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One Piece: The legend of Johnny Silverhand (dropped) One Piece: The legend of Johnny Silverhand (dropped) original

One Piece: The legend of Johnny Silverhand (dropped)

Autor: Wicked132

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: chapter 1

[Congratulations, because of the unfortunate and frankly hilarious circumstances of your death, you have been chosen to be the first soul to try Lord @#$%%'s deluxe reincarnation experience]

I died, I FUCKEN died. And it's not simply dying that's bothering me per se, It's the way I died that's bothering me more than death its self. Living in my country, the third world hell hole that it is, I've survived two fucking wars, terrorism, a pandemic, a quasi-civil war, another pandemic, and even more terrorism, all in the brief span of 26 years.

And now I'm floating in the middle of nothingness, staring at a green floating screen that's telling me I died while choking on a FUCKING APPLE, of all things. And that now I have the chance to reincarnate for some reason.

[We designed the deluxe reincarnation experience to be completely randomized, but as the first person to experience it, we will give you privileges to choose the world we will send you to, among several other things.]

It could have been worst, I guess. I at least get to choose the world I'm going to. I get to reincarnate with my little brother intact, and I wasn't randomly dropped into a world with crazy power levels, like dragon balls or an apocalyptic one like fallout.

Dying still sucks, and dying like THAT after all I've been through sucks even more, but after seeing so much death in my life, I've come to terms with the fact I'll probably die young for one reason or the other.

[Please select your destination]

There are all kinds of worlds anime, games, movies, novels, and even normal ones like the earth with some differences, but I already know what world to choose.

[Destination selected: one-piece world]

But why one piece? You may ask. It's a shitty world with celestial assholes, bloodthirsty marines, and murderous pirates roaming around.

The reason is that it's my favorite anime, of course. It's one of the first animes that I've watched, and it's this anime that gotten me hooked into the whole anime thing.

And unlike most people who like it because of the comedy, action, and mysteries of the one-piece world itself, I mostly liked it because of the characters, flashbacks, and the quotes by god did I love those, especially dr Hiriluk's speech before he died in the Drum Island arc.

[Please select your gender]

Definitely male. I like my bits too much to choose anything else. I barely got to use it in my past life, so I'm certainly going to use it as much as I can in this one.

[Gender selected: male, randomized character creation will now begin]

[Randomization complete]

Suddenly, the nothingness became blindingly bright. And there I was staring at a younger Keanu Reeves rocking a pair of pilot sunglasses, a tank top bullet vest, leather boots and pants, and a silver prosthetic arm to boot.

Meaning I'll reincarnate into the world of one piece as johnny silver hand of all people. It doesn't get any more random than that, I guess, but then again, it could be worse. It could have been Lord Farquaad from Shrek, Nazeem from Skyrim, or some other douchebag from god knows where, and it's not like I hated johnny while playing the game. Sure he was a manipulative and murderous asshole and had little regard for people's lives except for the ones he knew, but he makes up for it in the end, and I'm a sucker for redemption stories, now let's see what we have.

Name: Robert John Linder

Gender: Male

Age: 15

CP: 10000

Belly: 0


[Rocker-boy: you are gifted with a voice that will turn any aspiring rocker's eyes red in envy and have mastery of all types of guitars]

[War veteran: as a fully trained soldier, you are naturally trained in using firearms, hand to hand combat, essential firearm maintenance, basic first aid, and small scale team tactics]


[Charmer: you can naturally influence most situations to your advantage using only words, people are naturally attracted to you and whatever dream you choose to achieve as long as it doesn't conflict with their personal beliefs and morals]

[Impulsive: you are irrational, whimsical, have a temper, and seem to always be on edge]

[Ambitious: you always dream of bigger things and are capable of long-term planning to achieve your dreams]

[Dedicated: you are no stranger to hard work and can commit yourself physically and mentally to your goals and objectives]

[Left-handed: you prefer to use your left hand]

[Freedom lover: you value your freedom and independence above everything else, nonconformist people like freedom fighters and pirates are more easily befriended]

[Authority hater: you hate rules and authority with a passion, and the only laws you will not break are your own. Conformist people like government officials and marines are harder to befriend]

[Manipulative: you care little for the people around you as long as they are used in accomplishing your goals]

inventory :

[Johnny silver hand outfit] [Malorian Arms 3516] [Johnny silver hands guitar]

Cyber ware: none

[You may now make your adjustments, please note that to make said adjustments, you will need to make use of character points, or C.P. for short. And that removing and adding perks, traits, Cyberware, and tools will reward or deduct an appropriate amount of C.P. depending on the benefits or harms of said addition, and that any remaining C.P. will be converted to belly(the currency of O.P. world) upon the finalization of the customization process]

Huh, neat. Now let's see what we have to work with here, wow so many options. I need this..., I don't need that..., this has to go..., gotta grab that one.

One eternity later:

Name: Johnny D Linder

Gender: Male

Age: 15

CP: 0

Belly: 50000


[D-tribesman: not much is known about the infamous D tribe except for their logic-defying physique, which entails a higher healing rate, a higher need for nutrition, a higher physical potential, and that most of them are capable of superhuman feats that under normal circumstances should not be possible]

[Bio-cyber-ware: your Cyber wares are a part of your body and thus will heal, strengthen and grow the same as any other normal body part]

[Rocker-boy: you are naturally gifted with a voice that will turn any aspiring rocker's eyes red in envy and have a mastery of all types of guitars]

[Novice swordsman: you know where the pointy end of the sword is, you can wield all kinds of blades to a somewhat satisfactory level without maiming and killing yourself and are capable of essential sword maintenance]

[Blue sea sailor: you know the basics of sailing, and you are at least able of navigating the four blue seas without getting yourself lost or drowned]

[War veteran: as a fully trained soldier, you are naturally trained in using firearms, hand to hand combat, essential firearm maintenance, basic first aid, and small scale team tactics]

[Survivalist: you are capable and knowledgeable enough to survive and secure water and food in most environments that are not too extreme]

[Talent scout: able to instinctively sense the potential of all individuals within your line of sight]

[Sea stone prosthetic: your prosthetic arm is coated with sea stone]

Note: upon the consumption of a devil fruit, this perk will disappear and be replaced by the tolerated by the sea perk.


[Ambidextrous: you are capable of using both your right and left hand equally well]

[Charmer: you can naturally influence most situations to your advantage using only words, people are naturally attracted to you and whatever dream you choose to achieve as long as it doesn't conflict with their personal beliefs and morals]

[Ambitious: you always dream of bigger things and are capable of long-term planning to achieve your dreams]

[Dedicated: you are no stranger to hard work and can commit yourself physically and mentally to your goals and objectives]

[Freedom lover: you value your freedom and independence above everything else. Nonconformist people like freedom fighters and pirates are more easily befriended]

[Authority hater: you hate rules and authority with a passion, and the only limitations you will not break are your own. Conformist people like government officials and marines are harder to befriend]

(READ THIS BEFORE GOING FURTHER DOWN THE CHAPTER: the following traits are harmful ones that johnny added to get more cp. I added this note because many people have been complaining about them since the explanation is further down in the chapter, and they didn't bother reading all the chapters before they left their comments, and I'm honestly sick and tired of it.)

[Nicotine addict: you are addicted to cigarettes]

[Alcohol addiction: you are addicted to alcohol]

[Vindictive: you are a vengeful person who will return the smallest of slights sooner or later]

[Horn dog: you are easily aroused ]

[Hunted (bounty hunter): a bounty hunter from the first half of the grand line will persistently try to track and hunt you down the moment you become a wanted man]

[Illogical fears: apples, balloons, the number 13, and cotton balls]

Inventory :

[Johnny silver hand's outfit (self mending)] [Bullet proof long leather coat (self mending)] [Wornstar custom rocker hat - samurai logo (self mending)] [Johnny silver hands guitar (self mending)] [Modified power revolver Archangel (self mending)] [Satori Katana (self-mending)] [Camping gear] [Bullets bouch (infinite)] [Basic first aid kit (infinite)] [Basic survival kit (infinite)] [Cigarette pack (infinite)] [Whisky bottle (infinite)] [Black pen (infinite)] [Notebook (self mending)] [Devil fruit encyclopedia] [Big backpack] [The all-fruit (blank) 3]

Cyber ware:

Operating System:

Berserker: When activated, Berserk increases melee damage, speed, armor, and speed.

(1 slot available)

[Militech Berserk: When Berserk is activated, it decreases ranged weapons recoil and sway, increases melee damage, toughness, speed, stamina, and regeneration for 60 seconds].

Frontal Cortex: enhanced memory.

(3 slots available)

[Limbic System Enhancement: enhances the sense of smell].

[sensory support: enhanced senses].

[Ex-Disk: enhances the speed and capacity of the brain processing power(1-day cooldown)].

Ocular system: Enables optical zoom, saves all discovered wanted posters for later identifications.

(1 slot available)

[Trajectory Analysis: Able to perceive and analyze all incoming trajectories and attacks within line of sight to map the best course of actions to dodge with the least amount of movement].

Circulatory System: Enhanced circulatory and vascular functions.

(3 slots available)

[Bioplastic Blood Vessels: faster regeneration and healing rate].

[Synthetic Lungs: more stamina and better stamina regeneration].

[Second Heart: revives upon death caused by vascular failure and slowly mends and heals your damaged organic heart (1-week cooldown)].

Immune System: Enhanced immune system, more resistant to sickness and disease.

(2 slots available)

[Detoxifier: Grants complete immunity against poison effects].

[Metabolic Editor: poison now acts as a stimulant that increases your body's healing rate].

Nervous System: Enhanced reflexes.

(2 slots available)

[Kerenzikov: able to see clearly and aim while moving at extreme speeds].

[Maneuvering System: Enables you to dodge while airborne]

Integumentary System: more rigid and more durable exterior(skin, nails, and hair)].

(3 slots available)

[Fireproof Coating: Grants a very high resistance to fire and heat]

[Supra-Dermal Weave: Grants complete immunity against Bleeding effects]

Grounding Plating (Rare): Grants a very high resistance to Shock effects].

Skeleton: increased strength, vitality, and stamina.

2 slots available

[Titanium Bones: grants titanium coated bones].

[Bionic Joints: grants more flexible joints].

Hands: grants more dexterous hands and firmer hand grip.

(1 slot available)

[No mods]


Projectile Launch System: This allows you to unleash a powerful projectile from a hidden compartment in your arm

(1 slot available)

[Explosive Round: the projectile explodes upon impact and deals Physical damage]

Legs: improved leg strength, movement speed, and jumping power

(1 slot available)

Lynx Paws: You make less noise when moving.

And I'm finally done. Now I need to go over everything one last time before I complete character creation. I first changed the name to johnny Linder because the name Robert doesn't exactly inspire greatness.

I then moved on to perks. The idea behind balancing perks and traits is pretty simple: if you remove something harmful, you lose C.P. You add something beneficial; you lose C.P., and vice versa. So my first thought was to remove the rocker boy perk for extra C.P., but I changed my mind since it doesn't give much. I then added the expensive D-tribesman bonus that changed my name for Johnny Linder to Johnny D Linder, which was neat. I then add the even more costly bio-Cyberware, because I know people can get even stronger Cyberware enhanced individuals through training.

and then came the sea stone prosthetic, which will be very important since I won't be able to learn Haki any time soon, and then I got some just in case perks like blue sea sailor and survivalist because I could get dropped to an uninhabited island in the middle of nowhere, which means I'll have to survive on said island and then make my way to civilization without getting lost in the sea,

I added novice swordsman as an impulse buy because cutting shit in half is awesome, so bite me. I have to, uh..., work on my swordsmanship a little more to get there, though.

Talent scout was very cheap, and it will help me recruit a decent crew, so you know, it's more of a case of why not than nothing else, and that's when I realized that my C.P. is running dry, but luckily I was done with perks by then so I moved on to traits.

I started by adding two negative traits, which were alcohol addiction and nicotine addiction since this is the world of one piece, Where you can see some characters are drinking and or smoking 24/7 in the anime with no health issues, and the fact that I noticed the infinite whisky bottle and cigarette pack is very cheap, so it was free C.P.

I then removed the impulsive trait because poor impulse control got good old johnny killed in the game, and it'll probably get me into more trouble than removing it is worth. I then removed the manipulative trait because I intend to live my life to its fullest, and being a manipulative asshole incapable of caring about the people around him will only impede that.

And that's when I ran out of C.P. again, so I added more negative traits. First was the vindictive trait because I didn't want to take shit from anyone in this life, anyway. Next came the horn dog trait because I was horny almost all the time in my past life, so free CP KANPAI!.

I also added the hunted trait because I didn't intend to become a pirate unless I was strong enough to protect myself, had a decent crew and ship. Then there were the illogical fears. First were apples because it already traumatized me, thanks to the way I died, and I'd never eat an apple again, nor will I ever look at one the same way again.

And then the balloons, because they are harmless at most, I'll shoot any balloons I see from a distance. The third was the number 13 because it's probably the most harmless out of the list, and lastly, cotton balls. They are, after all, just cotton balls. I was overall satisfied with these small harmless fears and the amount of CP I received from them, and I don't see how any of those fears will bite in the ass later... I just jinxed it, didn't I? any way moving on to inventory.

I added the self-mending upgrade to Johnny's clothes then first bought the bulletproof long leather coat for the extra protection. Because marines had the right idea about those, especially with the fickle weather of the O.P. world, you can hang it on your shoulders if it's hot or wears it if it's cold.

I also got a cool hat to make myself unique. I did little to the guitar except add the self-mending upgrade, which was very cheap. I also sold the Malorian Arms 3516 because this kind of gun didn't exist in the anime, and I didn't want any unwanted attention before I was ready for it, and it gave me a lot of C.P., so I traded it for the much cheaper Archangel,

I then bought the satori Katana, so I have something to put my swordsman perk to use.

I also bought the infinite tools, the notebook, and backpack for the sake of precaution and utility, the encyclopedia, just in case I come across a devil fruit or two. The all-fruit acts like a magnet that attracts stray devil fruit powers to inhabit it after their user dies. They were costly, but I had a plan for them, so I bought three.

What gave me the most headache was probably the cyber ware because of how many options there were. I ended up going with a balanced all-rounder build that could fight in most situations equally well, emphasizing durability and sustain. Once that was finished, I was left with a measly 50 C.P., which I converted to belly at a rate of 1 to 1000. (author's note I'm too tired to go over every single upgrade X.D.)

With the last checks done, I click finalize.

[Are you sure you would like to finalize the character creation? please note that you cannot make any more adjustments, and you will have to rely on yourself once character creation is complete entirely!]

Huh, so no system. No complaints from me, though. Becoming reliant on an overpowered system will only lead to complacency, which does not sound like a good time for me, so yeah, I'm sure.

[On behalf of Lord @#$%%, we would like to thank you for participating in the D.R.E. and would like to wish you good luck in your adventures!]

Suddenly my vision shifted, and I was falling headfirst towards what seems to be a sandy shore. Luckily, I've been able to maneuver myself and land on my feet at the very last second. Thank you, enhanced reflexes!

Checking my surroundings, I notice the items I bought stacked into a neat pile not too far away from me. I also seem to be on the beach of an island covered with all kinds of trees, and that it's getting dark.

Acting quickly, I remove my possessions from the beach to avoid getting swept by the tide. I then take out a tent, install it near the forest, and start a fire with a lighter from the survival kit after gathering some wicking and dried branches. I also carry a small log I found while gathering branches for the fire to act as a makeshift bench for me to sit near the fire.

Noticing that I'm not feeling hungry, I sit and take out my whisky bottle and light cigarettes. After a lovely couple of minutes of drinking and smoking, I take out my guitar and start mumbling some sea shanties while gazing at the stars, which continues for about an hour or two until I get sleepy. At this point, I head off to bed, intending to explore the island tomorrow morning.

Wicked132 Wicked132

I finally made some time to edit this chapter, it isn't as good as the later chapters but it's still much better now than it was when I first published it.

next chapter
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