she is the Reason he could do this he has grown a little more tolerant of her tendencies.

Abra looked at him, "[So great Plumb blossom saint, are you ready?]"

Venusaur sighed at that nickname, he still didn't understand it but he nodded, "[Yeah lets go,]"


Blastoise was standing proud, not on the ground, but on the shell of 2 oh his former Squirtle turned Wartortle.

Ever since he came back he started training his gang to make sure they evolved as soon as possible, also learned that the squad was no longer confined to just this little town, they would ride around almost through all of Kanto and gain popularity.

And that caught some attention, in the Orange islands there was an entire academy training Squirtle, Blastoise, and especially Wartortle, and people started saying that they could be better, but once some people started saying no way that made Blastoise snap.

Blastoise spent every day training his squad, at the moment the last of them finally evolved and was now also a Wartortle, which meant all that was left was for him to train them to be a Blastoise.

But before that he showed them how to compensate for their future slowness they would get once they were big, by shooting jets from their feet they could effectively fly, so he refused to teach any of them anything else until after they mastered it.

It was important to say that this was not Aqua Jet, this was something different, the reason why is because even though he is as strong as he is can only use Aqua Jet at the very most for 5 seconds at one time before having to take a 3-second interval to do it again.

This is much more efficient, and once the first of his friends mastered the movement he started his training, although there was no chance he would have enough time to help them evolve he named this Wartortle his second in command and instructed him to memorize the training so that when he was gone he could help the rest evolve if they wanted to.

And it was just as he thought after the 2 months were up he could tell they weren't close to evolving, but he made sure to write down their training, he knew his friends very well and he knew that not all of them should follow the same path to their strength.

So he gave them all a 'training plan' so that they could properly get to the level of strength they needed to be, and he promised that he would come back soon.

Once Abra came back, the squad stood in line and saluted, "[Boss! I promise that we won't disappoint you!]"

Blastoise smiled, "[I know you aren't, after all, we are the Sq- no, I suppose we can't call ourselves that anymore, hmm, well let's put a pin in that for later,]"

"[Well, we are the best team, and we need to prove it, those firefighters in the orange Islands have nothing on usゴゴ!]"

Blastoise said as they all got into a pose, "[ゴゴYes Boss! ゴゴ]"


Ash was in the lab, he came back here to grab some of the Pokemon he would be taking with him, like Vileplume, Poliwrath, and Victreebel. He was leaving them here.

Then there were the Pokemon like the other Oddish, Zubat, Growlithe, and Vulpix that he would be taking and finally training.

He would take Fearow and Pidgeot but they seem to want to stay in the forest to do something, they didn't really say why but that's fine, he has Abra he can come get them whenever he needs them.

Speaking of which he also had the Pokemon he got from the orange islands that he would be keeping, Crystal Onix, Lapras, Fuecoco, and the Eggs he still has, so he is set, and a good thing because admittedly there are not that many Johto Pokemon he loves, there are good ones just not many that jump out at him.

Speaking of which, he was going to the Lab to go pick up Scizor and Scyther, and that is what led him to this situation right now.

Scizor and Scyther were kneeling on the floor of the lab both blushing and looking down, with Ash looking over them and Oak and Tracey looking from the side amused.

Ash held his temple, "So…I was gone for 2 months, I left you 2 alone so you could get to know each other better…"

Scizor and Scyther gulped and nodded.

"So then…tell me, why in 2 months, you 2 already have AN EGG, YOU HAVEN'T BEEN WITH EACH OTHER FOR EVEN 3 MONTHS!" Ash said pointing at the table where there was a Scyther egg already in the incubator.

Scizor and Scyther looked down, as Oak and Tracey couldn't help but chuckle at the situation, "Well, Scyther is known to be attracted to the strong, so maybe this is your fault for making that Scizor of yours so strong."

"*sigh*, what am I going to do with you 2," Ash said as he could see they put their heads down, "I'm not mad, and you didn't do anything wrong, it's just I thought you guys would wait a little,"

Ash couldn't help but feel helpless in this situation, the thing is, he didn't really need another Scyther so this baby would be left to go to the forest or he would need to find a suitable trainer for it since the way Scyther operates.

"So what now, I doubt you 2 want to just abandon this one and I don't think you can be good parents on the road," Ash said crossing his arms.

Scizor and Scyther looked down and thought then Scizor raised his hand, "Sci-Scizor![We can send the little one to my grandfather at my clan, he is sure to be excited!]"

Scyther also nodded in agreement, secretly wanting to see her grandfather's reaction.

Ash sighed as he looked around, "That's fine, but you're going to have to wait for Abra to come back-" As he said that Abra appeared with Blastoise and Venusaur, "Well now I'm the fool,"

Ash pointed at the 2 love bugs and the Egg so Abra went over and took them away, meanwhile, he went over to Blastoise and Venusaur to return them to their Pokeballs, Blastoise went in immediately but Venusaur stopped him for a second and handed him the Miracle Seed and only then he went back in his ball.

Ash took a moment to look at the Miracle Seed and Oak and Tracey came over to inspect it too, "Well I'll say, that looks like it's of the highest quality, do you mind if I take a better look,"

Ash shrugged, "Fine, but I want it back so don't open it up,"

Oak nodded and went over to a station to take pictures of it, 

After a moment Oak came back and handed it to him, "This is one of the highest quality Miracle Seeds I have ever seen, you're quite lucky my boy,"

Ash put it away, "Well, can't always be unlucky, so anyway, what's the word on the GS ball?"

Oak nodded and went over to a table with some advanced technology where he could also see he also tried opening it up with a laser, "Nothing, I have not been able to open it nor find out what may be inside, it's nearly indestructible as well,"

He took it out, "So you're going to Johto am I right?" Oak said

"You want me to take it to Kurt don't you," Ash said, it wasn't a surprise to say that to say that Kurt is the one who created the now standard version of the Pokeball is completely fair.

He actually looked through history, Pokeballs used to only be native to Hisui while in other countries/regions they either didn't use Pokemon or domesticated them in other ways, it wasn't until recently that the original Pokeball went to other parts of the world, and Kurt was the main person who made them standard.

The new version is far superior to the original, in strength, in speed, and comfort for the Pokemon. So knowing about Kurt was nothing special.

Oak nodded, "Yes, it would be nice if you could,"

"Alright fine, though I still ask you have a grandson, why don't you ever ask him?"

"Well, the thing is I do give him jobs for me, and admittedly he actually is trying to fill out the Pokedex,"

"Really, is that what he does all the time? Huh, no wonder that actually makes a lot of sense," Ash said.

"Yes, he almost reached 100 in the Pokedex, and since he gives me a lot of research material I am admittedly more lenient with him," Oak said scratching his chin.

"Alright I get it, I'll get to Kurt and see whatever this thing is," Ash said, putting the ball in his bag, "See ya around."

Once he had everything he needed he went home and collected Pikachu and said goodbye to his mom, which went on for more time than he wanted to admit.

And eventually, he walked out with his bag and a fresh Jacket, he also threw that one that had a gaping hole in it and had Charizard destroy it so that all evidence was gone.

Once he walked out, he saw Gary and Green waiting for him outside.

"So you ready?" Green said smiling putting a hand on Ash's shoulder

Ash chuckled, "Alright let's do this, one more adventure,"

Gary rolled his eyes and put his hand on Ash's other shoulder, "Alright alright, but this time I'm not going to be the loser."

"I look forward to it," Ash said as Abra teleported on him then out, meaning the trio left Pallet again.



Silver was packing his bags, for some reason ever since he was enrolled in Oaks school he was given a house in New Bark Town, but he never really did more than he needed to, and most of the time he preferred to stay in Kanto and in Pallet, at least that's where his self proclaimed big sister is and some people he can kinda call friends.

He wasn't that well known in town either, he used to live in Viridian City, but for a reason he doesn't know he moved here when he was young.

He doesn't really know much about his father but his mother comes every now and then to visit him, but when he asks about his father she doesn't really answer the question, she is also extremely doting on him.

Right now he was packing his bags and getting ready, Green said that she would come and when she did they could travel together for a bit to teach him the ropes, he was admittedly a bit excited.

As he packed the last thing in his bag he got a knock on his door, and when he opened it he saw a package. He was confused but took it in and opened it.

Inside there was a Pokeball and a note-

My dear Silver, you probably don't know much about me but I am your father, I'm Giovanni and the reason I can never go see you is that I have been busy with work-related things, as you can see I am a Gym leader in Kanto and I have other businesses.

I am sorry for not being there but I do love you, You are my son, and maybe this means nothing to you but I hope you get strong and do what you want to do, without anyone telling you anything, your mother and I will support you.

And as for your gift, as a celebration since you will be starting your journey, I got you a Pokemon, this is one I know you will like, he is a strong one,

-Love your father


Silver felt conflicted, on one hand, he wanted to scoff it off since his father wasn't there for him so why should he care, but then again it seemed like he was genuine, he sighed and considered throwing it away, but he pocketed the note and grabbed the Pokeball.

He pushed the button releasing it, and from it came a Sneasel, looking up at him with his red eyes.

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