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33.8% Percy Jackson : Rewind Time / Chapter 48: Chapter 45: And people say I am OP, well look at her

Capítulo 48: Chapter 45: And people say I am OP, well look at her



So thanks for all the support, today I reached 100K words which is a huge milestone for me, I never thought I would get this far but thanks to all the amazing support I haven't abandoned this story yet and I'm still writing everyday! So thanks for everything and towards 200K words.


'Percy '


I dropped both my swords. Riptide fell useless to the ground and I made Frostsilver scatter to thousand ice shards when it hit the ground, just for the dramatic effect. I raised both my hands to surrender and glared at the Manticore.

"A trap, how original," I mumbled, of course, I was overconfident and only focused on the Manticore, who was really weak.

Now I realised it was a trap, and he was pretending.

"Percy! It's a trap, behind you!" Nico yelled from across the hall. He was holding Bianca's hand and looked like he was about to cry out from excitement.

"I know," I muttered, and I slowly turned around to face the girl behind me. I made sure not to make any unexpected moves, or she would pierce me with... an ice sword?

When I turned around, I faced a girl who looked to be around seventeen, maybe eighteen years old. She had long snow-white hair, blue eyes that looked like they were made of ice and had bright blue lips that had a smug smile on them. She wore a small tiara that had a pattern of ice crystals and trees.

She had a blue shift dress on, that had patterns ice crystals and ferns all over it, that stopped at her knees.

She had bare legs but strangely she wore black snow boots which really contrasted with the rest of her clothing style.

There was a round shield strapped to her back, Captain America style, the shield was around 2,5 feet wide and was had a white bluish glow and a snowflake engraved on it.

In both her hands she held a medieval-style sword but made of ice, just like Frostsilver but it was at least a half feet longer than mine.

"Who are you?" I asked, glaring at her.

The Manticore got up and moved towards Bianca and Nico and grabbed both of them by the shoulder.

"I am Despina." The girl said.

"Who?" I asked, rudely.

She growled, "Despina, Goddess of the winter."

I raised a brow, "Isn't Khione the Goddess of winter?" I asked.

"No!" she said angrily, and I realized taunting her was not a good idea if she had her sword on my throat.

"Khione is the Goddess of snow! I am the Goddess of winter!" She said.

"I don't have her figurine," Nico said, Dr. Thorn held both of them by the shoulder so they couldn't run away.

"Figurine?" Despina asked.

"Oh," I said on a cheerful tone, "You only get her in the Evil snow queen deck, she is a great combo with Khione, Elsa and Jadis from Narnia."

"Is that an insult?" Despina asked and I nodded as good as I could with a sword on my throat.

I briefly considered attacking her, melting her sword but Dr. Thorn would immediately kill Bianca and Nico, so I decided to play nice.

"Who is Khione?" Nico asked.

"He's being sarcastic," Bianca sneered, "Let us go!" she called out but Dr. Thorn wouldn't budge.

"Is Dr. Thorn a Manticore?" Nico asked with excitement, he was having to much fun for my sake.

"Stop talking," Despina demanded, "follow me outside."

"And if I won't?" I asked.

"Then you'll die," she said coldly.

"Are you really going to kill him?" Nico gasped, "If he dies, will he goes to the Elysium? Is that really too? I heard if he dies without a weapon in his hand he can't go to the afterlife. What about that sword of ice? Does that count as a weapon?" Nico fired question after question.

"If I kill him he stays dead, dying with the weapon in your hand is a Norse concept," Despina told Nico with a smug smile.

"Who says I stay dead? I escaped Tartarus before." I taunted.

"Silence!" she demanded and she pushed the sword a little bit harder against my throat.

"Now follow me outside!"

As we made our way towards the cliff I tried to send mental signals to Nyx, 'Nyx, I need your help.' I said.

'Coming, I try to get the others.'

"Where are you taking us?" Bianca asked, "Look, I know we are demigods and so on, but honestly we did nothing wrong."

"You told them?" Despina asked.

"Yeah, he told us all about it, and he even gave me a cool card game," Nico said.

"Silence!" The Manticore demanded but Nico didn't feel like obeying his commands.

"Are you two working for Kronos?" Nico asked and they both stopped.

"How do you know that?" Despina asked.

Nico shrugged, there's one main bad guy in Greek Mythology and that's Kronos, if the Gods are real, why wouldn't Kronos be real to? You think we can meet him?"

"Nico," Bianca sneered, "Stop, this is not a game."

'The game is on!' Nyx suddenly yelled.

She appeared in front of the Bianca and Nico, "Hi!" she said and then grabbed both of them by the shoulder and before anyone could interfere she shadow traveled the siblings away, to a safer place I hope.

In the meantime, I made the swords Despina held in her hands catch fire and duck to the side. Despina glared at me and dropped both swords and two new ones reformed in her hands.

"Oh, that is not fair!" I complained but Despina was already out for my blood.

She drew a deadly circle with her left sword and I was forced to roll through the snow to get out of her range. I got up and summoned Frostsilver in my right hand, just in time to block her second sword.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Nyx had shadow traveled Thalia, Grover, and Annabeth too and that they were fighting the manticore who had taken on his true form.

Despina was attacking me at a rapid speed and I was forced to use only one sword since I needed two hands to uncap riptide, okay I could do it with one but it was really hard and I had not even the time to get it out of my pocket.

Despina was slowly but surely forcing me towards the cliff, both her swords lashed out at me and I fell smartly on my butt which saved my life, both her swords would've pierced me if I didn't fell.

I tried to crawl backward but I had already a sword pointed at my throat.

"Well, this is disappointing," Despina smirked.

I raised both my hands in a surrender but instead of surrendering I summoned flames and send out a beam of fire, my hands were like a flamethrower and covered the entire body of Despina in flames.

I slowly got up, still firing fire at her. After a few seconds, I quenched the flames but Despina was still standing, unharmed.

In her left hand, she held the shield she had previously slung over her back.

The shield glimmered and I saw it was made of a combination of ice and snow, but it hadn't molten.

"Why doesn't it melt?" I asked the smirking Despina and I took out Riptide, uncapped it and it sprung to life while at the same time I summoned Frostsilver again.

"It's the shield of winter, it doesn't melt nor will it break," Despina said before she jumped forward, shield in front of her and her sword ready to attack me.

I sidestepped to the right, prepared to strike her in the back but to my surprise her sword transformed into a scythe, also made of ice, and the blade almost cut me in two while she jumped forward but I blocked it just in time but the force of the scythe made me flew backward.

I landed on my legs but Despina had already appeared in front of me and her scythe swung down on me, I lifted Riptide but halfway through the scythe transformed into an ice dagger and changed direction.

I kicked it out of her hand but when I looked up her ice shield was slammed into my face,

I fell down at the edge of the cliff, "Not fair." I mumbled.

"What, you can't change weapons mid through a fight?" She asked, still having a smile on her face.

"Behind you!" I suddenly shouted, the oldest trick in the world but it worked, she turned around. Just in time for make myself drop down the cliff, underneath me was the water of the sea and I braced myself to hit it.

It was not as high as the Arch but it sure scared the shit out of me.

When I landed I dropped down at least 10 feet deep in the water and I felt the strength of the ocean powering me.

I commanded it to propel myself upwards I made a dive upwards.

Thes sea obeyed my will and with a splash I flew upwards, followed by a massive wave, that grew smaller the higher I got, the wave lifted me till I was high enough and I caught Despina by surprise who was staring down at the cliff looking confused. Her eyes widened as I dropped down on her with at least a 1000 gallons of water.

She raised her hand and all the water disappeared and I suddenly dropped down without the water having me covered.

Luckily I fell on Despina, who probably prevented me from dying a lame dead, We both rolled a few feet before I got up first and held my Riptide and Frostsilver against her throat.

"Game over!" I said.

She smiled, "No, it's just begun!" when she said it she suddenly dissolved into the snow, I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around, to face Despina smirking.

"Seriously, you can teleport as well?" I asked, getting annoyed of her endless tricks, I noticed her shield had appeared on her back again, great.

"Yup!" she said and she raised her hand and her sword appeared she opened the palm of her left hand.

The shield of winter detached itself from her back and flew to her arm where it magically attached itself.

I groaned and considered calling Cerberus to help me when I heard the chopping of helicopter blades getting louder and closer.

We both turned around and saw a light in the distance, a searchlight over the sea.

"No." Despina whispered.

It was a sleek black military-style gunship that flew towards us, it hovered above the sea and stayed still for a moment.

"What are they doing?" I mumbled before I realized what was about to happen, "Missile!"

The moment I said missile a bright light bulb appeared, it detached itself from the helicopter and it flew towards us, the light getting brighter.

I realized that if that thing would hit the cliff it would be game over for all of us, well at least everyone who could die.

Within a second I raised my hand.

A giant wave splashed upwards the wave was at least 30 feet higher than the cliff.

To my surprise Despina must have had the same idea, she had raised her hands as well and was focusing on the wave.

Ice rapidly climbed up the wave, freezing it as it got higher.

The Wave solidified into an ice wall and it was just in time because the light crashed into the ice wall.

A loud crack could be heard before it shattered into thousand deadly pieces of ice.

Chunks of ice, all different sized, flew around our heads, crashing in on trees and a poor Manticore.

I raised my hand to protect myself from the flying ice but luckily none of them hit me or Despina, despite standing in front of it, then I realized Despina must have been bending the ice around us.

I was about to ask Despina why she stopped the missile when she yelled at the helicopter, "He's mine!" and she turned around 90 degrees, like a discus thrower, and then spun and the shield detached itself from her arm and flew like a frisbee straight towards the helicopter.

The shield flew straight through the cockpit where it left a gaping hole and flew out of the end of the helicopter where it flew for another 10 feet before Despina opened the palm of her hand and it flew back to her in a straight line and detached itself on her arm.

The helicopter stayed in the air for a few seconds before it dropped down into the sea.

Wow, that was amazing.

"Did you just pull a Captain America?" I asked with awe.

"I did it first." She said and suddenly slash forward with her sword and I saw she had deflected an incoming dagger.

' Nyx POV '


The moment the Di Angelo kids were in safety I shadow traveled Thalia, Annabeth and Grover to the battle, I had no idea what Grover's use would be but he insisted on helping, even though his weapon was a nature flute.

Thalia held her shield, Aegis, in front of her and had her spear out, ready to strike. The Manticore flinched upon seeing her shield and even Annabeth flinched.

Percy and I were both immune to it, Percy because he lifted Medusa's curse and I...well I am the Primordial of the night, I'm used to terrors.

Annabeth wore her cap of invisibility and Grover had his reed pipes in his hands. He began to play a tune that sounded suspiciously close to light em up.

Thunder started to crackle around Thalia's spear and she lunged forward, towards the Manticore.

The Manticore had now changed appearance and now looked like a big lion with a human head and a leathery tail with spikes on them.

I saw Percy was fighting the new girl and I noticed he was losing, oh I would tell tease him with that later.

Thalia's spear was paired by the Manticore's tail, and thorns shot out of it and they were about to hit her when Annabeth pushed her aside.

I shadow traveled behind the Manticore and was about to put a dagger in his ass when it's tail suddenly swung at him. I ducked under it and it passed over my head, the tail, however, hit Annabeth who fell to the ground.

I quickly noticed she would not die from that attack and focused on the Manticore.

The Manticore took a few steps back so it could look at Thalia and me at the same time, Grover was playing a pirate tune that made vines appear and wrap around the Manticore's legs but the vines were too weak and easily shred apart.

"Yield you demigods, my master wants you alive!" the Manticore roared.

I did not feel like yielding.

I stepped closer to Thalia, if you distract him I can take him from behind." I said, Thalia nodded and lunged forward.

I ran over to its flank but the spiky tail had followed me and stopped me from getting closer.

Then a nice idea popped up in my head, I turned my left dagger into a whip and I lashed out with it, the end of the whip hit the tail of the Manticore, but instead of returning it wrapped around the tail.

The Manticore noticed what I was doing and pounded forward, pushing Thalia away, and I suddenly jerked forward, pulled by the Manticore tail.

I anticipated this and managed to land on the Manticore's back where I would've stab it in his head if it wasn't for Percy's stupid actions.

Suddenly I heard a loud crack and a giant chunk of ice flew towards the Manticore and me.

I quickly shadow traveled away and appeared next to Thalia.

The Manticore was hit in the side by the chunk of ice and it leaped hurt towards the edge of the cliff, away from us.

Thalia and I walked towards the hurt Manticore who cried out in pain.

"Well, you are just a big pussy!" I said, smirking.

"What?" Thalia asked.

"It's a pun," I explained, why were mortals so dumb?

"Yes, I know it's a pun but why are you saying that?" Thalia asked and she almost looked angry, even though I could not think of a reason why she would be angry.

The Manticore suddenly lunged toward us, I was smart enough to step away but Thalia was caught by surprise and the Manticore slammed her down, if she hadn't her shield up she would've died.

The Manticore was about to slam the shield out of her hands when suddenly Annabeth appeared out of nowhere and dramatically yelled, "Nooo!", she jumped onto the Manticore's back, which was not even original I did it first and drove her knife into it's back.

The manticore howled and Thalia rolled away to safety, the Manticore was running in circles with his tail flailing as Annabeth hung on for dear life.

"Annabeth, get off him!" Grover yelled but Annabeth probably liked the view from up there because she stayed on top of it.

Wrong spot to enjoy the view.

The Manticore leaped off the cliff with Annabeth on his back and dropped down into the darkness.

"Well, we did it!" I said cheerfully.

"Annabeth!" Thalia cried out.

"Percy!" Grover said and he pointed at Percy who took his time to talk to the new girl.

"We must help him!" Grover said and Thalia nodded.

We ran towards them, they were standing on the edge of the cliff and I thought if I could hit her she would maybe fall down too.

I threw a dagger at her but instead of hitting her in the waist she suddenly slashed forward, almost hitting Percy and deflected my dagger, the dagger flew back at us and pierced itself in Thalia's shield.

"Impossible!" Thalia called out, looking even paler than when Annabeth fell down.

Percy stepped back as the girl attacked him again.

The girl glanced at us quickly and saw she was outnumbered.

To my surprise she just smirked and raised her shield arm, a storm began to swirl around us, shards of ice flew around Despina and Percy, preventing us from getting close, the temperature dropped as the wind of the mini storm howled. I was about to shadow travel inside the eye of the mini snow storm The girl flinched. Percy took that moment to attack her and kicked her shield arm, and duck forward, Riptide in front of him.

The girl managed to parry the blow with her ice sword while she was falling.

Percy was about to hit her again when we all heard a clear, piercing sound: the call of a hunting horn blowing in the wood.

From the woods a dozen hunters emerged wearing silver ski parka's and they were all armed with bows, they ran towards the mini storm and began firing arrows at it.

The snow girl got up, using the distraction of the hunters, and she yelled, "See you guys later." she gave the hunters the middle finger and then dissolved into snow that was drawn into the mini snow storm before the entire storm vanished too.

The girls now surrounded us and aimed their bows at us.

"Hunters." Thalia groaned.


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