A couple of weeks ago, I got to D-rank. It's surprisingly easy to rank up if you go at it every day. The next school year will be starting soon, and I mean soon. Today, I'll be taking a D or C rank subjugation quest.
I hope it will be a challenge, the requests I've been taking, subjugation wise, have all been relatively easy. Well, that is because I have been making very good use of {Magic Binding}, my original spell. I'm also level 47 after all this. I checked my status and noticed a cap limit of 50 levels… Will I surpass it with age?
No matter, I'll worry about that later. Time to go take a quest.
But first, time to get dressed. I'm still in my nightwear.
I finished changing and got my robe from the bedside table I had laid it on the night prior. I got my hair cut a couple of inches last week, it's now down to my hips, and I also got a tie for my hair. I liked having it down to my knees, though. That's how long I was going to grow it out in my previous life.
Enough about my hair, it's time to get ready, and go have some fun. But, before I leave, I'll put it up in a ponytail to keep it out of my face. Oh, and I also have used the same magical bullshit I used for my magic eye to create replicant bandages. I can see through them, though, because it's mana. Other people can't, though. Until I see my plan through, I will try to not remember his doing. My eye is a reminder of that.
I made my way through the streets, passing by the regular stores and people that I do on my normal route to the guild. A few of those people today waved to me as I passed, for we have seen each other so often these past few months.
I made my way to the guild, excited to see what was available for today, because, rumour has it, there is a good quest in stock!
Well, that rumour is just optimism.
-[The Adventurer's Guild]-
Checking the quest board, I noticed very few quests above C rank. I wonder why that is? Is it because there aren't very many C+ ranked adventurers around this area? Or are they just out of quests for now? Anyway…
Ooh! This one looks good.
[Grey Wolves have been seen a couple miles east of the city, could you go check them out?]
[Objective: Gather information on the group of Grey Wolves. Optional: Kill all of them.]
[Required rank: D, Recommended rank: C+]
I'll take this one! A little reckless, but I don't care.
I grabbed the request off of the bulletin board and brought it up to the receptionist. She looked at me and said, "Are you sure you would like to take this request?"
I nodded my head. She leaned down to me, over the desk, and told me, "I know I'm not supposed to do this, but you could very well die doing this. Are you still sure you want to take this quest?"
I nodded my head once again. She sighed and signed it off. The receptionist handed me a piece of paper that contained the description of the location they were spotted at. With this, I have officially taken this request! To the east forest I go.
I've walked about 2 or 3 miles now, the terrain is a bit funky. A couple hills, some holes, and a cave. That's what I have seen on my way here. It shouldn't be too long before I reach the area they were spotted in.
Why don't I run for a bit? I'm feeling good today, physically, I mean. Mentally, not so much.
And so, I began to run.
The wind pushing against me in a light breeze, the greenery passing by me with every step I take, it all looks very pretty… Well, that's only if I were to stop running and take it all in.
The running made me feel a bit happier, as if my current worries just washed away with every step. I wanted to see how fast I could truly run with my current abilities. Seeing as how I've been doing near daily subjugation quests, alongside the work involved with each, my stamina has become much more than it was.
And so, I increased my speed. I ran faster, and faster, until my body reached its limits, and then I tripped.
I fell down with such speed that I kept stumbling over myself, and then I hit a tree head first.
-[2 Hours Later]-
"... Huh? Where… What happened..?"
I had begun to wake up, starting to remember what happened.
"I'm such a dumbass… That hurts like shit…"
I felt where my head had collided with the tree, and it had blood all over it. I healed it and tried to stand up, but it seems I had gotten a concussion from the initial impact.
I sat my back against the tree and let my mind rest a bit as I tried to recollect myself.
"Kitsu, how long was I out?"
<<After you had been knocked out from your stupidity, nothing much happened around you. You were out for a total of 2 hours, 3 minutes, and 49 seconds.>>
Okay, first of all, thank you for the time I was out. Second, fuck you, respectfully. Did you really need to add that first part?
<<I only stated the truth.>>
Yeah, yeah, I know.
Okay, times-a-wastin', time to get on with the request.
I stood up, feeling slightly dizzy, but brushed it off and continued to the description of the location provided when I took the quest.
"Near a cave, a couple miles east of the city. There is a very tall, wider tree, a couple of metres away from the entrance of the cave. At the base of a cliff."
This seems to be it. After only 5 more minutes of walking, I had seemed to had made it to the destination.
I drew my sword and readied myself, making sure I didn't get caught off guard. Using a dim ball of fire that I had conjured, I made my way into the cave, making full use of my ears.
Found you.
My right arm is fucking burning, it's hard to make way of anything. I dashed out of the cave, trying to put distance between myself and whatever attacked me. I made it out of the cave, into the light, and looked behind me.
Two Grey Wolves… I only sensed one from its flow of mana! Don't tell me, was there a break in the wall I missed… One big enough to hold the other one?
They stared at me, and I stared back. I looked down at my right arm, and it was barely hanging on. I glanced back up to see one of the wolves dashing at me. It seems they won't let me get the chance to heal my arm!
I jumped out of the way, and then used a layer of mana to stop the flow of blood in my arm, that way I won't bleed out.
My sword was readied in my left hand, and I charged towards the wolf, using wind magic to propel myself towards it.
I call this move the [Wind Cannon], which just launches me forward with immense speed. I use my mana eye to focus in on everything, so I can still see where I'm going.
Alright, you fuckers! Let's do this!
Sorry for the long pause! Only a few more chapters for this volume...