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36.36% Naruto : Sadistic Devil / Chapter 3: 2 Year Time Skip

Capítulo 3: 2 Year Time Skip

<Scene Break Hokage Office> 3rd POV

Two years had passed since the incident at the orphanage.

"Hokage-Sama!!! Please do something about that Gin Ichimaru!!!" demanded one of the instructors from the academy.

"He is beyond obnoxious and barely even attends his classes anymore. He is extremely skilled physically and intelligent as well, I just do not understand why a gifted student like him does not want to graduate already." Grumbles the instructor

"Yes Hokage-sama" another instructor also chimed in. "He is a prodigy, there's no denying that," murmured one instructor, his gaze fixed on the young ninja's file spread across the Hokage's desk. "But he treats the academy like a playground. Instead of attending his own classes, he sneaks into the sessions of older kids and turns them into chaotic spectacles."

"It's true," added another instructor, frustration evident in his voice. "He disrupts the flow of our classes, even though he could easily outshine most of the students. It's a waste of his potential and a distraction to the others."

The Third Hokage took a contemplative puff of his pipe before addressing the instructors.

"Gin Ichimaru's talents are indeed extraordinary. We cannot let them go to waste. I will speak to him and try to understand the reasons behind his behavior."

 "Thank you Hokage-Sama" replied the instructors as they were dismissed.


A figure slowly walked from the shadows in the Hokage's office.

"What is it Danzo…This better be good" replied Hiruzen

"Hiruzen, it's not just his talents. Reports from the orphanage matron detail a disturbing incident when Gin was just five years old. That Brat is definitely hiding something."

The Third Hokage raised an eyebrow, absorbing the gravity of the revelation. "Are you certain, Danzo?"

"Hiruzen, we cannot afford to be sentimental. This incident, combined with his extraordinary talents, demands decisive action. I propose that we allow me to take Gin under my wing. I will place a seal on him, one that will control his emotions and ensure he poses no threat to the village."

Hiruzen's expression darkened. "Danzo, sealing a child's emotions is not a decision to be made lightly. We must explore other avenues, and provide him with guidance and mentorship. I believe there is potential for greatness in him."

Danzo's tone remained resolute. "Hiruzen!! you underestimate the danger. The incident at five and his prodigious talents make him a ticking time bomb. I urge you to reconsider."

"That's enough out of you DANZO!! *BRRRRRR*" Yells Hiruzen as his chakra starts riling up.

Danzo's eyes gleamed with dissatisfaction. "Very well, Hiruzen. But mark my words, the moment his powers pose a threat, it will be too late for regrets."

Hiruzen sat alone, contemplating the delicate balance between safeguarding the village and protecting the innocence of a child. Gin Ichimaru's fate hung in the balance.


<Scene Break Hokage Office> 3rd POV

In the following days, the Third Hokage summoned Gin to his office.

Gin entered the Hokage office with a skip in his step without a single care.

'Hooooo…look at him…Kids usually are so nervous meeting me that shows in their behavior…but little Gin seems to be carefree' thought Hiruzen.

"Well, well, if it isn't the famous Gin Ichimaru" Hiruzen greeted, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes.

Gin grinned. "Just thought I'd drop by since you asked for me and all, old man. Your office could use a bit more excitement, don't you think?"

"Hahahahaha" Hiruzen laughed at the audacity of the young ninja. "Excitement is not typically what my office is known for, but I suppose there's a first time for everything. Do you know why you're here, Gin?"

Gin just shrugged. "Dunno, Don't care old man"

Hiruzen chuckled at the informal address, motioning for Gin to take a seat. As the young prodigy lounged casually in the chair, he couldn't help but address the elephant in the room.

"I've been hearing reports, Gin," Hiruzen began. "Disruptions, adventures, and a general tendency to keep things interesting at the academy. Care to share your perspective on all that?"

Gin's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Well, you know, old man, the academy can get a bit dull. Just trying to spice things up, keep everyone on their toes."

Hiruzen raised an eyebrow, his gaze penetrating yet kindly. "Spice things up, indeed. But, Gin, there's a balance between excitement and discipline. The academy serves as the foundation for future shinobi. We mustn't undermine its purpose."

Gin shrugged, his carefree demeanour still intact. "Discipline is a bit overrated, don't you think? I'm just exploring different ways to learn."

Hiruzen leaned forward, his eyes reflecting a genuine concern for the young prodigy. "Gin, your talents are exceptional and you're far ahead of your peers at this stage. The village sees great potential in you. But I must ask, why have you not applied for graduation with the skills you possess? You could be out there, making a name for yourself as a full-fledged shinobi."

Gin's expression turned thoughtful, a rare moment of contemplation breaking through the mischievous facade. "Graduation, huh? It feels like an end to all the fun. Why rush it? The academy is like my playground, and there's still so much I want to learn and experience."

Hiruzen regarded him with a knowing gaze. "Playground or not, Gin, your talents are exceptional. Graduating from the academy is a natural progression for someone of your caliber. It's a step towards fulfilling your potential."

Gin scratched his head, a hint of mischief returning to his eyes. "Potential, you say? Maybe I'll think about it, old man. But for now, the academy is where the real action is."

 Hiruzen chuckled, understanding that the spirited kid before him was not one to conform easily. "Action or not, Gin, there comes a time when every shinobi must embrace the responsibilities that come with their talents."

As the door to the Hokage's office closed behind Gin Ichimaru.

Hiruzen leaned back in his chair, fingers steepled in contemplation. His eyes, normally warm and understanding, now bore a trace of concern. Gin's evasive responses and reluctance towards graduation stirred a curiosity. What secrets does he guard beneath that playful façade?

"Is it fear that keeps him from graduation, or perhaps a desire to remain hidden in the shadows of the academy?" Hiruzen wondered, a frown knitting his brows. "There's more to Gin's story than meets the eye…"


<Scene Break Academy> 3rd POV

On a particularly ordinary day, the door to the 9-year-old's classroom swung open, and in burst Gin, his mischievous grin widening as he surveyed the room. The older students, engrossed in their studies, looked up in surprise as the young disruptor made his grand entrance.

"~Mi..~Na..~To ~Senpai" smirked Gin. "I'm Back"


Minato recognized the familiar silver mop of hair and sighed in exasperation. He had encountered Gin's antics before, and each encounter promised a dose of chaos. He had yet again found himself at the center of Gin's attention as he made his way to him.

"What are you doing here, Gin? You're in the 9-year-olds' class …. Again," Minato pointed out.

"Oh, you know, ~Senpai, just thought I'd drop by and enlighten your dull day with my presence."

The older students stifled laughter, the unexpected interruption breaking the monotony of their routine.


Minato, however, wore an awkward smile while his eyes twitched, well aware of Gin's penchant for stirring things up.

"Gin, we're trying to study here. Can't you go bother someone else?" Minato suggested, trying to redirect the chaos away from him.

"hmmmmmmm" Gin noticed Kushina and grinned. It had been a few months since Gin had become friends with Minato and also started pestering Kushina.

Minato looking at Gin sight immediately paled. "Wait…Gin…"

Gin approached her with an air of confidence, fully aware that he was about to test the limits of her legendary temper.

"~Hello!!" Gin called out, his voice carrying a playful tone.

Kushina glanced up, her emerald eyes narrowing at the sight of the silver-haired intruder. "What do you want, Gin!!💢?"

Gin circled her with a playful grin. "Just thought I'd join in on the fun. ~Whatcha doing?"

"Training. Something you should try instead of causing trouble," Kushina retorted with a fierce glare, resuming her exercises.

*Pssst* "Catch me if you can ~To.Ma.To" Tehe Gin immediately started running

💢 💢 💢"GINNNNN!!!!" Kushina instantly sprang to action chasing Gin to thoroughly beat him up.

And so, the impromptu chase commenced, with Gin and Kushina darting through the academy courtyard. As Gin playfully dodged and weaved, Kushina unleashed a barrage of punches.

"HAHAHAAHAH" *Bleghhh* Gin could be seen sticking his tongue out provoking her further.

However, much to her growing frustration, every strike missed its mark. Gin's agility and nimbleness seemed to defy logic as he effortlessly danced out of reach. His laughter echoed through the courtyard, further infuriating Kushina.

Soon enough they circled back to the class. *Bleghhh**Bleghhh*

Kushina immediately glared at Minato asking for his assistance to catch this demon.

'Geh!!…ah…crap' thought Minato. Why does it always end up like this?

"Give it up, ~Kushina! You can't catch me," he teased, revelling in the chaos he had stirred.

Determined to land a hit, Kushina intensified her attacks. Yet, with a blend of agility and unpredictability, Gin continued to elude her every move. The onlookers, a mix of amused and bewildered students, watched the spectacle unfold.

"STAND STILL!!! YA Bastard!! Today is the day I set you STRAIGHT!! BELIEVE IT!!" Yelled Kushina still chasing him

'~Heh…let's see how this plays out' Gin noticed Minato stealthy approach him from behind.

'Look…at her grinning. Hahahah'

Minato lunged at Gin and captured him for Kushina.

"Wha….Minato!!! How could you!" Gin acted shocked while looking at Minato with a look of betrayal.

Minato awkwardly smiled again. "Gin why do you always do this…"

"AHAHAHAHA!! Goood Minato just hold him still" *Crack**Crack* Kushina slowly started approaching Gin and Minato while cracking her knuckles.

"Hey..Hey..this is Cheating!!" Gin yelled out as he pretended to struggle from Minato's grasp.

"AHAHAHAH" As Kushina threw punch after punch, each hit finding its mark, a realization dawned on her. *Puck* *Smack*

 Gin was not just avoiding her strikes; he was doing so with an almost preternatural precision so instead she kept smacking Minato.

'Oh well…hahaha' Gin thought as Minato grimaced.

Gin finally took a few hits to please and calm Kushina down.

Both Gin and Minato were now kneeling in front of Kushina.

Gin glanced at Minato who somehow looked more beat up than himself.


💢 💢

"STOP GIGGLING" Yelled both Kushina and Minato together.

All 3 glance at each other and start laughing. "Hahahahaha"

Kushina, Minato, and Gin couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation.

"Gin you have to stop pulling such stupid antics," said Minato now sporting a black eye and a bruised cheek.

*Prffffff* Gin staring blowing raspberries.

"Never…*Blegh* So we going to hang out again after academy?" asked Gin to both Kushina and Minato.

"Nahhhh I have to train with my grandma…*sigh*…" Kushina's eyes widened at an idea she thought about.

"You know what you both should come along, ya know!!" Yelled an excited Kushina

'Heheheheh Gin is 100% likely to annoy grandma and I can relax during my training hahahaha I'm a genius' thought Kushina.

"Ehhhh!!" both the boys squinted and looked at her suspiciously.

"Kushina is awfully suspicious nay Minato" Hearing Gin Minato nods his head.

"Do..Don't look at me like that. Grandma has been asking me to bring some friends so let's go..Nothing suspicious, ya know!!" Kushina quickly gave a quick reason in panic.


<Scene Break> 3rd POV

Without waiting for a response, Kushina led both Gin and Minato through the village, weaving through familiar streets until they reached the entrance of the revered Senju compound.

The duo was greeted by the serene ambiance of the Senju estate. Grand cherry blossom trees lined the pathway, their delicate petals creating a picturesque scene.

"Grandma Mito is amazing, ya know!! She's seen so much and knows everything about our village's history," Kushina said with enthusiasm, her eyes sparkling.

Gin, ever curious, raised an eyebrow. "I'm now looking forward to meeting Grandma Mito."

Minato nodded in agreement. "It's an honor to be invited. Thanks for bringing us, Kushina."

Kushina grinned, pushing open the doors to the main residence. The interior, adorned with intricate woodwork.

"Here we are! Get ready to meet Grandma Mito," Kushina announced, pushing the sliding door open.

Mito Senju, the matriarch of the clan, sat on a cushion. She wore a traditional kimono, a testament to the grace that came with age.

"Grandma Mito! I'm Homeee!" Kushina exclaimed, her voice echoing with enthusiasm.

Mito turned toward the entrance, her eyes crinkling with a gentle smile. "Ah, my dear Kushina! And who do we have here?" she inquired, her gaze shifting to Gin and Minato

'What is this….The Blond kid has a black eye and a swollen cheek while Silver haired kid has a few bruises….Did my granddaughter become a thug and bring these two here?' contemplated Mito

Kushina beamed. "Grandma Mito, these are my friends, Gin Ichimaru and Minato Namikaze. They're both fellow students at the academy."

*Twitch* *Twitch*

"Kushina care to explain why your friends are injured?" Mito squinted at her waiting for an explanation.

Gin, seizing the opportunity for mischief, couldn't resist a mischievous grin.

Gin offered a small bow, his silver hair catching the light. "I'm Gin Ichimaru, nice to meet you, Mito-Sama."

Both Kushina and Minato had shocked expressions when they heard Gin's respectful tone.

"Mito-Sama. Kushina here is quite the Bully, you know. She practically beat us both up and threatened us to come here because she wanted to play hooky from her training."

Kushina's eyes widened in disbelief, realizing Gin was weaving a tale of playful deceit. Minato, standing beside her had his mouth wide open.

'Heh…How amusing' Mito realised Gin was playing a prank so she decided to play along. Alas her granddaughter was a bit slow on the uptake.

Mito, with a glint of amusement in her eyes, directed her attention to Kushina. "Is that so, my dear? Threatening your friends just to enjoy a day off?"

Kushina stammered, attempting to dispel Gin's prank. "N-No, Grandma! That's not true. I never—"

Gin, seizing the opportunity to spin his yarn further, interjected with seriousness. "Look at poor Minato here…all he wanted to do was study but he got beat up regardless of doing nothing"

"Hmmmmm, Is that so?" Mito questioned Kushina with a glare.

Kushina started sweating "N-No I mean, Ye-Yes?...Wait N-No?"

"She even showed us a jutsu—'The Threatening Shadow Fist Technique,' or something like that."

Kushina's eyes widened in disbelief as she shot a glare at Gin. *Pfft* Minato, caught off guard, tried to suppress a chuckle.

Mito amusingly played along. "Oh, my, Kushina. I didn't know you had such a fearsome technique in your arsenal."

Kushina, realizing the playful banter had taken on a life of its own and spiralled out of her control, could only laugh nervously. "I swear, Grandma Mito, it's all a prank you have to believe me, ya Know!! I didn't threaten them!"


Grandma Mito's laughter resonated through the room. "Well, it seems your friends have a mischievous streak, my dear. I'm sure you're not that ruthless."

Kushina quickly realised she was played like a fiddle and shot Gin another glare. Promising a new beating tomorrow.

Minato, with a respectful bow, added, "Thank you for having us Mito-Sama. Kushina has told us so much about the Senju history."

As Grandma Mito engaged in conversation with Kushina and Minato, Gin spotted a serene spot in the corner of the room—a comfortable futon bathed in soft sunlight streaming through the shoji screens.

With an easygoing smile, Gin excused himself from the conversation, making his way to the cozy nook. He gracefully reclined on the futon, finding the perfect spot to rest.

Kushina, noticing Gin's departure, couldn't help but chuckle. "Making yourself at home already, Gin?"

Gin, eyes half-closed, responded with a contented sigh. "Why not? It's a nice spot for a nap."

Grandma Mito, amused by Gin's nonchalant demeanour, joined in the banter. "Well, make yourself comfortable, young one. A nap can be quite refreshing."

Gin, nestled in his tranquil corner, found himself succumbing to the soothing ambiance of the Senju residence. The soft rustle of leaves outside, the gentle hum of conversation, and the comforting warmth of the sunlight combined to create a perfect lullaby.

Minato, glancing over at Gin, smirked. "Looks like he's taking full advantage of Grandma Mito's hospitality."

Kushina chuckled, her eyes still on Gin. "Typical Gin. Haahahaa"


Eyes snapping open, Gin's usually easy going expression transformed into a maniacal grin. The room fell into an eerie stillness as the silver-haired shinobi fixated his gaze on Grandma Mito with an intensity that sent shivers down the spines of those present.


Mito exchanged puzzled glances with Minato and Kushina as Gin, with a chilling laugh, rose from his comfortable spot. It was evident that something had triggered a peculiar reaction in him.


Grandma Mito, ever perceptive, arched an eyebrow. "What seems to be the matter, young one? Did you have an unsettling dream?"

Gin's grin widened as he stepped forward, the atmosphere around him growing more ominous. "Dreams are nothing, ~Mito-Sama. But your little probing into my chakra network… that was quite ~entertaining."

Kushina, her curiosity turning into concern, stepped closer to Gin. "Probing? Grandma Mito, did you do something to Gin while he was napping?"

Grandma Mito maintained her composure but couldn't hide it anymore. "I merely sensed his chakra. It's a habit of mine to be aware of those within my residence."

Gin, however, seemed to relish the intrusion. "It's not every day someone gets a glimpse into my chakra network. So what did you see ~Mito-Sama."

Minato, attempting to diffuse the tension, chimed in. "Gin, it's just a sensing technique. Nothing to get worked up about."

But Gin, his eyes glinting with an intensity that was both unsettling and captivating, disregarded Minato's reassurance. "Oh, I'm not worked up, Minato. I find it intriguing. In fact, I should thank Grandma Mito for the unexpected thrill."


Gin's laughter echoed through the room, filling the air with an eerie energy. "Curiosity is a dangerous thing, ~Mito-Sama. Especially when it involves me."

Kushina, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, placed a hand on Gin's shoulder. "Gin, calm down. It's just a sensing technique. There's no harm done."

Gin, his maniacal grin fading into a smirk, finally relented. "You're right, Kushina. No harm done. Just a bit of unexpected excitement."

As the tension dissipated, the Senju Compound returned to its peaceful ambiance. Grandma Mito, unfazed by Gin's intense reaction, continued the conversation as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.


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