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1.45% Neo Soul King Yhwach / Chapter 1: The Sword That Sealed My Fate [Reboot]

Capítulo 1: The Sword That Sealed My Fate [Reboot]

Author: Alright, so I was very tired while writing this reboot chapter so if you see any errors or problems when reading this don't worry I'll fix them tmr.

If you haven't read information then I suggest you do so since it's important.


As Yhwach steps into the swirling black portal, leaving Ichigo, Rukia, and Renji behind, he emerges in the Soul Society. The atmosphere was eerily quiet, as he stepped onto the familiar ground, Almost immediately, he was greeted by a calm, composed figure standing in his path.

Sitting before him on a confined chair-like throne was Sōsuke Aizen, a former captain of the Gotei 13 who had become one of Soul Society's most notorious traitors. Aizen's expression was calm, his eyes gleaming with a mix of amusement and curiosity.

"You're a sight for sore eyes," Yhwach said, a grin spreading across his face. "I never would have imagined that we'd cross paths again here in Soul Society."

As Aizen's lips curved into a faint smile, he began to speak with a tone of casual dominance. 

"I'd like to welcome you... to MY Soul Society."

Without any visible sign or warning, Aizen activated his Zanpakutō, Kyoka Suigetsu. The subtle yet potent illusion was cast over Yhwach, manipulating his perception with its extraordinary ability. Despite the lack of any noticeable change in the surroundings, Aizen's control over Yhwach's senses was in full effect.

Yhwach's grin widened, unperturbed by Aizen's declaration. He seemed to take pleasure in the tension of the moment, his anticipation mounting. Without hesitation, he unleashed a colossal surge of his Reiatsu, his power erupting with explosive force.

The immense wave of energy surged through the air, ripping through the surroundings with terrifying force. Multiple buildings were obliterated and reduced to rubble and dust in the wake of Yhwach's overwhelming power. The sheer magnitude of his Reiatsu blast shattered Aizen's restraints and obliterated the chair on which Aizen had been seated.

As the dust and debris from Yhwach's colossal Reiatsu blast settled, wooden planks and fragments of the destroyed buildings were sent flying through the air. The Soul Society was engulfed in a thick haze of dust and destruction, the once-quiet atmosphere now a chaotic maelstrom.

Yhwach stood amidst the devastation, his stance unshaken and imposing. Aizen, however, remained unscathed, having weathered the storm of energy with composure. The calm in his demeanor contrasted sharply with the wreckage around him.

"This is peculiar," Aizen began, his voice cutting through the settling dust. "I was certain that you were up above in Reiokyu, locked in fierce combat. From what I could gather, Kurosaki Ichigo gave you far more trouble than you bargained for."

Yhwach's eyes narrowed slightly at Aizen's words. "Don't project your own anxieties onto me. You were the one who was defeated by Kurosaki Ichigo," he retorted, his voice tinged with disdain.

Aizen's eyes narrowed slightly at Yhwach's words. "At any rate," he said, shifting the focus back to the present, "you have my eternal thanks for ridding me of that infernal chair."

With that, Aizen released a burst of Reiatsu, causing the surrounding dust to be forcefully expelled from the area. The sudden clearing of the debris revealed Aizen's renewed form, ready and resolute.

"Now," Aizen declared, "I have the means to stop you."

Yhwach felt Aizen's Reiatsu encircling him, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation. "You'd stand in my way?" Yhwach questioned, his voice tinged with disdain. "For the sake of Soul Society, I don't think that would be in your best interests."

Aizen's gaze remained unwavering as he replied, "This has nothing to do with interests. My only agenda is to eviscerate any who might try to rule over and control me."

Suddenly, Ichigo and Renji seemingly appear behind Yhwach, their expressions determined as they prepare to attack. Yhwach, however, anticipates their move via The Almighty. With a casual wave of his hand, he repels their assault effortlessly, his power making their attacks seem insignificant.

"I already foresaw this happening," Yhwach states calmly, turning to face them. "Ichigo, Renji. You arrived rather quickly. I have seen it all… that the two of you would come here."

Ichigo and Renji land on the ground, their resolve unshaken despite the immense power they're up against. Yhwach's gaze shifts to Ichigo, taking in the sight of his bruised and bloodied form.

"You would restore your blade to its full strength," Yhwach continues, his voice dripping with scorn. "Only to have it… shatter once again in your hands."

Ichigo looks down at Tensa Zangetsu, which has developed a large crack in the blade. Yhwach's words ring with cruel accuracy as he admits, "I was trying to destroy it completely just now. But it seems you possess truly accursed luck."

As Yhwach speaks, he raises his hand, surrounding it with reishi. His aura of darkness pulses around him, and he prepares to unleash another attack.

"You've got some rather annoying, persistent good fortune, Ichigo," Yhwach declares. With a swift motion, he launches an enormous blast of Reiatsu directly at Ichigo, the dark energy surging toward him with devastating force.

Yhwach's gaze remains fixed on Ichigo as the blast of darkness engulfs him. "You cannot hope to change anything, no matter when you arrive. You're nearly dead, Ichigo. I can't bear to see you like that. Why didn't you have Orihime Inoue heal you?"

Yhwach steps forward, each movement causing the dark, liquid-like Reiatsu around him to ripple. "Was she nearly dead as well? Or did you think it would be too late to pursue me after healing yourself?"

As Yhwach speaks, Renji's Zanpakutō, Zabimaru, rushes toward him in a desperate attack. Yhwach effortlessly repels it with a wave of his hand. "Though there's not a single thing you can change by being here," he says dismissively.

The same sentiment applies to Renji, who retracts his Zanpakutō as Yhwach turns his attention to him. "You too, Renji Abarai," Yhwach says, his tone conveying a sense of finality.

Renji, undeterred, leaps into the air, activating his Bankai with a fierce cry. 

"Bankai! Sōō Zabimaru!"

Before Renji can fully engage, Yhwach reacts with a swift, lethal motion. He slashes through Renji's left arm, severing it with ease. 

Renji looks at his severed arm in shock and pain. "Ugh… Damn it!" he exclaims, his voice filled with frustration and agony.

Yhwach's gaze remains cold and unwavering. "You still don't understand?" he says, his tone dripping with disdain. "Bankai is useless. Every Bankai has already been crushed in the future."

Raising his hand toward Renji, Yhwach continues, "Although I will... personally crush you two so you can understand!"

Suddenly, Aizen intervenes, his presence commanding and decisive. He holds Kyōka Suigetsu in hand, the subtle illusion it creates enveloping the area. Yhwach retracts his hand, his expression shifting to one of surprise and irritation. "AIZEN!" he shouts, his voice filled with frustration.

Yhwach's expression darkened as he sneered, "You're protecting Renji Abarai?! How amusing! Wasn't solidarity when faced with a common enemy... the behavior of losers that you despise so much?!"

Before Yhwach could react further, Aizen raised his hand and chanted.

"Hadō #99: Goryūtenmetsu! (五龍転滅, Five Swirling Dragons of Destruction )"

The ground around Aizen and Yhwach erupted as Hadō #99: Goryūtenmetsu took effect. Five colossal, light purple dragons emerged from the shattered earth, twisting and roaring with immense energy. The dragons soared into the sky, their presence commanding the battlefield with their sheer size and power. The area around Aizen was torn apart as the ground formed massive pillars, Aizen, wielding Kyōka Suigetsu with his right hand, lunges toward Yhwach.

"Let me ask you this, Sosuke Aizen," Yhwach said, turning his gaze toward the approaching Aizen. "Have you noticed… that you're Kyōka Suigetsu too… is already broken?"

Aizen's eyes widened in shock as he saw cracks forming on Kyōka Suigetsu, the illusionary power of his Zanpakutō unraveling before his eyes. Before Aizen could react further, Yhwach's left hand shot out, piercing through Aizen's stomach with brutal force. Blood sprayed from the wound, and a shockwave of energy blasted Aizen backward, sending him flying through the air in a crimson shower.

Yhwach watched with a cold, detached gaze as Aizen plummeted toward the ground below. "Don't bother," Yhwach said, his voice filled with the certainty of his omniscient foresight. "I saw this too."

Turning his attention to Ichigo, Yhwach's eyes narrowed as he noticed something amiss. Ichigo was missing an arm—the same arm Yhwach had severed from Renji. The remnants of Renji's Sōō Zabimaru were crumbling around Ichigo, but Yhwach paid it little mind. Instead, he focused on Ichigo's battered form.

Yhwach stepped forward and seized Tensa Zangetsu from Ichigo, a cruel smile spreading across his face. "How disappointed you must be," Yhwach said, his tone mocking. "You did well reading the situation and instantly shifting to fight alongside Sosuke Aizen. But not even Kyōka Suigetsu is a match against my power."

Yhwach's mind reeled back to his earlier actions. "It was Renji Abarai who I sent flying with my first blow," he recalled, his gaze cold and merciless. "And the one whose arm I severed with my next was you, Ichigo. I can see… all of it…"

With a sudden, brutal motion, Yhwach shattered Tensa Zangetsu, the blade breaking apart under his force. "It's over, Ichigo!" Yhwach declared with finality.

Ichigo's eyes widened in horror and disbelief as Yhwach's hand pierced through his torso, obliterating it with a single, merciless strike. Blood poured from the gaping wound, staining Yhwach's face and hand as Ichigo's body hung limply.

"Farewell, Ichigo… Your resistance was soothing," Yhwach said coldly, preparing to unleash his full power to obliterate both Ichigo and the entire Soul Society.

But then, a different voice echoed from Ichigo's mouth—Aizen's voice. 

"I see… So I appear to you as Ichigo Kurosaki."

Yhwach's eyes snapped to the source of the voice, and to his shock, he saw not Ichigo, but Aizen standing where Ichigo had been. Aizen's smile was cold and knowing as he placed his hand over Yhwach's, which was still embedded in his torso.

The realization hit Yhwach with full force. He had been deceived by Kyōka Suigetsu's illusion, manipulated by Aizen's Zanpakutō ability while relying on The Almighty's foresight. The truth of the situation unraveled in Yhwach's mind, a grim acknowledgment of the one detail he had overlooked: Aizen's Zanpakutō had been affecting his perception throughout the battle.

As Ichigo's Getsuga Tenshō tears through Yhwach, his body dissolves into a puddle of dark Reiatsu. Aizen, having observed the confrontation with a calculating gaze, comments, "Not bad… Good job instantly reacting to my Kyōka Suigetsu."

Ichigo looks down at the puddle of Reiatsu, trying to catch his breath. "I felt something strange while making my way here to Soul Society," Ichigo says, his eyes reflecting the intensity of the battle. "That same feeling I got when you cast Kyōka Suigetsu on everybody."

Aizen nods, a faint smile on his lips. "That's right. I released Kyōka Suigetsu before you all arrived here… And… I was convinced I could interfere with his vision of the future with my Kyōka Suigetsu." Aizen pauses, his expression darkening slightly. "I didn't think keeping Kyōka Suigetsu's release hidden from you would come in handy like this."

But before Aizen can elaborate further, a mass of black Reiatsu erupts around him. "AIZEN!!" Ichigo yells in alarm, as the dark energy envelops Aizen.

Yhwach, having been revived, emerges from the black Reiatsu, his form reforming with an aura of grim determination. "Did you really think… that something of that caliber would be enough to kill me?" Yhwach taunts, his eyes fixed on Ichigo. "My power alters the future. I can even rewrite the future in which I have died."

Ichigo's eyes widen in shock as Yhwach's power intensifies. He attempts to strike, but Yhwach effortlessly blasts Tensa Zangetsu away, sending it crashing to the ground. "Don't bother!!" Yhwach declares, his Reiatsu spreading out to engulf Ichigo.

Yhwach's dark Reiatsu wraps around Ichigo, creeping toward the Shakonmaku and partially encasing his body. "Both the Human World and Soul Society will become one before my power!" Yhwach roars. "THIS IS THE END—THE LIVING WORLD, THE SOUL SOCIETY. IT WILL ALL LOSE SHAPE AND BECOME ONE WHEN FACED WITH MY POWER!!"

Suddenly, Uryū Ishida appears, firing a sharp arrowhead of Still Silver through Yhwach's chest. "What… is this?" Yhwach murmurs, looking down in disbelief.

Ichigo's gaze shifts to Uryū, his voice filled with hope. "Uryū…"

Uryū, recalling his father's explanation, mutters, "I heard Souken utter these words once…"

'The Silver that forms as a result of Auswählen is referred to as Still Silver. And, if mixed with the blood of the one who activated the Auswählen… can, for a brief moment… cease to exist.'

Ichigo, seizing the opportunity, grabs Tensa Zangetsu and prepares to strike. "NOW! KUROSAKI!!" Uryū commands.

With Yhwach's Reiatsu receding, the darkness around him dissipates. Yhwach's face twists with fury. "So what if you managed to stop my powers… for just an instant?!" he shouts.

Ichigo leaps toward Yhwach, his resolve steeled. As Yhwach attempts to break Tensa Zangetsu once more, the blade's white portion crumbles, revealing Ichigo's original Shikai within. Yhwach's eyes widen in realization.

Yhwach's thoughts raced. Zangetsu... Of course. So what I saw at that time was the future seen with my own eyes. I thought it was a dream you made me see... Haschwalth.

As Yhwach's vision clears, he faces Ichigo's final strike. The sheer force of Ichigo's attack rips through Yhwach, his body bifurcated, and the future he sought to rewrite shattered.

As Yhwach's body began to disperse, his form shifting into dark particles that swirled and faded away, he made a final, desperate grab for Ichigo's blade. His voice, tinged with both anger and resignation, echoed through the battlefield.

Yhwach began to speak one last time to Ichigo, his voice resonating with the weight of his fallen ambition. 

"The path has now closed. Ichigo. The path to a world without fear. The Human World, Soul Society, Hueco Mundo. They belong together as one. They should have been brought together, so that life and death may mingle as one. But now that path exists no longer. All thanks to you, Ichigo. How disappointing. Because of you, life and death will not lose their form. All living things will continue to live their lives in fear of death... for all eternity."

[ Scene Break Location: Muken 10 Years After Yhwach's Defeat. ]

In Muken, deep within the confines of the Soul Society's deepest prison, Aizen sits in contemplative silence. His mind, ever perceptive, senses the vanishing Reiatsu. The disturbance reaches him even in his isolated state, and he remains still as he processes the significance of this change.

Aizen's gaze remains fixed on the ground, his expression a mix of contemplation and faint amusement. "Yhwach," he murmurs, his voice echoing softly in the emptiness of Muken. "You desired a world where fear would no longer be a burden. But in a world without fear of death, people would never attain the hope found in casting their fears aside and persevering through them."

Aizen's voice grows colder, tinged with philosophical insight.

"While it is true that people can continue to press forward through the simple act of living, that is in no way comparable to marching forward in the face of death, while doing their damndest to keep it at bay. That is why… that is why people have given that very march a unique and special name."


[ Scene Break Location: ?̵̨̡̢̡̛̛̺̱̖͔̻͈̮̙͙͙̭̳̬̩͉͙͇̰̤̹̻̖̠̔̆̍̾͋̇̑̀̈͐̐̎̾̾̽͐͋͌̾̊͗̑̈̓̓̓̏͒̊͑̅̈́̈́͛̀̾̿̄͘͝͝͠͝͝ͅ?̵̢̧̨̮̭̣̹͙͇̫̭̗̣̫̮͙̩̖͕̱̦̠͕̦̱̦̱̩͔̠͈̫͈̝̬̞̤̙̮͉̪̭̘͋͒̌̈̎̓͒̈́͋̓̿̊͋̇̀̈́͆̔̔̋̊̔̍͒͒̿̾̾̀̉̽͘͘̕̕͜͠͝?̷̡̨̡̨̛͍̠̫͖̹̳͍̰̗̱̳̜̲̼̮̣̺̭͍̗̩̱͈͈̱̮̼̫̙̘͉̩̣̺̼̠͌́̿̍̏͌̋́́̓́͛̿̍͊̏̊̅̓̄͆̿̅͋͛̉̍͊̒̑͆̓͐̈́͛̊̂̈̐͊̍̕̚̕͘͜͝͝͠͝Ţ̵̛͇͇̣̤̞͐͌͛̀̈̊͗̈́̏̔̃̔͝͝ḧ̶̨̗̟̞͈͚̥́͌ē̴̝̥͇̺̻̻̬̯̜̹̺̻̺͕͍̹̝̣͉̠͈̝̜͕̮̟̞̈̈́̋̔̇̆̏͌́̒̂̚̚͜͠ͅ ̸͕͍̳̻̣̝͍̱͉̫͖̪̩̾̏̓̑̈́̍̏͂́̃́̓̂̄̌̌̎͋̃̋̇̈͒̓̌̽̉͗̓̃̊̾͋̕̚̕̚͝ͅD̵̢̡̧̧̢̛̻̮͕̘͎̣̘̥̹̼̺̳̺̼̦͖̗̘͔͚̠̪̲̘͕̙̻̜͎̱̻͚̻̮̫͈̰̪̪̻͑̆̀͑͂̐̈́̒̈́͗́͗̃͊̈́͒̎̈́̋̃͋̏̀̃̂̓̇͘̕͜͝͠ͅͅą̴̨͖̼̹̘̼̳̳̖̘̦̪̖̯͓̯̞̱͚̻̥̍̒̂́̐̊̔̈́͂̽͆̃̒̍̀̓̋͋̾̐̃̂͋̿̊̿̒̈͒̑̈͒̑̕̕͝͝͝͝͠͠͝ŗ̷̧̡̦̹̝̘̤͍̱̗͚̭̦̮͉̟̻̰̼̖̯͓͉͇͍͕́̐̌̑͑̎͑́̔͂̂̅̑̎̚͠͠͝ǩ̸̮̃͒̀̓̅̍͂̋̉̊̄̊͛͆̋̋͂̃͗͐̈́́̑̂̇̃̾̚͝͝͝͝͝ ̷̥̠̦̖̖͎̣̗̱͙̺̯̺̱̠͎͇͍̥͔̩̪̌͑͒͐̂̀͊͒̐̎̒̅̋͗̎̔̓͂͂̉̅̍͋͋̀̈́̇̉̉̒̈́̄́̾̍͗̽͑̽͋͐̍͘̚͠͝ͅV̴̡̧̢̬̝̥͍̥̗͚͕̖̘͂̓̈́̇̎͜͜͜ͅơ̶̧̢̢̧̧̥͓͕̪̤̬̜̦̙͕̘͇̟̟̯̩̬̤͇̣̘̦̈́́͑͊̃͛͌̾̊̓̏͊̿̊̉̚͜͠͝͝͝ͅį̸̧̧̝̘͈͓̗̭̲͍̣̘̲̬̠̰̙̠̟̩̤̲̖̣͔̝̪̲͍̞̪̼̮͇͓͙̰͈̻͔̜̯̝̈́́̆͌̌̍̓͋̀̊́͛̓̃͂̇̈͑̔̅̓̅̂͑̇͛̀́̏̐̑̕ͅͅͅḓ̸̨̨͙̯̟̻̀́́̇͌̐̌̍̿̊̎̋̔͛̿͂̔̇̈̇̒͐̈̇̊͑͂̽́̍̊́͑̚͝͝?̵̢̧̫̭͖̯̱̞̙̼̬̲͕̩̖̹͚̜̱̱̭͎̤̜̦̺̪͔̩̰͇̪̙̥̥̻̼̽̓͆͑̀̒͝͝ͅ?̶̢̧̧̨̨̗̖̙̹̮̦̱̯̹͖̘̝̦͓͔̺̣̓̓̈́̐̈̔̈͋̌̉̄̊͂́̔̐̓̒̃̊̉̿̿̎̒̀̽̈́̏͌̉̂̒́͂̅͌̈́̽͛̈́͒̐̓̚͝?̴̪̤̰̠͎̭̳͇̦͍̹̠̗̙̯͚̗͖̫̦̘̻̞̾͌̊̀͆̆̀̑̐̾̋͆̐͒͒̃̒͊͂̀̊̓́̓̃̇̇̎̀̌̍͐̊̕͘͘̚͜͜͝͠ͅ ]













Yet Darker...






A silent void, like an empty dimension, without sound, without ground, just expansive and eternal nothingness.

Yhwach opened his eyes, waking up lazily as if coming out of a beautiful dream, sitting on the expansive nothingness and still with the same dominant posture, he looked at the endless darkness with contemplation, as if there was something there that could draw the attention of an entire crowd...

Yhwach's eyes scanned the endless void, a place where neither light nor sound seemed to exist. The darkness was so profound it felt almost tangible, yet there was an undeniable sense of familiarity. It was as if he had been here before, or perhaps, always had been.

Yhwach's mind races as he tries to piece together the events leading up to his current situation. He remembers the battle with Ichigo, Aizen's intervention, and the seemingly lethal attack from Ichigo. But what truly strikes him now is the profound emptiness around him.

He could still feel the sting of defeat, the sensation of being outmaneuvered despite his foresight. It was a bitter pill to swallow. His defeat had not only shattered his ambitions but also pushed him into this disorienting realm of nothingness.

Yhwach's mind churned, trying to find solace in the thought of using The Almighty ten years from now to bring himself back to Soul Society and exact his revenge. He reassured himself that all was not lost, that his defeat was merely a temporary setback.

However, his thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a voice echoing through the void. 

"Your plan failed, to say the least."

Yhwach's eyes snapped open, and in front of him stood a figure that bore a striking resemblance to Rei-O. This being, however, was different. His hair was white, as were the four irises in his eyes. He wore a gray suit, an unusual attire for someone who resembled Rei-O.

Yhwach's mind raced back to the moment he killed and absorbed Rei-O. "This is impossible," he muttered. "I absorbed you."

The figure regards Yhwach with an expression of mild amusement. "You may have absorbed the original, but I am not him. I am R-1, the first clone of the Rei-o. intended to manage certain… things."

Yhwach's expression hardens as he absorbs the information. "A clone, you say? The question then becomes: what purpose does this imitation serve, and why reveal it now?"

"Watch it," R-1 said suddenly, a flicker of mischief in his voice. Before Yhwach could react, R-1 extended his hand and gently tapped Yhwach on the forehead. The gesture was light, but it carried a surprising weight.

Yhwach's eyes narrowed in irritation, his gaze snapping to R-1. "How dare you—"

R-1 cut him off with a languid, almost bored tone. "Technically speaking, I am Rei-O and yet not quite. just call me Uncle."

Yhwach's eyes narrowed, a mix of irritation and disbelief crossing his features. "Uncle?" he repeated, his tone dripping with disdain. "You must be joking. Why should I address you with such a trivial term?"

R-1's smile remained unfazed, his posture relaxed as if he were entirely at ease in this strange dimension. "It's a form of respect, or perhaps a form of mocking," R-1 replied smoothly.

As R-1's finger pointed silently, signaling Yhwach to address him as "Uncle", Yhwach's eyes flared with irritation. "I won't be calling you that," he said coldly.

R-1's smile remained unfazed, and he responded with a casual shrug. "Fine then. I'm not answering any of your questions. I'm leaving."

As R-1 turned to depart, Yhwach's voice stopped him. "Wait."

R-1 looked back, noticing Yhwach's head bowed, hiding his face. "What is it?" R-1 asked, his tone carrying a hint of curiosity.

Yhwach's voice was low and reluctant as he spoke, "Uncle."

R-1's expression brightened slightly. "That's much better. Was that so hard?" he remarked, catching a glimpse of Yhwach's deadly glare.

"Alright," R-1 said, waving his hand in a gesture of concession. "Ask your questions."

Yhwach took a deep breath, his gaze fixed on R-1. "What did you mean when you said that my plan failed?"

R-1's expression turned serious as he explained, "In ten years, the plan you devised won't work. Ichigo defeated you ten years prior, and because of that, the Reiatsu you intended to use will vanish altogether."

Yhwach's eyes narrowed as he absorbed R-1's words. "I see... Do you know a way out of this place?" he asked, his tone heavy with both frustration and curiosity.

R-1 tilted his head slightly, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "There are indeed multiple ways out, but you must consider a few important factors. Once you've died and Squad Zero has used your body as a vessel for their new Linchpin, your options become quite limited."

Yhwach's gaze remained steely. "And if I manage to escape despite that?"

R-1's smile returned, though it was tinged with a hint of caution. "If you were to escape, you wouldn't be as strong as you once were. You'd be weak and on the brink of dying shortly after I revived you. I could also reincarnate you into a Shinigami, but that would be problematic for several reasons. You're already aware of the limitations of such a reincarnation."

Yhwach's eyes flashed with a mix of anger and calculation. "So, you're saying that even if I manage to escape this void, I'll be severely compromised."

R-1 nodded, his expression serious. "Precisely. Your strength, as you knew it, would be significantly diminished. It would be a struggle to regain your former power, and the process of reincarnation would introduce its own set of challenges."

Yhwach's mind raced as he processed this new information. The thought of being weakened, of losing his formidable power, was a bitter pill to swallow. He glanced at R-1, a flicker of determination in his eyes. "And what if I refuse to accept these conditions? Is there no other option for me?"

R-1's gaze softened slightly, but his tone remained matter-of-fact. "Refusing to accept the conditions won't change the reality of your situation. You can either find a way to work within these constraints or accept your fate in this dimension. The choice is ultimately yours."

Yhwach sighed, the weight of his predicament pressing down on him. "You mentioned there's a way out, but with conditions. What are they?" His tone was a mix of weary resignation and sharp curiosity.

R-1's expression remained calm, a faint smile playing on his lips. "There is indeed a way," he began, "but you'll need to agree to several conditions."

Yhwach raised an eyebrow, signaling R-1 to continue.

R-1 gestured expansively as if presenting a grand offer. "I can send you to a different world—one that is entirely separate from the worlds you know."

Yhwach's eyes narrowed. "Different world? How different? Is it the world of the living?"

R-1 shook his head, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Not the world of the living you know of. This world has no Reishi, no spiritual powers. It's populated solely by normal human beings."

Yhwach's mind raced as he considered the implications. There has to be a catch. "What's the catch?"

R-1's smile widened, acknowledging Yhwach's skepticism. "There is a catch, indeed. The world you'll be sent to will enter a new age, one from which there may be no return. You'll be cast into a time of transition where everything is changing."

Yhwach's gaze was unwavering as he pressed on. "Will I be able to leave that world, should I find it... unappealing?"

R-1's smile faded slightly, replaced by a more somber expression. "Who knows? The truth is, it depends on you. This will be our first—and possibly our last—encounter. I'm granting you this request because you freed the original Soul King from his tormented state. If you manage to adapt and find a way to navigate this new world, perhaps you might find a means to change your fate."

Yhwach's eyes bore into R-1's, weighing his options. "So, if I accept, I'll be cast into a world where I'll have to live without my powers. A world that might be my prison or my opportunity, depending on how I handle it?"

R-1 nodded. "Precisely. It's a gamble, but it's the only chance you have. Consider it a test of your adaptability and resilience."

Yhwach's expression hardened with resolve. Despite the uncertainty and the potential loss of his former power, the prospect of a new world was intriguing. "Very well. I accept your conditions. Send me to this world."

R-1's smile broadened as he reached into the folds of his gray suit. With a smooth motion, he produced an old, weathered bottle. The glass was tinted with age, and the cork was slightly askew. Within the bottle was a rolled-up piece of parchment.

R-1 tossed the bottle to Yhwach, who caught it with a flicker of curiosity. His eyes locked onto R-1, filled with questions.

"Why are you giving me this?" Yhwach demanded, holding up the bottle.

R-1's expression was inscrutable as he replied, "You'll understand once you read it in the world I'm sending you to. For now, heed this warning: be very cautious. In that world, even a single bite could end your life."

Yhwach's brow furrowed in confusion. "A bite? What are you talking about?"

R-1 simply offered a faint, cryptic smile. "I suggest you focus on surviving your new circumstances rather than questioning them now. Time is not on your side."

Before Yhwach could respond further, a swirling blue light began to form beneath him. The energy coalesced into a vibrant portal, casting an intense azure glow. The surrounding void flickered as the portal's light intensified, enveloping Yhwach in its brilliance.

R-1's gaze remained fixed on Yhwach, his voice taking on a final, enigmatic tone. "You have no more time for questions. The portal will take you to your new world. Make sure to read that parchment carefully, and remember my warning."

Yhwach looked up at R-1, but the enigmatic figure was already beginning to fade into the darkness of the void. "Wait!" Yhwach called out, but his voice was swallowed by the increasing luminosity of the portal.

The blue light expanded rapidly, engulfing Yhwach completely. With a final, fleeting glimpse of R-1's fading figure, Yhwach was pulled into the swirling vortex. The sensation was disorienting, a tumultuous blend of motion and light, until everything finally went white.

R-1 closed his eyes, the ambient light of the void dimming around him. As if in response to an unseen presence, he murmured.

 "You heard everything, didn't you?"

[ Scene Break Location: ??? ]

One day during the summer of 2003, the world as we knew it changed forever. On that fateful day, Lee Everett thought his life was over. He had no idea that it was beginning anew.

A week or so in and out of courtrooms and police lockup had placed him in the back of a police car bound for Merriweather County Correctional Facility. His fate was sealed: 25 to life for the second-degree murder of an elected official. It was a terrible mistake, but hindsight was 20/20. He couldn't do anything about it now, after all. His hands were cuffed and the car was driving along the 20. Escape was impossible, not that he'd considered it beyond passing thought. He had no desire to live life on the run.

The cop in the front seat adjusted the rear-view mirror. Lee could see himself if he leaned at the right angle. He'd always taken pride in his appearance, keeping his hair short and his beard well-trimmed. As a professor, it was important to make a good impact on his students. He supposed it didn't matter much anymore.

"Well, I reckon you didn't do it, then." The cop said, both a southern accent and condescension heavy in his voice. Lee internally scoffed at the whole scene. It was rather stereotypical: a black man in the backseat of a police car being driven by a white cop. It was a situation he swore he'd never find himself in, at least not due to his own actions. That held up well.

"Does it really matter?" Lee said, staring into the rear-view mirror, defeat and annoyance in his voice.

"I've driven a bunch of folks down to this here prison," The cop explained. "Lord knows how many…" he added under his breath. "'bout now's when I usually get the 'I didn't do it.'"

"And what do you say?" Lee replied, experimentally, wanting to test the waters with this man.

"I say: 'Yep, I know you didn't.'" The cop said, not taking his eyes off the road.

The car was silent save for the noise of the engine and the chattering over the cop's radio. Lee looked out the window, taking in the greenery of Atlanta's surrounding forestry and clear blue of the sky. He had to take it in now. He probably wouldn't be seeing it for a while. Another cop car sped down the road, heading toward Atlanta. Lee followed it with his eyes. There weren't enough cops in the city?

"Followed up on yer case a little bit, you bein' a Macon boy an' all." The cop broke the silence.

"You're from Macon, then?" Lee went along with it, trying to keep in the cop's good graces.

"Yup!" The cop perked up. "Left and moved t'Atlanta to be a city cop in the 70's. Always wanted to work a murder case, like that whole senatorial business you got yerself mixed up in." He paused. "With all due respect." The cop looked back at Lee, pity in his eyes. "Real shame, too. Mah whole family used t'be regulars at yer parents' drug store. It still there?"

"Sure is." Lee's mood had brightened before immediately turned dour once again at the mention of his parents. They were the first ones he called when he'd gotten arrested. They asked if he'd done it. He answered truthfully, and that was the end of it.

"Good." The cop said, turning back to the road. "They're good folks."

"Yeah." Lee looked out the window again. "They are."

"Got a nephew up at UGA, you teach there long?" The cop asked.

"Going on my sixth year." Lee answered, as if that mattered anymore.

"You meet yer wife in Athens?" The cop looked in the mirror, seeing a very dour-looking Lee. His expression softened slightly. "You wanna know how I see it?"

"I got much choice?" Lee tried not to snap.

"Nope." The cop opened his mouth to talk, but seeing the venomous look in Lee's eyes prompted him to quit while he was ahead, returning his attention once again to the road. "Regardless, it could be you just married the wrong woman."

Lee silently agreed, fuming to himself as he recalled discovering her in bed with that man. After that, none of that fucker's money, titles, or importance mattered. Pure, instinctual rage took hold and before anyone knew what was going on, there was one dead body, one shocked woman, and Lee covered in blood.

Lee was pulled from his thoughts by the loud whooshing of helicopter blades. Sure enough, a chopper was flying right overhead, zoning in on Atlanta. On the road, three more cop cars and an ambulance sped past, sirens blaring. Lee was almost thankful he was driven out of Atlanta when he was. He didn't want to know what warranted that mind of force.

"I'm drivin' this man once, now he was the worst one! He just wouldn't stop goin' on about how he didn't do it!" The cop pulled Lee from his thoughts with his story. His radio buzzed to life, but he shut it off in annoyance. "Then he starts kickin' the seat like-like a fussy baby on an airplane! I tell him he's gotta stop, that it's government property and I'll be forced to zap him otherwise."

Lee turned his attention back to the cop, interested in where this story was going. "So, he stops and, having exhausted all his options, he starts cryin' out for her mama! 'Mama! It's all a big mistake! It wasn't me!'"

Lee scoffed. "So, did he do it?" he asked, almost sarcastically.

"Did he!?" The cop sounded incredulous at the question. "They caught the fucker red-handed, stabbin' his wife, cuttin' her up as the boys came through the door! He sits there in my car screamin' bloody murder that it wasn't him! I think he actually believed it himself." The cop looked almost sad as he continued. "It goes to show…some people will up and go mad when they think their life is over."

Lee looked down to his bound hands, contemplating the cop's words. Would he go mad? No. He promised himself that. No matter what happened in prison, he would keep his head. He would go out as himself, no matter what.

Perhaps sensing Lee's discomfort, the cop looked back and began speaking again. "I got another one for ya, and this one's bit more hilarious and bit less depressing…"

Lee's attention drifted from the cop's story as his gaze was drawn to the window next to him. Outside, a brilliant blue pillar of light pierced through the greenery and the blue sky, its intensity contrasting starkly with the calm summer day. Lee's mouth opened slightly in astonishment.

"What the hell…" he muttered under his breath, his eyes widening at the unnatural sight. The light was so vivid it seemed almost to pulse with energy, and its sudden appearance was both mesmerizing and alarming.

The cop, noticing Lee's distraction, glanced in the direction Lee was looking. His eyes followed the line of Lee's gaze and widened as he spotted the blue pillar of light. "What in the—" he began, but his voice trailed off as he quickly turned his head back to the road.

Before Lee could respond, he caught sight of something even more startling through the windshield. Standing in the middle of the road, directly in the path of the speeding police car, was a figure. It was hard to make out any details due to the bright blue light surrounding them, but the silhouette was unmistakably human.

Lee's heart skipped a beat. The figure was motionless, seemingly unaffected by the approaching vehicle. Lee's eyes darted between the blue pillar and the figure, a sense of impending danger setting in.

"Watch out!" he called, but it was too late. Both Lee and the cop were thrown forward as the car collided with the person, cracking the windshield and smearing it with blood. The cop lost control of the steering wheel and the car veered off the road, tumbling into the brush and sending both its' driver and passenger flying about the interior as it rolled down the incline with sickening crashes all the way down. Lee hit his head on the roof and everything went black.

[ Timeskip: Sometime Later ] 

When Lee regained consciousness, the first thing he felt was a burning pain in his leg. He let out a cry of pain and clutched the source with his still-cuffed hands. He opened his eyes to find a nasty cut oozing blood on his right thigh. There was a very noticeable red stain running up his blue jeans. It took him a moment to process the direction the blood was going. He was upside-down, as was the car. Memories of the car crash came flooding back. He looked around, doing his best to get himself upright given the cramped quarters of the back seat. Managing to get his bottom on the ground, Lee took in his surroundings, taking stock of his options.

To the right of the car, Lee could see the hill he'd tumbled down and the broken remains of the barrier separating the road from the bush through the cracked glass of the window. Out the right window, he could just make out the cop against the surrounding forest. The man was lying on the ground, unmoving. Lee swallowed the instinctual fear that came from seeing that, for he had other problems to deal with. If his leg wasn't treated soon, it would become infected. His hands were still cuffed, and if the keys were anywhere, they'd be on the cop's belt.

Lee began putting together a plan to escape the cop car. Opening the doors was out of the question, obviously. The front doors would be unlocked, but the cage separating the back seat from the front was secured tight, so that was a no-go. All that was left was the back windows. One of them was already cracked. That was his way out.

Using his bound hands to pull himself along the seats, Lee raised his good leg and thrust forward, causing the glass to crack just a little bit more. Pulling back, Lee kicked once again, pushing the window pane back a little. He took a moment to breathe, hoping against hope that the window would break soon. He wasn't sure how much longer he could last in this tin can. It was beginning to feel smaller every second. Thankfully, his next kick was enough to shatter the window. Lee allowed himself a "Yes!" in victory as he wiggled himself into the right position to hoist himself out of the broken window.

Careful not to cut his hands on glass shards, Lee hoisted himself out of the car, nearly falling onto his head in the process. Pulling himself to his feet, he groaned at the pain in his leg. Looking down, Lee found his blood running again. Gritting his teeth, Lee shifted his weight to his good leg and leaned on the car as he rounded it to inspect the fallen cop. Outside the car, Lee could see an obvious trail of blood behind the cop. Lee shuddered but knew that he had to get closer.

Ever so slowly, Lee shuffled his way to the cop's prone figure. It looked as though he tried to crawl away from the wreck before succumbing to his injuries. Lee noticed the cop's shotgun lying on the ground next to the derelict car. Why would he need that? Lee surveyed his surroundings, finding no other signs of life in the area. Uneasy, Lee leaned down as best he could with only one good leg to get a good look at the cop's belt. As he thought, a ring of keys was attached to it. Lee grabbed it, fiddling with the keys until he found the one that unlocked his cuffs. He sighed with relief as his wrists were freed, now formulating a plan for what he would do next. First, he would find treatment for his leg, then he would report the car crash and dead cop. He might go back to jail, but at least his standing with the law wouldn't get any worse.

As Lee was beginning to stand up, feeling the weight of his injury and the urgency of his situation, a sudden, sharp impact struck him directly in the face. The force made his head spin and sent him stumbling backward. He barely managed to regain his balance before looking up to see who or what had struck him.

Lee looked up, his vision blurry but gradually clearing. Standing before him was a figure who seemed to defy all logic. The man was tall and imposing, with long hair and a calm expression. The man wore a white trench coat that seemed almost ceremonial, with large buttoned cuffs and a symbol emblazoned on the chest. The coat was buttoned up neatly, and his white trousers and trench boots completed the look.

Lee's disoriented mind struggled to process the sight before him. The man's resemblance to classic depictions of Jesus was uncanny. In his confused state, Lee blurted out, "Jesus?"

The figure looked down at Lee with a calm, detached gaze. "Never heard of him," he replied smoothly. The tone was neither dismissive nor mocking, just flatly indifferent.

Lee's eyes widened as he took in the full details of the stranger's appearance. This was no ordinary person. His attire and demeanor hinted at something much greater, something beyond the realm of ordinary experience. Before Lee could react further, the figure—who was none other than Yhwach—reached down and picked up the shotgun from the ground.

Yhwach's gaze was cold and calculating as he aimed the shotgun directly at Lee's head. The weapon was steady in his hands, and the look in his eyes spoke volumes of the danger Lee was now facing.


A) Kill Lee Everett: Yhwach uses his Soul Distribution Power to absorb knowledge from Lee, quickly gaining insights about the world. This option allows Yhwach to understand his new surroundings and plan his next steps with the advantage of acquired knowledge.

B) Spare Lee Everett: Yhwach decides to let Lee live and offers him a chance to guide him through this new world. By sparing Lee, Yhwach gains a potential ally who could help him navigate his new environment, but it also means he might have to navigate challenges without immediate access to detailed knowledge.

Relationships (Yhwach):

Lee Everett: 1/10

You've just encountered Lee Everett, and your opinion of him is yet to be formed. While you have no personal connection at this point, he could potentially become a valuable asset or ally, depending on how you choose to interact with him.


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