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100% Nier Automata: Journeys in the 12th Millennium / Chapter 27: Interval 7 – Strange People, Strange World

Capítulo 27: Interval 7 – Strange People, Strange World

-Kingdom of the Night, Year 4199-

Come on, Alan! Why did you stop?! You didn't travel this far to give up now! I screamed internally as I stood in front of the city entrance, but I couldn't move, as I realized how serious the situation was.

Was I ready to meet people again? Was I ready to experience some kind of civilization after a year of isolation? Customs will certainly change in the distant future. What should I say? How should I act? We at least spoke the same language?

What if the city's inhabitants were aggressive? What if they didn't like outsiders and sent me away? What if I accidentally committed a crime? After all, I don't know what laws they follow. I could be executed or just warned not to repeat my mistakes.

And money, what currency do they use? Would they accept my old 21st-century money? Or are transactions made through the exchange of favors and valuables?

So many unanswered questions! I felt overwhelmed by everything! I tapped my foot repeatedly against the floor while crossing my arms, constantly gritting my teeth.

Scared, I was scared! Scared! Terrified! And on the verge of an anxiety attack! I needed a drink!

I reached a shaky hand towards the side pocket of my backpack but froze as soon as I realized something was missing. I took a deep breath and slowly pulled my hand away, muttering a mantra in my mind.

You don't need this! You don't need this! You don't need this! You don't need this! You don't need this! You don't need this! You don't need this! You don't need this! You don't need this! You don't need this! You don't need this!

You fucking alcoholic! You didn't bring any booze for a good reason! And guess what, there are no rehab centers here! You're going to have to kick the habit away the hard way!

A painful sarcastic smile crept across my face as I chuckled dryly. What would my parents think if they saw me now? They would be disappointed…

I shook my head, trying to push away the bad thoughts, and focused on the problem in front of me, the ruined city covered in vegetation.

It seemed smaller than the city I had lived in before, without skyscrapers and with a more well-kept appearance, probably maintained by the inhabitants, but that didn't change its decaying appearance.

A partially built wall surrounded it, with the road where I stood serving as the main entrance. I didn't see anyone around, but I heard muffled sounds in the distance.

Well, I guess there's only one thing to do. I checked my appearance one last time and readjusted my clothes, trying to look as presentable as possible, then I stepped forward, entering the city.

Honestly, I don't know why I waited for something to happen, I kept moving, scanning my surroundings carefully, looking for people or signs of danger, but I didn't find anything out of the ordinary.

Eventually, I got closer to the city center and the sounds became clearer, people talking. The buildings took on a more pleasant appearance with what looked like closed shops with functional cars parked nearby.

Then, I felt my breath catch at what I saw after turning a corner. I probably looked like a scared animal, but I didn't care, I laughed lightly as I smiled, feeling hope burning in my chest.

People! There were people here! Entering and exiting buildings, talking in front of tents serving as shops, or in groups near parked trucks and jeeps.

I walked at a brisk pace, shaking my head from side to side with a look of wonder, taking in every detail, the new paint on the buildings, the lit streetlights covered in a tangle of wires indicating that there was a generator nearby, the products displayed on the stalls and much more.

I felt a twinge of concern when I saw that everyone was armed and made no attempt to hide it. I noticed people carrying revolvers, pistols, shotguns, and hunting rifles, but nothing military-grade.

I probably looked like a weirdo freaking out, as I received puzzled or surprised looks from the people around me, I also heard incomprehensible whispers, but I didn't care and kept exploring.

The more I walked, the more I realized the strangeness of this place as its inhabitants stepped out of my way.

I was surprised at how short they were, I was the tallest person here by a large margin, with few able to look me directly in the eye. I also seemed to be the oldest, in my late thirties, while everyone else seemed to be in their early twenties, with a few exceptions.

As if that wasn't enough, they all looked far too well-groomed for inhabitants of a ruined city in the middle of nowhere, with clean, intact clothes whose colors matched the urban and jungle environment, and flawless skin; I didn't spot anyone with a scar, wound, pimple, or birthmark.

Hell, I didn't spot anyone with a beard or mustache!

I scratched my head as I clicked my tongue, wondering what my next move would be. They have vehicles, and since Manah has decided to stop showing up, I need to figure out how to get to the Amazon Rainforest.

Depending on where I am, this may or may not prove easier than it seems. Okay, first, I need to figure out where I am!

I walked towards the nearest stall and stopped in front of the wooden counter, coughing lightly to get the attention of the vendor whose back was to me.

"Hello, welcome! How can I…" The person spoke as they turned around, revealing a girl with short brown hair, eyes of the same color, and fair skin, wearing a gray shirt and black gloves. Her smile immediately faded the moment she looked up, staring at me with her mouth open without making a sound.

Unfortunately, I had the same situation after looking at one of these misteriouss people up close.

This was wrong! Everything was wrong! The big, lifeless eyes, the pink lips dividing her perfectly symmetrical face, the shiny hair looking like a single mass, the artificially white teeth, the way her muscles moved!

It was all perfect, too perfect! There were none of the microexpressions and micromuscle contractions of a human being! Her change from joy to surprise was too automatic and instantaneous! This thing was not human, of that I was sure! This was something trying to pass itself off as human!

God only knows how much I fought against the urge to pull out my gun and shoot the thing in front of me! My hand was itching to do it! All the years of fighting SHADES hit me like a truck!

I realized I had spent too much time staring in silence, and the thing in front of me seemed to feel the same, for we smiled nervously at each other, the corners of our mouths quivering.

I stepped back, laughing dryly, and the saleswoman laughed back with her own, staring into my eyes hidden by my sunglasses. I stepped back again, still laughing, and she did the same, retreating behind the counter of her shop.

With a final laugh, I sprinted toward the entrance of the town, pushing the surprised passersby out of the way. Glancing back, I caught sight of the thing pulling on a rope hanging from the roof of the tent, unrolling a tarp with the word closed written on the front.

I returned to my campsite outside the town and hid behind a tree, sliding toward the ground as I tried to calm my breathing. That was a bad first impression, but I knew I needed to return if I wanted answers.


Day 41: Well, that was a complete disaster! I'll be surprised if rumors aren't spreading among the locals by now! I can only blame myself for my overreaction, but I can't shake the thought, what was that thing? SHADES in disguise? Clones? Robots? Ghosts? Aliens? I assume everyone in the city is the same species. They haven't shown themselves to be aggressive without reason, but carrying weapons is a custom or rule around here. So I'll do the same, reassemble my rifle and shotgun, and return to the city, where I'll try to blend in and get to know the locals.


I walked through the city streets again, receiving more intense stares and whispers than the day before, but I did my best to ignore and return the few polite greetings I received.

However, I still had difficulty looking at these people's faces, especially their eyes. The automatic perfection was still disturbing.

I found myself in front of the stall from before, with a small line of customers in front of it, so I decided to wait my turn before asking for some information. Unfortunately, my presence did not go unnoticed and the person in front of me turned around when he noticed the mysterious shadow covering him.

The tanned-skinned, black-haired man turned and slowly raised his head with a surprised look. I smiled as I waved, but frowned when he stepped out of the line and hurriedly turned a corner.

I shrugged and moved forward in the line, less waiting time for me. I got a similar reaction from everyone in front of me, to the point where I felt bad and wondered if there was something wrong with me, which is a possibility.

From my point of view, there is something wrong with all of these people, but what is stopping them from feeling the same when they see me? What if I cause the Uncanny Valley feeling in them?

The line disappeared and I stopped in front of the stall counter, receiving a disbelieving look from the saleswoman.

I decided to start the conversation and clear up the previous misunderstandings since she preferred to remain silent, but she pulled the rope again and I was face to face with the word closed.

I sighed as I crossed my arms, tapping my foot on the ground in frustration. Seconds passed and I noticed a finger pulling the edge of the tarp, revealing an eye staring at me.

"Hello…" I said politely, trying to start a conversation, but I fell silent when the person hid behind the tarp again.

This is getting ridiculous!

"Listen, I would like to apologize for my previous actions and if I offended you in any way. I just want some information." I spoke hopefully, trying to sound as non-threatening as possible, but got no response.

I clicked my tongue and shook my head in disappointment. Maybe I should try someone different?

I returned to my camp and prepared for my last attempt.


Day 42: Still no answers. I'll try someone else if my next attempt fails since I blew every chance I had during my first encounter with one of the locals. At least I haven't been directly confronted yet. It msut be a (I won't mess with you as long as you don't cause trouble) situation. I admit the looks and comments are uncomfortable, but nothing I can't handle. Well, I decided to practice my magic a bit and hunt for my dinner right after that, after all, tomorrow is a new day.


This time the saleswoman didn't even bother closing the stall when she saw me, she jumped over the counter and disappeared behind the structure, entering a gray building right behind it.

Was this her house? I wondered as I stopped in front of the counter, listening to the not-so-discreet conversation coming from inside the building.

"Vince, that weirdo from before is here again!" A female voice, probably the saleswoman, shouted.

"And what do you want me to do, Edna? Send him away!" A male voice, probably Vince, replied.

"I've already done that, but he keeps coming back!"

"Then be more insistent!"

"I don't want to! What if he bites me?!"

"Do you want me to shoot him?"

"No, he didn't do anything wrong, but he's scary! Can you, I don't know, scare him away?"

"Don't you have a gun?"

"Yes, but so does he! Lots of them!"

"So how about we both send him away?"

"Yes, please!"

I don't know if I'm offended by hearing these people's horrible opinions of me or worried that two armed individuals will soon appear. I'm not that threatening!

Putting that aside, I prepared to run or fight, whatever it took to survive when I heard a pair of footsteps approaching.

Soon Edna came into my field of vision, looking away as she nervously held a pistol, a sign that she wasn't comfortable holding a weapon, and Vince appeared next.

A tall, slightly muscular man, with curly black hair, fair skin, dark eyes, and an unfriendly face that matched the cocked shotgun in his hands.

"Will we have a problem here?" Vince asked seriously, looking me up and down with confusion and discomfort.

"No, I don't want any of that. I just want to ask you a few questions. I'm sorry for scaring your wife." I replied, stepping back while raising both hands in surrender.

"We're not married!" Edna replied with a red face, making me mentally kick myself for making assumptions.

"Get to the point! Ask what you want and go away!" Vince exclaimed impatiently, tightening his grip on his gun.

I narrowed my eyes and took a deep breath, doing as he ordered.

"Where exactly are we?" I asked, much to both of our confusion.

"In the Kingdom of Night." Edna replied sarcastically.

"I know, but where exactly is that?! What continent and country are we in?!" I said, slowly losing my cool, which was a mistake, as I wasn't the one with the guns drawn here.

Vince and Edna jumped slightly at my sudden outburst and exchanged a hesitant glance, sharing an unspoken message before nodding.

"You are in the Western Hemisphere of planet Earth, the part of the world that has been permanently night since the planet stopped spinning on its axis. Specifically, the continent of South America, in the country known as Brazil, in the state of São Paulo." Vince replied.

Holy shit! It wasn't enough to be sent to the future, I ended up on the other side of the world! I felt my legs weaken and I struggled not to fall with this revelation. My life has been one shock after another, what I wouldn't give for this to be a bad joke.

"Now it's my turn to ask some questions, how the hell do you not know this?! This is common knowledge! Are you trying to trick us or is there something wrong with your systems?!" Edna asked suspiciously.

I may have heard wrong, but I was sure she said systems. Like robot systems? Was I right in my assumptions? Well, they were waiting for an answer, so I guess a half-truth should suffice.

"It may be hard to believe, but I was walking down the street, minding my own business until something hit me on the head, and when I woke up, I found myself in the middle of a ruined city, abandoned and covered in vegetation. I've been surviving ever since, searching for answers, because I don't remember much." I replied, praying that my story would be convincing.

They exchanged glances again, realization shining in their eyes before they answered.

"And how long ago was that?" Vince asked in a more polite tone, and what I thought was concern.

"Hm… I think ten years ago? Yeah, I think so. I spent ten years living in the middle of nowhere until I found this town."

Amazement and disbelief filled their faces, with mouths open and eyes wide.

"Edna, it's not his fault he looks so strange! His systems must be about to fry!"

"And how was I supposed to know?! He came out of nowhere and scared me! I would have helped if I had known that!"

"Excuse me, but you guys keep calling me weird, how do I look to you?"

"Well, you move too slowly…" Vince said gently, trying not to offend me.

"I think clumsy would be a better word. Your face is weird too, taking too long and shaking slightly when changing expressions." Edna spoke next.

"Your voice also cracks sometimes, changing tones slightly."

"And your skin is worn out due to lack of maintenance, judging by the slightly imperfect symmetry and…"

"I get it!" I replied irritably, tired of the unintentional insults.

"Man, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding." Vince said sheepishly, looking away as he scratched his head.

"I say the same, we thought you were a member of one of the gangs." Edna spoke in the same tone, lowering her gun.

"Gangs?" I asked, confused.

"Wow, the blow must have damaged your memory storage. It will be a miracle if you can restore them. But you saw the wall under construction and that everyone is armed, right?" Vince asked and I nodded in confirmation.

"Well, the Human Heritage Recovery Management Organization barely has any influence in the Kingdom of the Night, which kind of makes this place a lawless land. Some have taken this opportunity to form gangs and demand things from other androids, such as parts, weapons, resources, fuel, or money." Edna continued as I paid attention to the new words, especially the one that identified her species.

If the science fiction movies I watched are any good, I believe an android is a humanoid robot or artificial being made of some futuristic material.

Great, I'm living in one of my favorite genres! The adventure I always dreamed of when I was a child! I felt an absurd urge to go back in time and punch my younger self for not being careful what I wished for!

Hmph! Everyone wants to live in their favorite universe until they experience it firsthand and realize what it's like!

"Others, like us, form small settlements, setting up defenses and trying to live peaceful lives." Vince finished.

"I assume this organization is some kind of government," I spoke next.

"Yes, their headquarters are in Europe, and they rule the entire continent and some of the nearby ones, but they have trouble knowing what's going on in the more distant parts of the world." Edna replied.

"My God, this is a lot to process!" I said in disbelief, rubbing the sides of my head, trying to ward off the pain that was about to come.

"I don't doubt that your processors are almost fried. You better go to the repair shop before you deactivate, they don't charge much." Vince suggested worriedly, his expression softening.

"Don't you mean a hospital?" I asked confused.

"And what the hell is a hospital?" He asked, sharing my sentiment.

"A place where humans go when they don't feel well."

"And do you happen to see a human around here?" He replied sarcastically, anger taking over his face before apologizing and returning to his previous attitude.

"Excuse Vince, please. You probably forgot about this, but talking about humans is a sensitive subject." Edna said, holding her friend's arm comfortingly.

"And why is that?" I asked, feeling my stomach churn with fear of the answer.

"Humans disappeared and no one knows where they went. I don't know the details, some disease almost wiped out humanity in the distant past and they created a project as a salvation, but no one knows what happened after that."

The edges of my vision darkened and my head spun, the world becoming a double blur as my ears rang. I glimpsed Vince and Edna looking at me worriedly, but I quickly leaned against a nearby wall, preventing myself from falling.

They both approached, asking if I needed help. I tried to calm them down by saying I was fine, but they didn't believe my poor performance, only leaving me alone when I asked for directions to the repair shop, which they gave me.

I nodded, mumbling a thank you as I left them behind, not stopping to listen to their answers and returning to camp when I was out of their sight. I had a lot to think about.


Day 43: Is this it? All our effort was in vain? Novi and I were the last humans? And now this title belongs to me? Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this? When did everything went wrong? I know when... WHEN THAT DAMN GIANT AND DRAGON FELL FROM THE SKY AND SENT ME TO THIS SHITTY FUTURE! I WILL RIP THEIR MALFORMED HEADS OFF IF I SEE THEM AGAIN! I WILL BREAK THEIR BONES, DELIGHTING IN THEIR AGONIZING SCREAMS! I WILL SPILL THEIR WARMBLOOD, BATHING IN THEIR ELIXIR OF LIFE! I WILL FLAY THEIR SKIN, SEWING ME NEW ROBES! I… I… I… I just want everything to go back to normal… What happened to everyone? Why did I get left behind?

What the hell did I just write?


I decided to visit the repair shop and learn more about the place, so I followed the directions and arrived at a small building with a neon sign flashing above a garage door.

I pushed aside the tarp blocking the entrance and found myself in a dark room that gave the place its name, a repair shop. Oil stains, tools, and wires covered the floor, with what looked like a surgical table in the center and a bright light bulb shining just above.

There were tables and shelves on the sides, filled with familiar and unfamiliar tools and parts that I couldn't make out in the darkness.

"Hello, is anyone here?" I asked, looking for the owner while taking in the details nearby.

Surprisingly, the answer came from something lying on the surgical table, making me jump slightly.

"Hi, can you help me?" A male voice spoke from under a white cloth.

I felt like I was in a horror movie at that moment, as there was a humanoid shape moving under the cloth.

I approached with cautious steps, listening to the sounds of my feet stepping on the puddles of oil and pushing small screws aside until I reached my destination. I grabbed the cloth and pulled it off, screaming at the top of my lungs at what I saw.

"AAAHHH!" I backed away until I collided with a shelf, knocking several heavy objects on top of me, revealing arms and legs of various sizes and skin tones.

This did nothing to calm my nerves and I continued screaming in terror, doing my best to get away, but I only found more horrific sights.

Human faces displayed on mannequin heads lined up on a table, pairs of colored eyes on a shelf, large rolls of skin leaning against the walls, and more. This could only be a serial killer's lair, and I would be the next victim.

"Hey, did something happen?!" The skinless android on the table screamed in fright, making me see the workings of its exposed internal parts.

"No… No… Don't worry, I'll get you out of here!" I exclaimed, scrambling to get to the table, slipping on the puddles along the way, and stopping with a thud on the object.

"Get me out of here? No, I want you to call the repair android! He said he needed to get some parts from the back room and kept me waiting here for ages!"

"Y-you… Y-you can't do it yourself?" I stammered, embarrassed of asking something of someone in need.

"Do I look like I can do this myself? No, seriously? I don't know if I can! My optical sensors are damaged and I can't see anything, and no one has responded to my screams! I'd rather not go around bumping into things!"

"What happened to you?"

"Oh, a welding accident while building the wall, I caught fire and fell from a unpleasant height. I'll need a complete skin change!" The android joked, but I saw the pain he tried to hide.

Well, I guess some things won't change in the distant future, work accidents will still happen.

"My name is Alan, and you?" I asked, trying to change the subject, which he seemed to appreciate.

"Saulo, it's a pleasure to meet you, Alan!" Saulo smiled, making me cringe at the movement of his parts and mechanical appearance.

"The feeling is the same!" I replied, returning the smile, struggling to hide my fear.

"Now that we've exchanged the formalities, could you do me a favor and go get the Android? Nothing personal, but I'm getting scared because I can't see."

"Sure, sure, no problem." I muttered, heading towards the exit on the other side of the workshop. Hump! I'm the one who should be scared here!

I walked past the doorframe and down a narrow, dimly lit hallway, spotting light shining through a half-open door at its end. Opening the door, I bit my tongue to keep from screaming as I found a room littered with human-looking android parts.

And there stood an android, with blond hair tied back in a ponytail and wearing clothes that looked like a cross between a mechanic and a surgeon.

"Excuse me." I said politely, catching his attention as I knocked on the door. The android jumped slightly at my unexpected appearance, but turned toward me, staring at me intently for a few seconds before returning the greeting.

"Hello, how may I help you?"

"Saulo asked me to call you."

"Oh, I must have kept him waiting! I already found everything I needed, except for a pair of the right model of eyes."

"Maybe I can help?"

"If it's not a bother, my name is Luiz, by the way." Luiz said, offering a hand shake.

"Alan." I replied, entering the room and accepting it.

It didn't take long for us to find what Luiz was looking for, my height came in handy, as the eyes of the specific model were in a box on top of a shelf in a corner. With that done, we returned and Luiz continued Saulo's repairs.

"Thanks for your help!" Saulo said as his damaged parts were replaced.

"You're welcome..." I muttered, swallowing hard as I saw the bizarre procedure in front of me.

Luiz works with precision like an artist working on his masterpiece. It was incredible how fast he moved without making mistakes, something impossible for a normal human, even more so while talking to his client.

He said something, breaking me out of my stupor, but I didn't understand, so I asked him to repeat it.

"I asked if you'd like to be next." He said it again, without distracting himself from his work.

"No, thanks..." I replied, still disturbed by everything that happened.

"Are you sure? Your processors are working on energy savings, indicated by slight tremors on your face. Your joints are also suffering from severe wear if the slowness of your movements is not intentional. When was the last time you underwent repairs?"

"Would you believe me if I told you my last repair was ten years ago?" I laughed nervously, looking away due to both of their reactions.

"WHAT?!" Luiz and Saulo shouted in surprise and horror.

"It's not that bad…" I tried to calm them down, but they interrupted me.


"I have no idea, something hit my head and damaged my memory, I woke up in the middle of an abandoned city ten years ago. I only found some focus on civilization recently, in this city. Besides, I don't have the money to pay you, whatever currency you use around here."

"Dude, we use Gs around here, I can pay for part of your repairs if you want, consider it payback for your help, and you can pay me back later." Saulo suggested, concern palpable in his voice.

"I appreciate the offer, but I have to decline, I'd rather not get into debt with someone so soon."

"TSK! The stubbornness of some people!" Luiz clicked his tongue in frustration.

"I appreciate your concern, seriously, but I don't feel anything wrong at the moment. I'll find a way to get my Gs and pay for my repairs if I need to." I replied, trying to calm them both down.

"Sure, sure, if that's what you want, but come running if you feel like it will stop working." Luiz muttered before returning to his work.

"Well, the choice is yours then." Saulo shrugged metaphorically.

"Leaving that aside, I'm thinking about making a long trip, the kind that crosses an entire country. Do you know if there's any form of transportation around here?"

"Hm… Usually, androids gather in caravans for security reasons, treacherous terrain and animals, gangs, and everything else. The bus station in the city center serves as a meeting point for some of them, maybe you'll find one going to your destination, if you have the money to pay, of course." Saulo replied, making me mentally curse for finding another problem on my way.

I sighed but strengthened my determination. I would find Novi again for sure, so I got up from my seat and removed my sunglasses, offering a smile and sincere thanks to both of them, but frowned when Luiz backed away unexpectedly.

"Is there a problem?"

"Your eyes, I've never seen an android with red eyes before, glowing and scary, a strange choice, if it weren't for your optical sensors almost burning out, of course."

"Ha, I'm glad I can't see then! But looking intimidating is a good idea, it makes troublemakers not mess with you!" Saulo joked right after.

I laughed lightly at his jokes and said goodbye to both, feeling much better after having a friendly conversation with someone. I think I needed that after so much time in isolation.

Maybe my fears were unfounded, androids don't seem that bad.

Humans must have created them for a good reason, I wonder how much technology has advanced during this time jump, I just hope that the disappearance of humanity is not related to a machine revolution.

Hm... What would happen if I revealed myself as human?


Day 44: The world has changed, I just didn't know how much. Technology has advanced and humanity has created robots and other artificial beings. A mysterious disease almost wiped humanity off the map, they created a project and disappeared soon after. Quite a coincidence, huh? As much as I wish I was wrong, I can't erase the thought that I was the last one because no one knew where the humans were. I tried to reveal myself as a human, but the androids laughed at me as if I had told a joke, so I dropped the subject before they thought I had gone even madder. I then asked if they knew where the humans lived now, but I only received theories and suggestions in return. Was this mysterious disease the same one that took Novi from me? If so, why wasn't I infected? Am I immune? What do the SHADES have to do with this? The androids didn't deny the existence of the creatures, but they couldn't explain what they were. If the humans still live, then why not give the androids a sign of life? Are they hiding from something? So many questions that I will probably never know the answers to... Well, tomorrow I will try to sell what I have of value, it seems that some androids collect and trade objects from the human world and I have some from my time to sell. I feel a certain regret for getting rid of the memories of my old life, but I have no use for such things now.


After asking a few questions, I found the merchant who had been recommended to me and approached him while holding the objects I would sell.

My wallet with my old money, I made sure to keep my documents with me, my headphones, the key to my hotel room, and my cell phone, specifically my Nokia 6600.

Hm… Ninety-eight percent battery and not a scratch after ten years. Meh! Humanity must have developed more resistant cell phones with longer-lasting batteries by now. I deleted all my information on it, which wasn't much, and prepared to sell it.

The merchant was amazed at the preserved quality of my products, especially the cell phone and human money, which would probably end up in a museum of the Human Heritage Recovery Management Organization or some android's collection.

Well, it wasn't my problem, I just wanted the money, but I find it strange how much androids love humans, to the point of seeming like an obsession or worship of a deity.

Yes, I would be grateful for my creators granting me life, but isn't that too much?

Leaving my ramblings aside, it took a lot of bargaining and convincing to get an acceptable price for my merchandise, as I had to act like I knew what I was talking about since I had no idea if 2,000Gs was a lot or not.

In the end, I settled for that price, much to the merchant's delight, which makes me think I sold them too cheap. But that joy turned to confusion when he offered to transfer the amount to my terminal and I replied that I didn't have one.

A terminal is the android equivalent of a cell phone, only in the form of a wristwatch full of functions. The merchant was kind enough to offer me one, for a price, of course, but with a slight discount.

In the end, I found myself with a technologically advanced wristwatch, 1,800Gs in my account, and a very happy Android.

And at that moment I realized how inept I had become with today's technology.


"AAAHHH!" I screamed with all my might, pressing the holographic icons that reacted to my touch.

Several screens came out of the terminal, playing music, taking pictures, displaying radio broadcasts, doing calculations, and more. I pressed the power button, closed everything, and lay down on the floor of my camp, feeling like a dinosaur in modern times.


I arrived at the bus station and saw several androids working on rows of vehicles made to travel on the terrain of the Kingdom of Night, mainly military-looking jeeps and transport trucks with camouflage paint.

I encountered my first problem with the disorganization of the place since there was no ticket booth, but instead, androids shouting their destinations and ticket prices in the middle of the crowd.

I went from android to android, asking if any caravan was going to the Amazon Rainforest or a nearby region, but I was always advised to consult a different person.

Hours passed during my incessant search. I took the opportunity to observe an android working on the engine of a jeep, and I cursed mentally when I realized that I didn't recognize any of the technologically advanced parts. Did this thing even use gasoline?

I'm not a mechanic, but I can name some parts of an engine, except for the one in front of me.

So I kept searching, the bus station was emptying, caravans leaving with their passengers until only a few remained. But to my joy, I found the right android on my umpteenth attempt.

Lara was her name, she had black hair tied in a braid and was wearing camouflage clothes, with a hunting rifle on her back. She said she was heading towards the state of Amazonas and I could reach the state capital from another settlement in the region.

Unfortunately, she charged me a high price due to the few passengers and the fact that most would leave the caravan halfway, but she offered me a discount if I worked during the trip, since her men and she needed an extra hand.

I accepted the deal and asked when we would leave and she said in an hour, so I ran to my camp, hurriedly dismantling and packing everything before returning, celebrating my progress.

However, I wondered how I would hide the fact that I was human. Telling an android is one thing, but I would have to eat, sleep, and relieve myself during the trip, and it would be a long journey.

Three days to be exact, since most of the roads were in ruins and we would have to make several detours and stops along the way. I jumped up and down anxiously, pondering what I should do as time passed.

Screaming in frustration, I ran towards the bus station, since I had come too far to turn back now. I paid 700Gs for the ticket and got into the covered back of one of the trucks, greeting the androids inside, and then my journey continued towards my destination.


Day 45: I managed to advance, now I need to survive three days of traveling in unknown territory with unknown people while pretending to be an android. No pressure Alan, no pressure. I decided to talk to the androids around me, learning their names, stories, and models, taking the opportunity to develop my excuses. Humanity became the most discussed topic, and I became a source of knowledge for my fellow travelers, which ended any animosity between us. I felt like a grandfather telling old stories to his grandchildren as some of the androids acted like curious children and their lack of knowledge about their creators scared me. Wasn't there anyone keeping them updated on humanity? It was as if everything had stopped at some point. That aside, I treated this trip like rehab, I was setting a new record for how long I had gone without drinking, but my arms were shaking like twigs and I was licking my lips constantly, I would kill for a drink right now.

Day 46: I discovered that if I cast healing magic from time to time, I wouldn't need to eat or sleep as much. I still felt hungry and tired but at manageable levels to the point where I was passing myself off as an android trying to be like my creators by eating and sleeping on rare occasions. This raised questions about my model, as I knew too much about humans, but the model of an android seems to be a sensitive subject, so I said I was an extremely old model, from the time when humans still walked the world. Other than that, we passed through small and large settlements, seeing their various inhabitants and stopping for maintenance and rest, where I told more stories to the delight of Lara and her men. In terms of dangers, we had a few accidents with vehicles getting stuck, roads giving away and parts breaking, not to mention, of course, the giant animals that attacked us occasionally, but a few warning shots sent them away. I wondered why the hell there were lions in South America, and was told that most of the continent's unnatural species came from abandoned zoos. At least we hadn't encountered any jaguars or tigers yet. Thankfully, no one had died, and we hadn't encountered any gangs trying to loot us.


I jumped out of the truck, sighing in relief as I stretched my legs and back, feeling my joints crack, and rubbed my sleepy eyes, taking in the small settlement in the middle of the state of Mato Grosso, a small town in the middle of nowhere.

The number of passengers had dwindled to a few dozen. I would miss the friendships I had made, but they had their own lives to live. The remaining passengers and I explored our surroundings, talking to merchants and visiting landmarks during our break.

Suddenly, we heard music and muffled conversations coming from a building; passing through its wooden double doors, we found ourselves in a bar full of armed androids sitting around tables or on stools in front of the counter.

My companions passed me and joined the inhabitants as I watched, wondering if I should join in too. It's been a while since I've had a drink, I think I deserve a reward for my good work.

I sat down on a stool in front of the bar, tapping my fingers to the beat of the music as I ordered a beer that the bartender slid across the counter shortly after. I grabbed the handle of the mug and prepared to drink, but stopped as soon as everything went silent.

I heard the bar doors open and several steps approaching. I glimpsed androids sitting on the empty stools next to me, but I didn't dare turn around due to the bad feeling I felt.

Unfortunately, I was stupid enough to act abruptly when I saw a hand pulling my beer away.

"Hey, I paid for this!" I yelled, turning to the owner of the hand, only to a pistol pointed at my face silence me.

"Sorry, but the beer is mine now, my friend here can confirm that." He replied, lightly waving his gun.

The tanned-skinned, sharp-faced, wide-smiling android wore improvised military gear, made from the kind of materials you could make at home or find at a sports store, but I noticed an insignia stitched into his vest, a robotic hand crushing a wrench.

Looking around, I noticed that all the newcomers wore similar clothing, so I assumed this was one of the gangs I had been warned about.

"And who exactly are you, sir…" I asked hesitantly, searching for every detail that would reveal information and give me an advantage.

"Ector, leader of the Steel Crushers, and we don't take kindly to foreigners entering our territory without paying." Ector said seriously, his happy face twisting into an irritated grimace, making those present flinch slightly amidst the tense silence.

"We don't have much, I hope that won't be a problem." I shrugged, speaking in the same tone, slowly moving my hand towards my hidden revolver as I felt all eyes glued on us.

"That is a problem, to me." The android growled, pressing the gun to my forehead.

"What if I don't like it?" I asked, drawing my revolver and aiming it at his forehead as well.

Amazement appeared on Ector's face, but it soon turned into arrogance, and I knew why.

"You better put that gun down, the boss doesn't like clows." A male voice spoke behind me with the cocking of a gun.

"And I don't like criminals in my bar." The bartender exclaimed, pulling a shotgun from under the bar and pointing it at the android behind me.

"You better stop, or I'll fill you with lead." One of the gang members pointed his gun at the bartender, but one of the passengers pointed his gun at the android in question.

The situation escalated, guns were drawn and catchphrases were thrown until everyone was pointing guns at everyone else, with restless eyes and sweaty fingers, waiting for who would take the first shot.

"HEY, BARTENDER, GO FILL MY MUG AND…" A random android yelled, kicking the bar doors open, but stopped with wide eyes and an open mouth when everyone present pointed their guns at him.

"Oh, sorry to interrupt!" The android laughed nervously before stepping back and closing the door behind him, the sound of a car speeding off echoing in the distance.

Then we returned to our original positions, facing each other again until…


Someone shot and the first android fell, on which side I didn't know, but in less than a second, the entire bar turned into hell.


VonLeporace VonLeporace

Well, I'm finally back after so long and I'm happy with this chapter! Alan finally met the androids and I decided to give the Uncanny Valley feeling during the encounter, since I've never seen that in other Nier Autumata fics.

I thought, how would a person react when seeing an android for the first time? And I thought the same for the androids when they meet a human without knowing it.

Now the journey continues towards what Manah wants in the Amazon Rainforest. What is that? I'll reveal it in the future, but until then, our protagonist will have to face many dangers.

That's it for now, tell me what you think and see you in the next chapter!

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