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40% one piece: a new nakama / Chapter 1: am I in another world??

Capítulo 1: am I in another world??

On a sunny day, in the middle of the endless sea, a small boat sailed aimlessly while a young man who was appearently the only crewman, was lying on the deck floor with a bored expression.

"How the hell did I end up like this?" The boy said as he watched the huge clouds floating through the sky.

"I knew I shouldn't board that damn cruise," he complained in a resigned voice.

until three months ago, Adam Frank had been a relatively normal 19-year-old boy, he had moved to the west coast city and rented a small apartment near the center, He was studying a good career in an excellent university and sometimes went out with his friends for drinks although he preferred to stay at home and watch television.

he was actually quite quiet and antisocial, he preferred to be alone at home than to party or go out and play any sport with his friends.

Everything worked perfectly until that tragic afternoon when Adam made perhaps the worst decision of his life.

Three months ago, just after finishing the final exams, Adam's friends tried to convince him to spend his vacation on a luxury cruise in the ocean, at first Adam refused to go with them because he wanted to spend his time with his parents and his younger sister, however, the last night before going to vacation, he decided to go to a bar with them to celebrate having approved all his subjects, after getting drunk, his friends mentioned again about the cruise trip and he refused again, but he agreed to accompany them to the port to see them leave.

After arriving at the port, Adam was still too drunk, so his friends decided to take him with them and board the ship.

The next day, when Adam woke up, he discovered that his friends had tricked him and that he was in the middle of the sea. Adam was enraged with them for having forced him to board the ship and went alone to the ship's bar to forget his problems, after a few drinks, Adam realized that his friends had not done it with bad intention, so he decided to look for them and talk about this.

Adam wandered the great cruise for a long time, but couldn't find them, so he decided to go see the sea to clear his mind.

While he was watching the night sky in the middle of the ocean, the ship shook for a moment, causing Adam to fall overboard, once in the water, Adam tried to swim toward the ship, but he was so drunk that he could only float for a moment before sinking in the ocean falling into unconsciousness due to lack of oxygen.

The next day, the first thing Adam saw when he woke up was the huge blue sky and the intense midday sun.

" what time is it?" Adam muttered confused as he tried to remember what happened him.

He soon panicked as he remembered that he had fallen off the ship and sunk into the ocean.

"Shit, where am I?" Adam said scared as he checked his body for injuries, in doing so he realized that his body was not the same,

Although Adam did not like to leave the house, he did everything possible to keep fit, but at this time his body was on another level, he could feel that all his muscles were well defined as if he had spent all his life exercising, but He didn't look clumsy or sturdy, he looked more like a swimmer's body than a bodybuilder however he felt full of strength and energy.

The first thing Adam thought was to look for a mirror and see its current appearance, but when he wanted to get up he ended up jumping several meters off the ground, apparently, he now possessed a terrifying force.

"What the hell happened to me," Adam said as he tried to control his new strength so he could stand up.

After much effort and practice, Adam finally managed to control his terrifying new force and began looking for a mirror, after wandering around for a moment, he finally found it and saw his current appearance just to keep his mouth open.

in front of him was an extremely handsome man, jet black hair that combined with his eyes, clear skin and well-defined eyebrows that gave him a touch of elegance and stoicism, his soft nose gave him a bit of delicacy and fragility aand his thin lips added a touch of devilish charm.

His well-formed and thin body fit perfectly with his atractive face and gave him a touch of masculinity and savagery.

Adam couldn't help pinching his face because of how attractive he was.

it was like seeing another person but he was still himself, only now all his features had been magnified making him look like a tv model.

"Wow," Adam said, surprised by his current appearance wondering if he was dreaming.

After a moment of surprise and self admiration, Adam, who had gained a new level of confidence when he saw his incredible look and his new strength and agility, decided to keep looking to learn more about his current situation, soon discovered that he was the only man on the ship, so He decided to wait in case the owner returned.

* gurururu * growled his stomach reminding him that he had not eaten anything since last night and at this time he was starving, so he decided to continue exploring the ship in search of some food ...

the ship could be considered quite small, just a little bigger than a fishing boat, it had a total of 4 cabins, a small kitchen, a dining room for 5 people and a warehouse full of enough provisions to feed him for a few months, there were also many weapons and some chests with jewels.

Seeing all the food in the store, Adam thought it would be better to cook something and relieve his hunger before deciding what to do next, so he took some meat and vegetables from the store and headed to the kitchen to prepare a stew.

After a fairly humble meal, Adam realized that the sky was beginning to get dark, so he decided to enter one of the cabins and get some sleep.

This is how Adam spent the first day of what he would call the longest three months of his life.


The next day, Adam woke up in the morning with a panic attack when he realized that everything he had lived yesterday was real.

Adam took a moment to breathe and calm down, then got out of bed and toured the ship again to see if anyone else had arrived while he was sleeping, but there was still no one else on the ship.

After discovering that he is still alone on the ship, Adam went to the kitchen and prepared breakfast, then he went to the deck to see if there was dirt or a boat nearby, but he could only see the endless expanses of water.

"Calm down Adam, everything will be fine, I will find a way out of this," he told himself in an attempt to ignore the terrible panic he was feeling.

as he had nothing else to do, Adam decided to do exercise to get used to his new strength and agility, so he started running around the boat to test his endurance, but three hours later, he still didn't feel signs of fatigue.

" Wow this really feels so good," said Adam, who was still running.

Five hours later, Adam was still running without showing a trace of fatigue.

"This is quite useless, at least now I know I have great resistance," Adam said as he stopped.

After drinking some water, Adam began to do all kinds of exercises, abdominals, squats, bars, push-ups with one arm, etc. etc. but despite all this activities he was not tired yet, he had only changed the type of exercise because he had been bored of doing the same all the time.

"This is more boring than I thought," Adam said as he watched the sun begin to hide.

"Well I think it will be all for today" Adam said and went to the kitchen, after dinner, Adam took a shower and then went to bed.

"I wonder how my parents are, will they be angry with me because I didn't visit them? And my friends, have they already realized that I fell off the boat?" Adam said in his bed.

"Surely they already did it, they must be looking for me right now, I hope they don't tell my parents, I don't want them to worry about me" he whispered as he fell asleep.

that night, Adam dreamed that a ship found him and took him back to the coast, there was his friends who ran to hug him and then accompanied him to his house where his parents were waiting for him, then everyone had dinner at family celebrating that he had returned safe and sound.

while dreaming,A small smile was drawn on his face.

the next morning, Adam woke again frightened just like the day before, after calming down and preparing his breakfast, Adam went back to check his surroundings but could only see water everywhere.

after a moment of depression, he decided to continue exercising to pass the time, this time he even decided to swim even though he was afraid of getting lost again, so he took a rope from the warehouse, and tied one end to the ship, then took the other end and tie it to his waist.

"Very well Adam, I know you are afraid but it is necessary, you are in the middle of the ocean so you better overcome your fear of water," he said to himself trying to gain courage to jump into the water.

"ok, one, two, three!" Adam counted and jumped into the sea, once in the water, first he was very scared but after a moment he was able to calm down and managed to swim normally.

"I get it," Adam thought as he swam around the ship.

After spending some time in the water, Adam decided to return to the ship and cook something to eat, then continued exercising until night, prepared dinner, took a shower and went to bed.

Adam repeated this routine for 5 days before starting to break things in an attack of despair.

the next day, Adam resigned himself to continue drifting on that little ship.

a week later, Adam had returned to his exercise routine to pass the time but found it increasingly difficult to distract from his worries.

"Now that I think about it, I remember that there are many weapons in the store, maybe I can learn to use them," he said to himself as he stopped exercising and headed to the store, when he got there, Adam saw a wide variety of weapons, there were swords, sabers, spears, daggers, knives, canes, guns, shotguns, all kinds of medieval weapons were stored in that place.

"Fence, this is great," Adam said, taking a sword from one hand that was placed near the entrance, then he took it with his right hand and pulled it out of its holster.

the moment Adam drew his sword, a torrent of information invaded his brain causing it to come in pain and release the sword, after a few moments, the pain subsided and allowed Adam to find out what was happening to him.

"Basic technique for one-handed sword" Adam murmured as he took the sword back from the ground and began to perform a series of movements fluidly making him look like an expert in the handling of the sword.

When Adam experienced the headache, it was because after taking the sword, a series of instructions about the sword art appeared in his brain.

After calming down, Adam took a deep breath and left the store carrying the sword with him.

Upon reaching the deck, Adam began practicing again and again the sword movements that were in his brain gaining control over it with each time.

A couple of days later, his sword handling had reached a rather surprising level, although he knew it was only the beginning, at least he could now use a sword and had the confidence to survive a battle.

However, at that time he was experiencing a kind of blockage in his growth, it was like an invisible barrier that prevented him from going further in the use of the sword.

"I guess I have to train more if I want to master the sword," Adam said as he kept the sword in its holster.

Adam was curious to know where the knowledge about the use of swords came from and what was its scope, perhaps it was something like a natural talent, however that didn't explain how he knew the name of the sword technique, it was more as if someone else would have implanted that information in his brain.

"I wonder if it will work with any weapon," Adam said as he saw the sword in his hands.

Once this idea crossed his mind Adam could not stop thinking about it, after hesitating for a moment, he decided to check his theory, so he went to the ship store and decided to try a saber.

Like the previous time, a flow of information about the use of the saber called 'basic technique for the use of saber' reached his brain and after a couple of days of practice he was able to master it, this time it was much easier than with the sword and could move further in the path of the saber before feeling that invisible wall.

"I wonder why? I may have more affinity with the saber than with the sword," Adam said as he kept his saber.

during the time he was practicing weapons, Adam realized something else, every time he cut himself with his saber or hurt by accident, his wound did not take long to heal without any scars, after realizing this, Adam decided to check it and made a cut on his own arm, although it was painful, the wound healed in a matter of seconds and just as before it did not leave a single scar.

Adam was very scared, after realizing this, since he woke up on this ship, many strange things had happened to him, first there was his appearance as well as his obvious physical improvement, then there was the information about the use of weapons that appeared in his mind after holding one, finally there was this strange healing ability, maybe something had happened to him while he was unconscious , maybe someone found him and made a stranger experiment in his body before leaving him on this drifting ship, Adam felt that something very bad had happened to him on the time before he had ended in this situation, unfortunately there was nothing he could do about it and, in a certain way, all his new skills are good for him, or at least that seemed to him.

"Once I get to the mainland, I must ask for a medical test to be sure nothing bad happened to me," Adam said while taking a break from practice with his saber.

after reaching his limit on the saber's path, Adam thought it would be better learn to use all the weapons on the ship, so he went to the warehouse and took the next weapon, after a couple of months, Adam finally learned to use them all, from a cane or a saber, to firearms and others, however, he always felt more comfortable using the saber, so after learning the basics about using the other weapons, Adam decided to continue practicing with the saber to see How far he could go

three months passed but Adam still was trapped in a drifting ship with no sign of finding a solution, he began to feel desperate at not having anything else to do while watching the amount of food on the boat decreasing day by day.

One day, after just over three months drifting, Adam had given up and resigned himself to spending the rest of his days drifting on that strange ship.

" aaaaahhh !!!! I'm so boring" Adam said while lying down under the shadow of the ship's sails, he had been practicing the use of the saber for a long time and now he had a great skill with it.

"I wonder if they will continue looking for me after all this time, it's been more than three months since I disappeared, maybe they already gave up " Adam said with a sad expression

Suddenly, a series of explosive noises was heard in the distance, then a column of smoke rose in the distance, seeing this, Adam quickly ran to the helm and tried to steer the ship in the direction where the smoke came from, Adam could not help but showed a happy smile.

Unfortunately, the noises only lasted a moment and the smoke quickly dissipated, so it was not long before the sea regained its calm, however, Adam continued to guide the ship in that direction with the hope of finding someone else, but even after several hours, he couldn't find anything.

"I was so close damn !!" Adam shouted in frustration at not being able to find the other ship, then he started hitting things around him in an anger attack, after a few minutes, Adam finally calmed down and threw himself to the ground.

" How the hell did I end up like this? "Adam said as he watched the huge clouds floating across the sky.

"I knew I shouldn't have gone to that damn cruise" he complained in a resigned voice, then he lay on the floor for a while before feeling hungry and heading to the kitchen, however just at that moment he heard the sound of someone walking on the boat near the cabins.

* tap tap tap *

Adam was alert when he heard the footsteps and quickly took a gun at his waist, he got up slowly and walked towards the cabins without making noise. Soon he got to see someone leaving a room with a bag full of valuable things. "a thief," Adam said and shot without thinking.

* bam * heard the sound of a shot when a bullet hit just below the thief's feet.

"stop, don't move !!" Adam shouted as he approached to see the thief better, after all, this was the first person he had seen in a long time, and although he was stealing it, it was also his only hope of reaching the mainland.

"Wait don't shoot !!" There was a loud scream when a girl came out with her hands up.

She was a beautiful girl and seemed around 18 years old, she was wearing a blue blouse and black pants with a red sash, she had a slim but well-proportioned figure and a strange and distinctive orange hair.

Just when Adam saw her, a name came to his mind.

'This must be a coincidence' was the first thing Adam thought when he saw the girl with orange hair coming out behind the cabin door.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Adam asked while still pointing the gun at her.

The girl couldn't help but blush because of how handsome he was.

" Hehehe I'm sorry, I thought it was an abandoned ship, so I went up to see if there was anything of value" the girl stuttered a moment and took a while to respond.

"okay, I think that's all, I will leave here, have a good day" the girl continued with a nervous smile as she slowly walked to the edge of the ship, all this while delighting in Adam's well-formed body.

" wait!!"

Adam hesitated a moment before stopping her.

"Your name," he said.

" Sorry?" she questioned confused.

" what's your name?" Adam said still nervous causing her to be on guard.

"I'm sorry, it's just that you looks familiar to me," Adam explained.

"Really? Well, I don't remember seeing you before," she said.

"Are you sure? Because I don't think I confused you, after all, that hair color is not very common," Adam said as he relaxed a little when he saw that the girl seemed to fear the gun.

"But I really don't remember you, tell me where we met," she questioned in a suspicious voice.

"In that case, I guess I was wrong, I'm sorry for bothering you," Adam said, diverting the subject.

"Okay, then I will leave," she said before moving away again but not before taking the sack with the valuables.

"Wait a minute," Adam said again, causing her to start sweating due to nervousness.

"Do you know how to sail a ship?" Adam asked as he lowered the weapon and placed it in its holster.

" what?" the girl seemed confused

"No! I don't know how to sail," she said nervously as she raised her guard.

"Really? Then how did you get to my ship, I don't see anyone else here or in that little boat of yours, besides those things in your bag belong to me" Adam said while Nami seemed even more nervous

"Don't worry, I just want you to take me to the nearest city, in return you can take things in the bag" Adam said pointing to the bag while he sat down.

" are you serious?" the girl asked.

"But it wouldn't be enough," she said still on guard.

"Okay, I can pay you the rest, I have enough gold," Adam said as he approached her making the girl's eyes turn into signs of money.

" Hahahaha , there you would have started," said the girl.

"mmm, I guess you're right," Adam said before heading to the ship's deck.

"By the way, my name is Adam, Adam Frank" Adam said as he passed by.

" Nami, " said the girl a little dazed by how things developed.

* So it's really is her, what the hell is happening here * Adam thought to realize where he was.

"Come on, it's time for lunch, then you can take any bedroom to sleep except that one," Adam said, pointing to the room next to the stairs to the warehouse.

"Okay, I'll be in your care" she said still alert

"Likewise," Adam said and began to walk toward the kitchen, seeing that Adam was leaving, Nami could only clench his teeth and follow him.

"Hell, it's all for the money," Nami said as she walked follow him.

Daoist746424 Daoist746424

Here is the first chapter, I hope you enjoy it

next chapter
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