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14.28% Pocket! - LitRPG Adventure / Chapter 1: A Hero Falls
Pocket! - LitRPG Adventure Pocket! - LitRPG Adventure original

Pocket! - LitRPG Adventure

Autor: Keneru

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: A Hero Falls

The sun crested the horizon, bathing the village of Grom in its warm glow. Kai stood atop the cliff overlooking his hometown, drinking in the familiar sight. Beside him, his older brother Zero flashed a confident grin.

"Ready for another adventure, little bro?"

Kai nodded eagerly. At twelve years old, he lived for these moments with Zero, exploring the woods and dreaming of the heroes they would one day become.

[Kai - Level 3 Adventurer]

[Strength: 8]

[Agility: 11]

[Essence: Locked]

[Abilities: None]

Zero, four years his senior, was already well on his way.

[Zero - Level 12 Warrior]

[Strength: 22]

[Agility: 16]

[Essence: 18]

[Abilities: Essence Infusion (Axe)]

As they made their way down the winding path into the village proper, Kai couldn't help but marvel at the bustle of daily life. Laundry hung on lines strung between rustic wooden homes. Farmers tended to their crops, sweat glistening on sun-browned skin. Kai waved to Chef Remy outside the inn, who grinned as he juggled two orbs of fire, keeping his pans at the perfect temperature.

"Morning, boys! Off on another expedition?" Chef Remy called. "Be careful out there!"

Kai opened his mouth to reply, but his foot caught on an exposed root. He yelped as he pitched forward—only to feel Zero's strong hand close around his arm, steadying him.

"Watch your step," Zero chuckled. "Can't have the future's greatest adventurer getting taken out by a tree."

They continued on until they reached the old outpost at the edge of the woods. Once manned by soldiers from the capital, it had fallen into disrepair since being abandoned years ago.

"Let's see what's inside!" Kai said, already imagining the treasure and mystery that could await within the crumbling stone walls.

But as they stepped through the doorway, a gruff voice startled them. "Well, well. What do we have here?"

A grizzled bandit emerged from the shadows, a cruel smirk on his unshaven face. "A couple of lost little adventurers, looks like. Maybe you can tell me - this dump have anything valuable?"

Kai froze. They were in trouble. But Zero pushed Kai behind him, eyes hard. "Get out of here, Kai. I'll handle this."

His gaze darted around and landed on a rusted axe leaning against the wall. "Zero, catch!"

[Kai uses Quick Thinking!]

[Axe tossed to Zero]

Zero's hand closed around the handle and the axe flared to life, glowing with the bright blue of his essence.

[Zero activates Essence Infusion!]

[Axe attack power increased by 15]

"Oh, a fighter are you?" the bandit drawled. He drew a wicked-looking dagger from his belt. "Bring it on, boy!"

[Bandit uses Charge!]

[Zero takes 7 damage]

Zero grunted but held his ground. The axe became a blur as he fought, matching the bandit blow for blow. Kai watched in awe - he had never seen his brother pushed this hard in a fight before.

After what felt like an eternity, Zero landed a devastating strike. The bandit crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

[Zero is victorious!]

[50 XP Gained]

[Zero has reached Level 13!]

Zero wasted no time. "We need to get back to the village, now! I think this was just a scout."

Kai's blood turned to ice as they raced back down the path. A feeling of dread settled in his gut, growing with every step. By the time the village came into view, it had solidified into pure terror.

Grom was under siege. Dozens of bandits swarmed through the streets, setting fire to buildings and chasing down anyone unlucky enough to cross their path.

"Mom!" Kai cried, horrified. He spotted her across the square, struggling in the grip of a leering bandit.

Like an avenging angel, Zero was there in a flash, his axe already in motion. The bandit crumpled and their mother ran forward, tears streaming down her face as she pulled the boys close.

"Thank the heavens you're safe," she gasped.

Zero gently pushed her back. "Get somewhere safe. I have to help defend the village."

"Zero, no! It's too dangerous!"

Zero squeezed her shoulder. "I have to. It's my duty." He nodded to Kai. "Stay with Mom. I'll be back."

With that, he charged into the thick of the fighting, rallying the village's defenders around him. Kai and his mother could only watch in terror and awe as Zero faced down foe after foe.

Then the leader of the bandits crested the hill on the edge of town. Even from a distance, Kai could feel the powerful, menacing aura that surrounded him. The Bandit King had arrived.

Asimple villager was no match. He cut through the defenders like stalks of wheat, making a beeline for the center of town. Kai saw Elder Galen, the village's strongest warrior, rush to meet him.

The duel was over in seconds. Elder Galen was flung to the ground, disarmed and bleeding. The Bandit King placed a boot on the old warrior's chest and raised his jagged sword.

"Your village is beaten, old man. Surrender your resources to us, and the rest of you may yet live."

Elder Galen spat. "We'll never submit to the likes of you!"

The Bandit King tilted his head as if considering, then shrugged. "So be it." His sword arm tensed—


Zero barreled into the Bandit King, knocking him away from Elder Galen. The two enemies circled each other.

"Leave them alone," Zero snarled. "Your fight is with me now."

The Bandit King smiled. "Foolish boy. You have spirit, I'll give you that. But you are nothing. I will enjoy crushing you and taking everything you hold dear."

With a roar, he launched himself at Zero. The clang of steel on steel rang out across the village square. Zero strained against the larger man's strength, his feet digging furrows in the dirt as he was driven back.

But Zero's agility was astonishing. He ducked and rolled, coming up behind his foe to land a strike on unprotected flanks. Yet his blows seemed to do nothing against the Bandit King's tough hide.

Kai watched the duel unfold, his heart in his throat. Zero was the strongest person he knew. If he couldn't win, then Grom was truly lost.

Then Kai spotted it - an archer on the rooftops, arrow aimed directly at Zero's unprotected back. Time seemed to slow. Kai screamed a warning, but it was too late. The arrow jumped from the bow, flying true—

And vanished through a shimmering portal, emerging from another portal to thud into the Bandit King's arm.

[Kai has unlocked his essence! Portal Redirection obtained!]

[Agility increased by 5]

[Essence increased by 10]

The world snapped back into focus. Kai stared at his shaking hands. Had he done that? Zero gaped at him from across the square.

Even the Bandit King looked surprised. Then he began to laugh, low and menacing. "So, the runt has a few tricks. No matter."

To Kai's amazement, the Bandit King reached over and pulled the arrow from his arm. The arrowhead had crumpled against his skin. As Kai watched, the flesh seemed to ripple and change, taking on a metallic sheen.

[Bandit King uses Steel Form]

[Defense greatly increased!]

Zero blanched as the implications became clear. He launched back into the fight anyway, blows raining down on the Bandit King from all angles. But nothing could pierce that impenetrable metal skin.

With a brutal backhand, the Bandit King sent Zero flying. Zero tumbled across the ground, rolling to a halt at the base of the hill. The Bandit King advanced slowly, savoring his impending victory.

"A valiant attempt, boy. But as I said, you never stood a chance."

He raised his sword high. The blade flashed down. Kai hear a wet thud, saw a spray of red—

And Zero's arm fell to the ground, severed at the elbow.

Someone was screaming. Kai thought it might be him. Zero wavered on his feet, his remaining hand clutching the spurting stump. His face was white with shock and pain.

The Bandit King stabbed forward, impaling Zero through the stomach and lifting his twitching body into the air.

"Zero!" Kai shrieked. He tried to run forward, but his mother grabbed him, pulling him away.

"We have to go, now!" Tears streamed down her face but her voice was stern.

The last thing Kai saw as he was dragged away was Zero's body hitting the ground and the Bandit King turning to face the remaining villagers with a victorious roar.

The bandits were gone by dawn, leaving Grom a burned out husk.Kai knelt before the crude grave marker atop the cliff where he and Zero used to play.

"I'm so sorry, Zero. I couldn't save you." His voice broke. "But I swear on your grave, I will become strong. I'll protect our village and our family, no matter what it takes. I'll make you proud. Rest easy, brother. I'll take it from here."

[Kai has unlocked a new quest: Become a Hero]

[Reward: 10,000 XP]

Behind Kai, the sun rose on a new day, and a new destiny. His journey was just beginning.

next chapter
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