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67.39% poke fanfic fun to read / Chapter 62: Ch. 13-Adept and Angel

Capítulo 62: Ch. 13-Adept and Angel

Angel is remarkably patient. I call her that instantly in my head. Nothing else fits her and she sends me a picture of her hiding behind her hands and bashfulness at the name. As well as glee that she accepts it. She also sends understanding at the image of her scar and knows that the heavy guilt and shock I'm experiencing at it aren't a slight to her. The guilt I -just- resolved to put behind me.

The level of reading she has blows me away.The emotions that she pushes towards me are filled with nuance and complexity but have no real words. Just concepts. Worry tinged with a hint of caution flows outwards as she shows me her hugging me to make me feel better and then once she feels my heart break she's there. Tightly her arms flow about me and she pulses warm, accepting emotions. She doesn't quite understand why I'm feeling the way I do but she makes it clear she doesn't care.More images of my team and the way I treat them flow over me. Sunny in the park. Being annoyed but also loving the massive dragon playing in the sand. Watching Query and I walk back with a giant floating pile of presents to seeing me run with joy on my face after Joker.Tru and Wattson holding hands and watching a sunset. Tears spring from my eye as she lets me see her considering me and then a memory of firm resolve to offer herself to my team. Of such pure hope to belong to my family that despite the heavy fear of rejection, she pushes forward.I just raise one of my four remaining premier balls and she ignores it to keep holding onto me. Demanding I wait till I feel better. There is an image of her jumping up and down, cheering, at my acceptance and of her feeling silly. A close up of my eyepatch then back to her scar shows she should have known I wouldn't have cared about her injury. Bashfulness in a picture of her with her hands behind her back, swaying back and forth shyly.Its too much. It would be. But her presence in my head is such a pure note of soothing emotion that I shudder and relax. We both know that I'm not okay but I've calmed enough to not panic as I did with Wattson. Images of my team with a curious note pop up next and the want to meet them. Images of her greeting them and enjoying learning their names. Small pop up bubbles of gibberish to signify their words above their heads."Can you understand me talking?" An image of her rolling her eyes."Right. Sorry. Just...A lot. I'm Ella Mita. You sure you want to be a part of this crazy? We're going into danger in the future. A lot." Another rolling of her eyes, this time her physically and an image of my group coming out of the wreck that we made of the Rocket Base. She's been following us for a while. Determination floods her mental tone and images of her healing wild pokémon for years pop up rapid fire with a promise in it to do so for my team. And a few pictures of her stomping pokémon who she tinges with annoyed resignation. She didn't want to fight, but she did to protect herself.From the images, I'd say she did it very well."Okay. Well. I have to get some of them to a Pokémon Center to get them patched up. Just fought a gym." Recognition there. A few more images of her hovering outside of civilization and plucking understanding from trainers walking by while hiding her presence with her abilities. To learn of the human world to be useful in it someday and from sheer fascination. Subtly confusing senses of people who might want to catch her until she found those who would fill her longing for companionship.And then more gentle scolding of me to stop feeling silly guilt. Not to ignore it, but to understand it and let it pass. Her shaking her finger at me in my head."You're amazing." Smug affirmation. "If you'd like to join us I make the same promise I made all of my family. I'll love you for the rest of my days. Welcome." A picture of her dancing around in a circle and I find out what 'squee' feels like as an emotion. Angel, as she already sees herself, presses her hand to the premier ball and gets sucked in. Happy as can be.Tru and Query emerge as I walk along. My pokémon know what has happened and just give me company. Tru still holds the sign she made for Wattson and carefully puts it in my pack as we head to the Center. I hand off Joker, Wattson, Zaela and now Angel to Nurse Joy after whispering what was needed with Angel in her ball. I always make sure new catches get checked out first thing. Even through the pokéball an echo of concern for me hits me. Also eager curiosity to meet one of the human healers that every pokémon knows to trust. Not even Query can talk to me through a pokéball. How strong is her telepathy?A thought almost crushes me. Recalling even now what her moves and abilities were to be.Angel the Gardevoir (Female)Nature: ModestAblities: Telepathy, Synchronize and TraceMoves: Teleport, Ally Switch, Trick Room, Dazzling Gleam, Healing Wish, Wish, Heal Pulse, Misty Terrain, Psychic, Confusion, Moonblast, Icy Wind, Mimic, Calm Mind, Captivate, Stored Power, Nightmare, Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Future Sight, Heal Bell, Echoed Voice, Hyper Voice, Hyper Beam, Shadow Sneak, Disable, Confuse Ray, Encore, Imprison, Skill Swap, Destiny Bond, Light Screen, Reflect, ProtectThe thing is. I found out all her moves later when we got to the hotel and I let her free. I didn't even remember the trip back, Tru and Query leading me along. When I listed her moves as number nine, she only had perhaps a third of the moves she knows now. Mostly healing and teleport options. Startling me again, her thoughts hit me from her ball.Angel would go on to show herself meditating near a small lake and concentrating on the future. A need for her to become strong to stand next to her promised companions leads to a montage of seeking out stronger of her kind to train for years.Her mental abilities are very, very strong from the images she shows me and I close my eyes against the pain. She doesn't shy away from showing the human when she was a ralts that slashed her. His mind was cruel and he was taken by police officers away as she was treated by a Joy in a town I recognize as Cherrygrove. Another blush shows she's been following since we passed through there recently. Her story starts way before that though.That her precognition was beyond anything any of her fellow ralts, kirala or gardevoir knew what to do with. She heavily focused on a vague idea of us. A way to connect that she couldn't find with her lost voice. Her power was so potent that evolution didn't heal something she never knew. Mind over matter in earnest. Lots of images of her empathy. Making sure that she doesn't see her injury as a detriment. She became who she was because of it and she enjoys who she is.Jumping ahead to present with a series of images of her teleporting everywhere and being frustrated with how often we flew places. Of sneaking aboard the ship to Alto Mare and hiding in the cargo hold.At amazement of seeing the Secret Garden as we met legends. More and more goes by but I have trouble thinking about it. I wanted Telepathy as her ability far more than her others. To help with team fights and have her be a monster at keeping the team healthy. She dedicated her life to the dream of myself and my family. Years upon years of just as brutal effort as I went through. Just for her dream. A dream brought about by my choices without thinking of what it would mean to have stronger pokémon.Tru and Query left me alone to release Angel. I'm glad as I start trying not to sob. I promised Sunny I'd stop. Angel just gets a bit of a huff and hugs me again then shows how her life was well worth it. The pokémon she defended from humans they wanted no part of to subtly guiding the ones who wanted trainers to those she found matched their personalities. Countless instances of her drive helping others with pleased satisfaction and a burning determination to find the future her abilities promised would be a life she'd adore.Finally she just taps her foot and suggests in an emotion I can only feel as impatience that I accept that she's amazing and be joyful that she is here. From the way her eyes gleam and the way she shares it, this is the day she's worked her life towards. And that I shouldn't ruin it. Its an excuse she gives me happily. Again she shows just how amazing her empathetic abilities are but caressing my mind with the knowledge that I'll be better eventually. But that now is the time to be overjoyed at a destiny fulfilled. For her, everything she may or may not have suffered through was an easy price to pay for the realization of her dream.I'm humbled beyond words."Thank you Angel." Pleased feelings and more impatience. She wants to meet the team she's been kind of stalking. Slight embarrassment there and more adorable pictures of her covering her face in my mind.I laugh despite myself. Its not overly funny but I needed a bit of humor.To reward her I release Sunny first and that 'squee' feeling floods my mind as my bright girl spots the new pokémon in my room and gasps."You're beautiful! Who are you?! Are you a friend?! New family?! What's going on?!" She's already running in circles around Angel who starts to dance in joy and reach out to take Sunny's ribbons. Of course my bright girl grabs them. "Oh. My. You...are...perfect! MOM! WE'RE KEEPING HER AND-oh is that her premier ball? AHHHHH! I'm not even mad I missed it! My name is Sunshine Mita! That's my Mom! Oh hey. You have pictures of me in your head? Wow I look nice when you feel that way about me...Oh...You love us already?I...I"Sunny is crying in joy and just keeps pushing her face into Angel's gown-like waist. Angel lets out more mental noises of happiness and I can't stop smiling even after the crappy emotions from before. Its so hard to stand up to the way her emotions reach me.Tru comes next, ignoring the brief moment they were together earlier, and for the second time ever bows utterly deeply to someone. Bruno got one. If anything Angel's is more pronounced. Then she shocks me. I shouldn't have been. Her aura reading is much stronger than mine."I am glad you finally decided to join us. You can help my Mistress in ways none of us have been overly successful at. I can feel her negative emotions lightening just by being around you. My deepest thanks and welcome." Tru just ignores my look and moves to sit down near the two fairies and closes her eyes to meditate. Wattson pops out a moment later, impatient."Don't know why you don't let us all come out? Anyway. Like, my gal said-," Hah! I can feel your blush Tru. Revenge shall be my teasing of you later! "everything that I would. Nice to meet you. Welcome to the family. Name's Wattson and my gal is named Tru. Don't piss off Aurora. She makes the food."A ping of noise as Aurora comes out next. "And don't you forget it. Go get the bowls ready. We must celebrate. Welcome dear. This family is odd but worthwhile in ways I can't begin to describe. Its lovely to meet you. What type of berries do you like?"Angel's emotion is warm with respect for Aurora, recognizing another kind soul, and she sends out pictures of her favorites and a like of sour things. Aurora plods off to get Wattson started on dinner. Joker, Zaela and Query all simply come out at once, taking Wattson's complaint to heart.Joker just nods once."Met kind ones before. Respect. Welcome. Thanks for future. Have sash. Gift. Get another later." Yeah. He gives Angel his purple sash as welcome to Angel. The one he hasn't taken off since we got him it. Its something he's intensely attached to as likely the first gift he's ever been given.And he lets Angel have it without hesitating. Damnit. Warm feelings.Zaela stares at another fairy. Another one of our party who can possibly beat her into the ground and she grins hard."Well. Pretty girl. I hope you are ready to fight me. A lot. Gotta see if you're worthy to stand among us. Sister here may say you are good. But I say if you are ready….I guess you're nice though." Her voice trails off at the steady, serious pulse of firm stubbornness that Angel shows her. That she isn't a burden and will fight for all of themselves. And Angel in a fighting stance, throwing punches. Determined."Alright fine. Ruin my fun. You'll do. Geeze. Overachievers.""Ignore her. I am Query. She is Zaela and the wild one is Joker. Thank you for viewing us as worthy. It is a pleasure to meet someone so filled with emotion. I have many questions. Perhaps later tonight we might talk and share images?"Query communicates much like Angel does at times, if not as potently. Makes sense he'd adore getting to pick her brain. Every new emotion fascinates him more then the last. Angel overflows with emotion. I sense many nights of reminding him to let her sleep.Finally Mars is next and he just watches Sunny continue to rub her way around Angel's legs. There are a few moments of consideration that Angel breaks with the pulse of a worried question in the air."Forgive me. As Sunny said, you are beautiful. I am used to logic and instincts. All of this emotion at once was a bit much but not unwelcome. Thank you for coming into our lives. I can already see how you will change us. The implications were too much for me and I could not speak. I will go help Aurora and Wattson."Watching my son walk away I tilt my head, considering. Odd statement there. But then again Query doesn't often share his emotions in Angel's manner with anyone but me. Maybe Angel giving it out so freely to everyone got Mars to thinking of things he hadn't before? I'll talk to him later about it.Angel comes to my side and gives me another blinding hug as Sunny runs about in pure joy, not able to speak she's so happy but just reveling in the emotions of someone who shares her attitude to a greater extent than the rest of us. I ignore the disquiet of my heart and shoo my two fairies off to play. I can feel it in Angel's emotions. She wants to bond with everyone but felt like I needed her attention."I've got to talk to Joker anyway. Go have fun. You probably know a lot of us but its different actually being here I'd imagine?" Calm agreement and then she and Sunny dance off to go see Aurora and Wattson start teaching Mars what he needs to do for whatever my auroros is going to make for us tonight. My zoroark is already at my side, his sharp ears hearing what I said."Speak? Guardian? Curious.""We just got done with your first fight. I wanted to know how you felt. What it was like and if you would enjoy more." I know he's eager from his emotions but its best to say things like this out loud. I'm not at all distracting myself. Truly. Its important to see if the stoic vulpine is content fighting like we did."Yes. Fun. Satisfying. Ghosts fun to fight. Teach them how to trick. Trick the trickers. Learned much. Guardian's advice good. Training good. More. Become stronger in one fight. Much stronger. What if more? Can become. Want to see." That cool smile I saw at the end of his fight is back and I'm surprised at how happy I am right now. Thoughts of Angel's scar linger but I can't help but be proud of how Joker has grown so quickly with us. In just a few weeks."I'm glad to hear that. We'll be working hard to become even stronger soon. The next gym is a fighting gym so I probably won't use you but I'd enjoy having you by the sideline, seeing how Chuck's pokémon fight. Might give you ideas and illusions of course.""Enjoy. But sneaky. Hide as cute one." He flashes to Sunny's form and cocks his head in it as she so often does then is back to his body. "Innocent one. Easy to fool others."Zaela just chuckles at that, curled up on the floor and about to snooze as she overhears. I don't need to talk to her about her fight. She's very satisfied about her showing and is ready for more....I think I'll let Wattson and Tru be alone for a few days before I ask him about his fight. And if he's going to keep trying to focus punch things. If so we need a bit better of a strategy.The night passes quickly. The next few days too. Angel fits in easier than anyone has before, even Wattson. A lot of it is her already knowing us from afar and its impossible not to love her. Her name is what she is. Empathy flows from her and at no point do any of us not know what she means with how intimately she communicates. Even Zaela, who is the crabbiest of us, can't help but enjoy being around her. Its amazing watching my normally loud and abrasive starter talk quietly to someone each night and just look...Happy....I can't help but think a few dark thoughts, hidden as best I can. Psychics are not as distrusted as I had thought thinking about the pokémon world. But they are still fairly regulated. Angel being unable to physically speak means she -has- to use her mind. Was she mutilated to give me a stronger pokémon? Because her abilities seem beyond talented. Is it just bad luck?I can't get the answers. Ever. I don't think.I don't find out why Mars was so odd until the trip to Cianwood.SeaSunny and Angel love the trip. Angel is constantly using heal bell to cure Sunny's sea sickness so my bright girl gets to run around and meet people. The gardevoir following her and basking in her joy amuses me. Not because of them, but because people for once aren't wary of me. Tru tends to give me respect but even more than a lucario, gardevoir speak of a good person. I would imagine some gardevoir can fall in love with bad persons but its never been something I've heard of. That I have both Tru and Angel with me? Well. I didn't pick Angel as number nine considering that but I'm excited about how this will help when the Order forms.Zaela is back to terrorizing the idiots of tentacruel who never seem to get the message. Tru and Wattson are off watching the water and talking together. I'm very, very happy for them. It hasn't changed a thing with the group yet and I don't expect it will. Sadly Aurora is still a bit too big so she and Query are in their balls.My shiny black charizard is who I want to speak to and he stands next to me, waiting patiently after I asked him to come down from his flying for a minute."So. What was that when you first saw Angel? If you don't mind sharing. Just a bit curious." And concerned but I don't say it. He notices that anyway and gives me a smirk."Mother. I don't think anyone tells you how open your face is when you aren't channeling Grandmother. I was fine. Just absorbing new information. Angel's ability is interesting but the part that made me pause is how easily she calmed my mind. That I was welcome and accepted. You know I am a loner. I like being so...But that doesn't mean I do not get envious of how easily the others can speak to one another."He pauses, watching Sunny and Angel make little explosions of harmless fairy energy for a few children that gather around the feeling of joy that my gardevoir exudes constantly."She knew me instantly. Showed me she adored me for who I was and while there was no pressure, offered to help me relate more to the group. I am grateful. It was just surprising. I wish to fly more"And off my son goes, enjoying himself. That's all I ever wanted for him.As a note before Cianwood. How can Angel use echoed voice or sound based abilities without a voice of her own? Fairy energy is rather pleasant when it is drawn from the moon and stars. Just the feel. Every attack that Angel has is filled with it. To compensate for her lack of voice she's was training to turn that energy into a sound in the way most attacks explode or hum. Notes of pure fairy energy. Its lovely to listen to and I look forward to figuring out how to abuse the applications.Rustboro CityDevon HeadquartersJoseph StoneIf anyone had told Joseph Stone, current head of the Stone clan, owner of the Devon Corporation, that he would be creating infrastructure in unheard of scope at the urging of a charizard that isn't even partnered to someone in his family or company, he'd have been very polite about offering said person help. And could afford it.After this project? Perhaps he would not be able to spend such money for a while. But the numbers don't lie. The return offered. The scale and ambition spoke to him. The possibility of what it could do for the world. Not just Hoenn. Not even just to their neighbors. Everywhere. Everything. Mars' ideas would not only offer an exponential financial success, it would surely be the most famous and used technology of the generation. Generations.Joseph has his talents. Usually with finding the right people to place in the right spot. While he's no slouch in some forms of research, usually minerals, he is struck dumb by how much free information will change everything. The idea alone is revolutionary, but Ella Mita's pokémon has theorized, developed and worked technology already. From studying his mother's pokédex he's offered technical possibilities that has multiple department heads practically brawling over trying to get Mars to come to Devon. Right now.Of course Joseph knows he won't be getting that charizard's mind for his own. Hannah Mita's snarl still haunts him at times. Her daughter is cut from the same cloth. No. No. Mars will be remaining on the journey. The same one that his son will use to drive the Stone name into the forefront of Hoenn once again.Ambition drives Joseph but he's thankful that he knows to keep it from harming the world about him. Like Matthew did. Its oddly harmonious that the pokémon who almost died to one of his relatives is the one likely to push Devon past its already expansive reach. Joseph doesn't even mind that Mars' incredible intellect has some truly brutal legal traps for all that he has offered.Idly wondering if Mars' trainer knows what he's getting up to, he lets his mind linger on the idea it would be a surprise. A bit of harmless revenge to spring on her when they have a working model.Querynet. All the information in the world. Spread to every corner of every land. A revolution. Joseph Stone couldn't wait.CianwoodElla MitaThere's a lot I want to do here. First of which was to visit the Safari Zone...And find out its still about five years out. Yay. Second is the gym as I am pretty focused on getting to the Lake of Rage as soon as possible. Chuck is actually the current gym leader and one I don't think I'm that stressed about. Around this time in the circuit teams would be focused on their third evolutions or getting close to. The likely pokémon I'll use for this are Query, Mars, Wattson (as he loves physical fighting) and Sunny. Sunny will probably go first actually. She's been after a fight for a while to prove to herself that she can do it. Her real strength is in team exercises but that's true of most of us to be honest.I've not spent enough time with Angel yet so I plan to wait to use her until she feels me pondering strategy. A picture of her looking confused hits my brain and then a feeling of helping if I need it."Oh. We've got a gym coming up and I'm not sure who to use. I was planning on Sunny, Query, Wattson and Mars but still thinking."There's a short pause then she points at herself."I didn't want to use you so soon after we met. If you want a go I suppose you can go ahead after Sunny if you like?" Angel pulls her hands behind her back and makes a side to side swaying motion, obviously pleased. Huh. Well. If we go down a few at least Query and Mars can do something about it. Sorry Wattson. You did get to fight last time.Cianwood isn't overly prosperous as it will be once the Safari Zone is but I seriously consider having a home away from home here someday. Its quiet, has a lot of nature around it and the air is so very clean. Going through all the cities after being mostly in nature for pretty much the whole of this life has made me a very spoiled girl to clean air. This world is still much better than my last but still. Bleh.A few things happen before my gym battle. First, Tru and Wattson go off again to try out surfing when they find out they won't be fighting against Chuck. One good thing about having so many pokémon is that I can safely let a few of them wander off. Joker follows along after a quick look to see if its okay. I had wanted him at the fight but I think he's never seen the sea without running for his life so yeah. He gets to go. I make an important call to cajole someone into coming to the Lake of Rage after that.Lastly I dial Professor Redwood. It takes a bit but he answers. I thought this up a while ago."Oh. You. What do you want? More work for me?" Really, the old man doesn't look upset at it. Just resigned."Sort of. You're going to retire in a few years right?" His brow furrows and he looks past the video-phone before shrugging."Likely. Its not that I'm old. Fit as can be to take care of this ranch. Plus there isn't anything new really I want to study that isn't taken by other Professors. There's no stigma of taking the same research focus but eh. Just doesn't interest me."My smile has him wary but I push on. "I'd like you to come to the Charicific Valley when your time is done. I have it on good authority that I will have a legendary there for you to study in time. Plus my team will spend a lot of time there. "Now his eyes widen. Professor Oak told me that Redwood was very, very interested in fossil pokémon when he was younger. I go for the kill."Did you know that aura can find fossils and mega stones? You know what I am building. What if for being our Professor for as long as you are happy doing so in our free time we help you hunt fossils?"The man is gruff, stoic and very, very smart. But at this he's almost like a growlithe about to get a treat. Wagging his tail in anticipation. "...I'll think about it...No. Damnit. You know what I'm going to say. Fine. A few years to get someone up to where I want them. Don't know what you want with an oldtimer like me but fine. Thr-two years. Got this promising kid in his second year. Elm. Too nice but I'll grind him up a bit till he's got bite. Right. More work. Damn it."The line cuts. The idea came to me that I couldn't take Professor Oak for myself. Not that I think I could. Ash would need him more.The other Professors have to stay where they are but Redwood? He might be older, certainly, but he seems like the type of man that would still get up early in his nineties and go about his day the same as in his forties. It would be a great boon to research and just his connections. Another letter to send out to Liza at the Valley. Hmm. I'll have to visit again after the fight with Mom. Or no. Perhaps I'd go there to train before Mom. Yeah. See how Bruno and Rose are doing.Then its onto the gym. I'm not overly concerned upon further reflection. If I recall Chuck had only a few fighting types that had status effects. A poliwrath or some and such with hypnosis. Now, he could have something else crazy that he doesn't often fight with or for his main team but Chuck always seemed very straightforward. I'm betting on his team being tough and hard to take down. The gym is rather rustic and I can hear grunting and mild curses from the back. A large outdoor field is set up in the middle of some trees(I approve and make a note to try and not smash any of them) and yep. That's Chuck. He's much younger than I remember and its a pretty big difference. Not as bulky, longer hair but the still loud man. He's not wearing a shirt of course and its easy to see how dedicated he is even now from how he's working so methodically. Even if its with impressive passion."Hah!" He's punching a bag with impressive speed and strength. This man may not be Bruno but he's very much above average. And sharp. It only takes him a moment to notice me and his voice is quite warm. "Hey! Come to train or a badge? Or just to talk? Hahaha. I guess you could do all three!"Alright. Wattson has to meet this guy sometime. "I'm here to challenge you. My name is Ella Mita."His eyes widen in excitement and he tosses a towel over his bare chest to hurry over, aura screaming anticipation."Yes! I'm so pumped. Got word of you a while back and my team has been ready!" Okay I could get used to this."Well, just show me where to put my dex and I'll register."Five minutes later and we're back outside. The indoor gym is wrecked, 'again' as he happily commented, so we're going to fight where I met him. Fine by me. I have to admit I'm matching his excitement now. I still think I've got him but its nice to meet someone so pure in their desire to test themselves, their team and have fun at the same time. Too bad for him that many of my family have huge counters for physical attacks. Only the poliwrath of his team worries me.A harried looking gym trainer comes out to ref. Looks like he was taking a nap from how mussed his hair is."This is a four versus four battle between Ella Mita of Blackthorn and Gym Leader Chuck Atlas. Begin!" Chuck just grins madly and releases a machamp that starts punching the air in pleasure, the promise of a good fight infecting her.After I release Sunny things go downhill quick. "Aww. Why'd you have to go with a fairy? They're so frilly and lame. Wanted your fighters. That electivire was epic. Fine. Let's get going."Now, Sunny can forgive a lot. She probably would be fine later even if right now her ears droop. The pride of finally going out there for her Mom was high and now its died in a fire. She would forgive Chuck. And its likely that Chuck didn't mean what he said. He's young right now after all. I however take after my Mom. No one insults my pokémon.There are a lot of strategies that are petty and mean. Unfair. I use those on enemies. To kill them. In gym battles though? Not so much. It doesn't help us learn or have fun. If I could manage my plan at the end of the Conference another way, I'd likely not battle gyms at all. Its a means to an end to get famous for my family's strength. To back up my word with power. I'm a fan of pokémon for the pokémon not for the end of each game. It'd be cool to be a Champion but its never been what I really wanted. My family is what I always dreamed of. Cool pokémon to be my friends. Then the reality blew my dream into awesomeness I can't describe.So I am vicious to the machamp. For his trainer hurting my pokémon. Is it petty and cruel? Of course. I'm a dragon. "Time Out Sunny. Ignore his words."Sunny just yawns delicately and looks a little downcast. Machamp brings her fists up to run at Sunny who has sent out double teams. Machamp looks ready to punch them all and indeed he starts with two of his arms settling into bullet punches as the free ones start to bulk up. Chuck is yelling something or other but I frankly am not listening. He's not ready for the cheese I have Sunny train to cause.I'm livid and not playing fair. Machamp gets through maybe five clones then falls down. Snoring. Reflect screens pop down on all four sides of her as Sunny boxes the burly fighting type in. Sunny's first yawn was indeed Yawn."Sleep Talk!" Machamp starts to smash at the reflects with various elemental swings or what not but Sunny is already using charm and tickle at the same time. Her ribbons dart in when reflect screens shatter and she starts debuffing like mad, replacing the screens almost without pause. Nothing hits her as she starts up another yawn anytime machamp tries to wake up. Fake tears that have some real ones in them that make me even angrier. All she wanted to do was stand tall. I get that Chuck probably doesn't deserve this but fuck him. He made her feel small for just an instant. Pokémon all share pride in their abilities.Finally Sunny is done and lets machamp stagger to her feet. She's a mess. Charm confuses you to who your enemy is, tickle looses muscles that are used to attack and fake tears convinces your senses that you can trust the sound of the person who cries them."Hyper Beam." Sunny just got this. I refused to give it to her before she stood up to want to be a healer in our true battles. I gave her one of the most destructive attacks to her line. Pixilate makes it downright nuts in potential and while she'd never match my heavy hitters the bright pink lance of power slams the machamp out of the arena and through some trees. The ones I wanted to spare and now don't give a shit. I ignore a sheepish looking Chuck and just kneel down to let Sunny run into my arms."He's an idiot. Of course you're lovely. You're my daughter. But he let his expectations color his tone. It had nothing to do with you okay?" Sunny nods a bit and then looks back. You'd think she'd be all happy at her victory but consider who she trains with. Massive forms crashing through trees are pretty standard for her. This is just another sparring session to her. A tame one at that.Chuck comes back with his machamp already returned and sighs. "Alright. I deserved that. Sorry Ms. Sylveon. Its not you. I've a problem with fairy types being so dainty. Just rubs me the wrong way that they can take on fighting types like that. Not your fault at all. That's on me. Friends?"Fine. His aura is sincere and he doesn't seem at all upset that Sunny beat the snot out of machamp even if it was his own actions that got his pokémon smacked around. I guess Gym Leaders handle losses different. Sunny's ribbons pick up on my approval of the apology and rushes over to pat the man, assuring him all is forgiven. Then tries to chatter to him about how Time Out for her was something different than the combo she just used usually. She likes that she can have a good time out. Not that I really have to discipline her at all. Its mostly the same for all my pokémon. Training for too long.Again to his credit, Chuck just listens until she's done with her point, even if we have a match going on. I'm still salty but calming down."Sunny? Want to stay out?" She immediately shakes her head."Even if it was kind of a let down I think you should let the others have a turn. Query first! He said he had a surprise!"Chuck just waits patiently. Fine. He'll be forgiven. After the match.Shrugging at that I toss Query's ball out and my shiny boy seems quite pleased but not as one might think. Chuck's eyebrows raise and a savage grin gets on his face. "I heard you developed a combat style for this guy?""Well. It was myself and him together at first but its all his own now. Query has advanced it far more than I ever could.""I know its likely very brutal and to his strengths but would you mind letting our pokémon duke it out in a brawl with his fighting style? I'd like to see it. Honestly, even if you lost you'd get the badge from a fighting gym just for developing a new martial art."What an honest guy. If only he had a bit more tact. "Sure. Though I warn you that he's made it better than the last time he fought a gym leader."My opponent just grins even more and out comes a medicham. Interesting. Definitely don't remember that pokémon on his team.Query is already speeding forward with the agility he so often uses and starts into phase one of Psi-Fist. Psychic spears already start at pressure points or to toss of the medicham's balance. The first of the bullet punches starts but then something unexpected happens.Each of the moves are deflected by the tiniest of protect walls. Unlike Joy's Lucario's, they don't shatter easily. Medicham is constantly using Calm Mind, Mind Reader and Detect as Tru so often does to not dodge but disperse all of the damage in an insane display of grace. The flow of it is worthy of any martial arts movie. Query is not deterred.Gravity is flipped, then back to normal as medicham does the same move, not letting Query disrupt his balance that easy. He attacks back then, fire punches slipping into Query's guard for once and scoring his metal hide. Query remains unyielding in his pressure. Flashes start across his body and that does start to foul medicham's strategy. A few meteor mashes finally get through and then medicham is utterly on the back foot, every attack is a brick break. Query correctly deduces that the small protect shields cannot stand up to brick break. A full protect? Yes.Medicham is battered a bit but responds with a counter that clangs my metagross across the floor. My boy digs in his feet hard and pursuit's back just fast enough to get in a smack before medicham gets off a recover, psychically propelling his own body as much as his legs stomp the way over, still boosted by agility. Showing just how tough he is, medicham tosses up a sunny day while low sweeping my metagross without slowing down from the damage he's taken.The kick hits somewhat but Query catches himself with a magnet rise before it can devastate him. Things descend into the brawl Chuck hoped for as medicham's ability to predict Query's rapid attacks increases in effectiveness. Medicham's own psychic abilities dull the spears that Query thrusts to knock him off balance. Then Query finally unveils his surprise.I'll say it again. He's going to be famous. No one matches him in hand to hand. Er. Leg to leg? Whatever it is.Grass Knot is the first of his new moves. Three minds dedicate all his spears to hitting medicham just a bit off balance then a grass knot savagely pulls the remaining leg out, sending medicham's face to the floor. A flash of the limb heading for his face blinds medicham but my boy does more with it. He uses the beam of light as a sped up laze targeting for laser focus and, stealing a trick from Mars, a focus blast cracks the back of medicham's head as Query uses Meteor Mash at the front. Chuck's pokémon is hit from two different directions, the force of them each a devastating critical.It doesn't stop there. Focused flashes continue as he uses his third new move in the style that is Psi-Fist. Telekinesis keeps medicham in the air without nearly as much energy as psychic and its like spinning a wheel in place. Medicham doesn't hit the ground until he's struck five more times on both sides of his head at dizzying speeds by focus blasts and Query's heavy limbs. The sound is painful to listen to and Chuck just stares at the knocked out medicham before he even hits the ground.Query is very easy going all the time. But we all dote on Sunny immensely. Out of all my pokémon I worry the most about Query being vindictive. He was quite pleased when the fight started to brutally smack someone down for her. Oozing the desire to harm. Its who he and I accept it. Even approve. But still. Poor medicham."That was AMAZING! I didn't want to be spoiled so I didn't watch your matches even if I got the gist from the reports. But there was so much there! That was probably the most impressive hand to hand combat style I've ever seen. And from a non fighting type! Amazing! I've so much to think of. I'll have to re-watch.." He goes on for a bit like this before I cough a bit loudly. Still don't feel guilty but there really will be no hard feelings after the battle. "Oh! Right. Hah! Two more eh? Fine fine. "Idly I recall Query. While Chuck's made up for his mistake a bit I'm worried Query might go a bit too far. Could I go for crazy?She has been watching us for a while hasn't she? Would it work? If not I've still got Query and Mars. The first time I used it, it wasn't that hard. Angel appears with a cry of satisfaction in my mind. Images of her doing jumping jacks and cartwheels flows through my mind to some cheery jingle. I smile just a bit despite myself. The hitmonchan across from us ironically matches, rowdy as he hops about tossing fists into the air. Chuck wisely keeps his mouth shut at my second fairy."One moment if you don't mind Chuck. It'll make this fight special." Now he's curious and waits with good humor."Angel. I got this a while ago thinking of you. Or at least hoping for you. We can talk about that later. Think on myself and my team. If it works you'll know right away." The Mega Stone I give her fits well with a leather necklace I gave her a few days ago, purple ribbons edging the edges.Chuck gapes then raises his arm over his eyes as my Angel mega evolves without trouble.How? She's trusted me for a long while. Her usual communication she showed me that she wanted to join the moment she caught up to us at Goldenrod but that her premonitions advised her to wait. That we needed to meet at a certain time in a certain place for me to be in the right place to be her trainer. My eye misted up as I realize that if she was the first pokémon that I met that my decisions may have harmed, I might have broken. Wattson was easing into it. Joker showed me that they could live a good life without me. Hard, but good.If I saw Angel's scar first? I might have not have recovered from that hit. What I feel now? She's perfect. Shaped by her life, she found her place and then didn't let anything stop her from going forward to more. Empathy forced through communicating in such a pure way gave way to healing not just the body, but the mind and heart. All I want for her is what she already has. Love that she's dreamed of for her entire life. Exactly like me. Is it so odd that we are this connected? I don't think so.Mega Gardevoir is amazing. I never really saw the appeal of it before today. Sure, I respected the stats and ability but seeing her as the perfect Angel she is? Its breathtaking."Stop staring! Don't let her set up!" Fair. All of my pokémon are fiends at power ups.Hitmochan immediately parts into double teams and mach-bullet punches. Angel dodges all of them with a barely foot long teleport each time hitmonchan swings. Every punch. How? She skill swapped Hitmonchan's keen eye and used trick room. In a second. Her Telepathy ability lets her react faster than all of Query's brains. He can focus on more things but she can react faster. How is she this skilled? She's been just as passionate as the rest of my family. And she did it all herself.Angel lets hitmonchan get a few more attempts in and before he can change tactics she demonstrates her amazing psychic power in this form by tapping his shoulder and they vanish. My aura directs me a few hundred feet in the air and I can see dazzling blasts of fairy energy and a few moonblasts.Pokémon can take a lot but even I wince as she teleports rapid fire around hitmonchan. Each teleport means another dazzling gleam or moonblast striking from different angles to ping pong the poor guy. I feel her opponent lose consciousness way before impact. Which doesn't happen as Angel simply catches him gently, fluttering down until they both come to a soft, perfect landing. Its absolutely flight purely fueled by her fairy nature, copying how clefairy float.Before Chuck, who is again gaping, can return his pokémon she pulses an image of him waiting a moment. There is a bit of shock in his aura but its hard to resist the feel of her kind thoughts. Kneeling next to the pokémon she just brutally destroyed the battlefield fills with the presence of her power. I'm used to such displays from Zaela and sometimes Mars but this is different.All is right with the world. She's here to help. Angel. A heal pulse that Tru and I couldn't form together washes over hitmonchan and his considerable injuries are gone as if they never existed. The fairy demand that the world is great and healthy. She denies his injuries, offended (even if she put them there herself). Hitmochan regains consciousness moments later, quite confused and well, I normally don't care what other pokémon say besides my own but this was too great."Holy shit. You just shit on me. That was the worst beatdown I've ever experienced...Are you single?"My newest family member blushes hard and simply nods, eeps that she gave an answer without thinking, then totally doesn't panic glide back over to our side of the field. Chuck tries to recall hitmonchan. It is denied."Dude! Did you see that?! Why the hell would you return me when she's over there still? Just because you and your wife get all pissy doesn't mean you have to stand in my way! Damnit. I'm sitting over here and watching her beat the crap out of poliwrath. Don't even deny you're gonna use anyone else."Chuck just scratches his head as he watches his pokémon raise his fists and rant a bit then sit firmly down on their side of the field but making sure he has Angel in frame. Angel sends me a few pictures of various pokémon together as a couple and a question if hitmonchan meant that about her. My confirmation, amused as it is, makes her blush again even if she is not very interested in him. Or anyone just now. But its still highly flattering to her and she smiles at him."Damnit. She's going to go off with her trainer and I have to stay here with this idiot. I mean, he's my boy but...Fuck." I have good hearing. I'm really trying not to laugh.Chuck coughs and tosses out a poliwrath. Surprise! Sigh."Want to stay out Angel?""Her name is Angel?! Why the hell couldn't have that girl with the wicked eyepatch have caught me?! Damn you Arceus! Damn you!"Okay I might have snickered.Poliwrath just stares at her teammate and shrugs. Slamming her massive fists together she gets ready as Angel sends out a desire to try out her new form more. Also an image of us standing in a mirror with myself in a dress so we can match. I kind of ignore that and the mental equivalent of a raspberry fills my head. Weird sensation.Poliwrath lumbers at Angel while tossing out giant water pulses that are stopped by light screens. A rain dance makes poliwrath surge in speed that really shouldn't work for such a creature but Angel just traces the swift swim and satisfaction pulses from her as she reads intention from poliwrath.Two massive moonblasts form and shoot down. Poliwrath makes a snort of satisfaction and pats its belly as it steps into the attacks only for Angel to teleport inches in front of her, flashing a confuse ray immediately then ports them both out of range of the moonblasts. Poliwrath panics a bit as she keeps hitting her belly faster and faster and before passing out with a frustrated whine. Down she goes, smacking her face into the hard ground. Yep. The fight lasted only seconds. Still better than the bug gym.Now I feel better. Mars won't get his turn but he wouldn't care. More sleep for him. Chuck radiates confusion."Did she...Just set up two attacks that would have destroyed me to draw out a bide? Then when poliwrath hit belly drum to make the bide one-shot, she used encore before poliwrath could endeavor?! Hey! Angel! Marry me! Fuck Chuck."Angel just sends him a slow smile and regret that she is not ready to seek a mate. She really isn't. She just achieved her life's dream of finding the home her senses told her was out there. What she does do is start healing up poliwrath as well and thrums apology when the tadpole pokémon gets up. Poliwrath just lets out a happy gurgle (no actual words) and pats Angel gently before returning herself. Huh. Nice mon as Wattson would say. All she seemed to radiate was more interesting strategies to train for.Hitmonchan just sighs and pats Chuck's shoulder. "We both have shit luck with women dude.""I...What? Well. Shit. I have more training to do! Four losses! Four days straight! Hah! That was a lesson in humility and that fighting style! I'm pumped all over again! Here's the Storm Badge! Thank you. With this I get to get stronger!"I leave, watching a metaphorical small rain cloud over Hitmonchan and Chuck running around with weights and jabbering about needing to work until he passes his own limitations or something.If he has a green spandex suit I'd be very worried.Angel walks with me and slowly glides along in a dance of contentment letting the mega evolution fade. "That was impressive. How did you learn all that?"We hadn't done any training really between Olivine and here. If I hadn't seen some of what Angel had gone through I wouldn't have let her fight.Pictures of gallades show up and her sparring against them. Rapid teleports with precise destinations flow into ways to use sensed expectations against others. No wonder she destroyed them. For hitmonchan she got in close where he was strong and startled him. Normally she cannot teleport unwilling persons. Or at least that's what I got from the picture of her teleporting me smiling and then her failing to do so with a picture of me frowning. Her actual self is playing with her mega stone in its necklace with deep pleasure that we succeeded at it. She also pulses an idea that she might be able to teleport anyone, willing or not, in her mega form, so powerful she felt.As for poliwrath she used the expectation of the overwhelming force that she used to take out hitmonchan to trap poliwrath into trying to take her out with one hit. A very Chuck method Angel parsed from the few thoughts she got from hitmochan, the image showing her sneakily plucking little cloud thought bubbles from the pokémon as she is teleporting around smacking him.The confuse ray managed to make sure that even with the endeavor the big frog couldn't attempt anything else, like rest maybe. A belly drum enhanced confused attack would do it even if she hadn't hit the encore before getting endeavored. Poliwrath really attack boosted herself to a loss. Belly drum doesn't have a limit here. You can indeed go too far.Angel really is the worst opponent for fighting types. We head back to the Pokémon Center to make sure mega evolution didn't cause any damage and get treatment for Query, who did get knocked around some. Of course Sunny gets her traditional talk with the local Joy. She's adored every single one we've met. Afterwards we head to our camp just out of town and meet up with the rest of the family. Congratulations are heard for our victory. Aurora is probably the most surprising."He said what about Sunny? I'm going to freeze him. See if he can be brought back to life in a few ages!" In a rare display of movement that isn't slow plodding along she starts stamping back and forth in circles. Zaela is almost purring at seeing her friend get angry."What was that you told me sister? Oh yes. Give into your anger! Fall to the darkness Aurora!"I just snort and work on brushing out Sunny's fur. "Chuck was sorry eventually. Sometimes people are stupid but it doesn't mean they can't learn. You taught him well Sunny." And Query. And Angel."I know Mom. It was a bit sad at the time but I got that big meanie! Oh. Well. He seemed alright. That's probably the thing I dislike about battles the most. I don't get to talk to the other mon! And show them we can be great friends!""Hah! You tell them Sunny. I wish I'd been there to see it. Eh Tru? Watch our ball of light beat the snot of someone my size? Not that I would trade for our date.Tru rapidly tries to change the subject, blushing hard. My oh my. Did Wattson get some snuggles?"Yes Watt. I get it. You did well Sunny I am sure. I am glad you were not deterred from continuing your fight. I already know I can count on you to aid me to heal. Now I know for certain you can watch my back in a fight."That makes Sunny beam at Tru. Tru's fibbing a bit. She always knew she could count on Sunny to step up but hearing the lucario that is the most honorable and just of our team call you a bad ass in her own way? Sunny starts purring into my lap."I'll freeze him and have Mars roast him so I can do it again! Then I'll get my hat and we'll cook up some idiot st..." Its lost as Aurora stomps out of range. Zaela follows to amp her up more. I think. Best keep an eye out on that."Sunny. Strong. Never doubted. Heart stronger than rest. Biggest strength." Damnit Joker. Such earnest, serious intent. No misty eyes here. Nope. Wattson smacks Joker on the back."Good one bud. What do you think Mars? Query? Where are they?""Don't even try. Query said he has him on the ropes in their month long chess-poker-jenga game.""Sooooo Query is going to lose in a few hours?""Yes Wattson. Tru, would you mind finishing up? Angel is sending me excitement and a request to come meet her over there someplace.""Of course Mistress. Watt, if you would, go tell Zaela and Aurora they'll not be getting dessert if they cause a ruckus.""Sure thing m'gal. Heh. Love it when you blush." Wattson walks off in the direction of what might be the start of explosions without a care in the world. Totally not caring, or very much caring, that True is both giving him stink eye and intensely liking how he is so direct with her."Wait. Doesn't Aurora make the desserts anyway?"Angel pings me more and more in pure delight and more than a little reverence. I'm unclear as to what it means but follow along. My senses read...Something ahead. Powerful but utterly kind. Sort of. Its hard to tell. I'm a bit wary but Angel just radiates trust.As I round the bend I blink my eye. Then stare. Shocked.Oh. That's right.She showed up here in crystal.Suicune.Nothing quite matches her. Nothing really describes the serenity her presence brings. Her presence unfolding like a flower as I approach. I've no idea how she hid it. Genders aren't listed with legends in the games but she's very distinctly female from the shades of her aura.The delicate streamers that coast behind her body. Her head with all its regal beauty. The compassionate and knowing look in her eyes. Not my legendary but such a favorite."Guardian. You have found your path well. Its been too long since a defender of Life has been born to humans. You were so close to one of my homes I couldn't resist. Come closer." Definitely a female voice, lovely and musical.I can barely breathe as I stumble ahead to stand in front of her, feeling like I should kneel. My legendary is stronger than her but Suicune already is….Overwhelming. Pure. A tear runs down my cheek and Angel just wipes it away with a soft smile."Its amazing to meet you. I've always wanted to see you once." She's another of the legendaries I considered. She was so close to being my pick."The honor is mine. The feeling of your team saturates the air. Do you know why you and your team are so special? It is not just because of your care or any sort of destiny upon your head."My eye goes wide with amazement at the tinkling of bells is Suicune's laughter."So you do know that you are Fate-touched. The eldest of legendaries will recognize this. Aura. Aura breathes life into pokémon. It evolves us. How do lucario talk to people? How have only they evolved to do so besides legendaries in such a manner? Aura. Life. Psychics have the potential as well but it is a communication that does not speak with your heartYour intentions laid bare. Even more, your family draws on your aura to become more. Smarter. Better."Is this why Mars was born a genius? Did being around Tru and I affect him? Constant exposure over his egg incubating to bring out his full potential? Tru and I trained daily with aura since we met. Even if that first year was harsh we still used it daily. Is that how all my group have jumped in leaps and bounds? I had always worried if I would become a burden to them as they grew. That I'd be their weak link. If this is true...I can't think of the relief I'll feel."You see some of it. Legendaries were formed by concentrations of an ideal, element or even dreams. But they only became such because of Life. Aura. The first Aura Guardian of your race found out this truth before they travelled across the world. I bring it to you again in hopes you take this knowledge and make use of it as promised. Concentrate your Guardians. Train them and nurture their pokémon like yours. Let them become more."This made so much sense. Why are all the legends of Sir Aaron about not just himself? But his pokémon too? They were amazing examples of their species. Why did every legend of Aura Guardians of old talk of their partners? Shit. Even Tru and I. When we join forces our abilities exponentially enhance ea-….Can I do this with my other family in some way? Could I boost them?"My Lady. I...Thank you. I...This...It means a lot." Really it does. I'm never going to be as tough as a pokémon. But this? If I could help my family in such a way?"There is no need. When you were born some of us were quite aware of what it meant. Paths were set out and some of us are to be called to aide you in our own ways. A few may give you issue but the one you are destined for awaits. She is ready for your bright purpose and all that would come after should you defeat her. You already have her respect. But there is the tradition of course. Proving yourself worthy."Suicune leans forward to press her forehead against mine. The forest sings with emotion as Angel lets us feel each other through her. I'm so overwhelmed by the possibility of doing more for my family that my aura is quite lacking of the calmness it needs to sense emotion. Suicune feels of purity and amusement. As well as quite a lot of hope for me. That I'll guide many to life and balance."You are not the Chosen. It is amazing that you accept this and move to a path of support. Seek out help for good causes. Some of a possible future is known. While I cannot promise help of the elders, the beasts of Johto will come at your call if the situation dire. Seek us out at the tower. Guardian, live well and long."Suicune lets out a low croon of farewell and turns, vanished in a blink of an eye towards the sea. Angel wraps me up in a hug as I let it all crash over me. Different tears shed than when we met. Those were filled with grief and humility at her feelings for me.These are tears of such hope I can barely think. I can be more for them. All of them.My Angel holds me as I thank the world for the gift of my family and the promise of tomorrow.AngelA series of pictures are upon the page. The first is of Angel leaning over Mars' wing, watching him draw for her. The Angel figure is pointing at the picture as if to tell him what to put.The next is of the entire family and Ella in front. Center. Angel stands at her side and is hugging her tightly with a firm expression. As if about to say something important.Another with the family laughing together around a camp as charizard fly above in droves. Angel is gazing at them in awe and points out how many they are.The next is Angel giving the person looking at the picture two thumbs up as if saying 'good job'!Next is a drawing of everyone standing over a grave with bowed heads. Then them gathered around a table and talking to each other with thought bubbles, each of them a different memory of the dead person. All who think of them have a slight smile on their face.The one after shows Ella asleep and Sunny next to her. Sunny is awake and caressing Ella with her ribbons. Sunny's face shows concern and care all at once.The next is Query and Wattson talking together while they watch Ella walk past them in a daze. Both Query and Wattson look as if they don't know what to do.Aurora and Zaela next as they help Ella up some stairs. Ella looks drunk or sick.Mars sits next to his mother in the next picture. She leans against him, upset. His wing wraps around her protectively and his face is infinitely kind.Joker is out in the wilds, hunting a man with a uniform. Joker is angry and blood streams from his claws as he rages at something.Tass is shown flying through the air above a building, determination on his face as he moves towards the hospital.After that is the Water Maiden as she presides over her court, directing the gyarados to war. The Order's flag flying behind her.Finally the legendary sleeps above their home in the Valley, guarding them all and a content smile on her face.Only a few pictures are left.The next is of Angel herself with Ella's face in her lap, gently running her hand through the hair of the one-eyed woman. The scene around them is of comfort and home.The second to last is of Ella herself smiling a sad smile as if she is walking away.The last is of her family watching her walk away. They look confused and helpless.Mother, I drew these for Angel at her direction. The last she could not properly put down but...If you continue to let this go on she worries about your future. Something of what will happen if you let this crush your spirit. I was not worried when I wrote my letter. I am now. We'll be talking when you come home.While it is not a criticism, I can't help but think you put too much on yourself. One moment you are the leader of us all. Unbent. Then you let yourself face things alone. Cracking. Just an observation.Angel is sticking her tongue out at me for ruining the theme of her letter. And that while she's concerned I should draw one more that she wanted to give you separate of these. She said it would give you perspective.An attached picture is of Ella, younger now, and the team. Its of their first day with the legendary in the Valley. Of the guardians arrayed before her and the hope of the world on their faces. Of all that they built. Together.A hope for a future. Preserved. Forever.

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