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71.42% Overlord - A More Experienced Player / Chapter 20: Chapter 20 - What is this New World?

Capítulo 20: Chapter 20 - What is this New World?

'What happened?'

'Why should something like this have happened to me?'

'I am a good man, an agent of justice, one who helps and does the best for everyone…'

'I am the father of a special girl. I am the husband of a wonderful woman. I am a person who was born in the trash and managed to overcome everything, all in the name of having a happy life in a horrible world.'

'Why did these things get out of my contr-?!?'

"Hey! Masato-san! Are you still there? Did you fall asleep again?"

Those were sad and depressed thoughts from the paladin, Touch_Me, who had just been called to attention by one of his friends, Tabula. They were inside the Brain Eater's laboratory, with the motive of having a private conversation, without the NPCs intruding, so that everyone there was on the same page as to what was happening to them. It was time to theorize what this was all about, and confirm that none of them were crazy.

"I'm sorry, Fuyuki… I ended up sleeping a little due to tiredness…" The paladin replied, using Tabula's real name.

Since there were no NPCs with them now, they could say anything without distorting the way they were seen. The idea of being called "Supreme Beings" was something that shocked everyone, they expected to be respected for their own creations, that was obvious, but being considered as absolute was something completely different.

"Anyway… Masato-san, you said you slept for a while, what's the last thing you remember?" Suzuki was the next to speak, his voice seemed calmer and simpler, after all, he didn't need to force an imposing presence.

"We were talking about the theory that what dictates the personality of NPCs are the Settings, with the addition of Karma level and Job/Racial Classes…" Touch_Me tried to remember correctly what they were talking about before, taking one of the chairs in the laboratory and deciding to stay seated.

"Returning to this subject then… It is clear to everyone that there is a chance of the same happening to us, isn't it?" Ulbert commented while gently moving the blades attached to his hands.

"Yes, Akatsuki-kun… And this is going to be a big problem for us…" Touch_Me commented, observing his sword on the table. "But what scares me is not just whether we can still be ourselves after a while. If we become our characters, then the same can be said for our skills or what we represent…"

After saying that, everyone was able to understand the biggest burden of that situation, they were stuck with those bodies and what their levels represent. Job and Racial Classes were seen only by the pros and cons related to attributes or skill trees, but now they actually had meaning. And with that, something else came to the minds of some, who stared at the paladin fixedly.

"Your World Champion Class… maybe that will give you some boost beyond what already existed in the game." Tabula said very thoughtfully. "And not only that, I mean… we all have skills that, if translated as real, are incredibly destructive, but out of everyone… you are perhaps the greatest of all in this regard, Masato-san."

"But we are lucky, at least your Karma is the most positive I know. By that logic, if we are all taken over by our karmas, you will be able to hold us back easily." Ulbert continued.

"We don't know exactly how karma affects us, I mean, so far all the NPCs we've talked to have seemed pretty normal, as far as possible." Touch_Me said, taking the sword and looking at it more closely, as if looking for some dirt on the blade.

"Maybe it's because of who we are to them, or maybe it's because we all here are from the same group, which means there's no reason for karma to be a reason for one to attack another... we could never know unless the karma system was more complex than just good and evil." Bukubuku was the one who raised the idea, she kept observing some shiny bottles in the laboratory.

Everyone sighed at that thought, really, as bizarre as it seemed, things would be much easier to understand if everything were more complex in YGGDRASIL. Simple things had to gain many things to become real, things unknown to most.

"Speaking of NPCs, how exactly did they act towards you, apart from that weirdness with Albedo and Shalltear?" Ulbert questioned, taking some potions, but Tabula immediately stretched out his tentacles and took the object from the demon's hands.

"Don't even touch it again if you don't want to explode!!" Tabula exclaimed, making everyone look at him strangely.

"Why do you say that?" Momonga raises his non-existent eyebrow.

"Because this is a potion made to explode minerals…. wait… how do I know that?"

"This pink bottle was a room decoration and became a real item?... and this information appeared naturally in your mind?... Things are a little more unbelievable than I imagined." Touch_Me said, with a quick gesture of his hands, his sword disappears in mid-air, removing his helmet to breathe better, thus revealing a half-human and half-insectoid face, of what could be interpreted as a young adult warrior. "Going back to what you asked before, Akatsuki-kun. Among the small interactions I had with some NPCs, I noticed that for some reason Sebas Tian always seems to want to please me. Of course, we just arrived, and I could be wrong, but that's the way I understood it."

"He was created by you, so it would be obvious... I also was interacting a little with Demiurge, apparently his Settings of being one of the most intelligent strategists among the NPCs is still valid. In a way, I tried to do the same as Haruka, and apparently he felt better than ever when I called him my son."

"We are literally their gods, if we give our own creations the chance to call us casually, they will clearly be super happy. It's the most obvious." Momonga commented while only becoming more thoughtful about some details. "But what about what exactly happened to us?"

That question hit everyone hard, what exactly happened to them? Tabula used knowledge related to Earth's supernatural legends and cultures to try to discover what possibilities had occurred. Ulbert also gave some ideas using logic from old 21st century anime. All the alternatives were narrowed down, becoming some small theoretical conclusions, among them:

This could just be a bizarre dream of just one of them, or of all of them at the same time, due to YGGDRASIL's neural system. There may be a chance that when they wake up, it will only have been 8 hours of sleep, or even the equivalent that they would spend in there. This logic was even accepted by some, but discarded by others, due to things seeming too real, even involving situations that their minds would never normally imagine.

They could have really suffered from the famous fantasy situation of ending up in another world, and if that was the case, they would need to resolve something to return to their normal lives. In this alternative, there was also the logic that, if they returned to the real world, they would return the same second they left, or after some time, with their bodies having remained in a vegetative coma. This version could be more believable for everyone there, but it seemed super optimistic, something that most couldn't feel as true, due to the complicated lives they suffered before.

Touch_Me was incredibly hopeful that the real situation was at least what everyone had theorized, with the exception of one, which completely destroyed the paladin's joy.

There was the third option, that they had died while playing YGGDRASIL, and that in fact, that new world they found themselves in was either purgatory or a second chance to live. This was certainly the most morbid alternative, as it meant there was a 0% chance of returning to their lives. However, the paladin tried to think of something else…

"Maybe, yes, we are in a magical world, and no, we cannot return to Earth, but our current minds are just copies fused with the characters." If he were to believe the more morbid version, he would only believe it if it were like that.

"So you're saying that we're not ourselves, but rather a fusion of the characters' minds and bodies?" Tabula asked that and Masato nodded. "Okay… I understand that you want to think that way so as not to worry about your family, so I won't try to ruin that. Is there anything else we can talk about?"

"We could talk about this topic later, but in relation to the outside world... According to Sebas, there is some kind of village that he considered 'primordial' a little to the south, in addition to some forests nearby, it would be good to find more information about that." Bukubuku commented.

"Relax… I have already planned some things, when Mare finishes the new external appearance of Nazarick, I will try to use some of my skills to create surveillance mirrors. There is a great chance that I will be able to do this outside the guild area, since what limited this was YGGDRASIL's territory system, not the skill description." Momonga replied. "This way, we can take a look at this nearby village before finding out if we can make contact to get some information. Other than that, I recommend everyone to be more concerned about our resources, we don't know how long things will last here, even if Nazarick is completely full at the moment, nothing is absolutely infinite."

"Yes, your option is the least intrusive and possibly the most efficient. By the way, you spoke like a true leader, Suzuki. It's good to know that your strategic part wasn't affected as much by the shock of our new bodies."

Touch_Me's words made the skeleton feel embarrassed, with a slight scratch behind the back of his head, but soon a green aura appeared around him and the feeling seemed to disappear. It was emotional repression, one of the passive skills that came with becoming an Overlord.

There was actually one more topic to discuss…

"What about the katana that went flying a few hours ago?" Ulbert reminded everyone. "I mean… at the same moment we are teleported here, it reacts strangely and just went away like a rocket… What do you think that could mean?"

"There is a tiny chance that the katana was actually the thing that should have been summoned to this world, and not us." Tabula revealed a peculiar idea, which left everyone really shocked. "But, that wouldn't make sense, if some being in this world wanted to summon a powerful weapon… Why would it be that katana? Why would it be an object from within a practically random game?"

This only raised more and more questions in the minds of everyone there, with Momonga once again giving his opinion. "And most importantly… what brought us to this world? Not in the sense that it was that item, I think that is already quite exaggerated. But I'm asking in the sense of... who? A powerful wizard? Some magic circle? Was it pure coincidence? Was it something premeditated? And if it was all premeditated and a being brought us here… this being is more powerful than all of us combined? After all, it would be illogical for a summoner to summon something more powerful than themself."

"We can try to find out as time goes on. And as for the last thing you said, in several ancient literary stories of our world, even biblical ones, it is told how weak beings can summon more powerful beings. In other words, the fact that there may be a living being that was responsible for bringing us here does not exactly mean that it is more powerful than us." Tabula used several things he knew, including Lovecraft stories, to support his logic.

"I hate how much we are using fantasy story logic to justify our theories…" Masato said, getting up and going to the door. "I'm going to stay here on the 9th floor for a while. Maybe talk a little with some NPCs to get to know them better, or practice some moves."

"Okay, but remember! Without using skills! If what we're theorizing is true, you're practically the Justice Atomic Bomb!" The nickname that Haruka gave the paladin made everyone, even Touch_Me himself, start laughing.

With the paladin leaving, some more conversations took place regarding other important things that should already be prepared for investigation. However, tiredness seemed to affect Ulbert, the only member of the guild, besides Touch_Me, who still needed to sleep normally, even with their new races. The others also agreed to go to sleep in their rooms, even if sleep didn't really exist for them, it would just be a light rest or even a moment to meditate.


While all this was happening, The Great Tomb of Nazarick's people continued to work, with some NPCs talking to each other or just doing their daily jobs, all programmed. Among the jobs was Mare, who, even with Mary's possession skill, needed more help to do what the Supreme Beings had ordered him to do. Because of this, Demiurge, along with some other demons from the 7th Floor, decided to reduce the problem of the little dark elf.

"The ordered work is going splendidly, I can now perfectly understand the logic required for Nazarick to be buried." Demiurge commented, standing and observing everything, without leaving the dungeon entrance.

"Thanks for the compliment, I really want to please them, so I'm even making the grass color more appropriate." Mare responded, with a completely broken and tripled voice, due to Mary's possession.

The little elf was currently lifting a large amount of earth near the dungeon using magic, and taking it to another corner, thus creating the base for another hill. "I will ask later about the possible need to create an artificial lake, if I cannot make it completely flat."

"No need, I'll ask that for you. After all, I'm here to report your job." Demiurge replied calmly as he watched the horizon. "Really, very different from the grand poison swamps we lived in."

"I agree. The Supreme Beings have even shown interest in this landscape." Mare's words made Demiurge's ears perk up.

"Speak more…"

"They talked about how beautiful the stars and green fields seemed than those of our old world, and that if they could, they would put this landscape in a… snow globe…? I don't know exactly what that is. But I was also hearing Momonga-Sama and Touch_Me-Sama talk about how they wanted to have the stars and the sky." Mare said that, gesturing with his arms, pointing to the sky and the surrounding fields.

The demon in front of the dark elf began to have a very wide smile, as he slowly took off the simple glasses he had, revealing two eyes made completely of diamonds. "This… is magnificent, incredible to say the least. We've barely arrived and correctly identified our surroundings, but it seems that the Supreme Beings are showing such interest in the conquest…" He cleaned his glasses, using some of the fabric from his own red suit. "As for 'Snow Globe'... I don't remember ever hearing this term, I owe you in this regard, I will research it in the library, to find out exactly what they mean."

"Demiurge-san, are you thinking about something?" Said the young elf.

"Perhaps it would be good to organize ourselves for a great achievement… I will prepare some reports on what is needed, after all, we are no longer in our territory. Of course, I won't prepare extremely important things until they are said directly to me, but I feel that my father will be proud to know that everything is taking shape little by little, enough so that he just needs to raise his claws to the sky!" The demon soon put his glasses back on his face, slightly adjusting his suit and tie.

At that moment, Demiurge continued to monitor the condition of the construction from the outside. He wrote everything down, summoning a kind of parchment and using a small flame formed at his fingertips as ink to mark and write. Everything seemed to go as planned, with there already being 4 hills around Nazarick to cover the place, in the demon's mind, it was better to create 5 in total to represent all the Supreme Beings that were with them, or even make 41 hills to represent all of Ainz Ooal Gown. However, he was controlling himself as much as he could so as not to overdo it.

He vividly remembered the conversation he had with his creator, Ulbert, a few hours ago. The great Supreme Being had asked Demiurge's opinion on plan strategy, and when that question was answered, Ulbert demonstrated that he loved the Floor Guardian's way of thinking, but that it wasn't necessary to do as much, unless it was extremely necessary.

"Think of it as if it were an entire kingdom, the person who orders everything to happen is part of the nobility. You are like our peasants, you will be preparing swords, armor, shields, extra resources for emergencies. In this case, the warriors wait for orders to advance in an attack, they do not attack directly without any orders! If they do this, even with the intention of protecting the kingdom, they may even ruin some secret plan made by the nobility, and the consequences will probably be beyond what was imagined." These were the words of wisdom spoken by that Supreme Being, being a comparative example so that even the smallest beings could understand.

The demon gave a slight smile when remembering all that, for such an incredible being to speak in such a simple and understandable way, it meant that he knew very well how inferior the so-called NPCs were to them! How concerned they were about making everything clear so that no one could fail, and if they made a mistake, the blame would fall absolutely on whoever made the mistake itself.

"Demiurge-san, I think we can say the work is done." Mary said as she got out of Mare's body, they had already finished covering the guild's entrance.

Now the entrance was simply almost swallowed by an artificial hill, with only a little of it exposed. From the perspective of anyone who was unaware of these areas, it would not be impossible to think that that dungeon had always been hidden there.

"I agree… I will directly hand this over to the Supreme Beings, you two can return to the 6th Floor. From what I remember, Aura was wanting to have a light picnic as the first thing in the morning, and it seems like it's already fully dawn." The demon in the red suit said, pointing to the sky, which was already very clear, with a beautiful blue and some clouds, it was very likely that noon hadn't even arrived yet.

With that said, everyone returned to the dungeon, they would all do their usual routine actions, related to protecting the place on their respective floors. Or at least that was what was imagined…

Day after day, some more things would happen, the Players were planning ways to contain emergency situations, without the NPCs knowing. It seems that Momonga, together with Ulbert, were the main ones to become paranoid that they should remain completely on guard until something actually happened. Using [Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown], the Overlord managed to create several mirrors around the new environment, allowing all of his friends to have access to these "cameras" inside their own rooms or by going to the throne room. The most important thing was that they were all learning to get used to their new lives.


"Hey! Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"I don't understand the problem with this, honestly, I only see advantages!"

Touch_Me and Ulbert were talking while observing the place they were at. That was the bathroom on the 9th floor, created by their former colleague, Luci★Fer, for purely roleplay purposes, having an elegant appearance that would be seen in a large indoor Greek sauna, there were several Golem NPCs who did not appear to have consciousness, but which had a passive effect of heating the place.

"I agree with that too. Masato, you have to at least take a real shower. You didn't even try to bathe in the lakes on the 6th Floor or the 4th Floor, which is literally an area full of water." Momonga commented as he removed all his equipment, showing his naked body, which was basically just pure bone, nothing indecent existed about the Overlord.

"You say that because you are a skeleton! I still haven't gotten used to my new body for this kind of casual thing…" Touch_Me commented, realizing that his friend had already gotten used to it very easily.

"You just have to ignore it a little… Furthermore, the bath here is not exactly made with water, but with slimes. Just let them run through your skin, and they will remove any imperfections." Momonga replied, already entering one of the large bathtubs on the floor of that room.

When the skeleton entered the water, it was clear that it wasn't really water, it was much more viscous, the words that it was a type of slime certainly weren't a lie. Ulbert ignored the fact that his colleague still found all of this strange and entered too, but unlike the skeleton, the demon player was prepared with a men's underwear, very common in bathrooms like these.

"I don't have underwear for swimming, unfortunately…" Touch_Me tried to make excuses.

"Don't worry, I'll bring you something, Touch_Me-sama."

A new voice emerged, that of a woman. The masculine instincts still existing in the 3 men there, made them turn scared towards that voice, with Momonga trying to hide… the non-existent, out of pure impulse. The woman standing there was Solution, one of the Pleiades, but most importantly, she was still a maid.

"Eh… Solution, how long have you been here?" The paladin questioned.

"I was passing by and happened to hear you talking about not having something, so I decided to do my best job of fulfilling your requests." The blonde maid said with an adorable expression and smile.

"I see… eh… I don't really have equipment like that… so I wouldn't be able to get one for myself in my room…"

"How about Peroroncino's room?" Ulbert gave his opinion, making his two friends look at him strangely. "What? As far as I remember, he was the AOG member who had the most equipment made solely for cosmetic purposes, and some of them are shorts that can be used for swimming."

"But wearing his clothes would be too bizarre! Besides, it is HIM we're talking about." Momonga questioned that.

"He's not here, he probably won't be with us anymore, and as far as I remember he never actually used them! Right?"

The existing alternative began to be considered, making the paladin sigh. "Solution… I give you permission to enter Peroroncino's room ONLY to get a pair of pants that can be used for me to bathe… no images or pictures on them, they have to be the simplest and with a single color."

She gave a strange and bizarre smile before bowing and leaving the bathing room. Everyone at that moment remembered that, even though they were super friendly, that didn't change the fact that all of Nazarick was created to be a paradise just for them, but a place of nightmares and horrors for any other being.

It didn't take long for Solution to find what the paladin had asked for, it was a kind of all-gold swimming trunks with embarrassing but adorable wing details on the sides. It didn't matter, that way he had no excuse, meeting up with his friends for a good and well-deserved first shower since they were transported to that new reality.

"I honestly don't see the level of discomfort you have with your new body, Masato-san. I think it's the most human thing among all of us." Momonga just told a truth.

Among the 5 players who were in Nazarick, Touch_Me was the only one who had a human part, due to his character being a half-insectoid. He had a muscular body, as one would expect from a veteran adventurer, with very pale skin and greenish details on the sides of the torso and arms. His hands were very human, with the exception of the fingertips, which were very hard and without nails, like a carapace, his legs also resembled that of a human, apart from some parts with a natural carapace and some extra joints that made him basically have 2 knees per leg.

"I understand, but even so, it doesn't look that much like my real face…" He said as he watched his own body being covered by the bath slime, which seemed to clean his body well, devouring all the dirt.

"It's kind of funny, since Sebas's face was inspired by your face. It would be bizarre to have two people that look the same." Ulbert made that comment, making them both laugh.

"Hahaha, well I'm his creator, can't I make my creation as perfect as myself?" He responded in a very comical voice, making them laugh even more. It was a good way to release the tension and relax in that big tub of slime.

However, it wouldn't stay like that for long, because shortly before they were completely clean, to return to their common activities, someone knocked on the door of that room in a very frantic manner. This even scared them due to the surprise, but they recovered themselves while asking whoever was going to come in there.

The being that entered was the classic succubus, the 10th floor guardian, Albedo. She was pretty flushed, mainly because of the sight she was seeing, while wings on her waist were moving like crazy. "Mo-Momonga-sama, Ulbert-Sama, Touch-Sama! I-I came during this incredible period you are having, to report some news. I just discovered that there is intense movement coming from the village that you are keeping an eye on, in addition to that some of the humans are approaching us. I would finish the job and eliminate such an unforeseen event, but as you asked me, I am giving you the information before anything is done…"

"What…?" Ulbert spoke with his eyes wide open.

That feeling of calm disappeared immediately, with Momonga activating a spell, summoning three mirrors there for everyone to see. The only village they could identify near Nazarick seemed to suffer an attack by a group of soldiers dressed in white and blue. There could even be some thought about that village having something strange and that being an excuse, but the moment a child was seen being stabbed by one of the soldiers, it was completely clear that it was an attack just to destroy.

Not only that, one of the mirrors showed the group of humans that were approaching near where the dungeon is, it was actually an injured woman carrying a little girl, who were running away from other soldiers who were after her without rest...

Touch_Me, due to his sense of justice, didn't take long to think, getting up out of the slime tub. With a wave of his hands, he summoned all of his equipment, looking at his colleagues. "Who's coming with me?"

Ulbert didn't know what to do about that situation, those people were completely unknown and from another world compared to them. He was very used to the fact that there were many deaths even on Earth, so why bother?

Momonga, on the other hand, had a completely different thought. The plan was initially not to interact with that village, only when they understood that they were good people, they would go there to seek information. But now, that place was being attacked, and there were soldiers approaching, even though they didn't even know about the existence of the dungeon. All of that caused an idea of emergency to cross the Overlord's mind.

They could take advantage of the attack that was happening, thus introducing them to the inhabitants of the village so that they would perhaps see the players as heroes, when rescuing them. Furthermore, it was much better to know that the village in the "backyard of the dungeon" was full of simple villagers rather than crowded with bloodthirsty soldiers.

With these last-minute plans in mind, he stood up, climbing out of the tub and summoning his classic uniform. "I'll be coming with you." He said watching the paladin while soon looking at the demon player. "Ulbert, stay here and inform Tabula and Bukubuku about what is happening. Just in case, activate some defense systems…"

He touched the Succubus's shoulder, which made her wings move more while she blushed immensely. "Albedo. As we do not yet know the power level of these humans, you will come with us to serve your main function as my shield. Use your equipment in case damage cancellation is necessary."

"Yessss, Momonga-sama!~~ I will always be your shield, I will be with you as soon as possible!" She said, thirsty as ever, while she ran out of there to get her equipment.

Touch_Me and Momonga wasted no time creating a portal for themselves.


"ATTACK THESE WORMS! DESTROY EVERYTHING!!" A soldier screamed as several in front of him began attacking.

The scene was incredibly chaotic. Villagers hid in their houses, with the most responsible among them trying to defend the place using spears, forks and everything they had at their disposal. There seemed to be no peace, it was the beginning of an attack so sudden that some children and women were fatally injured during the first few seconds.

Among the villagers who fought there, one stood out because she seemed to be a very strong and fearless woman. She appeared to be helping her father fend off and prevent the invading soldiers from entering their home. To do this, she held a great fork and tried to hit them when they approached the door.

"Father! This idea won't work for long!!"

"We have to hold on until help arrives. In a situation like this, clearly allied guards will be sent!" Her father said, showing equal concern, trying to make his daughter not think so much about the failed part of that plan.

"I don't think the village has been completely surrounded yet, we could try to escape." Said a woman who was there next to them, with a small red-haired girl hugging her tightly with fear in her eyes, respectively they were the mother and younger sister of that family.

"That's a good idea… I hate to say it, but your safety matters more to me than staying in the village…" The father said that, soon noticing the front door receiving several strong hits from the outside.

He quickly tried to reinforce the protection of the door by placing some chairs in front, while the mother watched from afar through some windows. "Yes, it looks like we can go out from the back."

"That's perf-" Before the father said anything else, a sword went through the door, it became so difficult to hold on, that the father had decided to stay there, forcing the door with his own hands. "Leave quickly!"

"But dad!" The eldest daughter tried to argue, but before she could say anything, her father had been hit from the other side of the door, with a sword blade going through his stomach.

The older sister firmly grabbed the younger one and started running towards the back, the mother followed close behind, panting from the nervousness of the situation. They managed to get through the door and started running through the village, heading north, but something sadder happened.

"Look over there! We can't leave a trace!" One of the soldiers shouted after them, and soon they started shooting arrows.

It was noticeable how close those projectiles were to hitting them, until, without looking back, the oldest girl could hear her mother screaming in pain. "AH! Enri! Do not look! Just Run!!"

The young woman began to cry, hearing the sounds of pain behind them as she held her sister tightly, even picking her up so that the little girl wouldn't trip during her escape. The little one, on the other hand, ended up seeing their mother's situation when she was placed on her sis' lap and turned her head back, leaving her eyes wide open.

Heavy footsteps could be heard behind the two girls, who were running towards a small forest that was close to the village. Even so, that didn't stop her from being hit in the back by an arrow, the attack made her scream in pain, but it didn't stop her from continuing to carry her sister.

After a few steps, they found themselves trapped, with the forest becoming so dense that it was difficult to move. Two soldiers continued to follow them, managing to catch up, attacking the older girl from behind. Thus, they both fell together on the dirt floor.

"P-Please! L-let my sister run away! L-Leave her alive!" The girl said, putting her little sister behind.

"Hehe… don't think we'll feel sorry for y-" One of the soldiers said, approaching, but he soon stopped, looking a little further ahead with a surprised and confused expression.

The two girls didn't understand that, but they could hear a strange and very low humming noise, then they saw what seemed to be a person passing from behind, taking a few steps and getting between them and the enemies. The person had white armor, complete and well polished, and what looked like an expensive red fabric over one of the shoulders aside of a great blue crystal in the front. The oldest looked back, noticing the existence of a dark portal, that was how that man had appeared.

"You… are actually attacking two women like that…? Really, You are stupid worms…" The knight in white armor said, as another being emerged from that same portal.

It was a skeleton with a large purple robe and countless jewels in its hands, carrying a large staff made of pure gold. When looking at that other being, the woman simply tried to move away, covering her sister's face, but she was too painful to get off the ground.

"Touch… don't try to talk to these ones, it seems pointless." Said the skeleton.

The soldiers looked scared when they saw those two strangers, but even so, one of them went towards the one called Touch. The knight simply raised his own shield, defending himself from the attack, causing the enemy to end up being thrown back with the impact itself. However, there was no time for him to fall to the ground alive, as Touch took his sword and attacked him with a sharp cut in the air, decapitating him.

The soldier, who was still there, was horrified, but before he fled, he felt as if something invisible was holding him firmly, it was the work of the skeleton, which had its hands raised. "Now it's my turn…[Grasp Heart]." A blue heart appeared in its hand, and with a simple squeeze, it was crushed, causing the last soldier in that area to be killed, instantly.

That scared the young women, who just stared wide-eyed, not knowing whether to thank them, cry in fear, or try to run away...

"Hey, young ladies…" Said the paladin, taking a few steps closer to them and kneeling down. "I'm sorry for letting you see such a violent scene, unlike my friend, I couldn't contain myself or use a not so grotesque blow…"

"One of them looks pretty injured." Said the skeleton, summoning a small portal from which he took out a kind of bottle, trying to hand it to the older girl.

The bottle was very ornate, it looked like something that would be used a lot just as decoration, and the color of the liquid was red, as if it were pure blood. This made the eldest continue to be scared while her sister seemed to stand in front of her to prevent her from taking it.

The skeleton raised a non-existent eyebrow, gently touching the bottle in his hands. "Oh, don't be afraid… This is a healing potion."

"Yes, just because my friend here is a skeleton doesn't mean he's going to deliver something bad." Touch spoke near the scene.

With that speech, and the fact that, anyway, she was going to die, the oldest grabbed the potion from the skeleton's hand and drank it immediately. Surprisingly, there was a soft glow in the cuts and wounds, with them closing completely, in addition to the pain disappearing. The younger sister smiled realizing that and hugged the older one deeply, who reciprocated.

"Great… we'll continue… the village should be further along." The paladin said, however, the skeleton put his hand in front of him, preventing him from continuing to walk.

"Wait, my attack worked very efficiently, more than I expected. There is a chance they are many levels below us, at least 30." He said, as he looked at one of the corpses and approached it, holding tight to its head.

"It wouldn't be good to fatigue ourselves out with weak enemies for now… [Create Middle Tier Undead]." With that skill, the corpse's body quickly decomposed into a very gelatinous black goo, which slowly took shape and became a [Death Knight]. "My Death Knight, I command you… Go to the village ahead, and kill only the soldiers who had the same outfit as your previous self… after doing so, self-destruct."

The Death Knight nodded, turned and began walking with heavy but very fast steps towards the village that was being attacked. Touch understood why that was the idea, but even so, he was afraid that the summon would do something out of the norm, so he ran alongside him to keep an eye on it.

As for the Overlord, he stood there, reflecting a little until he looked again at the two girls. They seemed to be kneeling as a form of gratitude for having cured them... or perhaps it was also because they had seen an incredible demonstration of magic? Unfortunately, the skeleton didn't know if what he did was truly great or just simple.

"You must still be very shaken by what happened… I recommend that you stay there and rest a little before walking again… In case a soldier manages to go unnoticed and attack you…" He extended a hand towards them, while continuing to activate various skills. "[Wall of Protection from Arrows], [Defensive Up]." A large barrier appeared around the two girls, glowing a very vibrant green.

"T-Thank you so much for helping us!" Said the oldest.

"T-Thank you!" Said the youngest.

He soon picked up two items and threw them to the older woman, they looked like trumpets made from the horn of some animal. "That's just in case they attack with something that my protection doesn't serve... This item is called [Horn of the Goblin General]... with it, it is possible for anyone to summon a small amount of obedient goblins that would even make suicide attacks to protect those who call upon them."

"E-Eh?!" She picked up the item and was extremely shocked by what she was told, but before seeing the skeleton turn to disappear from her sight, she asked. "I'm sorry, but I just heard that the white knight's name is Touch… What would yours be?"

The skeleton thought for a moment before speaking. "My name is Momonga! Touch and I are part of a great guild, led by me! Don't forget the name, AINZ OOAL GOWN!" He said grandly and turned to head towards the village, but something else appeared to stop him from walking.

Another being appeared through the still open portal, it was someone wearing completely black armor, with a large war ax in hands and horns on the helmet. "Momonga-Sama, forgive me, I was late due to my equipment being in a remote area." The being, now identified as a woman, noticed the existence of the two humans there and pointed the ax at them.

Momonga raised one of his hands to stop her. "Ignore them, I raised this protection myself for them to use, don't try to attack those I decide to help."

"B-b-But… Momonga-Sama! These are inferior beings!"

"Do you want to question my actions, Albedo?"

The situation became very tense at that time, so Albedo seemed to give up trying to find reasons to kill insignificant beings who had been blessed by the vision of one of her several masters. The portal closed, and she began to be taken away by the Overlord, who finally left the scene.

Going in that direction, Suzuki realized that perhaps his face would scare other humans, in the same way it scared the two girls. With that, he has an idea, taking from his inventory a commemorative red mask for Christmas. It brought back good memories, but it didn't matter, it was the minimum necessary to have.

While this was happening, the Death Knight arrived in that village, mercilessly attacking the enemy soldiers, as ordered by his summoner. Some screamed in fear when they saw their attacks not working, others tried to recover, using the help of soldiers with bows and arrows to attack the monster, but none of that helped. As time passed, the number of living soldiers decreased drastically.

"No! Please! I'll give you as much money as you want, but don't kill m-" A soldier screamed in fear, thinking the undead was a person, he was sliced in half with a vertical cut from top to bottom.

"Be careful with that monster!!" Said other soldier, before being hit in the stomach by another person who didn't even notice he was there.

Touch_Me appeared, already angry with all the killing due to the greed and violence initiated by the invading soldiers, making Death Knight stop with the use of a world champion ability. His shiny white armor made him very eye-catching to everyone on that field. "You! Damn invaders, what do you think you are doing here!?"

"W-Who do you think you are, palad-?" Before a soldier could respond, the said paladin decapitated him with a quick approaching movement.

This scared several of the invading soldiers, it would not be an exaggeration to say that some of them urinated in their pants. "Who am I?! I'm someone who was passing through and saw the depressing situation this place was in! Being attacked by soldiers, a village full of simple peasants!! You make me sick! You shouldn't have armor as clean and pure as the ones you wear!!!" His voice showed complete anger about the situation, not a single word was false.

"Some random guy wanting to protect a village he doesn't even know?..." One of the soldiers said, shaking with fear.

"No… I'm in a group…" When Touch_Me said that, he looked up, revealing the fact that Momonga had arrived in the moment, but floating and watching from above, next to him, was the completely armored Albedo.

"From today onwards, this village is being protected by my guild, Ainz Ooal Gown!… And I want everyone to know that…" Momonga's voice was very intense, using the skill [Despair Aura I], to cause fear in what's left of the invaders. "If you attack a place as fragile as this again, without any mercy we will destroy you… perhaps death will be something you will be begging for a long time!"

Soon, all the enemies ran away in great fear, while the 3 new visitors stood there, standing still and turned against the villagers who seemed relieved that the danger had passed. Touch_Me was about to say something, but ended up being interrupted by Momonga, who clearly spoke over his head, so that his friend wouldn't get in the way.

"Of course! We helped you, but we will want something in return. I would like to speak to the village chief to see how much we can receive… of course, we will not ask for excessive things, it would be hypocritical." That's what the Overlord said.

Thus being taken to a hut together with the paladin and the Floor guardian. Arriving there, he noticed that the chief of that place was a very elderly person, which made him want to appear calm, so as not to scare anyone there with the way he spoke.

"I'm sorry if I said something wrong, we didn't want to create suspicion among the other villagers... We are a group that decided to live excluded from everything and everyone inside some deep forests and dungeons, with the aim of training and reaching the pinnacle. So what I ask of you is just information, not money."

Touch_Me was surprised by the idea that his friend was having, in fact, it was the best possible, so he wanted to add it to make it more truthful. "Exactly, he, I and our companions ended up meeting in the middle of forests, and because our ideas were similar, we formed what we could call a group, or even a guild, given the number of people. Unfortunately, we don't know much about things other than studies and techniques that we learned on our own. Could you tell us where we are exactly or even about neighboring areas?"

"Oh! I see, I can understand your strange clothes now. People who try to live in seclusion from everything and everyone possibly need a lot to survive, you must have walked from forest to forest without ever interacting with other people, right?" An old lady beside the chief asked, both the paladin and overlord agreed.

The old man took some kind of map that he had in his closet and placed it on the table. "Okay, we're here, in Carne Village." He pointed to a point on the map and then went on to point to other points and border lines. "And we are in Re-Estize Kingdom, we are completely surrounded by other nations like Baharuth Empire to the east, Slane Theocracy to the south, Roble Holy Kingdom to the southwest, and Council State to the northwest."

"That's great to hear, anything else important to add?" Touch_Me said, looking closely at that map.

"I think the most important thing to say is about the problems we are having with the Baharuth Empire… They and Re-Estize are two nations that have been at war for some time due to the fact that they were initially one… at least they are civilized enough that battles between them occur annually in a specific field near E-Rantel, the closest large city to Carne." Said the little old woman, who pointed to a marked Re-Estize city very close to the limits of Baharuth Empire and Slane Theocracy.

"So today's attack was caused by Baharuth's soldiers?" Momonga questioned.

"Well, they were dressed in Baharuth soldier uniforms and I noticed that their archers were dressed in Holy Kingdom military uniforms, but that's not something they would do... unless they are doing it without following the orders of their respective commanders. …" The mayor said, stroking his own chin as he thought. "I would say this sounds more like something done by the Slane Theocracy to cause chaos… they are known by some as the nation that mostly does things in the shadows just to their own benefit."

'Shit… we should have captured one of them to get information on who really ordered the attack.' Touch_Me thought, letting out a sigh and leaning against the wall.

"The situation we are in seems to be really quite intense…" The overlord said, taking something from his own pocket. "I would also like to ask you something, if it's not a problem…" He showed a gold coin, extremely common in YGGDRASIL, placing it on the table. "My friends and I ended up finding this type of coin in several dungeons that we explored within several deep forests… for some reason they all seem to be the same type… but are they valid here?"

"A coin that was left hidden inside deep dungeons, you say…" The mayor took a balance next to a small weight, taking the coin and leaving it on the tool, seeing that it was well balanced. "It actually seems to have a good weight, but to answer you, no, I have never seen this type of coin circulating around."

"Some of my friends used coins as ingredients for magic spells that required pure gold to occur. So it's definitely made of gold." Momonga tried to create an excuse, that was an item from YGGDRASIL with the description of being gold, so it obviously turned into real gold.

"If this is the case, perhaps it can be replaced, but I doubt it won't cause some problems out there." The mayor returned the coin.

"Thank you very much for your honesty. That's good to know, we might have to go to E-Rantel to do a little swap. Enough to buy the basics." Touch_Me was the one who said, trying as much as possible to pretend that he was a nomadic paladin.

"Anyway, you may or may not already know this. But this area we are in is well known for having ogres, goblins and orcs, so I recommend not walking too much on roads that pass through forests." The village leader gave another message. "The closest adventurers here are from E-Rantel's guild, so there's even a chance you'll see some of them fighting these monsters."

"Adventurers? Is it a large amount in this city?" Touch_Me raised his head to speak.

"I don't know exactly, but I think I've seen at least 4 groups of 6 adventurers each... I'm sorry if I can't give you more information."

"No, this is already perfect, since this is a village of farmers and carpenters, everything you told us was more than enough information. I thank you again for that." Momonga bowed slightly, the paladin did the same as a sign of respect for the elder.

On the other hand, Albedo was almost having a fit of hatred at that sight. She knew for sure that the Supreme Beings were trying to blend in to find out more about the situation they found themselves in, without being so noticed, but bowing?!? This was such an absurd exaggeration that she even wanted to kill those inferior beings. However, she took a deep breath, there was a chance that they would be extremely angry with her, since she realized that Momonga didn't allow her to attack the useless girls at the beginning of this whole argument.

As time passed, and the two Players continued in that village to see how things were going, towards dusk, it could be seen that one of the hills on the edge of Carne Village was being used as a cemetery for all those who died in today's attack. There weren't that many, but considering the size of the small village, it was a considerable number.

They watched the two girls from before, crying in front of two graves that had been placed very close to each other. It was obvious that these were their parents'.

Touch_Me looked at this with a calm expression, he wasn't angry, just depressed. As a police officer on Earth, it was quite common to see people crying for their dead family, but it never left a good taste in his mouth, no matter how many times saw them. Momonga, on the other hand, kept thinking if he could have done something more, after all, in case of emergency, he had an item under his big robe, a staff with the property to reborn players who had just died in combat. Using the same logic, he could also revive those who died there, but he didn't do it, not only because he didn't want to take away the respect and willpower that those who sacrificed themselves had, but also because of how the information, that there is someone who revives others, could turn against him in the future.

For now, the first interactions with the people of that New World seemed simplistic, it wouldn't be good to bring an insanely extravagant power...

Time passed, and the evening became obvious with the orange sky. There was no reason to stay there any longer, so they decided to leave the village. However, the paladin ended up hearing some worried villagers talking to their chief, drawing his attention and approaching him.

"Was there any problem?" He said, with Momonga and Albedo still next to him.

"Oh! Mr. Toucha, I'm sorry, but some villagers who stay in the hills ended up telling us that there is another group of knights approaching, they don't seem to have the same uniform as the previous ones, but you never know…"

Touch_Me even raised an eyebrow, 'Toucha? Okay, that sounds like a good nickname…' He thought about that name, but then, he returned to speaking to the villagers. "Okay, I recommend that everyone go back to their houses and take cover in case an attack is coming. We and the village chief will be seeing what exactly they want…"

As requested by one of the rescuers, everyone nearby went to their homes. So the 4 of them went towards the entrance to Carne, observing the approaching knights, all of them were riding horses, with white armor and red details, with only one of them not wearing a helmet, a man with very short brown hair, a serious expression on his face.

That same man stopped his horse in front of the beings at the entrance. "I am the Chief Royal Warrior of the Re-Estize Kingdom, Gazef Stronoff. I have received orders from the King to hunt down the knights of the empire that have been wreaking havoc in this area by visiting all the villages."

"Royal Head Warrior…"

"Oh. You must be the chief of this village… Who are the ones standing beside you?" Gazef questioned, still maintaining a serious stance.

"Oh, this one is…" The man was soon interrupted by Momonga.

"Don't worry. Nice to meet you, Royal Head Warrior. My name is Momonga, I'm a magic caster that came to help this town while it was being attacked. These ones on my side are Albedo and Touch, two warriors that I have always with me."

The warrior soon got off his horse, approaching them, surprised and apparently happy with the magic caster's words. "Thank you for saving this village. Mere words cannot fully express my gratitude… the last two villages that we went to help… all of them were destroyed and without survivors, before we were able to reach them."

"Head Warrior!" One of the knights said, running towards Gazef. "Unknown figures have been spotted around this area. It seems they have surrounded this village and are approaching as I speak!"

"Alright, let's hide and see the situation better for a surprise attack, there is a chance they will think there are only villagers here." Everyone agreed with Gazef's ideas, including the Players.

This way, everyone entered houses close to the limits of Carne Village, due to the command given previously, those houses were very empty, that was perfect. It took a few minutes for the enemies to appear, they appeared to be wizards, each having a creature floating at their sides, they were surrounding the village at equally spaced intervals.

"Who exactly are they?" Momonga questioned, standing next to Gazef, watching the enemies through a window.

"Only the Slane Theocracy, of all nations, could send out this many magic casters at once." He replied, sighing. "And they look to be part of the special ops unit directly under their Head Priest. It must be one of the six scriptures."

"They, the ones who attacked earlier…"

"Yes, Touch. They were dressed as soldiers from the Empire and the Holy Kingdom, but obviously they were just acting and all are part of the Slane Theocracy."

"So our suspicions were correct…" Momonga spoke calmly, looking down.

"Does this village hold that much value for this level of attack?" The paladin questioned, extremely confused by the level of the situation.

"Mr.Paladin, if you have no idea why they are attacking… then there is only one reason they are attacking this place in such power…"

"We are strong, but they would need days to move this type of military power to here after finding out about us, if we were the motivation… That means…" He was a little thoughtful, until the answer came. "Woah… It looks like you are quite despised by the other nations, Head Warrior."

"Yeah, this is a problem… To think that even the Slane Theocracy is after me… They really see me as something else…"

Momonga and Touch_Me soon took a closer look at the floating beings alongside the enemy Magic Casters, noticing something very important. Those were [Archangel Flame], a monster from YGGDRASIL. Did this mean that they really weren't the only ones who were teleported within the game? Were there others out there? And they were on the side of Slane Theocracy? Many questions arose in their minds.

"Sir Momonga, Sir Touch." Gazef's words made the players snap out of their thoughts. "I know it may be a selfish thing to ask, but please, I beg you to help this village once again. I beg y-" Before the royal warrior could kneel for that, Touch grabbed his shoulder, stopping him.

"We will do it, don't worry… We will, in the name of our guild, Ainz Ooal Gown, as a seal of this promise." The paladin said in a simple voice, wanting to give the human strength.

"Great, I will fight our enemies without having to worry about the safety of the village itself."

"Then, please take this." Momonga said, taking out a little item from inside his robe.

"A gift from one such as you? I will accept it gratefully." He took the item and only gave a slight bow. "Good Bye."

"We wish you luck in battle…" Both players said, watching the warrior leave that hut.

They left the hut only to see Gazef and his group heading towards the enemy. Albedo followed them, being very confused, then questioning. "Why did you promise something so simple using the guild name, Touch_Me-sama?"

He took a moment to respond, searching for the right words. "Why, even though humans can seem weak and even cowardly sometimes. There are moments when they show greatness, honor and strength so admirable that even beings like us must respect such qualities." He sighed. "That human, Gazef, reminded me a little of how I was when I was training to become the paladin I am today…"

"I can't understand some of your logic… but I can understand the fact that it felt similar, even though yours was obviously greater." The answer Albedo gave wasn't exactly what the paladin wanted, but he let it go.

"Lord Momonga." The village chief approached them. "Why is the head warrior leaving?"

"Apparently, this whole mess was made so that Mr.Stronoff would appear and become an exposed target…"

"Then, should we stay here like this?!"

"It's not like that…" The paladin interjected. "He will cause a tremendous situation, enough for everyone to run away… We would have to do this at the exact moment a passage is created for us."

Ahead, Gazef and his soldiers headed towards the enemies, the plan was simply to draw attention to them so they could be kept away from that village. He was ahead of everyone, taking a bow that was on his horse and constantly shooting arrows, but the magic casters managed to create shields with just one hand, which defended them, while with the other hand, one of them managed to destabilize the royal warrior's horse, who was forced to jump from it to avoid being thrown to the ground.

"Look out!!" One of the knights exclaimed, giving Gazef enough time to react to defend himself from an attack.

It was one of the Archangel Flames, which was advancing towards him, trying to hit him with a blade of pure flaming energy. Gazef managed to attack the enemy, trying to cut him in half, but the Archangel's regeneration was superior, forcing him to throw the enemy away instead of injuring him.

"So that's how it will be, huh?" He sighed, holding tight to his sword. "[Martial Arts…"

The archangel was approaching quickly, but that was what he wanted. "... Focus Battle Aura]!"

Before the enemy approached, the head warrior slashed through the air. Hitting the Archangel, splitting it into two like it was nothing, slowly disappearing as countless yellow lights appeared in its place.

As planned, the enemies were just focusing on them, as if they forgot the existence of the village. Unfortunately, the number of warriors beside him quickly diminished, with the Archangels killing them with ease.

"If that's it, I just need to at least attack the one in charge!" He said, noticing the only one on the enemy side with a different uniform, running towards him.

Several Archangels appeared to get in the way, without patience, Gazef again used his techniques to destroy them in seconds."[Martial Art, Six Fold Slash of Light]!" 6 slash-shaped beams of light emerged from his blade, destroying them.

That didn't stop the Magic Casters, who sent more of those monsters at Gazef. "[Martial Art, Instant Counter!]" The monsters were thrown away, giving him space to make a big jump.. "[Flow Acceleration]!" His body rotated like a pawn while holding his sword, causing countless cuts, which disintegrated those angels again.

That kind of thing was what made Gazef such a great enemy. His actions inspired and raised the morale of the soldiers on his side, who continued to fight with all the strength they had, there were several of them for just one or two of those same monsters.

"Impressive…" The enemy general said. "To have mastered that many attack skills… But it's not enough… Summon the next set of angels! Focus your magical attacks on Stronoff, ignore the losers there." He asked for some magic casters that were on his side, and so they did.

Slowly, the situation was becoming ugly. The great Head Warrior was being hit by several magical attacks, pushed by several of those monsters. It never seemed to stop. He ended up with most of his soldiers fainting or dead, and him being the only one standing, bleeding profusely, panting, with all his face showing the tension of still be there.

"Do not underestimate me!!" He shouted in fury, even some of the dust on the ground rose up thanks to his aura.

"Heh… Gazef Stronoff, what can you do in this state?" Said the enemy general. "You are taking our precious time here… Once you die, we will eliminate all villagers there, and finally go back home. Stop this futile resistance and fall quietly. Maybe, as an act of mercy, I will make sure your death is painless."

"Heh…" He started to laugh.

"Eh? Lost your mind already?"

"Fool… there are people stronger than me in that village… I'm happy that no matter what you try to do, you are the one that will fail…"

The general smuggled "A bluff? Angels. Kill Stronoff."

The head warrior closed his eyes before any attack was made against him, but in just one breath, everything around him changed. He was now surrounded by the villagers, and not only that, he seemed to be inside the large hut that everyone was hiding in. Without him being able to fully understand how this happened, his body relaxed, making him faint right there.

"Who are you?" The general said, without expressing much emotion.

In the center of the battlefield were now Albedo, Momonga and Touch_Me, the item they had given to Gazef was a single-use teleporter. It was practically already planned that they would switch places with him, in case something happened.

"Nice to meet you, people from the Slane Theocracy… We are Ainz Ooal Gown…" The skeleton started to speak, still wearing his mask. "We have a bit of a relationship with that village."

"So, Have you come to beg for the lives of the villagers and that stupid warrior?" The general said, with a smug again.

"No…" the paladin was the one to reply. "We overheard your conversation with that head warrior… You have too much stupid courage, don't you? You announced that you would massacre the villagers that we saved, while we were only passing nearby… I cannot imagine anything more offensive."

"What?! Offensive?! Big words for just two warriors and a magic caster! So, what will you do about it?"

"Well, if you surrender, we will just kill you without pain… However, if you refuse this, you will die painfully and in despair for your foolishness, screaming for the gods that you believe, asking them why you were so stupid and didn't choose the peaceful way…" that time, Momonga was the one, using his deep intimidating voice.

"Angels! Attack!" The general exclaimed.

The Archangels advanced against Momonga and Touch_Me, completely ignoring Albedo as she was just standing there, observing the situation. To react to the attack, Momonga stood still, receiving it, while the paladin just raised his shield forward, without much movement. The skeleton didn't even seem to take any damage with two energy blades passing his body, while the angels that attacked the shield were repelled and evaporated in an instant.


"It must be some kind of trick!!"

The magic casters screamed in panic upon seeing this situation, but it was soon explained to them that "tricks" were used.

"[Great Counter of Low Versus Power]... or just simplified as [Great Counter Low-Tier]... It allows me to defend myself from any attack or low level monsters, in the case of summons, instead of just defending myself, it also kills them instantly."

"[High Tier Physical Immunity III]... It's a passive skill that completely nullifies the physical attacks of low-leveled weapons and monsters, or we could say, from below level 60…" Momonga said this while holding tight to the shoulder of the Archangel that attacked him, pushing and knocking it down so hard against the ground that he destroyed it right there.

Everyone looked amazed at such demonstrated strength, but he didn't stop talking. "I want to know why you all can use the same magic and summons as Yggdrasil, the place where we came from… But I'll put that aside for now. Since it's our turn… Prepare!"

"Hurry! Angels! Kill these bastards!!" The general finally started to panic.

"Albedo, stand back. A lady like you doesn't need such problems." Touch_Me commented, as the Floor Guardian simply took a huge leap back.

"Good… [Negative Burst]!!"Momonga released a large dark aura that destroyed all the Archangels upon being touched.

"Wh-Wha..? Impossible…" The general couldn't believe the situation was getting worse for him.

The last words Gazef said even appeared in his mind... That was never a bluff! Likewise, all the Magic casters began to panic, using every spell they knew.

"[Holy Ray]!"



"[Fire Rain]!"


"[Charge of Stalagmite]!"

"[Open Wounds]!"


The two players continued to take the attacks without moving much. With Touch_Me having the shield raised, while Momonga was just receiving it without any problems, due to his passive skill of [High Tier Physical Immunity III], guaranteed to him precisely by the Racial Class of Overlord.

"Yes… all of those are spells from Yggdrasil…"

"Who taught them that!!!" Touch exclaimed, making the sword glow.

The enemy general was filled with fear, looking at the angel at his side. "Principality of Observation! Attack the Magic Caster!!!"

That Archangel quickly approached to hit a large glowing mace on Momonga's head, he being the target due to the general's view on magic casters being the weakest physically. Unfortunately for him, he was wrong, the Player managed to hold off the attack without too many problems.

"My, My… Touch-Sama, my friend, I would say that there isn't motivation for all this power of words that you are having now… But, it seems now I have to counter-attack…" He said pointing his finger in the direction of the angel."[Hell Flame]"

From the tip of the finger, a small dark spark appeared, which, upon reaching the angel, enveloped it in a tremendous black flame that devoured it completely. This left all the enemies with a look of terror on their faces, in their minds, there was no way to destroy a being as powerful as that with just a single hit. After all, he was a High level angel!

"Captain Nigun! What should we do?!" One of the magic casters exclaimed to the general.

"Let's summon the highest level angel possible!!!" He exclaimed with a maniacal smile, taking out a large blue crystal from a bag. "You will see the shining form of the highest of angels!!"

"Touch_Me, Albedo, I recommend y'all to stand your shields up to defend me… this one seems to be really something else." With the Overlord's words, the Floor Guardian and the paladin did as asked.

From the glow of the crystal, a grand angel appeared, with 3 pairs of wings, a large scepter in his hands, emitting an almost divine blue glow, being more than 5 meters tall. All the soldiers looked enchanted at that divine scene, while the others just watched.

"This angel is your strongest trump card…?" Momonga asked.

"Yes! And I see that you are worthy enough to die for this!!!"

"I'm… speechless…" The paladin commented, lowering his shield.

"Oh! I see! You finally are feeling the fear of something so great! You are all-"

"This is fucking stupid… Literally child's play…."

"Eh?! What are you talking about?!?" The general seemed desperate with those words.

"Do you want me to do it, or you do?" Touch_Me questioned his friend.

Without patience for what they were going to do, the general ordered. "Use [Holy Smite] ! Now you will feel pain! This is a seventh tier magic that no man can go against!!!"

The two players stared at each other for a some seconds, while that being was undoing his own scepter and creating an immense beam of light that rose from the sky to reach them all. Or at least that's what everyone thought they saw. Touch_Me, had once again raised his shield, creating a holographic copy of the equipment a little above with the help of [Flying Aegis], meanwhile Momonga raised his hand, speaking in a monotonous voice.

"[Black Hole]" The angel was simply sucked in by a small black dot that appeared on its body.

All the enemies were shaking with fear, even the captain seemed to be urinating in his own pants. A sharp sound of breaking glass could be heard above everyone right after that event.

"W-What is this?!?"

"It seems that your nation was watching everything and my attack ended up disturbing the view of the place... I think it's time for us to take you." the Overlord said, with a wave of his hands, all the enemy soldiers were paralyzed, and the paladin, seeing this, made a simple horizontal sword movement, causing a sonic wave that made everyone faint, with the exception of Nigun.

That general's eyes filled with tears, watching those beings getting closer and ready to take him to some place unknown to him. Those beings had no difficulty at all, they were even disappointed by the power that Slane Theocracy had, by the power of a 7th tier spell being so small. The panic was so great that he passed out.

Perhaps this will be the last time that the so called "Capitan Nigun" will be seen alive, walking through the fields of that New World.

next chapter
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