Okay so I've been working on my other fics and I'm sorry that I haven't posted here in like a month so here's what's up.
I need to set an end goal for this story and I realized I hadn't really done that completely.
Yes Wolbet wants to expand his Monster Kingdom outward into the human lands as they now have control of the seas and the fortress leading into the Vast Dunes but I need a real end goal.
World Domination isn't on the table as that is basically impossible with Terra and the nearby land masses seperated by the barrier made by the Great Sage along with the nearly unexplored and extremely dangerous Chaos Sea making that impossible.
So I'm thinking that the goal is getting Terra himself under the full rule of monsters that's how it ends now it's about how we get to that point is how I wrap this story up as I doubt I'd go anywhere past 500 chaps with this whenever I make this story my main focus again.
Good news is that I'm planning on at least releasing 1-2 chaps a week on this one during my days off, or on my slower days at work, whichever I prefer at the time which I'll start on next week.
Right now we are in the raiding section of the story and what I ask from you guys is what should go on after the Serpent Island arc.
I might have asked this before but honestly I've kinda forgot so that's what I want to know on what should be done or what happens.
Examples being like a retaliatory attack on Fort Ageis for its occupation by monsters and the like and things like that.
I really trying to make a smut story with actual story development and all that and it's easier for me if I pull back on the smut to write more of the story or else I blank out on writing that stuff if I'm just not in the mood.
But recently I've been able to write things like that even when I'm not in the mood so it's slowly getting easier to write smut when I'm not at home.
But yeah that's just a little update for now but I'll see you guys next week, in the mean time post your ideas and I'll take them all into consideration, as long as it fits with what's going on in the story that is.
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