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87.17% Naruto: Uchiha Brothers / Chapter 34: 33! To the Summit! Resonation of steel!

Capítulo 34: 33! To the Summit! Resonation of steel!

"WHA- HOW?!?! WHEN DID SASUKE LEARN THAT!" Naruto exclaims jumping out of his seat. Not only did he just attain the Sharingan he also displayed one of the shinsengumi's unique posture techniques! Naruto could feel Sasuke take a step forward without him…he might've already been a step ahead. Even though those red eyes stayed fixated on the man at the peak, Naruto felt like Sasuke was looking down on him from up there.

"Don't worry Naruto, your chance to show off will come." Toneri says comforting him with a pat on the back.

"I know…" Naruto slumps back into his seat pouting to himself. 'Ugh! He looks so cool out there! I was going to slay a hollow first!'

"Daaaamn Sasuke!" Yo exclaims not expecting such a feat from his cousin. As far as he knew, Sasuke wasn't much different from the original where strength was concerned but that was obviously wrong. It took him a second to realize that his own hand had drifted towards his sword. 'Oh? He triggered MY instincts as a swordsman for a second there. I almost jumped in…' Yoriichi wasn't the only one who felt it either.

"Parting the heavens…That was one of the boss's techniques." a surprised Souma speculates. Kakashi couldn't even capitalize on the opening because he too was shocked to see the boy use that technique.

'Another monster emerges from the Uchiha huh…' Kakashi thinks, though his deadpan face doesn't show how startled he is.

"Something the matter, don't tell me you're losing steam!" Gai shouts to Rana who had suddenly fell a step behind.

"Don't speak nonsense! I've still got plenty of juice left!" She shouts increasing her pace. 'The commander's little cousin Sasuke, right? I can't wait to see how he grows.'

"Sasuke Uchiha…I'll do well to remember that face." Yugao notes seeing a technique that put everything in her arsenal to shame, though it was likely to be his only technique of that caliber. A small part of her wanted to go and test it, but she decides against it. There are much bigger fish to fry right now.

At the summit the man known as Iori Sengoku gets comfortable, propping his leg up on a stone and takes his pipe back out. He takes a long drag as he smugly gazes down on the swordsmen clamoring to reach him. His presence alone put a great deal of pressure on all of them, not to mention his randomly timed attacks. Even though he was sitting casually, everyone present saw a lone tiger sitting at the mountain's peak proud and strong. An apex predator waiting for someone to devour.

Across the stadium excitement, anxiety, tension, and many other emotions show on the spectators' faces. Even the hollows, who were a heart demon to many, are weary of that man. Nay that sword in the form of a human, who displayed power that made the fear, the scars, even the bloodthirst for revenge start to fade, but it was all replaced with one thing….hope! That hope wasn't inspired by the leaf shinobi, instead it rests on the backs of those in black uniforms. In an almost hysterical way, they began shouting 'Shinsengumi' repeatedly at the tops of their lungs, spit flew, so did snacks, and drinks. The children didn't even care about losing their candy instead they voluntarily threw them at Iori, as if flowers to a star performer.

The air is heavy where Kojiro and the leaf's elders where sitting. The old timers exchange looks of shock and awe of the young man who laid claim to the summit. They are speechless looking at him…in that moment he felt like a giant. Noticing their gazes Iori looks over to the old timers and states plainly and boldly for all to hear.

"Hear me and engrave these words into your memories. I'm the blade of the Sun, its light. This light will reach you before you ever have to worry about the sun burning you away." He puffs on the pipe blows a few rings of smoke as everyone reacts to his words. Most thought he made that as a threat to hollows and the crowds only got livelier. However, to those whom the message was actually meant for, it was loud and clear. 'You will never reach Yoriichi, peons.'

While basking in the moment Iori sees something small flying at him and catches it, a chocolate candy. He doesn't have to think to know who it came from, 'grow well Benimaru, because if not, you'll be crushed long before you reach the brother you're so fixated on surpassing.' He thinks unwrapping the candy to eat.

'Hmm Kojiro's runt of a disciple may actually be more interesting than I thought…That aura, that disposition, they weren't bad at all. It reminds me of 'his' that day…' the tiger thinks shifting his attention to Sasuke and then Yoriichi who of course is basking in the afterglow of his political victory blowing kisses, striking poses and the like. Iori could practically sense the potential in swordsmen. Yoriichi a natural born sword god and Kojiro a saint whose skill has reached the heavens to stand alongside him…but that brat there…he may just be the sword devil…a natural talent born solely made to oppose the deities. A shiver of excitement went down Iori's spine as he thought of facing a fully developed Sasuke in battle.

"Insolent brats! They've completely stolen the villager's support from us! How can that be possible? The villagers should at least show their respect for their own!" A frustrated Danzo growls while the crowd roars. The Shinsengumi were decidedly crowned the land of fire's response to the hollow scourge, not his painstakingly trained ninja… No that remained to be decided. But that Iori made it seem impossible to turn the tables.

Hiruzen shares his old comrade's sentiments for once. However, he has faith in the ninja raised in the hidden leaf village. His thinking is interrupted when he notices one of the anbu next to him fighting to hide his trembling. "I suppose you feel the need to answer some sort of call to action too, don't you? Hayate Gekko" The third asks without looking away from Iori.

One of the anbu standing next to him removes his mask before responding. "I can't say that I don't feel it. I-" The young ninja's speech is cut off by a nasty cough.

"Go ahead. Fight hard to take the summit." Hiruzen nods for him to go forward.

"Sir!" He makes his way to the hill scaling it with all haste to catch up.

Homura wondered why the third hokage would just let another ninja enter the fray at this point. This event already seemed lost to chaos. "Hiruzen why did you just-"

"Give your hokage some credit. He's not senile yet." Danzo interjects sharply. "Even I can tell that all of the swordsmen are drawn to that summit…something is causing them to grow rapidly as they clamor to reach it, it would be stupid to waste a chance to sharpen one of our best swords," Danzo explains regaining some composure. "I'm sure Hiruzen recognizes this too."

"I-I see…"

"Hmm this is unprecedented…" Kojiro sighs seeing that this was becoming a free for all. "I suppose you two are going too? Play fair, you have to climb the hill properly as well."

"No need to worry, I wouldn't dare cheat" the red-haired swordsman at his side chuckles as he walks towards the hill. "Don't worry Mr. Ushi, I will handle it."

"Mph, I will stay by the boss," Ushi states plainly looking forward. Unlike the rest he seemed uninterested in the summit.

"You've never were one for competition." Kojiro says.

"Only killing hollows," Ushi answers, his eyes are hatefully fixated on the hollows still breathing on the hill.

At the summit Iori smiles wide as a fireball jutsu comes hurtling at him. "Finally! Someone has come to play! Let's see what you've got!" The tiger lunges into the flames sword first. A mighty swing of his sword split the fireball in two, revealing Souma standing ready with his blades crossed.

"X Sla-!"

"Too slow," Before Souma can attack Iori vanishes with purple sparks left cackling in his stead. Even the keenest of eyes were hard pressed able to understand what he did. Dropping forward as if he tripped on his own two feet, he uses the momentum to kick off at the last second rushing forward with an burst of extreme speed.

'Purple lightning flash already?!' Souma's thinks bracing himself for the roaring tiger made of purple lightning that suddenly appeared before him with Iori's attack.

"Purple lightning flash x Tiger drill!" Souma has to abandon his attack as a twisting thrust came quicker than his attack could be released.

"Keep going!" Several explosive tagged kunai come from behind Souma exploding around Iori. However, Iori demonstrated a superior flash flicker further increasing his speed as he darts straight upward out of harms way and rushes Kakashi. The young sliver haired ninja is pierced through the chest as the tiger bites down enveloping him in a horrid crash of thunder.

"A clone jutsu? Playing it safe huh?" Iori thinks aloud as he realized how easily defeated his opponent was. "Well not too safe I guess," Souma and the real Kakashi rush in from both sides and assault him with a barrage of slashes, four blades against one. However, Iori can easily match pace with them, and he hadn't broken a sweat yet. A swift series of parries opens them both up to a kick to Souma's gut and a backhand for Kakashi sending those two tumbling in opposite directions. "Disappointing. I give that whole play a thirteen…out of one hundred" he sighs resting his sword on his shoulder.

"You're so harsh Iori! I'm still adjusting to this new level of gravity, give me a minute and I'll be ready to go all out!" Souma shouts back bursting out of the rubble of a rock he crashed into. 'It's insane he's just been relaxing under this pressure. Iori is really a monster…' Souma thinks marveling at Iori's strength.

"This is only two and a half times normal gravity, that much should be lightweight…" Iori says with a disappointed glare. 'Though that silver haired one is doing well to keep pace with Souma…' "Here take this!" He says throwing the second sword on his hip to Kakashi. A standard Shinsengumi katana, that should work. "Now make this fun for me!"

"Hopefully this will make it more entertaining!" Gai shouts as he and Rana fly onto the scene at the same time with simultaneous kicks aimed at Iori. He steps back as they crash down in front of him with a massive impact rocking the arena.

"And my meal gets bigger," Iori licks his lips as he rushes in.

"This is where the predator becomes prey!" Rana says leaping high overhead. "Storm leg: riot!" From up above countless kicks were thrown in Iori's direction, each one so fast it sends a blade of compressed air at him.

Iori met the attack head on, swinging fast enough to deflect almost all of the slashes. The few that did manage to get through were negligible, but she didn't let up. 'Trying to keep me in one place, eh?' He muses to himself noticing the others taking positions around him. "Buzz off!" A single powerful flying slash aimed at Rana makes her evade, but the onslaught is stopped just before Kakashi and Souma reach him.

"Gourmand breathing fifth form: fillet!"

"Lightning blade!"

"Hoh? You two again? You already know that this combo won't work." Iori says almost upset they tried it. He deflects both attacks but they don't relent, immediately coming back for more.

"Oh, don't worry we're trying something new!" Souma shouts amid the flying sparks. Suddenly both he and Kakashi burst, both being lightning clones Iori is electrified from both sides.

"Gate of pain open!" Gai rushes forward with a whole new level of speed, perhaps the greatest to be displayed yet. Planting his hands on the ground in front of Iori, a heavy rising kick lifts the tiger off of the ground and is immediately followed up by a malicious barrage to keep lifting him higher up. "Do it now!" Gai yells.

"DIABLE E`PEE`," Rana who never returned to the ground but lept higher fell towards Iori and Gai while flipping at high speed, her outstretched sword was now burning hot and giving her the momentum to flip faster and faster until she became a blazing spiral falling towards Iori and Gai.

A kunai twirled around Kakashi's finger was thrown straight to the rising combatants, propelled by spiraling wind chakra. "wind style: Piercing tempest!"

"Goooo!" Gai says as he put extra power into his final strike to send Iori flying upwards into Rana.

"CONCASSE' TRANCHE`!!!!" Rana brings her blade down on Iori at the exact time that the wind coated kunai reaches him. The arena fell silent as everyone held their breath to see what the results of the decisive blow would be. As monstrous as he was even Iori had to be hard pressed against such a devastating assault. Right?

"So I do have to try a little huh…" Iori says still maintaining an unbothered stance. Twisting his body mid-air he swings his sword to block Rana and swings his other arm towards the kunai, as if he had a second sword. CLANG! The kunai was met with a blade of pure chakra. Stuck amid the two forces, Iori held both attacks at bay.

"That might have worked if we were on the ground, but I'm the better than you in the sky!" Rana declares kicking off of the air to give her attack extra force.

"I applaud your tactics, but they are all for naught. Did you forget what it means to be an apex predator? I am the strongest!" Rana nor the kunai are able to resist when Iori pushes harder and repels both. Before she can regain her composure Iori was already standing in the air behind her. She can barely block the heavy slash he brought down on her, sending her crashing down.

"How is he standing on air!?!"

"So the bunny girl isn't the only Shinsengumi member who can kick off of the air?!?"

"Look he's standing there in place, that's something entirely different!"

"What kind of jutsu is that?!?"

'I see Yoriichi put a lot of effort into these Shinsengumi, they're nothing short of monsters… But I can tell that Iori would have been a fearsome foe even without Yo's help,' Fugaku listens to the disbelief all around him as the entire village watches on. 'He has yet to use a posture, any breathing techniques, or those spirit arts of Yo's… hell not even a jutsu.'

If Fugaku had said that aloud everyone would have called him a jinx, because Iori's next move was to completely relax. He let his shoulders sag, and barely gripped his sword before he slowly brings it overhead with both hands. Despite the unmotivated movement, everyone could feel the swelling of chakra in his body. Compared to the postures seen before, this attack seemed to carry a whole new level of danger.

"I think I've played with my food long enough. Brace yourselves…if not you might die." Iori warns.

"Oh he's planning to end this like that? I wonder if they'll make it…It'd be super lame to die in practice." seeing what posture the tiger had taken Yoriichi is somewhat saddened by the idea of the fight ending, he was having a blast watching them go at it.

"Hey now would be a good time for a-" Before Souma could even think to coordinate he realized Gai and Kakashi showing signs of fatigue. Only now did he realize how much effort they put into keeping up, although it wasn't a walk in the park for he and Rana either.

"Don't crap out now, I wasn't playing when I said you could die." A dead serious Iori says bringing the blade straight down in front of him in one precise motion. " One stroke kill: leaf cutter."

Powerless to prevent the oncoming attack the four of them braced for the worst when a sudden shout brought them all to their senses. "DO NOT GIVE UP! HE IS BUT A MAN! HE CAN BE DEFEATED" Shocking them all Yugao arrives on the scene to give aid, attacking Iori's blind spot with a horizontal slash. The stadium is stunned to silence seeing her blade actually cleave through his neck and decapitate the tiger. Even Yugao didn't expect that attack to land… "I-I- what just happened?"

"You let your guard down," Iori says from behind her as the dead body is replaced with a split log after a sudden puff of smoke fades away.

"Huh?" Still partly dumbfounded, she turns to see the tiger behind her, unharmed and already about to strike.

"Swordless tiger drill." Using the same twisting motion as his earlier thrust attack, minus the sword, Iori unleashes a devastating palm strike on the girl. Even though she manages to get her guard up in time, it does nothing to stop the attack. An unconscious Yugao is sent tumbling down the hillside, her sword snapped in half. A boulder near the bottom breaks her fall, and she lay there clutching the broken sword. "Hmm I'll give you a ten for heart."

Even though she didn't manage to harm him, Yugao's words didn't fall on deaf ears. The others rise up with a newfound determination to win. "Oh you guys still have fight left in you?" Iori says acting like he just noticed them.

"As long as I can still hold a sword there's still fight in me!" Souma declares with his renewed confidence. The others at the summit all share his sentiments.

"Good, I thought you guys had given up for a moment. Now, COME AT ME WITH EVERYTHING YOU HAVE!" Iori rushes straight at him.

Meeting him head on, their blades clash. As Iori starts to push Souma back Kakashi comes in from behind to strike at Iori. He separates from Souma fast enough to deflect Kakashi, but Rana slashes from above. Sidestepping her sword, Iori immediately ducks to avoid a nasty swing of Gai's nunchaku. None of them give any opening for the lone tiger to make a move, whenever one strike was avoided or deflected another was already coming.

"Look they're pressuring him now, he may actually be defeated!" Koharu exclaims.

"They've thrown everything away in for the sake of an all out offensive…not bad but not good enough. My swordsmen know it, and so do your ninja. Yet, this is all they can do." Kojiro explains to the one who is supposed to be a veteran. As much as she wanted to hush him, anyone with any combat experience could see how this was going to go. The difference in skill shows more and more as the fight goes on.

"At least they look cool struggling like that." Yo could tell that Iori was getting ready to make his move. The others were trying desperately not to let him build momentum. "At this rate, it'll take a miracle for them to win…hmm what's going on over there?" Looking down where Yugao had landed, Sasuke steals his attention for a moment. The young Uchiha stands between Yugao and a straggling gillian who targets an easy meal.

"You won't get passed me," the smallest swordsman's voice calls out to the towering monster. Without hesitation Sasuke leaps straight at it to meet a cero head on. Using parting the heavens again, Sasuke manages to stop the attack from harming Yugao as well as give his opponent a small gash in its mask. "Heh, that all you got!?" Sasuke roars feeling like he can take on the world with sword in hand.

'Don't get cocky Sasuke, knowing one posture won't make you invincible' Benimaru thinks watching the boy. Unlike those fighting atop the summit, these hollows won't hesitate to kill him. That's their only goal here.

Even so Sasuke rushes back in sword first. His sharingan has the creature seeming to move in slow motion as he jumps over a sweeping hand, then dodges a stomp. He gave the hollow painful reminders not to underestimate him in return as he slashes at it while darting around. Enraged, the hollow begins to fire cero in succession, one good hit was all it would take to fry the boy.

Fleeing from the attacks was easy enough, but Sasuke couldn't leave Yugao to die. Besides, he has his pride as a swordsman to uphold now as well. He decides to try his new signature move once more when, "Dance of the crescent moon!" Hayate, well three of him arrive on the scene all slashing at the hollow's neck simultaneously from different directions.

"He got him…" Sasuke stops his attack seeing the newcomer decapitate his target.

The_11th_Division The_11th_Division

I'm sorry guys but we're back in motion finally be ready for the plot to finally get rolling

next chapter
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