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55.43% poke fanfic fun to read / Chapter 51: 3

Capítulo 51: 3

I don't have a clue where to start. I should have known things would have gotten harder. Did I really expect that all my pokémon would like me from the start? The ghost or dark pokémon later? Sure. But number three? I thought out of all of my choices she'd be the most accepting. Before I get into not so slight bitterness here's her stats.

Kay the RioluNature: SeriousAbilities: Inner Focus, Prankster (Hidden Ability)Moves: Foresight, Quick Attack, Endure, Counter, Detect, Cross Chop, Bite, Mind Reader, High Jump Kick, Agility, Vacuum Wave, Crunch, Bullet Punch, Meteor MashWhile metagross might have been my favorite pokémon, lucario and riolu were always on my teams. So far I've noticed immensely how much my chosen nature for my team have mattered. How it really affected their lives. But what about pokémon who have been away from me for a while? I didn't think what it meant when dealing with egg moves or how that would fit into the world. My riolu is pretty much royalty.Royalty as in her line have been bred for generations to serve aura users. To be their companion. An unbroken thread to be dedicated to their one true partner. Kay has a huge amount of pride and dedication and I….I think she doesn't think I'm worthy or something. That because she's a perfect example of her species that she deserved something more than a five year old child. I don't know what she was expecting. Where did this stem from? From a riolu of all things?So way back when I was first found out by mom she didn't just let it go. All my thoughts are about my pokémon first and myself second. Even when I do think of myself its mostly about how they have affected my life. For non-pokémon, Clair is practically my shadow when I'm not training (which isn't that often as Zaela's got a one track mind and Query can entertain himself now that he's so much smarter and idependant) and she's oh so adorable. Serious cuteness straight to all the mush. I know she becomes something of a massively powerful trainer later but right now she's shy and will peek behind her hands if I catch her staring at me.Its flattering to know she looks up to me really. Not just because the actual person Clair is so sweet and warm but because of who she will be. Humbling. That's a good word for it. Especially since she's a few years older than me.Mom is another big part of my life. Probably the biggest because she makes the rules really. Since she saw that I could thrive training she's let me get away with a lot and at the same time is brutal in her expectations. When she more or less figured out my goal was to become so powerful only the top percent of all trainers could challenge me….I somewhat was less her daughter in that moment as she started to treat me like her gym trainers….And many of them had gone on to become Ace-level trainers. I'm given a lot of freedom but if I don't prove I'm worthy I think I'll regret all the life choices, ever. In two lives.It doesn't mean we fail to have bonding time or what not but even then that time is mostly about our shared love of pokémon. Zaela is a focus because dragons. But even if she has never trained a psychic or steel pokémon she is at least interested in Query. But she doesn't get him. Query is like a sane version of dad and I think it freaks her out. Dragon tamers are all a bit nuts ourselves so maybe that's why she and dad got together? Better living through insanity?...Maybe she does like Query? I know she absolutely appreciates how he does his best to keep my sister from dragging me into trouble. More trouble.All that aside, mom is the gym leader of one of the most powerful gyms in the world. She knows a lot of powerful people. Ever since I proved I could train Zaela and that I actively used aura to augment my understanding of pokémon she's been working to get me aid. At first she was met with disbelief but after many hours of subtly interrogating me and documenting my abilities she got one of the Knights of Rota to come pose as a gym challenger. For a long while she expected me to be the next gym leader. A looooot of baby dragons were rejected as new partners despite how adorable they are. I'm a bit afraid to ask her about what she thought of me being so obstinate and its not as if I've been subtle that I have some plan going forward. Maybe Dad being the way he is let her move at my own pace? Either way she didn't let that stop -her- plans.I should have known it was a bit odd that knight-guy was invited over for dinner after he faced mom. Actually I don't even know if a fight happened. They just introduced him as someone who impressed her. No. Wait. I know my mom. She would never have introduced him to me if he wasn't strong. Only the strong are allowed to aide me. Not my words. Hers. Worried as she might be at times, at no point has she held back in helping my pokémon turn into monsters to protect her baby.While the knight was of Rota it did mean he was an aura user. What he was though is one of the historians of the country and one of the few people who apparently keep in contact with Riley. Now, there are certainly a few lucario in the kingdom due to its history but that wasn't where mine came from. What my mother wanted was a riolu for me that all true aura guardians have. If she couldn't stop me from my path she would do her best to shield me from as much as possible. Given all she really knew of my plans were that I had aura and wanted to battle at a high level, she could easily do her best with that.I'm not sure what I'd do if she honestly asked me what I wanted. I'd probably tell the truth.Knight guy (Ellent was his name) hung out for a few days though mom told me he knew from the start some signs that I was particularly strong with aura. From how I moved more gracefully as a child to the way I knew intimately everything in my surroundings in a measurable diameter to other things I gave away. I've never been good at hiding things really that are such a huge part of my life. Nor do I want to. There are so many fantasies I've read or created myself even in my mind about using future knowledge and such to carefully predict the way forward. Its true that I'm doing some preemptive things. Query for instance is vicious about my mind being safe. Even with what happened with that thief and Matthew Stone, I can't deny who I am. I'm not smart enough to look that far ahead and predict other people. So I'm going to just become stronger than anyone in my way. Its why I wanted to start training so early.But what Ellent did was to go home and recommend to the King(Or whoever it is that runs Rota) at that time that they fulfill their charge to aide in a new aura user by opening talks with the Lucario Kingdom in Sinnoh. Mother could have went to them directly but she was friends with the current monarchy of Rota and wanted their advice first. Long story short and I was tested again by someone the Lucario Kingdom sent and Kay arrived a month after that. The tests were fairly easy as I didn't know I was being tested. They just watched how I interacted with pokémon and how I trained Query and Zaela.That bit earlier about her being pretty much royalty? No, Kay is. Her parents are the current leaders of the kingdom. And they gave me their child to raise to new heights. No pressure right? They don't call themselves king and queen but they pretty much are that. This isn't what I expected. What I thought was going to happen is that Joy's Lucario would come to me and tell me to watch after her child because we're very close. Despite her hoarding things to learn for so long.I thought I'd have the kid of the lucario I've grown up with and who is responsible for my current level of skill in aura. She's helped me so much. I can now talk to any and all pokémon just as lucario do. What they say is still based on their intelligence but I've been tagged by Joy and our local law enforcement (a Clan member not a Jenny) as someone to contact if Lucario isn't available to translate. Also, I learned not all lucario get that aura trick down and I should be even more impressed with Joy's Lucario.Oh! I found out why she never wanted a nickname too. Most tend to not care one way or another but she said it is her greatest honor to be known as Joy's companion first and foremost. I might have sniffled a bit there and even more eagerly awaited her to tell me she was going to have an egg and it was mine…..Which considering I've never seen her use some of the moves I'd chosen years ago for my riolu, well, I should have known it wouldn't be hers.Another aspect I've improved on is my empathy. Reading a person's aura (and every living thing has it to an extent) lets you see their emotion Its not a visual read as much as letting my aura sense taste theirs. It sounds a bit dirty and it can be depending on moods. I'm never, ever reading my parents after mom has a great battle again. Ew. Ew. Blergh.Where before I could get a good idea of what someone feels, I now have shades of it. Like happiness because something happened as opposed to just being in a good mood. Its subtle but so very useful. And again, blergh blergh if I pay too close of attention. Luckily I can turn it off, not that I will after almost losing Zaela last year.Before she realized I was reading her and did something I didn't recognize to block me, the most prevalent emotion that Kay was feeling after meeting me was shocking disappointment. And a bit of rage. It quickly shut down to resigned resolve and she shut me out of her emotions. Considering she's an emanation pokémon I can understand why she can do that.It was a very awkward week from that point on. While obviously surprised I could speak to her and other pokémon there was very little emotion from her that I could pick up from that point on. She obeys me when we train and will be polite at all times but there is zero warmth and even less interaction beyond training. There was indeed an impressed look on her face when she saw Zaela but it was back to nothing when I mentioned that Momma helped me train her.Query was more or less ignored as he clearly enjoys learning new things more than training. He doesn't at all slack off but his growth doesn't involve physically apparent signs. To get stronger with a move Query will meditate on it and play out a staggeringly large amount of simulations in his brain then show me the best fifty or so after a few days. Most of his true training is insular and isn't readily shown save for in our minds.Its been almost a month since she's come and I'm more than a little worried. At no point did Fate tell me I was promised the pokémon I desired would be willing come to think of it. Maybe I should just give it time.Joy's wife is due in a few more months. Her name is Rebecca, the wife. We aren't as close as Joy and I but she's a very nice woman. Has to be to attract a Joy.I'm so distracting myself about Kay. Always. Its probably a bad thing to let this fester.Ignoring that positive self-reflection, Sampson is starting to grow on me. There is kindness in him I didn't expect. I suppose being around all these rare and powerful pokémon have tempered him a tad. I don't get as much interrogation anymore but that also might be because he's been seeing a woman in the Clan lately. Oh crap. Did I fuck up his future trip to Alola?Uhm. They are very cute together? She's a caretaker for many of the wild pokémon in the Den so she knows her stuff and like all of the clan is quite proud and fierce. Guess that appeals to Sampson? Whatever the case I think I'm going to be nicer to him. He found me leaning on Query at our favorite thinking spot and didn't ask a single question at first. All he did was sit down and start telling me about his favorite pokémon and what life was like before he became a traveler. When he did eventually ask questions they were about me. How I was. And what type of gifts a woman in the Clan might like.It was nice. Kinda like how dad gets in the few rare instances where he isn't absorbed in some project. I think I'll spend a bit more time with Sampson and not just as a link to his cousin. Am I using people? I don't think so but I am worried I'm not connecting with them. Pokémon may be my priority but maybe I'll go and see Lance. He's getting better. Less of a jerkface. Yeah. That sounds good.Claire WataruToday was a great day! Claire's sister told her how to start Dratini on dragon energy! Not that Dratini wasn't able to use a bit of it! She could shoot out blue flames that Hannah told her was a bit close to a dragonbreath. Oh did Claire love her starter. Even if she wasn't a starter just yet.It was a big sad that Ella couldn't come with her, but Claire never really was upset that her niece was so much stronger than her. Not like Lance focused on it. Claire understood that people were different. Just like how Hannah was sort of a mom and sort of a sister to her. That Lance was both her cousin and her brother really. And that -his- parents were kind of her parents.That Dratini was her sister too. It doesn't really completely relate to being stronger or better at a thing but Claire didn't mind being who she was. Dragons are very stubborn and competitive. Lance. Hannah. Most of the Clan focus on the competitive part. Being the best. Strongest. Ella and her though are stubborn. Sure, Ella might be the strongest of them at their age. And maybe even older, but she doesn't care about that.Zaela does but she's Ella's problem.No. Ella is stubborn because she refuses to let anyone push her away from her path. Away from her goal. Claire is the same. She wants to find her goal. And there isn't uncertainty there. Its why she admires Ella so much. She has a goal. Claire doesn't know what it is but she knows she wants that same feeling.So she'll do as a Blackthorn would. Get stronger so she can go that way. And here she is! Ready to get Dratini stronger. While she might not have a goal, she knows she wants her best friend along with her."Okay! Hannah said the best way to get dragon flame is to not think about anything but energy roar. To not move anything else. To remember when we got all tired and we kept going." While she doesn't think she could ever do what Ella and her team do every single day, Dratini and Claire have gone everywhere with each other. She's never let Dratini be alone seeking more strength. Even if she couldn't keep up fully, Claire is a stubborn, determined girl. If she couldn't run or swim with her, she sat until she could or floated as a weight for her partner."Tiiii!"Even now as her best friend focuses, already having done their usual warm-ups, Claire is breathing with her, every bit of her own energy focused on her partner. She might not have Lance's instinctual talent to know exactly the next thing to do to push things forward, but she never hesitates to do what she can do. Even if it doesn't make sense, she puts her head down and pushes ever forward.She might get scolded at times for not letting herself stop and think, but its not her way.Lance has gotten better lately. He's nicer. It might have been Ella getting back at him but its probably because she started asking him about how he trains his own dratini. Hannah said that often she learns new things by teaching and Claire thought maybe it would help Lance feel more needed if she asked for his help.She still more or less finds her own way but she has to admit a lot of his advice made things easier. She probably wouldn't have asked for help if her niece didn't just -give- it without asking. Is it that aura thing that makes Ella so open about stuff? Claire doesn't really get it but it doesn't matter either.It happened and it is good to be friends with so many people. The Clan is all about strength and Ella's the strongest right now. Maybe that got to Lance now that he's not being as mean? Hannah said he was probably jealous but that she shouldn't tell him she said that."Tiii?!" Whoosh goes a blast of blue-green flame. While it doesn't melt the stone Dratini is facing, it leaves some very satisfying scorches. Besides, dragonfire doesn't burn as much as fire in a hot way. Her sister said dragonfire burns energy. Which is why its so strong against itself. It will blast things, sure, but its true danger is that its stubborn. It doesn't care what it hits. Like a dragon doesn't care. That thing will bend. Steel resists it because that's the core of a steel type. Fairies are immune because they are a bit out of reality.Claire doesn't quite get this and her sister said it was...Well she's not supposed to think about bad words like that."Great job Dratini! Now. We're not leaving until we crack it. I brought our tent if we have to stay a few days and the snacks are in the cooler. A few minutes to get back in the desire to crush it then we will!"Claire wasn't going to quit. She forgot how to.A few weeks later.Ella MitaI've got to eat my own words. Lance is a lot better. I don't know what happened but he's obviously ashamed of his behavior last year. Clair didn't tell me but apparently all his bullying stopped soon into my pranking of him but he figured he deserved it so he didn't ask her to tell me to stop.Lance is eight now and will be leaving soon. Early. He got special permission from mom. Who has fucking harsh standards. How did I miss this? I overshadow him a bit but there is no denying he is an actual prodigy. I seem like it but its really just my having lived another life. Lance's connection to dragons is all him and his own effort. Fuck. I'm going to owe him something nice later. I got an apology too and an admission that he was ultra jealous about my sister. While garchomp aren't at all his favorite dragon type he couldn't see past how much younger and more skilled I was.Where did this come from? How did he change so fast? Someday I'll push to know why but for now I will simply be thankful and more than a bit guilty.Especially because today is my first official trainer battle. Mom pulled a league official in citing Clan bullshit that we all use to fuck with the local official. She's a bitch to a lot of the incoming trainers as she can't touch us at all. I don't really care to learn the why and Mom I'm pretty sure is going to kick her out soon anyway. There is a lot of power in pokémon battles so no one in Johto wants to lose the Blackthorn Clan's good graces. We don't abuse this much but to piss her off pretty much every dragon, human or pokémon, in the Clan will go out of our way to make her feel as small as she enjoys seeing others.Anyone who braves Blackthorn shouldn't be held back because someone with power she uses out of spite can tell them no. Incidentally, anyone who sneaks in despite her and gives a good showing is invited to see if they can get a dragon to follow them. Most dragons still don't go with those trainers but they deserve the chance.Back to my first battle. Real battle. Momma doesn't count really. She can just...Destroy us. There is almost nothing we can do. The spars with Mom and her team are more lessons. Really the only big battles are Zaela versus Query that we truly get into.Blackthorn Gym is not something pretty. Its nothing majestic in any sort of artistic way. Its a giant building built of rock, stone and steel. There is a prettier one in the city proper but the one for the Clan compound is brutal and meant to take hits. Its scarred with signs of all types of elements. Its regularly rebuilt and can fit the entire Clan and their starters if not whole teams. Open aired, its presence is a statement to our chosen type. Enduring. Destructive. Breaking to making.Lance and I entered the gym together, looking over the various statues and awards taken by the clan through battle and hardship. Its probably the most protected area in the whole building. Whatever happened between us, this boy is not the Champion I know he can be yet. He's simply my cousin who I love. Sure I've been hard on him but he responds in kind. To dragons, that's how you show you care. Some of what might have gotten to him is he got his starter just a bit after I got Query. I had two before he even had one. His dratini is going to grow into the dragonite my world knows could wreck pretty much anything it wanted."Ella. I know I shouldn't ask. But." This is a new Lance indeed. His wild red hair pushes over his eyes until he tosses it back in irritation. Those burning, determined eyes I usually only see raised in anger at me are suddenly so firm. A hint of who he'll become. No. That's not fair. Who he is. Pushing past the child jealousy that sings in his aura. Crushing it. Letting it fade."You're strong. Stronger than me. Dratini and I agree that you are to be what we aspire to. To overcome."Thoughts burst in my head rapidly. I never considered this. That I'd be such a change to him. Never in any media I saw of Lance did he look like he had a rival. Sure, he probably did but have I ruined the champion that I know will be needed? Still, I kept the worry in, stupid as it might be. We're still kids after all. But...Kids also solve all the problems in this world. "Cousin. I think we can both agree we're weird kids who don't have a right to what we've gained. There is nothing to forgive. I gave as good as I got. So not asking for forgiveness back. Punk"I did too. I wasn't exactly kind. Pushing my own hair away as well, mimicking his gesture to tease I simply took his hand and tugged him into the gym. The snark is returned, his teeth flashing in a smile and threat both. That's the way. This had been his most earnest request and I couldn't deny him. Even if we both knew how it would end. The few times we've gotten to fight it wasn't even close. But I also stopped responding to challenges when he took things out on Claire.While those weren't official battles, it just made them that much more vicious without rules. Lots of scolding from both our parents followed. Luckily our starters weren't quite up to properly savaging each other just yet.Lance's eyes brightened in excitement even if I could tell from the way his hands were clenching and the slight twitch in his mouth that he was expecting an ass beating. Dragons of near age do not go easy on each other and it would be the highest of insults if I didn't take him seriously.The pulse of the moment to come hit us both. Its an anime world. Silly thing to call it. But there isn't another word I know. The energy of it makes the world thrilling pale in comparison to the reality. Thrums of expectation connect us. Lance and I are about to understand each other better."I respect you Ella. But I'm going to do my best to put Zaela down. Dratini is ready." A plain pokéball rolls into his hands, ready to unleash his partner as we take our places. Everything fades away. My mother is somewhere up high, a queen in the gym that this Clan revolves around. Placidly watching her two favored knights get ready to prove themselves. The surprisingly pretty but utterly petty league woman watches nearby, given a place of honor even if she receives little respect. Forced there by wanting our first battle to be official. Hannah Mita may have to be the calm and collected leader, but Lance's parents and Claire are beyond excited, showering me with excitement. Even Lance picks up on it, feeding on the energy.The Clan is around us. Elders. Current trainers on their circuit. Spouses. Sampson with that woman he's been courting. Momma, way, way above, flying in the sky as if I can't feel her gaze. Dragons ring the top of the craggy gym, perched to watch us. It is with no humility that I say we're the next generation of the Blackthorn. We've much to prove.But that's later. This is about Lance and me.We both ignore that I am stronger. That doesn't matter. I cheated my way here but once I got here? I threw my old ways away. I became a dragon through will and want to be better. Lance took longer to get to that point...But it took me twenty four years to change. Lance did it in eight. In that moment, both of us clad in simple black shirts and shorts, amid clan members and family, I saw then. He's my hero. So quickly did he turn around. His aura is pure and resolved. Equal to anything that I've felt in my mother or those who impress me.That stupid face of his looks confused as to why mine softens. To the slight tear in my eye until he realizes I'm proud of him. And then to a soft, unassuming grin as he blushes a bit. Dragons do not hide from our feelings. Zaela made me a dragon. Lance was born one. If we want to cry, we cry. Never from pain. But sorrow? Joy? We let it show to those we care for happily. Later, perhaps, we'll be annoyed that woman would have seen it, but just he and I exist right now."Whatever happens cousin, know that I do this for you and yours. After this fight I will not battle you again unless we're in the same conference or you become Champion. Don't disappoint me." My voice is thick with emotion and such desire to see what will become of Lance. No thoughts of manipulation here. Lance isn't a character. He's my cousin. I want him stronger than me if he can reach that high.Enough emotion my mind screams. Eyes flashing up, I toss out Zaela's ball and my gible, massive and ready to rule the world roars to the clan that she is queen of all that is. Thick muscles grace her now. Her color is more gabite than gible and thick serrated knives are her teeth. Dragon fire burns in her throat constantly, the flames licking out to show she's ready to roast her opponent from the second the battle begins like the most hellish of forges.Mighty are her steps, echoing with the power pounded into her by her dame and her sister in two long years of constant, daily agony. We broke her because we love her. And each time she rose stronger. Even if Lance had seen her yesterday when she was my adorable sister who enjoyed snuggling to music to lull her into dreams of fire and flying, she is still stronger today. Every. Single. Day. She pushes further and further. To be better than a moment before. Resting to let herself heal into something stronger He saw her as she would pester and tease Query for his strange stay in one spot training or how she could coax my mother's kingdra to play tag with her on land.But not now. Now she has embraced that she was born to be ruler of all other dragons. King. Queen. Semantics.Silence gripped the gym save for the clattering of heels fleeing in fear. Good. She didn't belong in the court of the kingdom that is our Clan. Zaela mad mugging her successful. Pride radiated down from my mother but I didn't let it affect me. My eyes were for my cousin and how he would prove himself. He knew that he was likely walking into a loss in his head but I'm overjoyed to say his eyes just narrowed and Dratini flew true across from my first monster. My beloved. Lance doesn't let his mind decide his heart. And his heart says he will win.Lance's partner emerges with a cry. While Zaela's voice speaks of the savage harshness of the earth rising to swallow whole any that opposes it in the very physical manner that garchomp embody, dratini's voice is filled with the pure power of spirit that allows a dragon to never fall. That presence that any who stand before a dragon feel when they know they face nothing but the most regal of power. My dragon is built to rule. Lance's is built to inspire. To be a Champion.Dratini's scales are smooth but thick, seamless. Larger than most of her kind but obviously no where near Zaela's size, the partner of Lance isn't swayed. Matching gazes with my beloved sister, dratini snaps his serpentine body with coiled and restless energy, eager to prove himself.Unbidden, uncaring of the energy, the referee speaks words that all trainers are oh so eager to hear."This is a one on one battle between Lance Wataru of Blackthorn and Ella Mita of Blackthorn. No items are allowed and the fight shall continue until forfeit or an opponent is no longer able to battle. When my hand falls begin!"Lance's red-black eyes flash towards my purple and we both speak at the same time, barely caring about the hand of the ref."Dratini! Rush and sway!""Zae! Burn and contain!"Both of our partners move in shocking ways to our Clan if the hushed murmurs have anything to say about it. Dratini moves in an agility enhanced aqua jet that causes him to nearly disappear from my sight. Zae just lets out a pleased sound as she circles her body with dragon breath as if it were a wall of dragonfire spin and drops almost half the side of her battlefield into a sand tomb.Toying with Lance doesn't enter our minds when this battle was requested by him but neither will we let such a chance go to see how he can push us. Ignoring the sand trap, Lance's partner springs into the air above Zaela and shatters our hearing with pitched supersonic waves using the hole Zaela's dug to bounce the sound around and cause her pain and confusion, not caring about the still burning dragonfire.Well. It would have. My beloved is proud and will fight on even ground but only until Dratini earns it. Thus the supersonic hits a double team she hid with the brief moment the flame covered her body from view. As my gible bursts from the ground under the fire, ignoring the brief bit of pain, she uses a dig and her own sand tomb to toss her into the air. Sharp teeth latch onto Dratini as she starts to savagely bite and rip, not even using a move but simply her physical strength."Shed and redeploy!" Panic doesn't enter my cousin's voice and the eyes of his starter aren't nearly beaten as he activates his ability by sheer will and is freed of my monster's jaws. I didn't even know you could use shed skin like that. A parting flamethrower is our gift to Dratini as he retreats into a double team of his own. A fair number of clones appear but not as much as could be, showing he isn't quite used to the move yet but it hardly matters. All of them start to slide two and fro in a dance all dragons recognize as gathering of energy they all covet.A sound of pure glee leaves my throat as Zaela kicks up a sandstorm with a single thought, her grin matching mine as she vanishes in the thick, harsh winds she's made. Dratini's clones pop instantly and he is momentarily confused as to where my starter is even if his training doesn't stop his dancing. Zae's scent is covered in the earth and her footsteps are lost in the howling speed of her near mastery of the move. Lance though, my hero, simply states his next order, showing he's been studying me carefully for this moment."Dance two and mega tail the second you sense her." Oh my, that calm voice will break so many hearts later cousin. And I'm not talking in romance. Cold and sure. Okay maybe it will. Rain soaks the sandstorm, not quite canceling it out as Dratini keeps up the rain dance and dragon dance at once, boosting himself and making the area around her much more difficult for my land shark to manipulate. Or it would have if we hadn't consider this as a plan for a future partner who uses water."Wave Zaela!"The helpfully supplied mud rises in a bastardized muddy water. A combination of earth power and mud slap ruining Dratini's dance as double teams with almost feral rage emerge with the face of Zaela, confusing Dratini and slowing her down, unsure who the real gible is. Its not a move with true power yet as much as it is clearing the field and of course..."That's scary face Dratini! Mist and twister it all away!" Our strategy must be getting to him if he's calling out individual moves instead of a set order of tactics. With the strength and rapid pace he's setting I give Zaela the agreed signal that she can step things up. All of this was to get him reactive. Not let the two understand how much terrain means to us. Glee fills my voice."Furnace."Lance pales just a hint and opens his mouth to frantically call out something but its too late. He let Zaela set up a sandstorm. Even if its inadvisable he should have kept Dratini in close quarters or focused more on finding Zaela. Until he gains his second form Dratini won't have the power to back up a long ranged battle with how easily my land shark can stay underground or raise defenses. I expect that's what he wanted to do with dragon's dance but again, its too late. There was no need to warn him this might happen. And he would have resented me if I did.My starter buries Dratini in an instant. Zaela hasn't been above ground since the rain dance started. Standing orders are to make the terrain hers forever. Only the very upper coat of earth is wet . The double teams were sent up to distract our opponent while she used flamethrower constantly underground to harden the earth to shield her weapon from becoming too muddy. The rest was tossed to get rid of Dratini's clones. The sinkhole is sudden and despite his short yet impressive showing against my terrifying starter Dratini lets out a squeak of shock. He can't quite fly yet and was trusting his speed to get him out of range but was distracted a few too many times.Already partially burning from her preparation, the sand tomb swirls about, aided by earth power as my starter begins to circle within the tomb like those awful sharknado films, but in earth. Bites against Dratini's body land not meant only to harm but also to keep her fellow dragon in the earth as the sandstorm thickens, blocking off an easy escape. I can barely see what is going on save the flash of both dragon and regular fire causing flickers of shadow to appear like a bad horror movie. What I hear very vividly is Lance's voice firmly encouraging Dratini but its for naught. We judged them worth for an up close fight and that is what they got.A deep bellow of angered pain and then its over. The sandstorm thickens as if echoing the deep roar of triumph as Lance's starter is tossed from the storm in a heap, bleeding from broken scales but quite alive and better for it. Or he will be. The sand fades in a few moments as Zaela appears out of it. And then the murmurs fall as my lovely girl is not the same.Tears spring to my eyes at what she did. She's been holding it back for a while now. Here though, over two years after we met and became kin it was time. She told me that she would not evolve until she met someone worth fighting. The way Lance looks at me tells me he gets it too and the way he rubs his eyes with his arm choke me up more. His loss isn't a defeat. Its a lesson and a promise. That its only the first of our battles.Zaela was over five feet as a gible and now as a gabite she's about half way past six to seven. Her already fit form is sleek and proportional with dangerous, sharp sickles for claws. While most of her form was dominated by her jaws before, her mouth is more in tune with the rest of her body. Roaring so hard that the stands shake she pads over to me. Most would be running by then as she's almost five feet taller than me, outweighs me by I don't wanna know how much and one snap of her jaws would leave me dead. Her claws could gut me in a flash but there is only that humming croon she has when she's proud of herself and wants me to reward her for it.My sister. Taking my hand up I reach along the two now massive nubs on her head and scratch that area she can never seem to get. She has to bend down for me to do so but its not a bow of supplication. Never. The low rumble of her voice sends pleasant vibrations through my entire body."Beloved. Let us go congratulate your opponent before we celebrate all that you have become." A slow nod of acceptance follows, surprising me a bit as she'd usually be quite impatient to try out any improvement right away. Then again, I guess she did just grow up. Followed by the still nearly silent steps of my starter we walk to my cousin, his eyes sad and pleased all at once."I wonder if I could eat a whole tauros now."Okay. There's my sister.Looking up at my cousin, my honey colored hair whips about in the fading sandstorm, veiling him in my gaze a bit before I push it back. "Thank you Lance. Thank you Dratini." By this point Lance has used some of the physics defying medicine of this world to revive his partner who simply croons up a sound of acceptance. Defeated he might be, Lance's first dragon is pleased to know what his goal is. All dragons thrive in adversity.My cousin just lets out a low chuckle, something he'd be known for later I think with how many emotions it shows. Pride. A bit of sadness and true humor. "No cousin. Thank you. You've given me a great gift. A chance to find what you will become. And all I have to do is become Champion." 'There. That's what I wanted. That look in his eye as he gazes at me. Putting my small hand out he covers it in his own. Already he dwarfs me. Everyone does.There are no empty platitudes. No excuse that Zaela is a King or that I got her a year earlier. Just the promise of a rematch between kin. I turn, gazing out at our Clan with a glare. Zaela snarls and roars her challenge again. We are here to change the world she screams even if others can't understand. My Clan is silent knowing that they witnessed something unheard of. A five year old and an eight year old of fantastic talent and promise. What will we become in the future?That day I learned what it was to be a dragon. I always felt I was one. But now I know in my heart how pure the desire of a dragon is. Whatever their desire might be. I will always seek to be a guardian more than anything. But a guardian with the heart of a dragon? Well I think that my enemies will learn to fear me very quick. Lance has gone to become amazing. I miss him.KayThis? This is her trainer? She's a dragon, not a Guardian. Ignoring the pumping in her heart, Kay turns her snout away from the feeling in the air. The waves of emotion soaking the battlefield. They call it a gym but its just fighting to fight. Where is the chivalry? The knighthood that Aura Guardians are supposed to aspire to?Why was she here? She can't help but admit that Zaela is strong. Skilled. Even the metal arms with a brain has his moments. But that's nothing compared to the richness of Aura. The purity of doing good work. Training has its place but that's -all- they do.Her trainer is a child. A smart child sure. Something even admirable. But she's not what Kay deserves. How many nights did she stay up to learn etiquette? How many days was it seeking out tales from Knights in the Kingdom to become a better speaker? How often would she focus on her own aura to understand others?She...knows she is hurting this girl with her disappointment. That if her parents were here they'd be ashamed of her. But she is from a long, storied line who went out and did things! Sought out problems and fixed them! Not simply fought and fought and trained and occasionally went out to prank that other boy in the fight. Or talk to people about feelings of their own. A knight has to set aside themselves! Sacrifice to give!Her whole life she's craved an adventure. A way forward that leads to anything but the place she was. Trapped in training instead of doing! She did it anyway as was proper but that was for her family. For her prestige. Here? She's nothing. She's not even Ell-….her trainer's starter. Not even the strongest. Laughably not even the strongest.She's hurting her though. Even if she couldn't feel it. She could see it on Ell-...her trainer's face. But she's not her Guardian. Right? Why was she here? All her work and effort to be the best of the best. All the desire to become greater. All its doing is creating a loop of frustration and resentment. And she can't swim out of it.Is it just pure strength and skill that she's to be to Ella? Isn't there something more? Something has to change. This girl...Kay doesn't want to keep hurting her. But this isn't what she wants in her life. Isn't what her own dream is. Would she simply submit like most pokémon? Is that her lot in life if she meets someone stronger than her?She was so excited to be here. But its all the same. No heart. She knows she should probably talk it out. Ella -can- speak. That's...impressive. But...The first few weeks just showed her that it was going to be another how many years of learning. Not doing. She's probably not being patient. It was easier with her parents. Somehow.Kay was hurting her. And she wasn't sure if she could stop. Because she couldn't stop hurting herself in turn.Wiping away at her wet snout, the riolu goes to find quiet, unable to stand the celebrations of the Clan behind her. Unable to face she might be wrong. Unable to deny that look of resolve in her trainer's eyes.Some time laterElla MitaMother no longer worries for me and the Clan has stopped thinking me a bit of a freak. Not in a bad way. Freakish strength really does rule here. It was more about showing I could tame my own ability instead of just being that girl with the Gible. The following days were spent helping Zaela recover from the evolution. She's amazing. If this trend continues she'll be fifteen feet tall when she becomes a garchomp. Maybe more. Which will be quite a long time from now. Gible tend to evolve maybe six months after birth from the type of training Momma and I put her through as far as I can figure. Zae probably could have evolved a bit earlier but the moment was right. With my foreknowledge it'll be likely another four years before she's ready to be a garchomp but its not as if its a sure thing. Giving us the last year to get her used to her final form before our journey would be nice though.I've been forcing her to eat a lot of things she hates but never does she hesitate. My girl did grow up quite a bit. She's less inclined to argue and gives a bit on her stubbornness for my ideas compared to before. So while she dislikes the minerals I'm feeding her she knows its for the best. Her physical attacks are just….Staggering now. Strikes that fractured boulders now shatter them. Her sandstorm would peel my skin easily. Everything is just -more- and I sense the next few months are going to be her relearning her control.Everyone is amazed by her. Dad even came out of his lab three times this week to show he cared. Or something. Its….I'm not being fair. I know who he is. How he is like. And I'm just as obsessed with my pokémon as he is with his work so I get it...But I'd love for him to be around more. Whatever.Due to so few King's Nature pokémon documented Joy was particularly scary about telling us not to push it for a while as she does tests to make sure everything is fine. Sampson helped with this in a way I didn't expect. He didn't once ask to study her nor made any sort of notes. He just helped Joy with his expertise. He's definitely more of a go out and see things kind of guy, but he had zero issues with real research in a lab. Zaela in another one of her new quirks told me to tell him that such a glorious specimen as herself should be properly learned about so he could tell the world how 'fucking awesome' she was.She had her pride before but it was emotion. Now she's bragging. Right. That won't get obnoxious… Who am I kidding? She's fucking awesome absolutely. Giant land shark is even more bad ass.So maybe my mouth isn't a good influence. Also boy can Sampson grin when he's happy.Momma and Mom had almost the same reaction to Zaela's evolution. Intense, humbling pride. Momma has changed so much compared to what the Clan knew of her. She's regularly come to visit Zaela and I since I convinced her to actually raise my starter and she refused to leave the front of the Pokémon Center (read Joy and Rebecca's bigger than normal house) while Zaela was being examined. That's right. A giant garchomp former champion elder that scares the shit out of most of the other pokémon elders in the middle of the Clan for four and a half hours. I love her so much for growling at anyone who wanted to come congratulate me.I didn't fight Lance for anyone but him.Mom's response was to say she's going to increase my training now that she knows I can take it. Yes I did shiver at that. Because she said that twice before. And both times led to more pain. And it was painful. In my brain. Sure it was mostly about tactics, ways to survive in the wild. Herbs and things that are useful and now martial arts. It doesn't sound that bad but I've mostly been a hands on learner. Which made the martial arts fine. She just got a look in her eye about the other stuff though when I had problems. That's not ominous. Mom was going to hold off another year for all that but like I said, she doesn't worry anymore. Something about seeing me battle hit her right where she need. It makes sense. Most of her adult life was forged in battle. For as utterly amazing as this has been for Zaela and myself. For my sister. It is matched in its greatness by the despair I feel. I think Kay is going to leave me. And I don't know how to change that.Because for all that Zaela has changed, Kay has too. And its the exact opposite way.Two weeks, three days later.I hate being prompt. Counting things. I enjoy getting lost in an activity where time becomes meaningless. Its why training hasn't broken me. Pokémon like my starter can do it for ages as their hobby and goal. Humans not so much. But the way I work has always been single minded without a care for what goes on about me. That I'm counting the days since the Zaela evolved is bad. Bad bad bad.I made a deal with Kay yesterday. While Zaela's evolution briefly saw a hint of respect for me in her eyes, it was nothing compared to the hints of emotion I felt. Just. Apathy. But not one of boredom. Of hurt that won't move to heal.She seems fine still with my training but its obviously going through the motions even more rote and without passion. Zaela's will to become better affected me and we pushed each other. Query's revelation brought out the best of my creativity.Kay and I are like trying to skip rocks and forgetting how to throw mid-swing. You know you can do it but something just hilariously doesn't connect. Or pathetically doesn't connect is better. Yeah.The deal after today's apathetic attempt to get stronger is that if by the end of the year she doesn't want to stay with me I'll get her home. It hurt so, so much that she looked satisfied by the deal and went back to the training she more or less was going to do herself anyway. Tossing away my ideas as if she already made the decision. Damn it.Query is here. My boy knows I need him. I think he's going to take me to Sampson's for board games. When he started playing with Sampson I don't know but its funny. I don't think Query has won once and he doesn't at all care.Two days later.Still no change. I'm not letting myself give up. Neither is Query. He's started observing Kay like he did me at the start. How could I forget to ask him and Zaela for help. I may be the trainer but I've learned just as much from them as they from me. Off to go see Joy. Rebecca and she should have found out what the genders are.Week laterBit of a breakthrough. Sort of. Both Kay and I apparently meditate in the same place. I think Joy's Lucario knew we were having issues and recommended my usual spot to Kay as a good place to find quiet. Neither of us wished to disturb the feeling of the cave as it resonates well with aura. (I found the two as of yet unidentified megastones there). So now we spend every other day there in silence together. Its pretty fantastic even if we don't communicate.Month or so laterBack to a bit of despair. No. A lot. She hates me. No. Worse. Anger is easier. She thinks me unworthy. Today was joint training which more or less is a free for all or team combos. She was doing well and all in the brawl. As much as either her or Query can against Zaela for now. Its usually both of them against her until someone yields. Then when we switch into combo attacks Kay refused.Query just hummed as if he expected it but Zaela was an inch away from burying her and going into 'I'm a fucking dragon and you do not disobey someone I obey' mode. Calming my starter I -well."Zaela. Stop. We don't strike our teammates in anger." Not entirely true but this is the type of shit you say to an angry dragon you trust. Firm command and calm. It also helped hide the strange crack in my heart. Turning to Kay I made sure my words were slow and steady. "Tell me why you refuse Kay. I'll hear you out."Glaring at me, her eyes shifted to Query for a moment, wondering perhaps why he wasn't angry and then her smooth voice echoed into my ears, modified by our aura to translate what she means. "I refuse to work on teamwork when I won't be here after the end of the year. If I have to be here I'll work on my own personal skills."There was such a strange tone to her voice as she broke my heart. Like she knew she was doing something wrong and both ashamed and thrilled at it. Proud?I just nodded, keeping my cool as Zaela's thin string of control snapped immediately. I'd catch hell for it later but I returned her three times as the first two were met by her popping right back out to try to attack Kay again. Query knew of my deal with her as I hide nothing from him but if I'd told Zaela I can't really be sure my starter wouldn't savage Kay in training out of spite.I guess I'm proud of my voice as my heart broke. Still steady. "Ah. I see. I think I need to focus on Zaela right now Kay. If you would, please go search out Joy's Lucario and stay with her for a few days. I'll have Zaela up to sparring with you again by then." By the end of it my tone was cool enough that Query turned to me in what was surprise for him. A low, almost sad tone of wonder.I'll be honest. The pure shock on Kay's face was pretty pleasing to me. I suspect she thought I'd immediately try and convince her again. To try to get her to open up and to share with me. Anytime I'd try previous to this was met with cool stares and ignoring of any question outside of training and moves with an odd feeling of shame. I'd been understanding and friendly but I guess that wasn't working.Without another word but with a thoughtful look she ran off, following orders but never showing me her spirit.No more crying. I'm done with that on this. Right? Zaela took a lot of work then. While she was quite pissed at me for returning her she was even more angry at Kay. I feared for her life until I flat out ordered my sister to stand down. That she'd be injuring my pride if she attempted to solve my problem. That hit her pretty hard. Because it was true. It was up to me as the trainer to figure this out unless I requested aid from her. She was mad I hadn't but was also pretty aware that based on my wishes her help wouldn't have done a lot of good. Zaela's method of help would lead to a beat down.Grudgingly she suggested I put Query on it when he was out of earshot and I nodded, not telling her he put himself on the case before I even asked. Hey. My starter has her strengths. Personal issues are not one of them. Query doesn't really think anything that hurts me gets rights. But he also has measured responses.Few days laterTalked to Joy's Lucario. Joy and Becca are going to have a son and daughter. Fraternal twinsies. They also asked I not bring them pokémon until they are at least eight. And not to have them be as 'interesting' as my pokémon. Though they said they wouldn't really fuss if the choices were like Query.My boy. So likable.Joy's Lucario had a lot to not say. Pokémon do not generally keep secrets but they do keep confidence. So whatever Kay told Joy's Lucario wouldn't be told to me. What she did do is offer a lot of advise about pokémon in general.She said that pokémon are headstrong when they gain confidence and will fight or walk on a path they set for themselves to death if not having their path shattered. Unlike humans, this usually meant they would grow stronger in experience and often form a strong bond with whatever defeated them. Its why when you fight a pokémon in the wild and capture them there is usually zero problem with the pokémon after. If you are worthy to shatter their current path then yours is the right path for them.A gift pokémon if given early in life might imprint on their trainer and have no issues as well.A pokémon with such caliber to have an immense number of moves that were trained harshly before they reach their peak would likely have an expectation of a goal or ideal and the smallest hint of it being not their path would lose faith if not shown that the trainer's actual goal is mightier than their own.Basically, my riolu was meant to be the partner of an aura guardian. I am not one. And won't be for years. How old was Kay? How long has she waited to be a lucario attached to a guardian of Aura. To travel the world and right wrongs.What does she get? A little girl with a dragon. In a dragon's den. Sure, she has aura but does she toss it about like the heroes she may have grew up with? Do I use it for anything but calming myself and talking to pokémon? I might be a great trainer but have I really shown her what I want later in life?How could I have so misjudged her?I'm going to talk to mom.Two hours laterThat was a good talk. It was mostly just mother/daughter ranting and coming clean on a lot of things. I'm going this alone far too much. I told her what I wanted. To build up guardians to help the world. That I've been planning to grow to mammoth levels of power before I left on my journey so I can help any and all that I can. That I'm having issues with Kay and that dad's behavior bothers me. That I want him around more.Mom just listed and let me talk.Once it was done I was hugged, pampered and soothed until she got her head around what she wanted to say."When I first found out I was going to have you I was very much considering giving up training and just..Being your mom. Nothing more. I didn't because while you are the greatest part of my life I cannot be all of your life. Just as you cannot be all of mine. You think like a dragon little one but you are not one. You will be greater than one and you cannot let any stand in front of you. Even me."A pause here as some tears needed to be wiped. From Mom. Who has never cried in front of me before."I adore you and believe in you completely but you can be rather boneheaded at times. This has been eating at you since before you stopped hiding how smart you are. My little adult. Thank you for asking for help. Kay can wait for now. Tomorrow we're going out and doing nothing and then you and I are going to plan about this dream of yours. Your mom and dad know a lot of people that can help."I love her so much.Though it scared me she didn't say anything about dad.Two days later.I came home from my trip with mom with a healthy respect and intense like of spa days to a sight I can't fathom even if I have some of the story now.I have never seen Query angry before. But I'm absolutely positive this is his doing. A doing in anger.Kay is a wreck. There are broken ribs, lacerations and bruises that reach deep enough to disrupt muscle ability. My knowledge of her line is being sent into overdrive at her battered form on my bed.Query made sure that I saw him leave with Kay's pokéball in his claw. So I couldn't put her into stasis. There are two modes to a returned pokémon. The method where they are perfectly aware of the world around them so they can pop out at will or stasis which is mostly meant for keeping them safe until treated at a center due to injuries.Query had beaten her to a brutal pulp and left her for me to care for. Mom skipped gym duties for me so she wouldn't be back for at least a day. Dad was off visiting Silph for a week about the first prototype reusable TMs and while I could phone Joy its obvious that Query meant for this to be my responsibility. It wasn't as if a gym leader's home was short on potions. And even if I was appalled by Kay's condition, Query had my trust. Plus, she didn't want me to take her anywhere either.What followed was a long night of forced heart to heart. Pokémon are very hardy. Despite the look of them, Kay's wounds were not even close to life threatening and even if she was left alone she'd likely have been fine in a few days enough to get herself to berries.Potions were applied and a slow massage guided by how I knew to treat her. And from there the story of my life. From Zaela and our bonding to Query and his deep impact on how I could view my life.To my father and the growing issues there and the long sessions of learning with Joy's Lucario. To Lance and my hopes for him and my adorable aunt Clair who feels younger than I am. Though I prefer thinking of her as a cousin.Then finally to my dream. Up until that point Kay was just listening and saying little. Merely directing me to hurt places and seeming to hang on my every word. I think Query did the breaking that most wild pokémon needed for me because he knew it would break me to do that to Kay. Its different than destroying Zaela in training. She wants it. I guess I thought it would ruin Kay's trust in me. Shows what I know about pokémon. Battling is talking."Kay. I don't know where we fell away from communicating. I don't know what about me shut you off from letting me in….But my goal is to change the world. I don't think I've told you it bluntly. I seek to become so strong that anyone who attempts to grasp power to abuse it will fear the hint that me and mine know of them. To inspire others to take up the mantle of protecting this precious world. Its a childish dream. And dangerous to walk. But every day of my life is a step further on it."Mom's help and reassurance brought out my conviction in droves here. And I flooded the room with my usually restrained aura. I dislike letting it flow from me because of how it affects people. They look at me as if I'm something bigger than what I am. I'll fill into that role someday I hope but for now I'm not yet worthy. Definitely not strong enough. Still, I feel stupid now. Kay looked at me with such wonder."I've made such mistakes with you. So many. But the biggest is failing to show you my resolve." Pulsing deep, my hand moved out. I'd pay for this days after. A glowing round ball of aura filled my hand. Of course I've been trying to make the pokémon rasengan from the moment I felt my aura. Of course I've ignored Joy's Lucario's advice. I might not have gone too far but I had to try. And succeed.Even if I can't see it I know my eyes are glowing with the purple color my aura takes. I disliked it wasn't the blue that Aaron is so known for but purple is cool too I guess."Want to know what my job is to my team?" Without warning I slammed my hand down into her stomach, pressing it in till I am touching her stomach. The healing aura floods her and strengthens her. I gasped hard, breath coming harshly as I pushed. Joy's Lucario is going to scold me so hard. Because I have to tell her I did it."I've...huff...been learning how to throw these. Ranged...helping hands...and heal pulse in a...never miss package. Combat, soon...Too. But my to keep my family alive."I almost passed out and had to stop my move. Heal Sphere. Yeah lame name but its what it is. "I seek out aura guardians. Or those who can become them. Even….hnn...if just in spirit. And guide them. order again. That...isn't dedicated to one region. That is...proactive and will go out and drag truth from the shadows until it outshines everything."Okay I get dramatic when I'm passionate. Don't judge me!"Its...a long term goal. Before I can...pass on what I know, I have to make sure my team are able to stand up to the world. People will try to kill me. I know this. Its why our training is so harsh and will last years. I know you've waited years already but...if you can see my dream as worthy please. Please let me in and give me a chance."I hadn't looked up from her stomach since I started speaking, both because I was terrified of what her face might tell and because I was trembling too hard with the effort of the move I really shouldn't have used yet. My hair was around me like a shroud and stray thoughts about dying it popped up absently. Maybe I need to lay down.Kay's response shakes me to my core. A small paw lifted my eyes to her wet fur. Watery perfect eyes greeted me as she just said her species name over and over in what I now know is sobbing. Shame and regret pulsed from her aura like a wound. Suddenly she was open to me.She knew that she was in the wrong. That she was defying what her parents had advised her and that she was improper. That her pride was her flaw and it wasn't even pride in something she had earned. Pain at the memories of feeling my emotions after she had hurt me for the better part of a year washed over my consciousness like angry ants biting into my skin. So many burning stings.Added into that was the jealousy she had for my current pokémon and that she came into my life not as my starter but as the laughably weakest member of my team. Utter and complete guilt at some conversation with both Joy's Lucario and Query. The one with Query hurts far more than the beating he gave her.And under it all, the last bit. The part that makes all of the rest worth it is that I understood her dearest dream. To serve Aura. Life. Tinged with humility that I would dedicate literal decades of planned, brutal and unyielding effort to bring about a global desire to see things better.Damnit. More crying here. And more emotion. What it left us was a deep bond of understanding. Along with a promise to never lie to each other and especially not to ourselves.Covered in snot and both our tears, Kay asked for a new name. That her's was the spoiled brat who thought herself a princess worthy of a knight without effort. That she was the gift to her trainer and not a humble servant of her dream.It was easy to pick her new name. Truthseeker.Tru for short.Oh shit. Joy's babies are coming.TruthseekerMistress. Query is a good soul and you deserve his loyalty, There are many things I have wished to say to you but it was always a bit too raw to return to my near year of shame. I know you would tell me to accept it and move on but I cannot deny the lessons imparted upon me by wiser mon's than I.Perhaps as Query is attempting to tell you from these letters, you should follow your own advice. Accept and move on. Forgive me, but you did name me truly. Hah! A pun. Do not lie to yourself Mistress. You are not responsible for anything but placing faith in someone you trusted. That they were unworthy is not your fault.Forgive me Query. This is supposed to be about how we feel about Mistress. Not about the problems of today. I agree.I can offer no other words than I love you Mistress and that much like Query and Angel you have drastically changed my entire life. Odd how you keep getting told the same thing. Were I not your pokémon I despair to think of what I could have become. Would I still be a riolu in the Kingdom with my head so far into the clouds that no air could reach my brain?I do not know. I care not to know. My ego and spoiled nature shook the teachings of my upbringing into a mockery of the truth we both share. That pride should be in a well done job and humble regards. Not your own back pats.There is nothing left to say. Forgive me Query but she knows how I feel. Literally.My aura sings in her presence and pulls hers into a dance of mutual respect that words cannot truly capture.Do not worry though observant fool. I shall give our Mistress a different gift past this. To you, Mistress, I give memories. Shameful as they might be I owe you knowledge of how your influence began to change me before that night where you gave me my true name.The first instance is easy to deduce. You told me of Joy's Lucario. Who to this day is easily the strongest I've ever met. Not in physical strength but of her priority. All riolu and lucario are defenders of aura but Joy's Lucario does it through healing first, combat second….Just as you do. Take that as you will.When I first started training with her I was very disappointed as I was with everything not ideal in my eyes. This was the lucario that took on dragons? She would teach me meditation, which is good, but at the time I just wanted to learn how to conquer enemies even if I would not admit this to myself.Still, she was my elder and if there was one thing I am not ashamed of myself for in that first year it is that I did not lose my sense of duty to my elders. At least till I said no to you on the training field of course. Even if I am older than you physically we both know the reality. That I did not have that knowledge then doesn't matter.Joy's Lucario was very clever about changing my mind. Sparring would occur after she saw my restlessness. While she was very much better than me it was nothing compared to my teachers in the Kingdom. How I missed my old life then until I started noticing something.While our battles were not overly serious, I started to see that her wounds would begin healing at ridiculous speeds. Slowly I tried to figure out her secret until she just smirked and told me to ask if I was curious. That all students that seek to become masters must first master humility and learn to ask without shame.I did not learn that lesson well.But what she did tell me was that she had developed a method to heal pulse herself in battle because of a friend's help. That said friend knew she would often have to defend her trainer from dragons who did not at all wish to be healed due to pride.And that this friend spent ages with her perfecting this method often late into the night without any hint of stopping until she had this trump card that fit so well with her ideal of heal first, fight last.Essentially you helped her bounce low level heal pulses off a protect screen tinged with copycat. How you helped her create a protect screen that cost so little energy I do not know. It would never work on an actual attack but with a heal? It wouldn't work for me then but I've duplicated it now as you know. It isn't dramatically life saving but it increased her staying power immensely.Of course she didn't tell me it was you to start. No, she knew of our issues then. I might have hidden my emotions from you but to any lucario I was laid bare. I found out later that she had messaged my parents about this and that even if I don't think I deserved it then, they had faith that their girl would shine true.No I will not say forgive the tear blotches Quer-you just wrote that down. Tch. See if I take your side against Tass again.Back on track. I wouldn't hear of who helped her until after the second event. The way you treated your cousin. Up until that point you were nothing in my eyes. Just a second rate aura adept at best.It is hard to reconcile that thought against the fourteen years after. Of knowing just what you can do. Of how many lives we have saved together.A weak girl with lucky choices in pokémon is all I consciously let myself see. Nevermind how I felt the pain I was causing. Then I saw your fight. It wasn't in person. Later your mother showed it to a few gym leaders who came to visit and advised them to take you serious when you came around in a few years. Yes, that is why they all agreed to use their main teams. At the time I had snuck in to try and use the phone to call home. Your father had the feed on from the Gym. But I could feel the energy even from there.It was not my proudest moment, stuck in a closet waiting for him to leave. But the crack let me see the screen and I thought it was someone else fighting Lance. How could my trainer the softy save for the masochistic dragon who obviously likes being pounded in the floor be so cold and confident. Who looked to revel in battle. Who would utterly destroy her opponent and have them thank her for it.I was very, very confused. But sadly my ego still was sharply at the forefront. Jealousy ruled me then. Then I didn't even delude myself that you were worthy of being my trainer. It was that I should have been your starter. That then I would reach Zaela's height if only you had got me first. That I could have influenced that potential to go out and -do- things. Epic, amazing feats.Like all idiots with a chip on their shoulder I started lashing out to prove I was stronger. That my way was better because I couldn't have the other way without throwing away my last protection from the crime humbling myself would be. If you couldn't control me then I'd train myself for what would be my actual trainer.I was the princess of the Lucario Kingdom. Trained from birth to have more ability and potential than all others before me.Joy's Lucario saw my head from across the Den and told me who taught her. It was probably her only mistake, or perhaps not if she talked to Query about it. Mistress. Zaela may be your starter but Query is the soul of this team. Even if he is writing this now for me, knowing he can hear, I implore you to remember his advice more firmly.The final nail came from the beating you treated. Neither Query or I have spoken of it and you've never asked but I know well that you have always been curious. Here is the story then.Inflated in self-worth to cover inadequacy and shame I decided to intrude upon Query's solitude to challenge him. Perhaps if I beat one of your team I could show you that you needed me more than the others. That you could beg me to stay and not return home and I'd guide you and not the other way around.It is not hard to track beings you are around all day, hours upon end. Do note Mistress that while I was prideful, your training sessions in the start were worse by far than anything I had before. Until I grew used to them I thought you insane. I still do, but for more worthy reasons.Drunk on my brilliant plan I found Query where he worked on the next of your portraits on that boulder we all know so well now. Loud and brash, I demanded he pay attention to me and battle me until I stood over him as his better.Or something like that. Query I swear if you repeat what I said from memory I will. Do things. Things you don't like. So there.Ahem.Needless to say Query ignored me after a polite 'not at his time' even if I know now that inside he was quite upset with me. Of course I couldn't accept this and decided to break the stupid rock he was involved in so he'd have to fight me. You would scoff, knowing that he would likely be passively reading my surface thoughts due to his then constant training in developing Psi-Fist step two so the attack that followed was surprising to me, but wouldn't have been to you.What you perhaps would not expect was that while Query does not have a face to express emotions his eyes were truly terrifying. Our team's soul is the most understanding of persons at times but I truly feared for my life at the fury I had brought out of him. Now, I am clear just how much you mean to him. That the representation of you at his sculpture is such an ingrained part of him that I was essentially spitting on the concept of his life.I think if you saw Query now it would evoke a feeling of embarrassment for our friend. He's never apologized for the beating, not that I would accept it since it led to this life, but I think he believes he should be and might be a little ashamed he doesn't want to.In sparring I knew both of your team would go easy on me (Another point of misplaced anger on my part) even if the bruises after didn't make me feel like they did but from the moment I decided to trash his sanctuary the gloves came off and I was treated to the very precise destruction of my self-worth.This was good though. Not at the time obviously. But I despaired then. As he took me apart and let me see how all of my attempts and tricks were pathetic to what you helped him achieve. Instead of just brutally destroying me. He let me do my best and used the least amount of effort to defeat me.You call it benevolent breaking but he was doing it to punish me. And my was it deserved. There were no words or pleasant tones. Which of course is what Query is known for. Politeness didn't exist as I lost sight of the ground and learned what it was like to be thrown into and through threes. I give you details of the destruction because you need to recognize my pain and understand that I agree with it.Guilt is a wound and needs to be healed. I didn't have a choice in my treatment but you do. Seek something less destructive than my path. Please Mistress. At the end Query finally did speak to me. Words couldn't come as I didn't have the strength but I was about to plead for a second chance. While he didn't speak I could feel his rage at the way I treated you. Of the nights where he held you to keep you from as much pain as possible. It was terrifying that while he was crushing me that he could pour so much emotion into me.I did not know that he was special besides his coloring before then. That you and he had remade him.Only at the end did he speak."I could say you are not worthy of her. I could say that none are. It is not for me to choose. She gave me will and she desperately seeks your acceptance and friendship. Know that I feel what you feel and at its core you seek the same. Twisted as your methods are. Just as I understand this let me say something just as true."Our dear Query leaned over my battered form, his two eyes flashing so bright that I could feel the a circle in the ground around me buckling at his power raging out if his normal unflappable control."If I could choose I would cripple your dreams. Make sure that you burned and writhed in agony of lost potential as I stripped away your pride. I am me. But I am not human. My kind rip apart their prey brutally and without emotion because we usually do not have it. I have emotion. It was her brilliant gift to me. You've let your petty pride harm her constantly for months upon months. I have been blessed with love and acceptance from the moment she saw me. Such lovely emotions to experience and become used to."By now the ground was whirling about, small trees and shrubs were ripped and compacted in his soaring anger. What little energy I had left was wasted on trying to inch away. But I could not. As he let destruction flow about he kept me perfectly safe within the tempest."Ella knows this about me. She calls us her monsters. I know if I did this she'd be sad and hurt but she'd still accept me. She knows we'll kill in the future. She would get over it. You are safe until you are no longer hers. I thank you. I now know what hate is and I will revel in it against you until you are worthy of a different emotion. You are also lucky as I care much more for Ella than you. I will give you what I deem your best shot at doing what you should have done the moment you met my heart-voice. Love her. Sleep."Query is silent now. He's still writing for me but I suppose he never told you this or expected me to actually speak all this. Maybe he's ashamed in earnest now. He shouldn't be. Our Query is an evolution of his species in my humble opinion. And for the better. I doubt he'd do the same thing again if he were who he is now but I expect I'd be just as scared of whatever his new reaction would be.Do not think differently of him. I say this for his benefit. After I awoke I was of course in your bed, bleeding and healing at the same time. Everything after that you felt of me was pure. I will not repeat it as it still resonates to me today and I hold it sacred. Truth requires sacrifice. A knowing of yourself to find it in others. As you've taught Tass, hardship can bring about such compassion that it makes everything worth it.Being your pokémon has led to joy, pain and yes, hardship that cannot be readily ignored. But it is beyond worth it. I have so many friends….My Mate. My children. Family that would live for me. Family that would die for me. And you, my Mistress who would bring them all back even if you had to pull us out of death itself.Yours,Tru

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