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82.72% Naruto: Look to the Stars / Chapter 91: Chapter 91 Reunited

Capítulo 91: Chapter 91 Reunited

Wilbur sat through yet another meeting with the Akatsuki members. They grated his nerves. He found out quite quickly that the ring he now wore was but a decoration. Withot the ninja Chakra he could not use it for it's purpose. Why they let him have it was beyond him. Thoth he liked this trinket. It once belonged to the master of Puppets, know ans Sasori. A powerful man, perhaps greater than any others here, at least with his puppets. Without them, he was still powerful, but not a threat. Still the ring was a reminder of the Puppet Master. He was one of the few humans who willingly cast his humanity aside, a notion Wilbur found interesting. However, Wilbur wanted the one who uses puppets dead. Over time Wilbur acquired a hatred for puppets, much like his hatred for dogs he wold burn them or reduce them to splinters, merely for existing. Before his death in Dunwich he was but a deformed beast with no special abilities, now after his resurrection he was a Demigod who's power would grow with time. Hie goals did not change, the Akatsuki were but a means to an end. They would be cast aside when they helped him in his goal.

Wilbur almost laghed. They agreed to help him find the book he so desired. They did not even know they were agreeing to there own death. Yog-Sothoth would come, and he would awaken every Great Old One who slumbered. The complete destruction of the Human race. Wilbur himself would then join his father, becoming an Outer God. That was his goal, his dream. With that power, he could wipe humanity from every universe to ever exist, though he would not do that.

Nyarlathotep was much to interested in the human race from many realities, he would not allow his amusement to be taken away. Wilbur knew this. The Crawling Chaos was not an enemy to be trifled with. As an Outer God who had the ability to think and plan he was the most powerful bein in existence. Though he knew that there was one greater. Azathoth, the Blind Idiot God. Even an Outer God could not survive his awakening, it was why Nyarlathotep despised his brethren. He may have been the manifestation of every Outer Gods mind and soul, but he was still below his father.

Taking all that into account, Wilbur was left wondering exactly why was Nyarlathotep watching this meeting from the shadows. The others could not see him, but Wilbur could, meaning Nyarlathotep wanted Wilbur to see him. He stood in the corner, completely motionless. Right now that was Where Wilburs eyes were. When Nyarlathotep watches you, no good would come of it. The Shadowed man walked up to the others. Only Wilbur saw him as he walked right up to Tobi. He looked at the single hole where the crimson eye could barely be seen. He spoke, but not to the masked man inches from his face.

"Curious Whateley, you must wonder why I am here. It is simple really, Chaos is my trade. I am very good at what I do, though I believe this group of yours has long since been surpassed by the others who spread the seeds of chaos and discord. The Great Cult is growing rapidly, and the Fungi has returned, all are escalating in power. Yet this group stagnates. This cannot go on, my vessel must be strong when my nephew wakes from his slumber, and I fail to see how these ninja could possibly create the necessary conflict. At one point yes they were dangerous, now they are but a shell of their former selves. The mask one leads them, I will admit his power is great, but insufficient. Perhaps if you were to lead this would not be so "

When those words was said everyone in the room seemed to shiver, even Pain and Tobi. He looked to Wilbur and smiled.

"You choose interesting company Demigod, I look forward to seeing the conflict that arises. For now I have another to add to the growing pool of chaos, The Artist has promise"

And with those parting words he faded. No one knew the silent conversation that went on in front their very eyes.

Sasuke stared wide-eyed at Naruto. Naruto just looked back at him with mild interest.

"So what do you think, remember it is your choice", said Naruto.

Sasuke looked to the floor thinking about exactly what it was he wanted to do. Granted it seemed like a really interesting idea. he looked back to Naruto and shrugged.

"Why the hell not", said Sasuke.

"Once this is done, it can not be reversed. You will be the Jinchuriki of the Zero Tails. Are you sure", asked Naruto.

Sasuke nodded.

"Very well, We will use the same ritual that allowed us to seal Sasori in his puppet body. Unlike that one, we will have to use some of the older sealing arts with it. I have worked hard on creating a seal that works similar to my own, but this one will have several minor differences. While it will slowly allow you to absorb the Zero Tails Chakra, you won't call on his chakra when angered or enraged. The Zero Tails is not as strong as the Nine Tails, so it should not be difficult. You however will be the only living ninja capable of using Dark Chakra, our studies show that Dark Chakra will allow you to open all Eight Gates without any Drawbacks so long as you still have Dark Chakra, and or first encounter with Shinno shows that you will be able to use many techniques without hand seals. When using Dark Chakra you will surpass normal limitations of the human body. However should you rn out of Dark Chakra and continue to fight your body will wither and your mind may snap. I have fixed the problem with the mind, but your body can still succumb. You can eventually heal from this damage, but only after using more Dark Chakra. The seal array will allow you to take some Dark Chakra from the Zero Tails directly. Now, before we start you have to promise me you will only use this power sparingly, I'd say no more than five minutes at a time every day", said Naruto.

"I swear on my honor as an Uchiha, and a ninja of Konohagakure no Sato, I will limit it's use", said Sasuke.

Naruto smiled.

"Good, I'm trusting you with great power Sasuke, don't let me down", said Naruto.

Sasuke gave a sharp nod.

Naruto got from his desk and motioned for Sasuke to follow. They made their way for the cells below. Once there they came across the cell where the Zero Tails was being held. The massive leech like creature just stared at them. Many of it's arms banged on the glass, attempting to escape. Naruto walked up to the console and put his hand on it. He infused his chakra into a small hatch. A glowing seal array appeared on the walls of the room and the Zero Tails fell silent.

"That should keep him calm for about an hour. I already sent word to Herbert to get the spiraling seal we used on Sasori. I will begin making the containment seal on you, remove your shirt please", said Naruto as he grabbed a brush and ink pot.

"What", said Sasuke.

"I need to begin putting the seal that will hold the Zero Tails on you", said Naruto.

Sasuke sighed.

"Fine, but put it on my back, I do not want to see you while you are drawing on me", said Sasuke with a glare.

He removed his shirt and sat in front of the cage. Naruto dipped his brush and went to Sasuke. He carefully inked in a circular seal that encompassed much of his upper back. It had to be symmetrical so he looked very carefully as he worked. The seal was a small array that would contain several back up systems. It would have three safety features. One wold slowly take Dark Chakra from the Zero Tails and add it to Sasuke's own, the next would make sure that Sasuke's mind would remain unaffected. The final was the most challenging, bt the most important. It was used to make sure that when Sasuke used his curse mark, the seal would stop giving Sasuke Dark Chakra and contain it until he returned to normal, at which point the Chakra would be fed back to the Zero Tails so that it would continue feeding into Sasuke. Otherwise if to much Dark Chakra was used at once after returning to normal, the amount could override the second function of protecting Sasuke's mind. This made that impossible. The seal was made to be as safe as possible.

When Naruto was done Herbert had already begun setting up the spiral to transfer the Zero Tails into the seal. The wires at the end were placed on special parts of Sasuke's new seal and held in place by pushing them through the skin. The other side was to be put to the Zero Tails directly. While it was calmer, it would be held down by Herberts Masked Beasts. The Masked Beasts were summoned and instantly they held down the Zero Tails with their various abilities. Two used force fields to hod the Zero Tails down. It would keep it still. The Door was opened and Naruto went to the Leech. He put the other wired into the creatures mask and parts of it's ebon form. Once done Herbert produced shadow clones to get around various points of the sel made of ninja wire. He poured his chakra into various points. The effect was instantaneous.

The Zero Tails was reduced to only Dark Chakra for now as it traveled through the Ritual into Sasuke's new seal. Once the Chakra made contact Sasuke began to scream. Thinking fast Naruto created several Shadow clones to hold Sasuke down as he continued to scream in pain and Agony. Slowly the last of the Zero Tails made it's way to the seal and as it did the entire thing began to glow a black color. Then finally it was done, and Sasuke fell to the ground. Naruto removed the wire from Sasuke's back and began to examine him. The screams attracted the attention on Sakura, , and Amaru who had made their way to the boy and began to examine him carefully.

"What is his status", asked Naruto.

"Exhaustion. Every single nerve was firing at once. His entire body must have felt like it was on fire", said Dr. Shinno.

"Will he be ok", asked Naruto.

"He will be fine", said Dr. Shinno.

Sakura applied a small bit of medical chakra to numb the pain. Sasuke slowly drifted to sleep.

Naruto sat in his office as he grabbed each of the summoning contracts for Team 8 and 10. Some had not had a master for hundreds of years. At the moment he expected the new Hokage to be speking with both teams on their respective role. No doubt the idea of them being on an S-rank mission for an extensive period of time was going to be met with many questions, most he would probably have to answer. He watched the clock patiently. He would arrive the exact second he agreed to, punctuality was something Naruto appreciated after getting Kakashi as his sensei, the man's chronic lateness was infuriating, but Naruto could not fault the man. Everyone has their quirks. He looked at each contract. Owl, Rabbit, Boar, Scorpion, Wolf, and Baku. He knew who would get what, unless there was some disagreements al should go well. He tied each scroll to his waist, sealing a summoning contract could lead to problems considering their nature. With that done Naruto disappeared in a flash.

Tsunade looked at the genin before her. The combined talents of Team 8 and Team 10. They arrived quickly. Though they seemed confused. Notably that their Jonon sensei was nowhere to be seen.

"Team 8 and Team 10, you both were selected specifically to undergo an extended mission. The mission will include S-rank pay...", Tsunade waited for that to sink in. The looks on their faces were priceless.

"This is not so much a mission, as it is a complex training program of sorts. Your client should arrive in a moment", said Tsunade.

Shikamaru was the first to ask questions.

"Lady Tsunade, why us. An S-rank mission is not exactly something Genin teams handle", said Shikamaru.

"You six were chosen specifically. The client is paying for two S-rank missions, One for each team. I do not know where you are going, but the mission is indefinite for the next few years", said Tsunade.

Suddenly There was a yellow flash of light. When everyone looked they saw Naruto standing next to Tsunade who was looking at the clock.

"RIght on time, and not a second off", said Tsunade.

"My sensei gave me an appreciation for punctuality by never showing up when he supposed to", said Naruto.

Everyone looked at Naruto with a mixture of shock and confusion. Naruto turned to them and began to address them.

"You know me as Naruto Uzumaki, I paid for each of you to become apart on an extensive training program. You will be trained in my village. The rules are simple, do not disturb the scientists, and do as you are asked to the best of your ability. From now on I will monitor your progress and if all goes as planed, then by the time I am done with you six will be as strong as an S-class shinobi", said Naruto.

"Naruto is our client, but I thought he was made a missing ninja", said Kiba.

"Naruto is the reason Danzo is no longer the Hokage. He has been reinstated as a ninja of the leaf. He was granted a traveling license allowing him to operate outside of the village. He requested each of you and after some negotiations we accepted his terms. Any other information on the matter is to be taken up with him", said Tsunade.

"Where is Sasuke and Sakura", asked Ino.

"Both are taking a break from missions for a while. Sasuke in under slight medical care, but is doing fine. Sakura is training at the moment I cannot reveal much on her training here, no offence Lady Tsundae", said Naruto.

"None taken", said Tsunade.

Naruto nodded before turning back to the others.

"Any questions regarding the nature of your training will be answered once we reach the village. Before then I have something for each of you", said Naruto.

He reached to his belt to pull out a belt. Attached to it was several scrolls. Tsunade was focused on them.

"Naruto, are those summoning contracts", asked Tsunade.

"Yes, I have spent some time collecting a few. Sasuke and Sakura have some of their own", said Naruto as he handed the scrolls.

"I have the Owl, Rabbit, Boar, Scorpion, Wolf, and Baku contract", said Naruto.

"Baku, you took Danzo's scroll", asked Tsunade in shock.

"he won't be needing it anymore, and not in his current state", said Naruto.

Each looked at their own personal scroll before looking to each other. Ino was the first to talk.

"Naruto, not that I don't like rabbits, but I was wondering if I can have the Boar contract", said Ino.

Naruto raised an eyebrow and looked to Choji. He probably should have seen this coming. The Boar was the symbol of the Yamanaka clan, he had forgotten that.

"If Choji wants to than you may", said Naruto.

Ino looked at Choji with a pleading look. He looked down to Ino's contract before smiling.

"Well, Rabbits are not that bad", said Choji.

Ino hugged Choji as he switched contracts. She smilled at her new scroll.

"You can sign them later, best not to have to many in this room", said Naruto.

Tsunade cleared her throat.

"For the next few years, Naruto will be your boss. I expect you to do as he asks, he is paying quite allot for your services", said Tsunade.

Everyone nodded.

"Thank you Lady Tsunade, I think you have covered everything sufficiently. Now I ask that you all join hands. We will arrive in my village momentarily", said Naruto.

Confused, everyone did as asked. As soon as Naruto grabbed their hands they disappeared in a flash. Tsunade was left alone. So she opened the secret Hokage drawer, and pulled out a bottle of sake.

"Not Hokage for a week and everything already is insane", said Tsunade.

Sai walked in his robes to the nearest ROOT hideout. He watched the area carefully. His wounds from his fight with Naruto had yet to fully heal so he could not preform his goals quite yet. At least at the moment. He opened the door and slipped in. He made sure to seal the entrance behind him. He made his way through the area, not surprized to find it abandoned. However what was surprizing was the smell of blood and rot. Despite being disgusted, he kept calm.

He heard some sound in the distance and readied his brush. As he walked through he heard the sound of moans. He conjured ink clones to shadow him. When he arrived in the room he watched as more of the zombies than he could count feasted on the rotting dead. Some of which seemed to have already been digested. His face remained stoic even as one of the creatures took meat from it's ruptured belly and ate it again. Suddenly there was a roar. Sai turned to see his ink cloned being smashed by some hulking beast. It looked like a man who's muscels had swollen to an inhuman degree forcing it to walk with a hunch. It battered the clones. Sai leapt to the ceiling sticking to it as he drew hounds to attack them. He was surprized to find a severely emaciated zombie crawling near him with bone like claws.

Sai lept down where the massive hulking Zombie was surrounded by a zombie with it's arm deformed. It's skin removed and bones gnawed into a point like some spear like limb. Sai ran as more of the undead beasts followed. Some ran like animals, others like men, all were moaning and screaming for only one thing.

"FLESH! FEED! HUNGER!", said the collected voices of several of the undead.

Sai ran as fast as he could. Strangely the shadows seemed to give him guidance. He would have thought more of it, had he not been in the process of being chased by the hordes of the undead. He made it to Danzo's old office and barred it shut with whatever he could. The monsters were beating on the door and already had holes formed with arms sticking through them looking for food. Sai backed slowly but then slipped on a glass vial. He looked to see glass stuck in his foot and covered in a green fluid.

Strange, it was not there before", said Sai.

Without making a sound he removed the glass not noticing as invisible strands of shadows entered his wounds with the green liquid. Once done he fought the pain and looked around the room for anything of use. AA map showed the massive size of the underground base. There was only four exits. Most would lead outside the village, the other was how he entered. He knew he was doomed, there was no way to make it to any base while in the office. He closed his eyes and walked to the door. Might as well die now, no point in prolonging his death. He opened wide the door, only to see the zombies just look at him before slowly turning around and walking away. He looked confused as they did.

Sai looked at them and tilted his head.

"Why do they stop", said Sai out loud.

As soon as he said that they froze in place. Sai lifted an eyebrow. An interesting thought popped in his head.

"Come", said Sai.

The zombies turned and walked to him.

"Stop", said Sai as they made it barely three feet away.

They froze again. Sai looked back to the glass on the floor and then back to the Zombies. He walked past them, but he stopped when he saw something else on the floor. It was a book. Sai picked it up and realized it was Danzo's journal He opened it to the first page and began to read. He left the room ignoring the zombies. Back in the room the Shadowed man stood with his arms behind his back. He smiled at Sai. He then looked to the glass on the ground.

"A very special formula, just for you emotionless one, do not squander my gift. Bring more conflict boy. Become the new war hawk", said the Shadowed man as he faded to his palace of Chaos.

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