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50% New Pegasus' Duel Odyssey / Chapter 1: Old Toon, New Toon
New Pegasus' Duel Odyssey New Pegasus' Duel Odyssey original

New Pegasus' Duel Odyssey

Autor: Cursed_Shaman

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Old Toon, New Toon

"It's over Kaiba boy, I activate my spell card 'Monster reborn'. From My grave, I summon, a neo-galaxy-eye photon dragon! And with no monsters on your field, I attack you directly, reducing your life... to zero!"

Sitting in a surprisingly well-lit room, sat a man wearing a sweater along with sweatpants. From wall to wall, and even on him was merchandise, most of a franchise called Yugioh, but there were few others.

He was at his desk, playing a game on his computer, it was a duel link. He was playing as Pegasus while his opponent used DSOD Kaiba. Clicking fast, he sent an attack at the semi-digital opponent

'I Attack your life points directly, go!'

[LP 2300 --> 0]


"Hahah, Too bad for you Kaiba boy! You just can't match the superiority of pegasus!"

He closed up that match, leaving the game open. Swiveling in his chair, he stretched with a smile. His Clothing was revealed to be a custom Pegasus shirt, with him holding the Toon World book, and a bunch of old and new cards scattered, all custom Toon versions. His sweats were basic Yugioh merch.

He suddenly heard some sounds from his computer, curious he turned around. The game was going through that weird unlock sequence that happens for every new world. This both excited and confused him, from his Knowledge, nothing like this should be happening today, at least for him.

He thought this was the creators having some fun and keeping a secret new world, only to have it opened when no one would expect it. But something was slightly different, once it all resolved, it showed far more cartoonish versions of the character.

He went to open the gate, but for some reason, it started to glow brighter. Then brighter and brighter, until it pretty much blinded him. Once he opened his eyes again, he was floating in the blue void, with tech-like streaks moving throughout

He looked around, Confused. Thinking it was a strange dream, and wanting to wake up, he pinched himself to wake up, but it only hurt his arm.

"....Not a dream, got it. No I don't, what the fuck is going on!"

He spins around a full 360, trying to figure out what was happening. Suddenly, a word of pure white appeared in front of him.

'Linking Duelist with Duel legend, finding suitable host'

Suddenly, the text turned into a screen, three cards, in the style of the anime duel monster card, were on the screen. Each holding a different face. One was of Maximillion Pegasus, The other Dr Crowler, and The last being was Paradox from the movie. Text appeared at the top of the box, as the three were highlighted by a yellow light.

[POV Change]

'Please choose which duelist you wish to link with.'

Looking over my options, I only had one choice. Dr Crowler is an absolute no-go, and the other is too edgy for my taste.


While I didn't know what was going on exactly, I knew enough from the context clues that I was connecting or syncing with a Yu-Gi-oh character. So I had to go with 1 of my top 10!

The window closed down, leaving only a text box. It had three Blinking dots in it before a new set of text was written. It opened up show two new cards, also of the anime style. On a dark blue, with a disgusting creature, its eye made of some rusted gold. The other was a light turquoise, with a book in the image. A city was coming out of the book.

'Two archetypes detected, both above 67% sync rate with the user. Please choose which archetype you wish to use. This archetype will grow and evolve as you use it, allowing you to grow. You are limited to cards of your archetype, or archetype-less cards.'

"Hmmm, since it's a pegasus, his archetypes haven't been fleshed out in modern Yugioh, and in anime/lore Yugioh, thousands of eyes is the only complete one. And with the archetype evolving with me, no limitation on card possibilities. toon monsters are the best choice. Just like cartoons, their current state gives the theme infinite potential! I Choose Toon World!"

I clicked the spell card 'Toon world', a smile covering my face. The box cracked and slowly broke down into light particles, the text box dissipating last. Before it did, it typed put 1 last time, as the lights formed something in his hands.

'Synchronization link complete, you will soon be taken to a duel against 1 opponent of random choice. Good luck. You have 20 minutes to prepare.

From the lights, a deck started to form, a large one on my right and a smaller one on my left. Looking around I sighed and let myself calm down.

"Might as well make the best of this, after all! Yu-gi..... no... Duel monsters are meant to be fun!!"

I sat down on the non-existent ground, a table confidently forming above my legs the perfect Height for me. Laying the extra deck down, decided to look through my main deck. Grabbing it, I felt something in my soul. Well, I felt it in my stomach and heart..... but I guess that's what they mean by souls. I looked through the cards, they were in anime style, but I automatically understood and knew them and what they did.

I saw some classic cards like Toon Wolrd, Blue-eye Toon Dragon, and manga Ryu-ran. But it seemed to have its correct spelling now 'Toon Ryu-Ran'. There were new ones, like the toon dark magician, And red eyes toon dragon. Along with comic and toon kingdom.

It was good, but that wasn't what caught my eye, no. What I saw were new cards, cards that didn't exist. Best or worst of all, some of them I even made. I knew this because I tried to make a good toon deck, one that could be meta. So I knew all of them, and I knew the ones I created.

From my own created cards I saw the 'Toon Capture jar', and my three 'Toon Angels'. Charity, Patience, and Temperance. 'Toon Grave of Consequences also there.

But there were also a few new toon cards I didn't create, but they seem good.'Toon Force Mirror', 'Toon Fusion', and 'Toon World - Terror Moon' stood out. For monsters 'Toon Relinquished' and 'Toon Sketcher' stood out as well.

Holding each, I ran through their effect within my head. 'Sooo coool'. some of mine were slightly changed, but still kept the core idea. All of the new cards seemed amazing and helped fill them out. Knowing enough, I put them down and grabbed the extra deck.

"Let's see what you have to offer."

In the extra deck, I saw very few monsters, but all were fusion. It made sense since Toon was a pre-synchro archetype. Only ritual and fusion are any special summoned specific cards. But all of them were custom. There was of course 'Blue Eye ultimate Toon dragon' but also 'Toon of Tradition'. There were 1 or 2 others, but that wasn't important.

I put the deck down and ran them through my head, somehow able to visualize how this deck could be played. I ran through 3 different decks, 10 scenes each. I smiled to myself, while wasn't too meta with the current cards, it was OP for the anime. And a perfect fit for both me and Pegasus!

I stood up stretched and grabbed my deck. Just in time too the countdown appeared with a new box. It was counting down from 10. A digital yet feminine appeared, counting down with it. I felt myself getting lighter, Taking a deep breath, I fixed my confidence.

"3..... 2... 1... Transporting!"

I felt my body get turned and twisted like being pulled threw the eye of a needle. After finishing, I stumbled to a wall to hold myself up, trying to stop myself from throwing up.

"Uhg, that did not feel good."

I looked up, still hunched over from the teleportation sicknesses. I looked around at where I was, I saw what looked like a duel mat, but much higher tech. On its opposite side stood 3 people, and a single person sitting.

The three people standard were Jaden Yuki, Jack Atlas, and Joey Wheeler. An odd group choice, none seeming to fit a single theme. Sitting on the other side of the high-tech mat was Seto Kaiba, from DSOD. A very off-group choice indeed.

Jack: "Are you just going to stand there like this idiot over here, or are you going to take a seat? We don't get all day to duel!"


The two continued to argue, and it soon got physical. Jaden laughed at the scene as Kaiba just sighed in annoyance. Think it was for the best, I sat across from Kaiba, feeling a bit awkward.

Kaiba decides to ignore them, looking at me. I felt something was a bit off with all of them, but I didn't quite know. So I just waited for something to happen.

Kaiba: "So, you were chosen to be a new dimension duelist. Before you ask anything, I'll tell you what you need to know. A dimensional duelist are people taken from outside the Yugioh multiverse. They are given a deck and character that most suits them, if they win, they become that character. We, ourselves, are dimensional duelists. Each of us was linked to a character, and after we passed a test, we became these characters. We are each sent for a goal, but that is a while after transmigration. But, before you can go, you must pass a test. A duel with 1 of us, or rather, me. You find the need to pass, just be good enough or impress me. After that, everything else is up to you.'

I blinked a few I was, processing that info, and I nodded my head. Taking a deep breath, smiling brightly. Placing the extra deck on the left side, handing the deck over to Kaiba.

MC: "I'm ready!"

He smiled, taking the deck and shuffling it in a complicated pattern. The two finally stopped fighting and began to watch. Kaiba handed the deck back to me. Before grabbing a deck of weird sees-through blue cards.

Jaden: "Those are skill cards!!! Once we take on the role of these characters, we gain skills related to that character, similar to duel links! But without the limitations. We start with three, 1 passive and 2 of our choosing. Kaiba has limited his skill to only 3, to make it fair! Grab that blue deck, and it will link you up to the character and their skills! Oh, it also has this cool feature! If you're looking through your deck and want to see what your skills are, the card will appear in the deck!!"

I nodded my head, grabbing the deck of weird blue cards. As I looked between them, I smiled at a few I saw. Limiting my choices, I picked three that I thought were good, not showing them off. I give the deck back and re-read the cards is chose.

[CARD PRINTING(Toon World)(Passive): "Whenever you do not have a 'Toon World' or Toon World variant, in your hand or field, you will draw one. Unless drawing one would result in instant defeat; It will then act like a normal 'Card Printing' Skill". ]

[FILP BOOK FICTION (Active): "By discarding 1 card from your hand, you can change the effect of 'Toon world' or Toon world variants into a different Toon world. All Toon worlds can be used like field spells." ]

[MELLENIUM EYE (Weakened)(Active): "Pay half your current life points; For 5 turns, you know every down card on your opponent's field, hand, and extra deck." ]

I saw the card disappear as I felt a tingle of power run up my spine, like a lighting shot without the pain. I placed my main deck down, to grab coins.

MC: "Heads or tails?"

Kaiba: "Heads."

Kaiba spoke with confidence, not a single doubt in his stature. Flipping the coin, it lands on my tail, meaning I get to pick. Drawing five cards, yet not looking at them yet.

MC: "I call first!"

Looking around my hand, I saw all the cards I had drawn. I smiled to myself as I got my strategy ready. Getting ready, I grab the first card.

MC: "I play the spell card "Toon world" Losing 1000, life points. Yet thanks to my skill, I place it in the field spell zone!"

[MC: 8000 --> 7000]

Behind me, a giant book appeared. Its page opens up to a dark cartoonish city

Jaden: "Toon World? He must be Pegasus, but why would he pick Toon over Thousands-Eyes?"

Jack: "Hmm, maybe he's one of the few given a growth deck. New cards that don't yet exist. Like how Joey created a new Red-eyes archetype?"

MC: "After that, I activate my other skills effect. By discarding 1 card in my hand, I can change the world into different variants of itself. I discard Blue-eyes toon dragon from my hand to the graveyard, and flip Toon World's page to 'Toon World - Revenge story'. I then active another skill, sacrificing half of my life points."

The pages of the giant book behind him flood rapidly before stopping, Looking out of it was what looked like an empty battlefield full of swords and graves.

[MC: 7000 --> 3500]

MC: "I place one Card and a monster face down, And end my turn."

Two face-down cards appeared behind, all while Toon World was floating above them, like a guardian.

Joey: "Th-That's it? All he did was lose more than half his life points, and set two cards!?! WHAT KIND OF SHIT PLAY IS THAT?!?"

Jaden: "Woah, calm down Joey! That skill took half his lp, it has to do something really powerful that we can't see. Plus, it seems that Jack is right, he has new cards that no one has seen, I mean, 'Toon Wolrd - Revenge Story' is a card I know wasn't real. So who knows what he has!"

Joey: "...hmph, fine. But it better be good."

Kaiba: "My turn, I draw. I use the spell card double summon, it lets me normally summon twice. I then use my skill, it lets me normally summon blue-eyes without a tributing monster. I summon, from my hand. Two blue-eyed white dragons. And I set a card. I attack your face down the monster."

2 white dragons appear, 1 breaking through the ground, the other from above, landing. With a card face down behind them. They then charge at the face of the monster, flipping it over to reveal nothing. Instead, a jar falls from the book, falling onto 1 dragon, covering it, and blocking the others.


MC: "You activate the flip effect of my 'Toon Capture Jar'. The first effect turns gives my toon capture jar DEF points equal to the attacking monster Base ATK points!"

[TCJ | DEF 0 --> DEF 3000]

Mc: "It's the second Effect makes, I can activate after the first. It allows me to banish the attacking monster till the end of this turn. Once done, it will be summoned to my side as a toon monster."

The jar shakes and tilts a bit but never falls over Like the dragon was trying to escape. The jar merely laughed, mockingly.

Joey: "Woah... THAT WAS AWESOME!!!"

Jaden: "Taking Kaiba's monster out of play, and the effect would give him a new monster next round! That's a bit OP!"

Jack: "Hmm, not so fast. Kaiba has that trap card still."

Kaiba: "I activate my trap card 'Blue eyes defense' If you activate a card effect that would affect a 'Blue-eyes' monster, I can negate it. Destroying that card, then draw 1 spell or trap card, and a card with 'Blue-eyes' or 'Eyes of blue' in their name."

The jar starts to crack until a shine comes from the Toon World Book. Instead, that card started to crack.

MC: "Toon world - Revenge story's effect active. If a toon monster is destroyed by an effect, cancel that effect. I then activate Revenge Story's second effect. By discarding 3 cards from either my hand or deck, I can switch the Postions and stats if one monster is on the field, then force combat. I chose the Toon Capture Jar.

I discarded 3 cards from my deck, as I switched Toon Jar to attack mode, As the stats switched.

[TCJ | ATK 0 / DEF 3000 --> ATK 3500 / DEF 0]

Kaiba looked confused and the three others did too, they tried to see what was happening. Before Kaiba's eyes widen, understanding.

Joey: "Why the hell does that jar have 500 more attack points!! It doesn't make any sense!?!"

Jaden: "Is it a glitch or cheat or something!"

Kaiba: "No, it's a skill."

The pages of the toon world start to flip, as the MC holds no cards. He smiles at Kaiba.

Mc: "I discard 1 card, and flip the pages of fiction. I changed the chapter to 'Toon World - Battle Dome' All toon monsters gain 500 ATK points on my opponent's turn. Now, Toon capture jar, destroy Kaiba's blue eyes."

The jar laughed and shook, rising, it revealed the head of blue eyes, its eyes covered with cartoonish shadow hands. The tooned blue eyes charged up its beam and destroyed its brethren as Kaiba let out a grunt of pain.

[Kaiba: 8000 --> 7500]

Mc: "Since a toon monster destroyed a monster in battle, I activated my trap card. 'Toon Grave of consequences.' I can revive 1 toon monster from my graveyard, I choose 'blue eyes toon dragon', and I can then activate its second, by paying 500 LP points, I can summon 1 monster in the grave to my field as a toon monster. I choose your blue eyes."

[MC: 3500 --> 3000]

[Blue-Eye Toon Dragon: ATK 3500/DEF2500]

[Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Toon): ATK3500/DEF2500]

Kaiba clicked his teeth as he looked over his hand, nothing he could do right now. Taking a deep breath and sighing, reluctantly he spoke.

Kaiba: "I end my turn."

The Mc smiled as he drew a card, the jar began to crack, until it shattered, revealing what happened to the blue eyes beneath it.

[Blue-Eyes White Dragon(Toon): ATK 3000/DEF 2500]

He discarded the toon jar as it was destroyed, and he looked at the card he had. Because of the toon effect, only two of the monsters could attack. All their attacks are back to normal.

Mc: "With my 2 toon blue eyes, I attack you Life points directly!!!"

The two cartoonish white dragons attacked Kaibs directly, nearly killing him as he breathed heavily.

[Kaiba: 7500 --> 1500]

MC: "I then use the quick play Spell 'Toon Toon Sacri-fuge' it allows me to special summon an extra deck monster from my opponent's deck using either toon versions of the needed cards. But, I need to guess a correct card from your extra deck."

Jaden: "Can he even do that? That's such an oddly specific effect and... Wait..."

Joey: "Wait? What do you mean wait, he's not going to do it, he can't guess what's in his extra deck."

Jack: "But he could?"

Joey: "What the hell are you talking about?"

Jack: "We know he has 3 skills, and we only know 1 of them. The one that lets him, change toon world. But, he sacrificed half his life points to activate a skill, one we haven't seen the effect of. That skill could let him see the extra deck cards or more."

Joey: "Oh... OH!! How is he this good already, it took me years to get to that level!!"

Jaden: "We'll, when we link we gain aspect of our character, he has Maxamillion Pegasus, creator of duel monsters. It makes sense how he would be so good."

Jack: "It also explains why you are so bad, you linked with Joey Wheeler."


Mc: "By banishing 1 monster from my graveyard, I can use it as fusion material. I chose Toon Dark Magician. I then use Blue Eyes toon dragon to summon, from your extra deck, Amulet Dragon."

Jumping out of the book was toon dark magician, it crawled up toon blue eye, so it was ridding it. They both got sucked up into the book. A card flew from Kaibas's extra deck to my hand. I place it down, summoning Amulet Dragon. The Toon book shook violently. Crawling from the pages was a giant blue dragon.

Mc: "Since Amulet dragon is not a toon, and was summoned through a quick effect, I get to attake you. Amulet dragon, attack Kaiba directly."

[Kaiba: 1500 --> 0]

Kaiba collapsed in the chair, huffing in slight annoyance, yet a grin twitched on his lips. Crossing his arms and closing his eyes, he began to laugh.

Kaiba: "Hah, finally. Someone who can actually play halfway decently. Even if your cards were a bit overpowered, you beat me on the third turn. I think that good enough."

Kaiba grabs a blue card, flipping it to me. Catching it in my fingers, surprising me at how I did so, I looked at the skill card.

Kaiba: "You won the duel, this means you get to pick a skill. I hope you chose these 4 wisely, they aren't easy to get. When you become your character, you'll have the base abilities, but the bare minimum. You can work to make these stronger, but it requires your input. This one, unlike your first three, will start off at max, so pick a good one, Maxamillion."

MC: "We'll, I think I have 1 already in mind. And it's right here!"

Joey: "Wait, if he's Pegasus, and getting a new skill, at max.... couldn't he get a skill that lets him create new cards at will?"

Jaden: "Oh, yeah! I could get him to make me some new cards! But I'll have to find him first!"

Jack: "Hmmm, he's going to be way too overpowered in the future."

Joey: "Future? He's OP right now, he's literally got toon force as cards!"

Rummaging through the skill cards, I found one that began to glow gold. Grading it, I smiled. I felt the power as the skill infused into me, I knew it by instinct.

[CARD CREATIONS(Active)(Legendary/Complete: "By using your ba, duel energy, chaos, or any other energy, you may create a new card, that never existed. Your only limitation is your imagination, and how much your soul can take" (Millennium Energy Detected; this will severely lessened strain) ]

Kaiba: "You passed, now it's time for your journey to begin. My guess is you'll probably appear in the duelist kingdom era, that's when he was most relevant."

Kaiba held out his hand for a handshake, with hundreds of thousands of ideas running through my head, the new card I could make. I stood up, and shook his hand, my body, glowing and slowly changing to that of Maxamillion Pegasus.

Pegasus: "Thank you for the duel, and I hope you have a good day.... hehe, my dear, Kaiba boy!"

The other three snorted, and Kaiba just sighed, probably expecting something like that. I felt the world dissipating, and it felt like I was waking up from a dream.

----------[Pov Change]----------

In a rather luxurious bed, made of fine red silk, rested a silver-haired man. He was wearing rather unique pajamas, with cartoonish versions of different duel monsters on them. Blinking open his one visible eye, he sat up and stretched. Yawning, he felt a bunch of memories rush through his head, the memories of a man named Maxamillion Pegasus, the name of the body, but not of its new


He remembered that Maxamillion made a duel with a goal of some sort, to let him be with his wife, in exchange, his body would be used by another, to help progress the world. While he lived in a new one, with his wife. The man smiled, haply he didn't just steal this Pegasus' body.

He stoops up, muscle memories and habits already ingrained into him, as he sorts through his mind.

Pegasus: "Soo, the duelist kingdom is still in development, not even implemented quite yet, that means I get to change a few things. I'll keep mostly everything the same, but I have a few new ideas. But that can wait, I want to create some new cards for the future duel city arc, since I won't have time during kingdom, to city. The old pegasus would never dare to mess with the Egyptian gods, but the new pegasus wants to create some controlled and fun chaos."

He smiled mischievously, as he walked out of his room. Walking throughout his mansion, he came to a special place, one where he would paint, and create and summon the duel spirits before they would be turned into cards. He went into the room, turning on the lights. On the wall, was and painting of a beautiful blond girl, under it were three smaller canvases covered by tarps. He reached up and took them off, a power washing the room, each holding an image of one of the Egyptian god cards.

He nodded to himself, before setting up his painting area, getting a canvas up with a chair, and special paints. He decided to tie his hair back, revealing an ancient Egyptian eye made from gold, replacing his left one. Grabbing the supplies, he let the skill activate, as energy and knowledge flow through him. Taking the ideas he had, slowly he painted what would be the base, his idea, where this knowledge and power would be based. Outside the windows, a storm brewed, as Thunder crashed like a roar of gods. The painting falls into a slightly shaded light, and the same on the man's face looks Slightly insane

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