Some time before Loimos made his return, One was leading Maliah around while accompanied by the rest of Alizée, making for rather noticeable congress as The Death Dealer just let herself be led around up onto a flying vehicle which was clearly inspired from that once used to travel above Dschungelland's dense jungles, and it still was as under the vision of a certain undead, this region had become even more densely packed.
But that was besides the point as of now, as this flying platform was taking them to somewhere not at all over-populated with trees and other greenery.
Maliah did not really know where they were supposed to be going, as the vampiress wouldn't say, but the assassin figured that the raving lunatic with a thing for putrefied flesh would indeed have a clue about how to have fun, it was always the insane that came up with the greatest ideas, this was no secret.
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