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82.27% One Piece : Brotherhood / Chapter 181: Chapter 181

Capítulo 181: Chapter 181

Just as I was about to reach out to the sword, Kozaburo spoke again, his voice filled with solemnity. "Kid, I know it's too late to ask, but tell me, why exactly do you need the blade?" he inquired.

He continued, his tone heavy with the weight of history. "I just hope you use the blade for what it's intended. Too many lives were sacrificed to forge such a weapon. Everyone who willingly gave their lives did so believing their sacrifice was worth something."

I turned to face him, meeting his earnest gaze. "Kozaburo-san, rest assured, this blade will one day fulfill its purpose. That, I promise you."

I could see the doubt lingering in his eyes, but also a flicker of hope. "You better keep that promise, kid. The legacy of countless souls rests in your hands," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

The cavern seemed to hum with timeless energy, the glowing flowers casting ethereal light on the ancient poneglyph and the enigmatic sword. I could feel the weight of history pressing down on me, the echoes of the past whispering in my ears.

Kozaburo's words had stirred something deep within me. The responsibility was immense, but so was the resolve growing in my heart. The blade, dark and foreboding, seemed to pulse with a life of its own, as if acknowledging my vow.

I reached out towards the sword, its pitch-black scabbard gleaming with an almost ominous allure. It was slightly longer than Shusui, and as my fingers brushed against the cool surface of the scabbard, an unsettling feeling began to spread, enveloping the entire underwater cavern. The atmosphere grew thick and heavy, as if the very air around us was being compressed.

Just as I began to unsheathe the blade, a powerful wailing sound erupted, echoing through the cavern. An incredible pressure, akin to Conqueror's Haki, surged out of the sword. It was as if the blade itself was resisting, testing my resolve. I had to release my own Conqueror's Haki to counter the oppressive force, the clash of wills causing the water around us to ripple violently.

The sword felt incredibly heavy, almost as if it were rooted in the depths of the earth itself. Drawing it out was no simple task; it was a battle, a struggle to assert dominance over the ancient weapon. As I finally managed to free the blade from its scabbard, the scene before me was nothing short of epic.

The blade itself was completely crimson—the color of blood. It shimmered with a dark, foreboding aura, and I could feel the weight of countless souls that had been sacrificed to forge it.

The material of the blade was unlike anything I had ever seen—the same as that used to create the red Poneglyphs. This I knew for certain, as we had a red poneglyph in our possession. The connection was undeniable.

It was a fierce struggle as the pressure from the blade clashed violently with my own conqueror's haki. Suddenly, the blade absorbed all of my haki, including my conqueror's haki. I realized that if I wasn't careful, it would completely drain my life force.

The memory of another blade, Enma, crossed my mind, but Enma seemed like a cheap imitation compared to Akatsuki. Akatsuki was drawing out my very lifeforce along with my armament haki and conqueror's haki.

My upper body felt like a husk, drained of almost all vitality. I knew instinctively that I couldn't let the blade overpower me. Desperation fueled my resolve, and I activated Life Return, unleashing the vitality and energy stored in every cell of my body.

Kozaburo, standing to the side, watched in disbelief. He had never been able to hold the blade for more than a couple of seconds, and even then, it came at a great cost. Yet, the teenager before him had been clashing with the blade for over a dozen minutes.

His upper body was emaciated, reduced to skin and bones. Enma, which Kozaburo created after being inspired by this blade, paled in comparison. Even as its creator, Kozaburo didn't fully understand Enma, let alone the original blade it was based on.

My eyes began to bleed, and my nose and mouth were stained with blood. I didn't know how long it had been, but finally, the blade seemed to mellow. I found myself almost completely resistant to seawater and seastone, yet Akatsuki's unknown composition still had a unique quality that weakened me. This was my one chance to acquire the blade, and I couldn't let it slip away.

Without taming it, even taking it forcefully would be futile. Gritting my teeth, I roared in defiance, unleashing my Voice of All Things alongside my conqueror's haki in full force. Black and golden lightning filled the cavern, and even Kozaburo, a veteran warrior, was brought to his knees by the sheer intensity of the pressure.

The entire island shook, the sky rumbled and darkened ominously, and the sea churned violently. My voice seemed to resonate with the will of the world itself. Rain poured down in torrents, and sea kings for miles around trembled. Almost everyone on the island succumbed to the overwhelming conqueror's haki.

Meanwhile, in Shimotsuki Village, Koushirou looked up at the sky as dark, ominous clouds suddenly gathered. Lightning streaked across the heavens, and thunder rumbled ominously. As a swordsman, he could feel the world wailing.

Suddenly, he heard the cry of an infant in the room. Just as he was about to step inside, an overwhelming pressure descended upon the entire island. He fought to keep his consciousness, but his vision began to fade. The cry of the baby was strong, unaffected by the pressure that was causing everyone else to fall unconscious.

Looking around, he saw that almost everyone had succumbed to the unknown force. Only he and Miyamoto remained conscious, but their visions were fading fast. Quickly, he opened the door to the room where his wife was, and to his relief, both mother and child were peacefully sleeping while Tera and the midwife lay unconscious. Before he could take another step, he too lost consciousness and collapsed with a thud.

After a few minutes, Koushirou regained consciousness. It was raining heavily outside, and to his surprise, he could hear the soft cooing of an infant. Rising unsteadily, he saw the boy who had accompanied Ross taking care of his newborn child.

It seemed the child had regained consciousness even before him. Seeing that Koushirou was now awake, Lucci carefully placed the infant back in the crib and, without uttering a word, exited the room.

When Kozaburo and I returned to the island, I couldn't help but feel sheepish as my observation haki detected that almost everyone on the island had been knocked out. Even Kozaburo seemed pale, but his mind was preoccupied with something else.

I had finally tamed the blade, and now I was carrying three swords: Akatsuki, Shusui, and a broken Sandai Kitetsu. Kozaburo hadn't said a word since I successfully tamed Akatsuki. I couldn't help but feel the weight of the blades in my hands. Shusui felt heavy like gravity itself, while Akatsuki's weight was like the abyss, something akin to a black hole.

As we returned to the dojo, Lucci huffed at me and turned to attend to the others who had yet to regain consciousness. Miyamoto was also helping Koushirou get the children and the rest of the unconscious villagers out of the rain.

Kozaburo temporarily pushed the matter of the blade to the back of his mind, as he had more important matters to attend to. He turned to Koushirou, who immediately asked, "Father! What happened? The entire island shook with an ominous feeling, similar to the supreme color, but much more powerful..."

Kozaburo immediately put a stop to his questioning, his gaze fixed on the blade attached to my hip. Koushirou understood immediately and looked at me as if I were a monster.

"Take me to see my granddaughter," Kozaburo said sternly, ordering Koushirou to lead the way. Koushirou was confused about how his father knew it was a girl but didn't question him and led the way. I followed them, eager to meet Kuina.

Koushirou's confusion was palpable as we made our way to the room. The rain outside continued to pour, each drop adding to the tension. Kozaburo's silence spoke volumes, and the weight of Akatsuki at my side was a constant reminder of the power I had just subdued.

As we entered the room, the atmosphere shifted. The soft cooing of the infant filled the air, providing a stark contrast to the chaos that had just ensued. Kozaburo approached the crib with a sense of reverence, his stern demeanor softening as he looked down at his granddaughter.

"She's beautiful," he murmured, a rare smile gracing his features.

Koushirou watched his father, a mix of awe and confusion in his eyes. "Father, how did you know?"

Kozaburo didn't answer immediately. Instead, he turned to me, his eyes piercing and thoughtful. "This child, like you, is destined for greatness. The world is changing, and she will play a part in it."

"Kid, now that you have the blade, you might not have much need for this old man anymore," Kozaburo said earnestly, his voice carrying a weight of unspoken emotions. I remained silent, not wanting to interrupt him.

"I hope you can fulfill a request of mine in exchange for helping you find it," he continued, his eyes locking onto mine. "Take my granddaughter as your disciple. I know that sooner or later, this world is going to descend into madness, and I am not sure if I will be alive to keep her safe. Please, do this favor for a dying man."

To everyone's shock, Kozaburo bowed deeply, his humility and desperation palpable.

"Father! You cannot..." Koushirou's voice wavered as he looked back at his newborn daughter.

"He is a pirate, and I don't think the path of the sword would suit my daughter." It was clear that, just as in the canon, Koushirou held the belief that women couldn't become strong while following the path of the sword, and it seemed like he didn't favor his own daughter inheriting his mantle.

Before I could comment on Koushirou's prejudice, Kozaburo roared, his face reddening with anger. He hurled his smoking pipe at his son, narrowly missing him.

"What did you just say, you little brat?" Kozaburo's voice echoed through the room. "My granddaughter has the blood of Shimotsuki flowing through her veins! I will break all your limbs if you try to prevent her from pursuing the path of the sword if that is what she wills in the future.

And I am sure that she will!" He paused, taking a deep breath. "And so what if he is a pirate?" he questioned, his voice now a low, dangerous growl.

Koushirou flinched, clearly taken aback by his father's outburst. He opened his mouth to respond but then closed it, looking down at his daughter with a mixture of fear and respect for his father.

Kozaburo continued, his voice firm and unwavering. "The path of the sword is not determined by one's gender. It's determined by one's will and spirit. If my granddaughter wants to become a swordsman, she will. And she will be trained by the best, regardless of their background."

Koushirou's eyes widened, a mix of anger and confusion flashing across his face. "You can't be serious! She's just a child, and you're asking her to walk a path of violence and danger."

Koushirou looked at me, his expression conflicted. "You must understand," he said, his voice softer now, "I only want what is best for her."

"And what is best for her," Kozaburo interjected, "is to be given the freedom to choose her own path. Just as I chose mine, and you chose yours."

I then turned to Kozaburo, "But Koushirou-san is right in one aspect. I am a pirate, and associating with me will put her life in danger, Kozaburo-san. So tell me, are you sure about this?" Although I was confident in protecting the people from my family now that I was strong, the old man needed to know the weight of his choices. And it wasn't like I was going to take an infant right away—she needed to grow up with her family.

Kozaburo, however, seemed dead set on having his granddaughter become my disciple. Perhaps me taming Akatsuki made him realize that the world would soon change and something akin to what happened during the Void Century might repeat again. He needed his granddaughter to be prepared.

"Yes, I am sure, and I believe my daughter-in-law thinks the same," he said, turning toward Koushirou's wife, who gave a warm smile and a quick nod, leaving Koushirou in disbelief.

"Fine, then," I declared, looking at Kozaburo with determination. "In the future, if little Kuina still wants to pursue the path of the sword, I will take her as my apprentice."

Kozaburo's face lit up with delight. "In that case, what's everyone waiting for? Let's have a grand celebration for the birth of my granddaughter!" He roared in bliss, disregarding his son's sulking mood.

The room transformed with Kozaburo's joyous proclamation. Despite the recent upheaval and the storm still raging outside, a sense of warmth and celebration began to fill the air. The villagers, who had slowly started to regain consciousness, were soon brought up to speed. Miyamoto and Koushirou's wife worked together to prepare a feast, their hands moving with practiced ease as they cooked and arranged food.

I watched as Kozaburo took charge, his booming voice directing everyone with a mix of authority and excitement. He was a man who had seen much in his life, and yet, the birth of his granddaughter seemed to bring him a joy that eclipsed even the pride he felt for his clan's storied history.

Koushirou, though still clearly conflicted, joined in the preparations, his face softening as he watched his wife cradle their newborn. I could see the love and protection in his eyes—a father's fierce determination to keep his child safe. Perhaps, in time, he would come to see the path his father envisioned for Kuina not as a danger, but as an opportunity.

As the evening progressed, the dojo was filled with laughter and music. The villagers, initially wary of the strangers in their midst, warmed up to us as they saw the people of Isshin Dojo being close with us. Stories of the Shimotsuki clan's past glories were shared, and I listened intently, absorbing the history and spirit of the people who had forged such legendary blades.

Kozaburo approached me, a cup of sake in each hand. "To the future," he said, handing me one. "To Kuina's future, and to the dawn you will help bring."


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