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96.66% pokemon ash harem / Chapter 29: chapter 29

Capítulo 29: chapter 29

A few days had passed since Ash claimed his latest sex slaves. He was always staved for more women, but as time drew on, Ash's curiosity surrounding the Mind Stone grew.

Remembering back to when Domino recognized the Mind Stone's box to his vision conversation he had with Riley a few weeks ago, urging him to keep it safely with him at all times. Ash was too troubled by his recent connecting of the dots to be bothered with conquest, instead putting his efforts into solving this mystery that began to trouble him.

Ash left the Villa to go down to the air control tower, where the form Team Rocket member Domino was doing the task of ensuring airplanes do not discover or land on the island.

"Yes, Master? What can your humble sex servant help you with today?" Domino asked with a bow of submission, her mind driven crazy with bliss to be in the presence of her God.

"Back when I raided this island, right before I broke your mind in order to make you my slave, I believe you distinctly recognized the box my Mind Stone was held in." Ash began to ask. "Could you possibly explain why that is."

"Well, I'm afraid I don't know much about it particularly, but back when I still worked for that vile Organization, I was commanded by Rocket admins to search for this box." Domino said. "I was never told was was inside of it, only that it housed a valuable artifact that was under testing at a Team Rocket research base."

"Apparently a man raided the base a year ago or so, and that was all he managed to take. No Pokémon, no experimental capture devices, nothing." Domino said, sad that she couldn't provide her Dominator any more info than that. "Forgive this slave for her lack of knowledge."

"Don't fret about it at all. You've actually given me all the info I needed from you." Ash said, bringing his slave in by the waist to plant a kiss on her servile lips. "I shall reward you by using your body as my sex toy soon enough, but I have pressing matters to attend to."

As he left the building, he left his slave blushing in excitement.

"I'll be counting the days." She hummed to herself, red like a tomato.

As Ash returned to his Villa, he looked out towards the crop field, where Serena and the slave sisters under her command continued to tend the grounds, with Mallow's Shaymin and her own knowledge on crops providing an outstanding mark of efficiency in the field.

Returning his focus to his task at hand, Ash opened the doors to the Compound with his keycard, making a beeline to his private quarters.

"See that I'm not disturbed, slave." Ash commanded the passing by Annabel, who had just opened the doors to her office.

"Yes, my Lord." Annabel obeyed instantly, issuing a call over the radio to every slave on the island.

Entering his private abode, stepping out onto the peaceful balcony, the only sounds to be heard from the wind and distant waves crashing against the beach. Sitting down and closing his eyes, Ash focused his Aura, ensuring he entered a meditative state.

Remembering how his mentor contacted him through the Aura, Ash made his best attempt at replicating it. As the air around him went cold, Ash opened his sixth sense, the world of Aura spread before him.

Using his phenomenal supernatural ability, Ash reached out into the void of blue Aura, trails of blue lights racing past him, distant as stars.

"Riley!" Ash called out through his inner voice through the aether. "I must speak with you. Where are you?"

As he asked this, Ash sensed a familiar pulse. Ash had felt this presence during the days of his aura training years ago. It was none other than Riley.

"Ash? Is that you?" Riley said, bewildered that Ash was able to contact him through a technique he had never taught his pupil. "I'm surprised you were able to project your Aura out like this to reach me."

"I simply attempted to repeat what you did with me a while ago." Ash replied, his mind turning back to why he called to his friend. "I have some questions for you, regarding the Mind Stone. Where did you get it?"

Remaining silent for a few moments, Riley's spirit just stood in the Aether. After mustering up the courage to speak to his pupil, Riley spoke up.

"Ash, I'm afraid I haven't been entirely truthful with you." He said. "While it is true the Mind Stone is and Aura Guardian artifact, I'm afraid it was never in my right, to give it to you. It had to be done though."

"Huh?" Ash asked the man.

"Let me take you back four years ago. This was about a few months after you left my tutelage. Besides you, my Master and I were the only Aura Guardians left in the whole world." Riley said, shortly realizing his wording soon after. "Oh and by Master, I don't mean in the way the women I've seen you control treat you."

"Anyways, after you had left, our monastery, secluded high in the mountains of Sinnoh was razed to the ground." Riley said with immense frustration. "I don't know who the man was, but he looked like a member of that Team Rocket group. They destroyed our home. My Master fought valiantly to defend it, but..."

His voice began to trail off there, his Aura showing the pain and sorrow he felt. He remained silent, grieving for his comrade, only to continue where he left off.

"The monastery was a place built to house our groups greatest artifacts. Stones said to influence the world with their powers. The Mind Stone is one such Stone." Riley explains, Ash shocked upon hearing this revelation.

"There were more stones like this one? And you never bothered to tell me?" Ash asked, slightly angry that his long time friend seemed to distrust of him.

"It's not that!" Riley answered. "We were robbed of our artifacts and the temple was set ablaze. As I pulled my Master out from the debris, he pleaded to me that I get those stones back no matter what."

"So, what happened then?" Ash asked the Aura Guardian.

"It took me years to find them, but just about a year ago from now, I had tracked down the Stones to a research base out in the remote northern forests of Unova. The security was tight and I barely made it out with my life, but I was able to get the Mind Stone out of that man's clutches." Riley continued explaining. "I realized that I couldn't outrun Team Rocket forever. That is why I gave you the Stone, among other reasons."

Questioning his roundabout wording at the last thing Riley said, Ash spoke up.

"What other reason?" Ash asked him.

"Ash, I'll be blunt. You have an amazing Aura ability. One so great I couldn't even begin to fathom it. After I trained you in the arts of Aura, I had always theorized what strength would come from your 'successor'." He began to say.

"I'm not sure I follow..." Ash began saying nervously.

"Ash, I gave you the Mind Stone because I knew what you'd use it for. All those women slaves to your whims? For me, it was a golden opportunity to have a whole generation of potential Aura Wielders be birthed from your seed." He finally said, the words shocking Ash.

"You intended to use me to make you an army..." Ash said, a mixture of shock and betrayal in his words.

"No! I didn't! I simply thought that through your actions, the Aura Guardians could be revived." Riley said desperately, trying to salvage his argument for it to seem more noble. "You get your own private slave company, and in return, I got a new group of potential Aura Guardians."

"So I other words, I'm only a source of manpower for you, is that it?" Ash said in an angry tone.

"No, listen! I haven't even brought my plan up to you!" Riley stammered. "I've yet to even bring up the other two stones' powers!"

"Go on." Ash said, angry and yet still intrigued at the potential of the other stones.

"One of the two stones still missing is the Vigor Stone. As you should know, Aura is the life essence of all living things. If you pour Aura into a living being, its life force expands, and with it, the lifespan of whoever received it." Riley described.

"The Vigor Stone allows an Aura user to pour their Aura into the stone. The stone then magnifies the amount of aura inside of it. The user of the Stone could then release the Aura back into their bodies, or the bodies of others, thereby lengthening their life span, even bringing back youthful vigor, hence the name." The Aura Guardian explained to his former pupil.

"So if that Stone was to be in someone's possession, they could insure that they live forever." Ash theorized.

"Yes." Riley replied simply. "That brings me to the last of the three stones. The Life Stone. This stone has dominion over life itself. With the Life Stone in hand, one is able to trap the souls of people and Pokémon alike within the stone." Riley described with fear in his voice.

"The stone can tap into the aura around the word, instantly allowing one to move across time and space instantly. It is even thought that it can cross through other worlds, much like those Ultra Beasts travel through wormholes." He continued saying.

"It was said in our old books that Arceus himself delivered these stones onto the founder Aura Guardian, who he deemed worthy enough to oversee the peace between mankind and Pokémon." He continued.

"Whoever was able to unlock its full potential would be unstoppable. And that brings me to my plan." Riley proposed.

"So, what exactly did you have in mind?" Ash asked the man.

"That man I saw. The man leading Team Rocket. He's a man of great and evil ambition. I can see why a man so vile as him would want such artifacts, but he must be stopped. When I raided his lab, I found blueprints describing his purpose for the stones." Riley said, fear continuing to show in his Aura.

"He intends to weaponize the Life Stone while he himself intends to integrate the Vigor Stone into his body. He wants to be an undying tyrant over the world! That's the only conclusion I can come to. He must be stopped, and like I said, I have a plan." Riley continued.

"You keep going in a roundabout with this plan of yours. Tell me or don't." Ash said getting impatient.

"Alright I will, but there's one more little detail to this plan I must point out. I said before that the Mind Stone also carries out the wish of its user. I've peered into your doings with your slave women, and I've noticed their Aura as well." He began to say. "Your seed isn't getting them pregnant."

"What?" Ash asked, confused.

"The Mind Stone must see the subconscious desire in your mind that doesn't want to impregnate the women you bring into slavery. My plan should resolve that." Riley said.

"If you find a way to repress this desire, you can get your slaves pregnant. Once I locate the Vigor Stone again, since they surely moved it since my raid, you can secure it, and use its power. The Vigor stone can not only restore one's age, it can also accelerate it so the body can reach its prime instantly." He began to imply.

"Oh you are not saying what I think you are..." Ash began to say, his anger returning.

"If the child of a person under the effects of the Mind Stone is born, the programming to serve could theoretically be transferred to the child as well. Then when you use the Vigor Stone, you could age up your children to reach their prime instantly. You'd have a new generation of devout slaves instantly and with it, a new generation of Aura Wielders." He finished, his words angering Ash further.

"You'd have me make slaves of my children, so that you may benefit from it?! How dare you ask that of me! If you want your damn army of Aura users, why didn't you do it yourself?!" Ash asked the man with rage lighting his soul ablaze, his aura now teeming in red haze.

"I gave the stone to you Ash because not only are you a far stronger and more capable Pokémon trainer than I, but it's also because you aren't on Team Rocket's hit list at the moment. Even as we speak, my plan has flaws in it. One slip up, and I'm gone. All I ask for is some cooperation. I mean, I did basically give you the ability to have any women you want for the rest of your life." He chuckled, hoping that Ash would feel indebted to him.

Ash's soul was still burning crimson red in the world of Aura. What his friend proposed to him was outrageously unfair. Ash couldn't accept these terms, but considering how Riley held evidence on Ash's doings, Ash considered the possibility of Riley exposing him to the police once more should he not comply.

Normally, Ash would have never thought this of his friend, but upon considering how he was working an angle the entire time, Ash figured his now former friend would do anything if it meant his compliance.

Finding himself backed into a corner, Ash realizing that complying now at least insured that Riley didn't pull a stunt to blackmail him.

"Alright Riley. Let's say I agree to this plan of your's. What happened now?" Ash replied, playing his cards close to the chest.

"For now, you stay undercover. From what I hear, you had some issues with Interpol, didn't you?" Riley replied.

"Tsk." Ash grunted at the response.

"Like I said, I need to track down the Vigor Stone. Until then you lay low. I'll contact you like this once we can act. Until then, I'll bid you farewell Riley said, his cocky attitude emerging.

As their connection was severed, Ash woke up from his deep meditation, the sun of Alola now setting on the horizon.

"Damn it!" Ash said in anger, punching the marble banister in front of him. "He played me for a damn fool.

Emerging from his house to join his slaves at the dance floor for a communal dinner, Ash sat at his dedicated center seat, with Mallow bringing him his food. Even as he ate his delicious meal, Ash sat in anger.

Would he really give in and let Riley have his way? Have his children become slaves to someone else? No, he wouldn't allow it. Ash pledged to himself that he would not be played the fool.

He now had a Team of his own, one of devoted slaves, all willing to help him in his goal. Even as enemies lurked everywhere, Ash and his Organization would always find respite on Providence.

Here, on this island, Ash would turn the tide of the unfolded events. He would fight back against his oppression and show the world why his slaves called him Master.

But there was no room for anger. For Ash's plan to work, he needed to be patient, and of course have more women to serve him.

"Annabel, how fares out intel gathering?" Ash asked his violet haired slave.

"Very good, Master." Annabel said across the dinner table to her Usurper. "I've had the slave sisters cross reference the data I had on my flash drive and tablet. We should find the prize slaves for you soon."

"Good, but I'd like to make a request." Ash began to ask. "See if you can find us some scientist types. Our group needs some slutty egghead slaves for my plans to work. Oh and we'll need more Pokémon too."

"I'll look into it right away." Annabel said with a bow, showing herself from the table to fulfill her Dominator's request.

As he sat there, eating his dinner whilst Flannery and Rosa gave him a massage, Ash thought to himself about his plan to overthrow his enemies. Now it was time to fight back.

While this happened on Providence Island, an enterprising scientist in Kalos was going over a set of blueprints, ignorant to the fact that her body as well as her designs shall soon suit Ash's needs.

next chapter
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