Something new!
Small happenings in and around the random corners of Enverdolmal.
Often just short musings, observations, or questions.
All random!
All Canon!
Enjoy folks!
A Goblin lives a shortened life,
Often laid low by kin.
How rare it is for one to find
Something close to a friend.
For one is predisposed to violence,
If they want to live.
Taking an eye before the other can strike
Is better than to give.
Gob-Lob found that survival
Was just a daily chore.
A single misstep would result with
His head upon the floor.
He was born a Lesser One.
Little respect he would receive.
Treated perpetually
As nothing but naive...
Till one day he would take a stand,
Rebel just once,
Dare lift a hand.
Through happenstance
And bridges burned,
He would learn
That freedom can be earned.
See you all over at the gates of Enverdolmal soon enough!
Safe travels folks.
And as always,
Stay say.
Stay healthy.
Stay vigilant.