Laughing like a madman without even realising it himself, Herlbe focused everything upon his cleaver and body, the festering death fuelling his chain and claws was put to better use there, all attention was geared toward the dark orange blur charging straight for him, clearly, the beast who reigned over the okean had also gotten ahead of himself.
Escaping this fight using the very same trick he was using to charge straight into confrontation would have been exceptionally easy, Tsar Pangea'Kalst, despite his gigantic proportions would very easily bury himself in the depth and go unnoticed if he wanted to, his instincts however, were compelling him to put an end to the vermillion creature.
Oozing with the festering death brought about by his mastery of Ierpalam, Herlbe's cleaver reached a simply illogical size and width.
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