Magical Time-skip no Jutsu (age-5)
Well it's been okay 3 years for me. After the age of three I started doing the yoga and flexibility exercises to give me leg up in my journey in 11 years. Yes, Eleven years. Turns-out they don't just send random immature 10-year olds to roam around in dangerous wilderness with creatures that can smash mountains and seas. You only start your journey at fourteen only after attaining your PETL's (Primary Examination for Trainer's Licensing). Obtaining your PTELs requires good physical stamina, basic survival and camping skills, basic pokémon knowhow and on top of that a high school diploma. Again, I repeat, they don't want ignorant simpletons messing around with forces of nature that, if thoroughly enraged, can destroy cities.
Aside from that I'm a regular visitor at the town library and have already finished reading the orphanage library. Well I did wish for an absurd IQ. The pokémon world is massive, at least 10 times the size of earth with gravity equivalent to over twice of the previous earth. Days are twice as long , even if they count in 24 hours, 60 minutes, 60 seconds format. There are 18 months in a year, with months being named after pokémon type alphabetically. So even though I'm 5 years old now I've lived as much as a person of fifteen years in earth. No wonder ash remained 10-11 year old kid in the anime. (A/N: Greatest pokémon Mystery solved.. :P)
On the power side of things I've made drastic improvements as I've been able to sneak out of orphanage for a long period of time and I've fully substitute meditation instead of sleeping. Now I can control weights of over 10 Ton with my telekinesis brute force and in terms of control I can individually control 20 pieces pebbles to move independently from each other. My ultimate goal in telekinesis is to mimic Gaara from Naruto using sand control. My mind has grown even sharper and I've also learned how to do thought acceleration and thought partition in 3 parts taking inspiration with various fantasy novels, comics and manga from my previous life that I can perfectly recall with my Eidetic memory. I've learned to delve into non protected minds other people and pokémon and have built an Mindscape inside my mind to better control my powers without going all psycho like Sabrina in the anime. I've also started to learn the move gravity as it'll help in training me and my pokémon in the future. Physically I've only done few stamina improvement exercises and flexibility training. I've also trained using my aura sensing, aura sight and aura reinforcement as I've yet to externalize my aura. Now that I'm five years old I plan to start training my physical aspects more thoroughly as well.
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