After a while…
After a few minutes, the beast started to run with Yoriichi and Robin on its back
Weather becomes more back as Rain starts with strong wind and even though Yoriichi does not have much problem in rain and cold because he is superhuman
but it can't said same for Robin who is just a normal human with devil fruit abilities as a result she starts to shiver due to cold wind and rain
"Where is this beast taking us?" Robin asked this in a rather loud voice since beast speed is very fast, so due to high wind her voice becomes very low
To her question, Yoriichi shook his head as he had no idea where the beast taking them but he was sure that he must be taking them to a safe place
Beast is so fast that Robin needs to tightly grab Yoriichi to not let herself fall as she closes her eyes since they are not only moving at high speed
But also the fact that the storm has started now with rain which is why seeing anything without getting raindrops into her eyes is very difficult at this moment
She is not a superhuman like Yoriichi, so in this weather, she starts to feel cold especially when her all clothes are wet
She couldn't help but inwardly wish that soon they would reach the place wherever this beast taking them otherwise she was sure that she would be sick
'We are not alone' Yoriichi inwardly said this in his mind as he sensed stares on him, which confirmed his suspicious that there were indeed more creatures like this beast
This means there are more creatures without life in this place but somehow even without life, they can operate like normal creatures
Yoriichi knows it is definitely the work of someone and somehow he has a feeling that someone must be in this place making more of these undeath creatures
And finally, after a few more minutes, the beast reached the place where he wanted to take them
The place beast took Yoriichi and Robin to a cave which the Beast usually used to rest since the Cave is quite big, it could easily fit Best huge body as well as Yoriichi and Robin without any problem
"It's cold," Robin said in a low voice as she coughed, she couldn't help but feel freezing since right now she was completely wet due to heavy rain
She couldn't help but want to change her clothes but the problem was that her all clothes were on the ship which was a problem for her right now
Meanwhile, Yoriichi gathered all dry leaves and sticks that he could find inside the cave and started to try to create some fire with the help of 2 rocks
After only a few attempts, Yoriichi finally successfully managed to create the fire which delighted Robin as she came near it
"Thank you," Robin said with a grateful tone as she started to feel good from the campfire which Yoriichi just started
To this, Yoriichi just nodded his head since he also understood that unlike him, Robin definitely needed heat otherwise she would become sick
Since he read books regarding medicine, he needs about many diseases that normal humans can catch under what circumstances
So he knows Robin needs a heat source at this moment to not catch a cold or any other sickness which is why he started the fire
After lighting up the fire, he couldn't help but move towards the entrance of the cave as he stared in one specific direction for some reason
"..Phe…~" Ember who was somewhere inside the clothes that Yoriichi was wearing peeked out her head and looked in the same direction where Yoriichi was looking
"You can see too?" Yoriichi asked this as he looked at Ember who seemed to notice the same thing that Yoriichi had noticed
On the way here he sensed actual people with life inside and it's more than one but the problem was it was quite a bit of distance from here
With his sharp eyes he was able to see a big castle, which was probably the home of these living people he sensed
But he didn't tell Robin about this yet since he thinks that it's better to let her rest instead of giving about worries since he doesn't think she will able to rest peacefully knowing that they are not alone in this place
otherwise, he knows she might not be at peace, especially after sensing her emotions all the way here which is not good especially when she right now is not in good condition
And this is the reason he rather stayed silent about this since he doesn't
think they are in trouble at this moment
But it seems Ember also noticed this which surprised Yoriichi because, for the whole time, Ember was inside Yoriichi's clothes
It seems she doesn't want to go there for some reason which is what Yoriichi considered normal since the whole time in this place Ember remained scared and hid herself as much as possible
'Again there are more' Yoriichi inwardly said as he noticed again more undead creatures, even on the way here he sensed various creatures similar to this beast with no life
The only difference was those creatures were humanoid rather than beast, and it was not few in numbers but luckily he didn't physically since his conqueror Haki was enough to take care of these creatures
But the problem is that these creatures kept coming to him which is the problem even though it's not a problem for him since dealing with these types of creatures is a piece of cake for him
Still, he wanted to know the cause of this and he knew all the answers were in that castle but he didn't know how to go there, especially with Robin
Right it's still raining and storming, so Robin can't go out in this weather as well and he can't leave Robin here alone since he is sure that More of these undead creatures will come for her
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