Which is why he didn't leave this place at least till the weather got cleared but looking at the weather right now
Yoriichi is sure that's not gonna happen soon since the weather has gotten worse then few moments again which also makes him drop his idea about going into that castle
Since with these conditions, he can't go there at any rate, so all he could do is protect this place from all the undead creatures
'I wished to remove my clothes right now to warm myself up' Robin inwardly said this in her mind as even though she was feeling warmer than before with fire
But her clothes are still completely wet and which makes her want to remove the clothes and put her clothes near the fire to dry
Unfortunately, right now she doesn't have any spare clothes to wear at this moment and since she is alone with a man
She can't shamelessly remove her clothes even though she might trust him but still, he is a man, so of course she doesn't want to be seen naked by any man
And it's not because she doesn't trust him for her safety even though she knows how dangerous her beauty is since she has used her beauty to trick many men in past to save her life multiple times
She trusts Yoriichi since she understands that Yoriichi is very different from men she met in past but more like it's because of shame, she will be very embarrassed if she is naked in front of him
She couldn't help but promise herself to buy new spare clothes whenever they reached some island since she left in Alabasta in a hurry that she didn't have time to take her all belongings
Even if she did then it's gonna take some time which surely make her previous boss would become suspicious that is why she only packed all the necessary stuff like money and a few sets of clothes as well as the stuff she considered very important to her like books
Even on Sabaody Archipelago, Robin isn't able to Purchase the stuff she wanted other than those few books she found
So right now without any other option, Robin decided to not take off her clothes as she stayed near the fire to stay warm as well as to get her clothes dry
After some time, she finally feels relief since she now isn't cold anymore as she looks around to look for someone
And found Yoriichi still at the entrance of this cave while looking in some direction, she didn't why he was going there
'There must be something' Robin said this inwardly in her mind since she understood there must be some reason behind his action because from what Robin knows from her experience with Yoriichi till now
As a result of her understanding, she knows that there is always a reason behind Yoriichi's actions and thinking about his supernatural abilities
She is sure that he must have found something that she didn't, but for some reason, he hasn't told her about it
'It is because of that?' Robin couldn't help but inwardly ask this in her mind since on the way here, there was something that she found worse than cold wind and rain
And that was stares, somehow she felt she was being stared at by many people because due to her past experience when most people were after her for bounty, so all the time she needed to be on alert to keep her life safe
As well as due to her beauty, she Naturally gets the attention of all people and due to these reasons she can tell even without looking that someone is peeking at her
She is sure she felt many stares during the ride which gives her creep her spine
She is sure that they are not alone at all, there are people in this place and it seems they are not good people like the previous island
She believes that if that was the case then surely Yoriichi would have told her about that which means that whoever living in this place is surely did not have good intentions
Meaning they are not safe Or to be more precisely she is not safe here since she is very sure that Yoriichi is strong enough to defeat anyone and she got this confidence after seeing him defeat an Admiral without any problem at all
But she is feeling relief that he is protecting her without asking anything in return even though she promised to guide him throughout his journey
Still, she is sure that if he wanted then surely he would have found a better candidate other than herself since even though she is very confident in her knowledge, especially about the fact that she could read ancient language
But she knows Yoriichi is not even a little bit interested in knowing this world history, so her speciality is useless for him
As for being his guide for this world, and from what she understands Yoriichi is completely clueless about this world because he lived completely Separated from the outside world
Robin knows this because even Yoriichi himself told her this, and hearing this makes Robin rather stunned
Not because she was surprised at the fact that Yoriichi lived that many years separated from the outside world since she already somewhat expected this because no one was able to find him even after committing such a big crime which makes this obvious
But she was surprised at the fact that he told about himself this easily since at first she thought that Yoriichi must try to hide as much as possible because he is one of the most wanted criminals in the world, so surely he wouldn't trust anyone this easily
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