I love guerilla warfare.
It's actually fairly easy to clear an entire legion. Hide using Chameleon like the cowardly little baby man you are. Then, you jump out and jump a high-tier undead like a vampire lord. After you bill him, you cast slow on the surrounding troops.
Now that the stage is set you move to a safe distance and cast "Corpse Explosion" on the corpse and watch a large portion of the army get swallowed up by the explosion. But you don't stop there. You cast it again on the corpses the explosion just made, chaining your spells together.
And voila! You have learned undead cluster bombing. If you run out of mana don't worry, you have potions with you. And that one perk you get from getting necromancer to level 100.
[Dark harvester]
CE regeneration is increased by 1% for every corpse in your vicinity. Goes up to 100%. Animated corpses do not count.
This class seemed far more demanding I only got 18 levels from clearing the army. Also, I chose a Sub-Class too, deciding on Wardcrafter. For a simple reason. I do not want people invading my house as they please. Plus improving my curtains is a must. Just by getting the subclass, I got: Sigil: Reinforcement, Sigil: Recovery, Sigil: Restoration.
Since leveling the subclass was faster I decided to level that instead. Getting it to a whopping 30 levels already giving me 60 Int and Wis alongside 30 End. Getting the Sigils: Sigil: Obfuscation, Sigil: Counter Curse, Sigil: Warding.
These things are really useful. Just by imprinting them onto your curtains, you can make them stronger. But the best method is to pick a big ass pillar as the focal point of all of your curtains and then slap talisman after talisman on that bad boy stone pillar.
That's what they usually do in Jujutsu Kaisen anyway.
Putting the issue of pimping up my crib later to become an impenetrable fortress just to spite people aside this session of Necropolis invasion proved to be quite fruitful.
I learned the next tier of spells. Which may have been the biggest boon of the invasion.
Something new I found in this place was the shrines of magic thought which contained a spell inside, giving me View Air which allowed me to see things from a 3rd person perspective and Dispel which allowed me to remove lingering effects, mainly buffs and debuffs.
And lastly, the mage I had just killed Nimbus was carrying the skull helmet with them that gave 20% max CE alongside their spell book which actually contained the 3 tier 3 spells inside.
Hypnosis: That's right! The Devils and the Fallen are not the only ones with mind rape anymore. It is actually a very versatile spell, allowing me to do things such as subtle suggestions to straight-up brain rape. Can be used on multiple targets at once on higher tiers
Teleport: Suck it other races! I can also teleport now. Without magic circles too! Though the range is not stellar. The base cost is 1000 with +1 to the cast for each additional meter. It's no Dimensional Door but it's something.
Forcefield: There isn't much to say about this. That does not mean it is bad, however. It allows me to generate very durable stationary forcefields. I admit I almost shat my pants when I suddenly slammed into a wall of green while trying to ru- disengage from a Death Knight.
With these new additions to my repertoire, I went back home.
Because I had an idea.
When I think about it can't I now revive every sacred gear with an entity inside? Such as the Vritra, Ddraig, Albion and such. In fact, with this technique Cursed Spirit Creation I should be able to revive Ddraig right now. Without the need for extra twice criticals as I can probably seamlessly integrate the new twice criticals into the body and then use Cursed Spirit Creation to pseudo-integrate their soul into the new body.
But should I? Wouldn't that get me a lot of attention from outside sources? I don't want that kind of attention on me.
Fuck it.
Yeah, fuck it.
I have decided, fuck it.
I am reviving Ddraig Goch. The Dragon Emperor of Domination.
And nobody can stop me.
You know what. I may as well revive Vritra. I know he knows a fuck shitton of spells and magical knowledge.
I know for a fact that Azazel can get the rest of the Vritra gears for me. Though I remember Delete Field being mighty fine so maybe Vritra can hang out with 3/4ths of a soul.
I'm sure they wouldn't mind, it's either being revived like that or being put inside a plastic bottle and put in the corner of my basement for the rest of all time.
But what do I give in exchange for the Vritra sacred gears? A free coupon for revival? Because I can actually do REAL revival.
It's just that I would prefer not to.
You see, the Reversal version of Create Undead is Revival, Revivify, or Reincarnation and stuff.
But because my Cursed Technique is still gamer my goddam technique drew inspiration from DnD of all things.
So to revive someone I have to:
Make a big ass ritual circle.
Power that big ass circle with a fuck ton of mana/CE.
Fucking money for some reason. Like for fucking what? Am I paying off Death to resurrect the goddam soul or something?
But yeah their level x 10 gold pieces worth of gem base. The price varies on the condition of the body, how long until death, level difference blah blah blah.
Oh, and it also costs levels because why not.
Lastly, it puts me in exhaustion until I get a full rest.
So yeah, fuck revival. Why couldn't it have worked like my normal CT? That's because of my actual CT.
Yeah, this is the [Gamer] technique's fault.
Instead of picking a Revival to adapt to from another Universe like Yggdrasil from Overlord, it picked DnD.
Whatever, I will get over that hurdle when I get over it. Besides False Reincarnation has none of those negatives.
Anyway, doing all of this soul surgery shit on the sacred gears is actually kind of weird. It makes me feel like a surgeon doing a surgery of some kind.
And kinda it is.
First I threw two dudes into the corpse construction circle. As basically an expert already at molding corpses like clay into abominations I turned them into a vague genderless humanoid shape roughly 7ft tall to be fully customizable for any need.
Then, I basically fused the twice-critical into the husk, since the sacred gears being made of scales count as material my reality-warping cursed technique does not give a shit about them being artefacts designed by god and allows my chalk-drawn ritual circle to mould it however I like.
Now I have a blob of somewhat draconic humanoid shape in my living room around level 50. Quite strong for something that is without exaggeration not sentient, intelligent or capable of movement.
Why did I make this a goddam husk of a body instead of constructing a good body with a modicum of effort you may ask?
Well, I decided to let Ddraig choose their form, partly for more reputation since they would like that more and would make that body more comfortable.
Definitely not because I am too lazy and tired to design a man's body.
And I can stuff that body with a self-detonation-esque thing. Basically soul trapping the body in the heart and returning them into a sacred gear since that's where the twice criticals are focused on.
After that, I would either eat their soul or try to turn them into undead later on.
Why later on? And why have I not already turned them undead?
Well, it's simple really, they don't have a corpse to revive so create undead is not a part of this conversation and if I tried Cursed Spirit Creation well...
Ignoring the level difference in the cursed energy needed for that task I would probably need to sit in the dead centre of the biggest leylines on the planet for years to turn them into a Cursed Spirit.
...Not very optimal.
And the whole soul-eating part I don't even know if I can and how beneficial it is.
Besides, there is little flex bigger than the Red Dragon Kind of Domination serving under you.
And I think we have established that I am a rather prideful individual.
After the flesh of husk was left dead middle of the ritual circle I went and retrieved the crystal containing Ddraig.
< < You finally came back, partner? What have you been up to lately? > > Said Ddraig the moment I picked the gem back up, he seemed to enjoy chatting because of course he does, he lives in a gem in my basement he does not get much human interaction.
Said he did not need anything though, must have been quite used to being alone with his thoughts.
"Well, things have been quite hectic in my life so I wasn't really able to visit much and I also did not want to disturb the 50-ish veils I set up."
< < Your veils huh? Spent some time looking over them and I don't recall seeing many things like that, I remember some Yokai and Devils using similar barriers but not quite like yours. But they aren't half bad considering there are no Bats, Crows or Doves knocking on your door. > >
"Yeah, you will find my sorcery rather unique, anyhow you must be bored out of my mind tucked away in the corner of my basement sleeping so I have managed to get all the things required for your Reincarnation ready."
< < ...Are you serious? > > He said in a dead serious voice that made even me drop a sweat.
"Yup, just need to put in the temporary shell so you can design your new body and everything will be done, trust these things are actually pretty simple when you have made dozens of flavours of undead before."
< < Well, if you can truly give me a body I can live in then I will be very grateful and like you asked become your familiar. Beats being used as a tool and weapon at least. > > I could detect the honesty in his voice, guess that's what being trapped in a gauntlet for hundreds of thousands of years does to a motherfucker.
Anyway, I placed his gem down next to the blob of flesh and then used my skill False Reincarnation and Raise Undead on him at the same time while directing the soul of Ddraig into the body. After that, it was up to Ddraig to mould the body to his liking.
Since my entire CE bar was spent with me getting largely exhausted I grabbed myself a drink while Ddraig formed his body.
Of course, I grabbed some delicious banana milkshake I made for myself beforehand. Very good CE Regen modifier and I like Bananas.
No homo.
Anyway, with my drink in hand, I went down to my basement once more to check up on Ddraig when I saw a sigh that made my jaw unhinge.
Wait a fucking second.
"Ahhh, it truly is great to be alive once more!"
Why the fuck is Ddraig a she?
A/N: You know the rules and so do I.
Ddraig is finally revived! And in a form Akira did not expect. What do you think about this chapter? Your comments truly help me improve my own writing skills. I read every comment even if sometimes I may not respond.
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