Finally a small orange lizard like creature with a flame burning proudly at the tip of its tail came out of its egg. It was the third one to hatch out of the eight eggs that were laid there, the last month. This was a community of 5 Charmeleon and 38 Charmander. This certain one that hatched third out of the batch had quite a lot of pride for it self. Even when it just hatched while his brothers and sisters were searching for something to eat, this particular one used its Scratch Move and tried to fight one of its senior Charmeleon's.
All the senior members of this colony were quite puzzled, as to what is wrong with this one. As one month and another one passed after it hatched, this little Charmander always tried to battle someone, out of the seniors.
As the senior's started to teach the young charmander how to fight this eccentric Charmander was always 300% focused. Then after teaching them how to fight, the next training was, how to teach them to find or catch food.
After the training finished. If they didn't search for food this Charmander would fight with the other Charmander. Thanks to its Ancient Power Move this particular one, Charmander full of fighting intent and pride to be the best was the strongest out of the eight other ones, in its group. After one week it started to challenge the more senior ones and in two months it started to challenge the Charmeleon's. Of course it always lost, against the Charmeleon's.
As time passed. This Charmander that always wanted to be the strongest, started to go out of its colony and explore the surrounding area. It would fight the wild Pokémon it met and grow stronger and stronger and return to its colony late at the evening. Some times it would spy close to the entrance of Mt. Moon, the Pokemon battles of trainers.
This caused a great shock to it, as it saw the Pokemon of some of this weird creatures be a lot stronger. Some even were stronger, than the seniors of the colonie. even the ones of the same species as it, were a lot stronger.
This Charmander after that, it started to train even harder. After it had some difficulty facing some Geodude up in the mountains, it started to want to find a way to deal with them easier. It started to scratch with all its strength the nearby boulders. Since it didn't have a senior Pokemon to teach it such a move it had to train for a lot of time. It finally had mastered the Metal Claw Move.
After two weeks it actually evolved into a Charmeleon. It actually surpassed some of its senior Charmander since it was training for almost all day. After some time it felt a bottle neck. For some weird reason it couldn't understand, it became difficult to increase its strength. So it started to challenge and sneak attack some trainers.
Some times a few of the trainers it defeated in their panic to escape they would live some weird food like blocks or Pellets. After it ate those it had an obvious increase in strength. It started to understand how some of the Pokemon, this weird creatures used were growing so fast. It had even seen some evolve twice in only three days.
Now there were eight Charmeleon and 42 Charmander. One of the senior Charmeleon was captured last week by a trainer. and some Charmander including two from the same liter were caught. It had become the fourth strongest Pokemon in the colony. But the three above it were at least two years older than it. It would be quite difficult to reach them if it continued like this.
It started to be jealous of the Pokemon trained by this weird creatures, that called themselves Pokemon Trainers. It always wanted to be the strongest. So it started to challenge trainers in order to find the perfect one for it. But even though some rare times it had seen some powerful trainers. The majority of them were weak Bug catchers and young people from the closeby City.
It wasn't satisfied. it had spend a month searching for the perfect one. The one that will help it rise to the top. But today was different. While it was relaxing in a shade behind a huge boulder it saw a white haired trainer wearing a blue coat using 3 Pokemon and sometimes 4 challenging a lot of wild Pokémon. It was intrigued by what it saw so it followed this trainer from a safe distance. After the trainer returned back, all his Pokemon. This Charmeleon thought it was time to test him. So this Charmeleon hiden in the mountains sneakily passed that Pokemon Trainer and it set up an ambush.
After this trainer reached a satisfactory distance from its ambush point, it sneaked attack him with its powerful Dragon Pulse Move. It immediately saw this trainer summon a black Pokemon and then green dome of light appeared and blocked its attack.
After the green dome disappeared it had full view of what it was facing. This black Pokemon with bloody red eyes, Gold ring patterns on its body and a very thick murderous intent was facing it. Charmeleon actually felt that this black creature was thinking of him as if it was its pray. It started to get excited but then Charmeleon eyes met with this trainers eyes and it saw that, this trainer after looking at it, had a huge smirk on his face and his eyes were full of desire and determination. After seeing this, Charmeleon was sure that if it lost this battle this guy would become its future trainer that will help it to reach the top.
In front of Wes, the attacker reaveled itself. 200 meters straight from the position Wes was standing , a wild Charmeleon with a look full of excitement for battle could be seen.
Wes immediately used his system to check the status of this wild Charmeleon.
Charmeleon: male LV 21 Ability: Solar Power Item: no
Moves: Scratch, Growl, Ancient Power (Baby), Dragon Pulse (Baby), Belly Drum (Baby), Ember, Smokescreen, Metal Claw (Tutor), Dragon Rage, Scary Face.
WES: !!!!!!!!!!!! What the heck?
Wes was immediately startled from this Charmeleon's summary.
"Hidden Ability check, Dragon Pulse already check, a special damaging Rock Type Move check. BELLY DRUM oh my GOD Arceus what's wrong with this Charmeleon???? It can be a very powerful Special attacker and if special attacks don't work i can simply use the Gen 2, Gen 3 BellyZard strategy. Ok you are definitely mine."
WES: Umbreon use Sand Attack.
Umbreon immediately threw a pile of sand on Charmeleon's face. Charmeleon used its Dragon Pulse. The blue sphere full of draconic energy hit Umbreon.
WES: Umbreon use Sand Attack again.
The same exchange took place again. Only this time the aim of the Dragon Pulse launched by Charmeleon was a bit wide.
WES: Umbreon use Quick Attack.
Umbreon dashed really fast towards Charmeleon and hit it, sending it 4 steps backwards. Charmeleon roared and used its Scratch Move to hit the Umbreon.
WES: Umbreon use Curse.
Then Umbreon used its Curse Move lowering by 1 stage its Speed stat but also rising at the same time by 1 stage its Attack and Def stat. Charmeleon hit Umbreon once more with its Dragon Pulse.
After that exchange Charmeleon lunched again its Dragon Pulse.
WES: Umbreon use Protect then Curse.
Umbreon was instantly enveloped by a green dome and Charmeleon's Dragon Pulse was diflected when it came into contact with it. Then Umbreon was enveloped by a mysterious aura.
WES: Great Umbreon use Curse again.
Umbreon again for the third time was enveloped by the mysterious aura from the Curse Move. Because of the wide angle of this Dragon Pulse Umbreon even though it was literally at -3 Speed was able to dodge it.
Charmeleon roared even more excited than before. then as it used the Move it had trained to defeat the wild Geodude leaving on this area. Metal Claw. It's claws shined in a grey metallic luster and then it moved fast towards Umbreon hiting it in the process. Umbreon for the forth time used its Curse Move.
WES: Umbreon use Wish.
Then a star seamed to fall from the heaven as Charmeleon used its Scarry Face Move to lower even more the Speed of Umbreon (-4-2=-6) so that it won't be able to dodge its attacks anymore.
WES: Umbreon Protect then Curse.
Charmeleon attacked with its Dragon Rage Move this time. But this always 40 damage Move was also deflected like the previous Dragon Pulse. Then a light coming down from the heavens fell on Umbreon and combined with the dark red aura of Curse for a combination that would for sure score high in a Pokemon Contest. From the light Umbreon recovered 50% HP while Curse rised its Attack and Def stat by 1 stage. This time Umbreon's Speed stat wasn't lowered because it was at the maximum -6.
WES: Umbreon one final Curse.
Umbreon used Curse for the sixth time maximising its Attack and Def stat. Charmeleon used its Ancient Power Move, lunching numerous big chunks of rock to Umbreon. Charmeleon was very lucky because the 10% chance to increase all of its stats was activated.
WES: Umbreon Wish then Quick Attack.
Then a star fell again from the heavens. Charmeleon Dragon Pulse hit Umbreon but it immediately started to run at blinding speed leaving numerous afterimages behind it.
Charmeleon's instincts immediately screamed at it that this was a really dangerous situation so Charmeleon jumped towards its Left side like a Goalkeeper tring to catch a ball, behind a big boulder. Umbreon immediately changed its direction and smashed right through the boulder. Charmeleon was able to avoid Umbreon's attack by a hair. The big boulder was completely destroyed. Charmeleon instantly counter attacked using its Dragon Rage Move.
Umbreon use Protect.
Then the Dragon Rage Move of Charmeleon was yet again deflected by Umbreon's Protect Move. Then a light came straight down from the heavens at restored the HP of Umbreon.
WES: Umbreon use Confuse Ray.
Charmeleon instantly jumped behind a boulder avoiding the mysterious energy lunched from Umbreon's eyes.
Charmeleon POV:
Charmeleon couldn't have asked for anything better. This fight with this strange black Pokemon made it push itself to its limits and beyond. It felt that the bottleneck it was facing turn loose very fast. It was so excited because even with all its hard training to defeat those Rock Type Pokemon. Its attacks couldn't do anything to this strange black Pokemon.
It felt that if the current situation didn't change it would lose for sure. So with a huge roar it decided to stake it all. In its hart it already accepted this trainer as the one that will be responsible for it, reaching the top of the strongest Pokemon. But it didn't want to go out with out a fight. So it started to hit its belly multiple times using the Belly Drum Move.
Wes POV:
Umbreon use Qui.....
Wes was ready to give Umbreon its next order but his voice was overshadowed by a huge roar.
Then Wes saw Charmeleon hiting its belly multiple times.
" I see. so at this final stage of the battle, you risk everything to win. I like such determination. I will definitely make you one of the strongest Pokemon"
WES: Umbreon get ready. The final confrontation is beginning.
UMBREON: Umbreeeeeeon!!!
Umbreon roared in confirmation towards its trainer.
Charmeleon finished its Belly Drum Move increasing its Attack stat to the maximum +6. Then a huge silver luster enveloped its claws. It looked like someone put a clawed armguard in its arms. Then it rushed towards Umbreon.
WES: Umbreon stand your ground then Payback.
Umbreon stood in its place preparing to receive Charmeleon's Metal Claw Move. Then Charmeleon came close and slashed with both its claws its opponent. Umbreon took the hit and instantly a huge menacing and murderous smirk appeared on its face.
Charmeleon was shocked by that and it immediately tried to jump backwards to avoid being hit. But before it jumped it saw Umbreon's body enveloped by a dark spooky aura and its red eyes glowed in a bloody red colour. Someone could discern a bloody mist coming from those eyes combining with the dark sura of the Payback Move. Then as Charmeleon jumped backwards Umbreon smashed its body on Charmeleon. Charmeleon flew like an F1 car with enabled DRS and smashed through 4 boulders.
Through shear will Charmeleon didn't faint. it just stayed down totally flat on the ground. With its half open eyes it saw the weird black Pokemon and its trainer come close to it. Wes bent his knees and touched Charmeleon's forehead.
WES: Nice battle Charmeleon.
Charmeleon smirked in defeat. Then it saw this trainer pull a strange red and white ball.
WES: From now you are one of my Pokemon. Welcome to the team.
Then as Charmeleon smiled Wes touched it with the Pokeball and Charmeleon went inside. After 3 distinct sound effects Charmeleon was caught.
Wes immediately sprinted towards the entrance of Mt. Moon since next to it there was a Pokemon Center. Charmeleon needed a lot of care after it received a stab doubled powered +6 Payback. Wes finally reached the Pokemon center. After an hour he got his Pokemon back and he immediately entered Mt. Moon.
1: Eevee: female LV 19 Ability: Adaptability Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Detect (Baby), Stored Power (Baby), Hidden-Power-Fire (Baby), Quick Attack, Double Kick (Tutor), Bite, Swift, Protect (TM).
2: Umbreon: male LV 21 Ability: Synchronize Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Helping Hand, Curse (Baby), Wish (Baby), Sand Attack, Pursuit, Quick Attack, Double Kick (Tutor), Hyper Beam (Tutor), Confuse Ray, Protect (TM), Payback (Tutor), Feint Attack.
3: Nidorino: male. LV 17 Ability: Poison Point
Item: no
Moves: Lear, Peck, Sucker Punch (Baby), Head Smash (Baby), Focus Energy, Double Kick, Protect (TM).
4: Ivysaur: male LV 16 Ability: Chlorophyll Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Swords Dance (Baby), Seed Bomb (Baby), Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Sleep Powder, Protect (TM).
5: Butterfree: female LV 13 Ability: Compound Eyes Item: no
Moves: Tackle, String Shot, Harden, Electroweb, Gust, Protect (TM), Confusion, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore.
6: Charmeleon: male LV 22 Ability: Solar Power Item: no
Moves: Scratch, Growl, Ancient Power (Baby), Dragon Pulse (Baby), Belly Drum (Baby), Ember, Smokescreen, Metal Claw (Tutor), Dragon Rage, Scary Face.
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