Gripped upon by agonising pain, as though fishing hooks had been embedded into the skin, winding right around nevers, and pulling, pulling without rest, just a bit, strongly, it changed every single seconds, impossible to ever get used to it, blinded by suffering, run they did, stumble forth, into trees, inadvertently getting caught by briar and roots, shredding their flesh, nails and bones breaking within the digits of their lowest limb, yet, when they failed to stand back up and move once more, failing to realise what had led them to drag their chests and belly upon the ground.
Pain was simply too fulgurant, overshadowing all else, those that fell behind the group never appeared again, their fate obvious, but not thought about, instead those that could go on, kept on running, legs aching, feet bloody, lungs strained, keeping up speed for so long led to many simply collapsing, joining the ranks of the lost.
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