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80.9% Playing One Piece / Chapter 88: Chapter 1

Capítulo 88: Chapter 1

For the past few days, Markus had been having a great time. In the mornings, he would go around shopping, eating new kinds of food, and looking at various things. The last time he was here it was only for a couple of days and he spent most of that time in the casino. This time, he looked through various stores and bought anything he found interesting. After lunch, he would join Issho in the casino for rounds of gambling.

They'd become good buddies over their wins and losses at the roulette table. Issho was an amazing gambler but he still made mistakes sometimes and lost. It wasn't a big deal and he was clearly having fun playing with Markus's money on the line instead of his own. When they won, he got half of the winnings. When they lost, Markus covered it all.

Over the days, he got to know Issho better and understood him a bit more. Issho was a truly honorable man and would never go against his word, no matter the personal cost. Markus knew that was his best option for a non-violent path to obtain Issho's Devil Fruit. He really wanted to avoid violence with Issho, the man was too kind. If he didn't know it would be impossible, he would have tried to recruit him to his crew.

He knew recruiting him was impossible because he'd heard Issho's opinion on pirates multiple times over the last few days. Issho disdained them and felt they all deserved to be locked up in Impel Down. Just a few days of talking and gambling was nowhere near enough to convince him otherwise. It didn't help that Issho was basically correct about the majority of pirates. Pirates like Luffy and the others were pretty rare, after all. Why didn't he include himself? Well, that was pretty obvious.

Today was the last day Issho would be staying in Alabasta, tomorrow morning he was boarding a ship for a new island. He was apparently on a journey of self-discovery or something. It didn't seem like he had a whole lot going on in his life at the moment. It was a bit sad and just made Markus sympathize with him. He was going to feel a bit guilty taking his Devil Fruit from him but he didn't think he would regret it.

Markus stepped into the casino and instantly found his gambling buddy, "Issho!"

Issho turned his face toward Markus and smiled, "My friend Mark. It's good to meet with you once more. I will be rather sad at our parting tomorrow."

Markus agreed with that sentiment, "I will as well, but let's not worry about that right now! Let's have some fun gambling together."

Issho nodded in an almost child-like manner. He really loved his gambling and getting to gamble on someone else's money? Even better! They rarely lost and when they did it was usually just house money anyway. They spent hours gambling together and annoying the people running the casino. They didn't gamble big, it wasn't about the money for either of them, but their constant winning was a problem.

The two of them enjoyed their time and as the sun was setting, Markus spoke to Issho, "So, since tonight will be your last night in Alabasta, how would you like to have dinner together before we say our goodbyes?"

Issho seemed to think about it for a bit before he nodded, "That sounds nice. I insist you let me pay though."

Markus laughed, "That's fine by me."

As the two of them walked the street together, they made a strange contrast to each other. Issho was roughly four feet taller than Markus so it looked like an adult walking with a kid. Which wasn't really all that far off. Markus was only sixteen while Issho was fifty-two. Still, they got along pretty well. Issho walked as if he wasn't blind and followed his nose to a restaurant emitting delicious scents. When they drew close, Markus whistled, "Smells great."

Issho grinned happily, "I could smell it from the casino. I've been meaning to visit but kept putting it off for tonight. Saving the best for last, as they say."

Markus nodded, "Just going by the smell, you made a wise decision. Come on! Let's get a table."

Issho nodded happily and soon they were eating a delicious meal. Issho had encouraged Markus to order whatever he wanted. He didn't hold back and ordered something that looked good. That seemed to make Issho happy. Too many people that didn't know him felt pity for him being blind but Markus had never once treated him as an invalid. Rather, Markus had treated him as a friend from the moment they met.

As dinner was coming to a close, Markus began his plan to separate Issho from the Zushi Zushi no Mi without harming him, "Before we separate, likely for good, I was wondering if you would like to have a single high stake bet with me, Issho."

Issho looked intrigued. For a gambling addict like him, it was an irresistible proposition, "What did you have in mind?"

Markus reached into his pocket and pulled out the Devil Fruit Extraction Serum from his inventory. Issho was a master of Observation Haki so he instantly knew that the item Markus retrieved hadn't been in his pocket originally. Markus set the syringe on the table between them, "For our bet, I'd like to wager our Devil Fruits."

For obvious reasons, Issho was shocked, "You want to bet our lives?!"

Markus quickly cleared up the misunderstanding, "The item I just pulled out is a syringe with a drug inside of it. It will not kill the person it is injected into. In fact, as far as I am aware, it's completely harmless to anyone who doesn't have a Devil Fruit. It only works on people like us."

Issho looked surprised and interested, "What does it do?"

"It's called a Devil Fruit Extraction Serum. Once injected into a Devil Fruit user, it will remove the Devil Fruit's power from their body and reconstitute it into the original fruit. I've seen it used once before and it really works. Whoever loses this bet, voluntarily takes the serum and presents their Devil Fruit to the winner."

"Where did you get such a fearsome item?"

"My old man gave it to me. I don't know where he got it from but it should be the only one in existence. Quite thrilling don't you think? A one of a kind item for a one of a kind bet."

This was two gambles for Markus. First, gambling that he would get Issho to agree. Second, that he would actually win the gamble against Issho. He'd spent the last few days trying to think of ways to scam Issho but his Observation Haki was too powerful. There was also the fact that he really didn't want to scam Issho. The guy was too damned nice!

Issho crossed his arms over his chest and looked deep in thought, "A once in a lifetime gamble..." He lifted his head, if he had eyes he would be staring hard at Markus, "You don't know anything about my Devil Fruit, nor I yours. Why are you so interested? It's not like either of us could eat a second fruit."

Markus nodded, "True, very true. But that's not really the point, is it? This is a massive risk for either of us. I don't know about you but my Devil Fruit is a powerful one. A Logia, in fact."

Issho looked surprised, as he should be. Logia Devil Fruits were the rarest of them all. Aside from Mythical Zoan's. Even if Issho couldn't use it, he could sell it for an astonishing amount of money. Compared to the relative commonality of Paramecia's... Issho sighed and then smiled. It was a good gamble! All or nothing. Win or lose. Putting everything on the line in a single shot! He already felt his heart hammering in his chest from the adrenaline rush, "I agree!"

Markus was putting his Goro Goro no Mi on the line but he was confident. Over the last few days, he'd tested out his luck in the casino. Even without using his Observation Haki, he won at roulette ninety percent of the time. His odds on slot machines were even higher. If it was a game of luck, his odds of winning were extremely high. With Issho's agreement he flagged down the waitress and pulled out a ten thousand Belly bill, "Miss, could you do us a huge favor? I'd like you to buy us a brand new pack of playing cards. You can keep the change."

Seeing the amount she was given, the waitress easily agreed. A pack of playing cards would cost less than a thousand Belly even for a high-quality set. There would be plenty of change for her to keep. The two men sat in silence until the waitress returned. As she handed the pack of playing cards, still sealed, over to him, Markus stopped her. After pulling out another ten thousand Belly bill and holding it out to her, he asked, "My friend and I are going to have a little wager. I'd appreciate it if you could announce what cards we draw. I don't want my friend to feel as if I cheated him."

Issho nodded in appreciation to Markus's forethought. He wouldn't have ever assumed that Markus cheated him, he wasn't that kind of man. However, having a third party was still reassuring. The waitress accepted the money and nodded, "Sure! I can do that."

Issho focused on Markus, "So what are we playing?"

"I thought we could keep it simple. Single draw, high card wins. Our lovely waitress will announce our cards as we draw them."

Issho laughed, "A simple bet with such staggering bets? Wonderful!"

After opening the pack of cards and removing the jokers, Markus placed the deck in Issho's hands, "I'll have you shuffle. You can choose who draws first. Ace's will be high. Sound good?"

Issho nodded and began to shuffle the deck of cards. Markus was honestly surprised at how proficient Issho was at shuffling the cards. He didn't think he could possibly do a better job of it. When he was satisfied, he set the deck facedown on the table. Markus turned to the waitress, "Please cut the deck for us."

She nodded and did as he asked. Once she was done, he turned to Issho once again, "So, who will draw first?"

Issho thought for a bit before placing his hand on the deck, "I shall."

After drawing his card, he flipped it over and placed it faceup on the table. The waitress immediately announced, "Queen of hearts."

Markus felt his heart rate spike. There were only two possibilities to beat a queen. Either a king or an Ace. Issho looked happy and confident with what he'd drawn. Markus swallowed and placed his hand on the deck of cards. He swore to himself that no matter what happened, he would honor his word. Issho was too good of a man for him to betray. Markus closed his eyes, took a deep breath, drew his card, and flipped it over.

"Ace of clubs!"

Issho groaned while Markus opened his eyes and let out a sigh of relief. The waitress looked between the two, "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

Markus shook his head, "Nope. Thank you for all your help."

The waitress nodded and left them alone. Issho looked a little glum so Markus stood up and pat him on the shoulder, "Don't feel so bad, my friend. That was a once in a lifetime thrill."

Issho smiled a little and nodded, "True. I don't think I will ever be able to feel a thrill like that again."

The two continued to converse like friends as they finished their meal. True to his word, Issho insisted on paying for the meal as he had promised. Markus had tried to convince him otherwise since he'd lost the bet but Issho was having none of it. After paying their bill, the two left together. They'd decided to do the extraction within Issho's hotel room. That way, if something went wrong, he would be in his room and could sleep it off.

Once they arrived in Issho's room, he turned to Markus, "What do I need to do?"

"It's pretty simple. Just open the top of your yukata and lay on the bed. Unfortunately, the needle must be injected into your heart. That will probably hurt a bit. I'm not sure what will happen after that."

Issho pulled his arms out of his yukata and tied the sleeves around his waist before laying on his bed, "Do it."

Markus really didn't expect that the first time he got someone topless and in bed that it would be a fifty-year-old man. Markus sighed and retrieved the syringe, "Prepare yourself."

Issho nodded, "I'm ready."

With a deep breath, Markus carefully aimed the syringe before jamming it deep into Issho's chest. Isso let out a grunt but seemed fine otherwise. Markus slowly pushed the plunger of the syringe down and injected the serum into Issho's heart. Once it was all gone, he quickly removed the syringe and stepped back. Issho lay calmly on the bed, "I feel something..."

The same black hole that Markus had seen on Enel's chest, opened on Issho's. However, Issho didn't seem to be in any pain. Maybe it was the difference between voluntarily giving up the Devil Fruit and having it forcefully done. Soon a dark purple fruit with the classic swirls rose out of Issho's chest. Markus collected the fruit while the pitch-black hole closed and left nothing behind. Issho looked a little weakened, but was otherwise in fine health, "I feel weaker."

Issho lifted his hand but nothing happened, "It seems like you spoke the truth. I feel fine but my power is completely gone."

Issho slumped on the bed with a long sigh. Markus couldn't leave him like that. He felt a little guilty so he looked inside of his inventory. He only had two Devil Fruits within it, the Doa Doa no Mi and the Kage Kage no Mi. Neither seemed like a valid replacement for the Zushi Zushi no Mi. As he was thinking, he spotted his crates of fruits and vegetables. He'd completely forgotten to check them since he left Marineford!

It was possible that Doflamingo's Ito Ito no Mi was in one of them. He quickly pulled out both crates and started looking through them. To his shock, he found not one but three Devil Fruits! He quickly checked them over. He'd gained the Ito Ito no Mi from Mingo, the Gura Gura no Mi from Whitebeard, and most shockingly, the Magu Magu no Mi from Akainu. Seeing the last one shocked him to his core. When did Akainu die? How did he die? He was certain Akainu was alive the last time he saw him. Missing and arm but alive. So what the actual hell?

He could understand how he got his hands on the Ito Ito no Mi and Gura Gura no Mi. Their owners had died. Though, he wished he'd looked in his crates sooner. He was just too mentally tired to think about it after the war and had been having too much fun hanging out with Issho after resting. He checked each fruit and found he wasn't compatible with any of them, not even the Gura Gura no Mi that he'd wanted so much.

Markus sighed and looked over his small collection of Devil Fruits. Finally, he made a decision. He stored all but one of them and turned to face Issho. In his hands, Markus held a grey pear-shaped fruit with the classic black swirls and T-shaped stem, the Ito Ito no Mi. Out of all of his fruits, he felt the Ito Ito no Mi fit Issho the best without making him overly strong. The Gura Gura and Magu Magu were too strong while the Doa Doa and Kage Kage were too weak. An honorable man like Issho would never use the Kage Kage no Mi to its full potential while the Doa Doa was too weak for him.

Markus placed the Ito Ito no Mi in Issho's hand. Feeling the object, Issho looked confused, "What is this."

"It is a Devil Fruit I found recently. I can't tell you much about it but it's better than nothing, yeah?"

Issho closed his hand around the fruit, "Thank you, Mark. It's been... interesting knowing you."

Markus laughed, "Get some sleep. Maybe one day we'll meet again on these seas."

Issho nodded and relaxed on the bed. His visit to Alabasta had been... extremely interesting to say the least. He toyed with the Devil Fruit in his hand before lifting it to his mouth, "I can't believe I'm doing this again..."

While Markus was leaving Issho's hotel, he heard his words followed by a loud crunch. Markus winced but couldn't help sympathizing with Issho. He looked at the Zushi Zushi no Mi in his hand and sighed. He could feel he was compatible with it, which meant he had to eat the damned thing. Once more he would put the most disgusting tasting thing in the world in his mouth, willingly.

Markus walked through the dark streets and left the city. He had no idea what would happen when he ate the second fruit. If there was a light show or something else happening, he didn't want to be around other people. He retreated several miles from the city. Once he felt like he was a safe distance away, he, very reluctantly, lifted the Zushi Zushi no Mi to his mouth and took a bite from it.

Instantly his mouth was flooded with the worst taste imaginable. This was his second time tasting it and it was still a nightmare he couldn't comprehend. The rancid, disgusting, loathsome taste breached the barrier of a simple taste and added a horrible layer of scent to his mind. At that moment, Markus wanted nothing more than to slice his own tongue out and rinse his mouth with gasoline. Lord knows the gasoline would taste better! Fortunately, the horrendous taste would be worth it.


Second Devil Fruit obtained! Integrating the Zushi Zushi no Mi with the system. 1%...


Markus sighed and sat on the ground to wait for the integration to complete. He used various foods and drinks to wipe the taste out of his mouth while he waited for half an hour. About the same amount of time it took for the Goro Goro no Mi to integrate with the system. When it finally finished, he heard several notifications while power flooded into his body. This new power felt distinctly different from the energy of the Goro Goro no Mi. It wasn't nearly as energetic but had a feeling of weight to it. Markus smiled happily and opened his system.


Zushi Zushi no Mi Control

[Passive, Level 1, 0.0% Experience]

The basis of using any Devil Fruit is the user's control over the abilities the fruit grants. The Zushi Zushi no Mi allows the user to create and control gravitational forces. The more familiar the user becomes with their Devil Fruit the more efficient and powerful their abilities with the fruit become. Every ten levels that the user gains in Zushi Zushi no Mi Control allows the user to design a custom skill based on the fruit's power. This doesn't prevent the user from creating skills on their own.

Damage dealt by the Zushi Zushi no Mi is based on the Spirit attribute.

+1% Damage with Zushi Zushi no Mi abilities

-0.5% Willpower Cost to Zushi Zushi no Mi abilities


Gravity Press

[Active, Level 1, 0.0% Experience]

The most basic attack of the Zushi Zushi no Mi, the user is capable of generating a powerful downward force to crush any target in sight.

+2% Damage


Gravity Crush

[Active, Level 1, 0.0% Experience]

A more powerful version of the Gravity Press attack that the user can control the power of. By increasing the amount of Willpower used for the attack the user can increase the damage dealt.


+2% Damage

Cost: 1 Willpower


+2% Damage per additional Willpower Point spent


Gravity Lift

[Active, Level 1, 0.0% Experience]

This skill allows the user to control the gravity around their target and lift it off of the ground. The cost of using the skill varies based on the weight of the object lifted as well as how high it is lifted. If the object is dropped, the damage it deals will be based on the height it falls from. The same rules apply to lifting a living creature.

Damage: Varies

Cost: Varies


Gravity Sense


Due to your innate understanding of gravity, you are capable of detecting the gravity generated by anything with mass. This sense of gravity enhances your Observation Haki and gives you a clearer picture within its range. The higher the level of you Zushi Zushi no Mi Control skill, the more detailed the images you see with your Observation Haki become.


absurdmorbidity absurdmorbidity

For those curious, a Devil Fruit such as the Gomu Gomu no Mi would use Strength instead of Spirit for its abilities. I try to base what attribute a fruit uses on how it functions. 'Energy' based ones using Spirit made the most sense to me.

Oh, also, the Gura Gura no Mi was always a red harring. I even hinted at which Devil Fruit Markus would get next with the description of the ability by stating it had to be FUNDAMENTALLY compatible. As in, the fundamental forces of nature. There's no Strong or Weak Forces fruits but 2 of the 4 ain't bad!

Just a self-plug! Read ahead, if you want. (remove the . duh)

next chapter
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