/ Games / Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind Original

Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Games 342 Capítulos 2.0M Visitas
Autor: Anone

4.49 (81 valoraciones)

Nomination Award for WSA 2020 Contest Nomination Award for WSA 2020 Contest

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Some time in the future Humanity conquers death! life continues, on and on in the endless stretches of a virtual paradise called Elysium. or at least that's what the Brochures used to stay.

Elysium was no different from Earth, the only difference is that with each new reincarnation, you get a chance to live differently, better, and a chance to achieve more with pieces of your memories from your old life intact.

But Elysium needs balance, why? no one really knows. but to keep that balance the death classes were created, and any who comes to posses such class or the traits that come with it; gains the ability to deliver the (True Death) a fitting end to immortality and endless life. and as such people with these classes are feared and hated.

Now Rezar is spawned in a prison mine to serve a sentence of all eternity and all reincarnations as a slave. and all for a crime he doesn't remember commiting but knows that he did, now forced to live based on consequences from a life he also doesn't remember. but he tries to look at the bright side, there's much to achieve........the only downside would be the fear people have for him, after all.........who would want to shake hands with the Son Of Death.

The cover image is made by UFAN studios!


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Please check out my other WSA novel Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

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  1. Brian_Liston
    Brian_Liston Contribuido 5857
  2. JayB
    JayB Contribuido 5237
  3. Cgutta72
    Cgutta72 Contribuido 4356


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    • Calidad de escritura
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    • Desarrollo de la Historia
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    I know that literally everyone says this but I still feel the need to say it again :), but I usually don't write reviews for novels, I only write them for novels that I really enjoy or really good ones that I feel deserve more attention than they deserve. This novel fits both of those categories, so I'd strongly recommend it. Its about a necromancer but with a unique take on it. Grammar wise, I will occasionally see a word or two spelled wrong but other than that its great.

    Ver 5 respuestas
    LV 15 Badge

    There are allot of problems in this novel. Feels like wasted potential. First of the MC is stupid like almost brain dead when the author wants to make him out to be a genius. When in reality he is fucking retarded. He also gets walked over for the first 60+ chapters. The female "guardian" like the girl who is running the prison ****es him over a few times yet mc lets it go like noting happened.... Like totally forgotten not mentioned again. Lets not forget she helped in his execution, did not help him, beaten him half to death a few times, ****ed him over a few more times,.... And MC lets it go like noting happened.... For some reason mc asks her to join his "team" later. Are we supposed to forget all the shit she did to him? MC also acts arrogant for no reason when he is still a slave. Thinks he acts smug when he is still making money for the guy who killed him and acts all high and mighty for no reason. A few more problems are that the author makes allot of mistakes, and likes to keep the mc weak. MC levels up but author casually forgets about it and then lets mc level it up again and thus waste exp. And one of the biggest brain farts about this is when he finally uses his exp after not using it for no reason (to make the mc even more weak then he already is) he puts all his exp in like the slave "class" and then removes the class 30 minutes later (legit next chapter). So the author is just keeping mc weak for no reason and its really annoying at this point. Like imagine watching mc grind (even thou he is already stacking a shit ton exp but does not use it because "reasons") and then your reward is watching him basically delete the exp. And then he acts all high and mighty thinking he is a genius.... Author also can't remember his Tiers, like T1 <25 / T2 25-50 / T3 ... Then he ****ed it up the next time becouse he can't remember what he said the previous chapter. Also the later chapters are full of useless system text stuff just to run up word count. Chapters are also really short, there is like no substance in the chapters except useless system info. For example mc walking then rest of the chapter is his stills that author never uses because he thinks it will be to confusing for him to remember.... Also the R18 tag is a ? The only thing we got is that the guy who killed mc slept with the guardian (well that's in plied at least). All in all i'm super disapointed. I expected a badass MC but what we got is a whimp who gets walked all over and does not take revenge. I still can't belive he put all his exp in slave that he saved from like 25 chapters and then removes the class. Like i think this novel will turn out in a shitty hero saves the world kind of garbadge. Writing Quality ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Stability of Updates ⭐⭐⭐ Story Development⭐⭐⭐ Character Design⭐⭐ World Background⭐⭐⭐ Like MC is way to softhearted for this kind of novel I expected some dark stuff but mc can't even take revenge now so idk what it will turn out to be later in the novel. Also I think I read somewhere author does not want mc to be the owner of slaves??? LIke he can't be the reason for slaves? Are you for real what kind of garbage shit is that! Novel is full of slaves but mc can't own any? It should be one of his skills yet he can't be the reason for slaves ....... Also the dark classes are supposed to be feared yet everyone and there Nan shits on mc. Its like author just forgot about the perks. I feel like there is no progression. MC should be a dark necromancer yet he kills no1 and only has "monsters" under his control why no humans? Also the caps are hard to read.

    Ver 19 respuestas
    LV 13 Badge

    Alright let's see........I've wanted to write a necromancer novel for a very long time, just haven't been able to properly craft an idea and a plot. But not just that I wanted to do something a little different than the norm. Our necromancer is not out for world domination, or revenge, or anything grand. He just wants a simple, free and adventurous life. But of course for those of you who know me, that ain't happening. A vampire that's a necromancer, that just wants a simple life and someone to share it with. Fate will always have different plans, and I would very much like if you guys go on this journey with me. But fair warning, this novel is dark, while the main character is no edge Lord, there are themes so dark in this novel, many would be uncomfortable. Rape, suicide, cannibalism, wars, slavery, and Just all round the ultimate ugliness of mankind.

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    Really interesting premise, so far the character progression of the MC has been great and the author hasn’t fallen into the pitfall of making him OP instantly so it’s nice to see gradual gains in strengths and a change in mindset.

    Ver 1 respuestas

    all I have to say is that this MC is literally to worst MC I have ever read about, he literally ticks off all the boxes I hate about different MCs all in one horrible package, other then that thou the novel could have a lot of potential but its impossible to read cause of the shitty MC

    Ver 6 respuestas

    The story is well designed as far as I have read, the grammar and structuring need some serious work, and the character creation is a nice change from a mc that is always stupidly righteous.

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    So far, this is a story about someone imprisoned for a crime that I honestly think is weird(but awesome!) The novel has done good so far in highlighting the Main characters emotions feelings, and I've seen more character growth in these few chapters than I have seen in hundreds of chapters for other novels. Read it, I assure you, it won't be dissapointing.

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    Nothing to be said, this is an alt account. Am I being shameless reviewing my novel twice? Yes! Yes I am. But this novel is awesome.......I think, so read it! Please 😜😜😜

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    LV 2 Badge

    Best novel BR AQUI. Novel Muito boa, entra no top 3 pra facil, tentem pq vale a pena de mais. E apoiem o autor pra ele não desanimar e sempre ter mais cap <3

    Ver 1 respuestas

    Good novel, but the grammar, structure, writing quality, etc, leaves a lot to be desired. Frequent spelling errors, incorrect or poor word choice, among other problems leaves me with no choice but to rate it as I did. the novel is above average for webnovel but thats not exactly a high bar.

    Ver 3 respuestas

    An excellent example of a necromancer style character that isn’t a complete weakling or absolutely broken. It’s sadly only 36 chapters long so far but the writing so far gives me hope for the future of this story. For what it is right now though it is well done.

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    its a Good book :) its something different than other novels keep up the Good work and I hope you increase daily chapter update :) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    Ver 1 respuestas

    So I've read up until chapter 59 and so far I'm really liking this book it's got pretty much everything I like, such as necromancy, a not evil but also not hero type mc who I hope eventually turns into someone like Ainz Ool Gown from Overlord (character/personality wise not physically). I really hope this novel can get a lot of chapters (500-1000 at least) and not stop at like 200 chapters. Keep up the good work.

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    The novel is great, even tho the mc come out as weak at first he build up strength over time, the world building is amazing. The mystery of the mc past and the world outside is like the matrix to me, which brings back some good memories. Read & Enjoy, decide wither you like it instead of reading others opinion as they could be biased.. :)

    Ver 1 respuestas

    Still early in the story but he is building a great world so far. You can get behing the MC and i cant wait to see how the MC personality helps or hinders his progress.

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    Love it so far can’t Wait for more————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

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    LV 10 Badge

    As of now it's a good story.... But we're only at the beginning and don't know much about the MC and the world.... But what you can say though is that the world has a strong potential really.... Update stability : No problem Writing quality: No problem Editing : No problem This story overall seems quite slow paced which I really love, yet the author succeed in making each chapter useful for the story. At least as of now. Only downside : I find the fights a bit too long for my taste but it's still alright... So give it a try !

    Ver 3 respuestas

    I'm not normally someone who reviews, and the novel hasn't gotten too far in yet, however I'm so giddy with excitement at the potential of this novel. A Necromancer that's a vampire or rather will become a vampire! Enough said, you'll be missing out if you don't read this.

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    Writing Quality : Good english Stability of Updates : It's free 5 star 'cause i don't care about stability bs Story Development : i drop at chap 111 i won't spoil but you **** your story like all the character development you did on Rezar seem to be useless.... Character Design : Most character apart from priest seem robotic and are pretty bad like the so-called princess acting all important while she clearly overstep her postion a lot ( chap 111 i just want to smash her ) World Background : Pretty innovative and cool Anyway i drop i really like the idea but you make it seem so bad with how the story happen and the character any way good luck and it wasn't for the world background and the the free 5 star the story would be pretty much only value 3.5 star. Good luck with your story. for me it's the end

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    One of the best books i've ever read thank you so much for allowing me to come on this journey with you **** yes if this book was a girl i would **** her

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    Autor Anone