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10.76% Naruto: Futa Swordsman / Sakura7


A sigh parts the lips of the pinkette as she leaned against the railing.

It had been weeks since the incident with Karin; since then, everything has seemed to return to normal...well, if you define normal as being in the clutches of a horny, sadistic blonde that got off on making her victims performing humiliating deeds in order to fulfill their darkest fantasies...yeah, that's about right. This was her life now, and Sakura couldn't escape that. But atleast she got one thing out of the package: Sasuke. And even though he was oblivious to her apparent infatuation for him, that didn't waver her love for him in the slightest. Although, with Karen in the picture, it would prove difficult to obtain his heart. Oh, how tragic love can be!

Sakura had decided to relocate to the roof-as she always done when she was just desiring to be alone-in order to collect her thoughts. She knew that the situation with Karin wasn't going to make her stop loving Sasuke; if anything, it will probably strive her to do anything she could to prevent her from getting closer to him, and Sakura knew this was irrefutable. Moreover, since she had been seeing her around, she had been giving her this stern look. It really didn't bother her as much, yet she couldn't shake the feeling that she was planning something...something bad. Call it a gut feeling, but she couldn't shake it. Sakura didn't want it to be this way...if only they could've resolved it in a more peaceful way....

"Yo, Sakura..."

Hearing that familiar tone, Sakura's eyes grew wide. She then spins around, only to notice you-know-who standing there. Sakura practically felt her heart drop from her ribcage to her stomach after noticing that it was "her".

"Karin...Hey..." Sakura spoke with a iota of hesitation. Had she come to enact vengeance upon Sakura for the incident in the bathroom? It was over weeks ago since then, so why would she start it up again? Sakura studied the red-head as she stood before her, and she was smiling for some vague reason. This couldn't be good...

"Hey, Karin, about the incident in the bathroom..."

"Oh, don't worry about that."

Sakura was taken aback by her statement, that conveyed by her expression.

"Oh? Really? Wow...I thought you would be pretty upset about it..."

"No, I'm still upset about that...but now I know how I'm going to repay you for that."

Sakura didn't comprehend what she meant; her words were laced with suspicion, and Sakura could tell by her smirk that she was itching for Sakura to inquire what she was saying. But it was for that reason that Sakura didn't want to know. Maybe it was not best that she even ask...

"Karin, please, why can't we-"

"-Ah ah ah~ no need to attempt to make things better now," Karin interrupts Sakura as she smirks. "You are going to pay for humiliating me the way you did...and I know just how I'm going to do it..."

"What do you mean?" Sakura inquires, clearly wondering what she was planning. Apparently vengeance was still lingering, even after all these weeks. But Karin failed to realize that it was her that created all this mischief, so why was she shifting all the blame on Sakura?

"Look, I know you're upset...but you failed to realize that you were the one that started this by threatening me to stay away from Sasuke, so you can't be upset that I retaliated! Plus, you had two other girls with you and I know you weren't planning on talking."

Karin was actually silent after listening. Maybe she noticed that her execution was a lot more detrimental than she thought. However, when it came to Sasuke, her one and only true love, she didn't really care...just as long as they stayed away from him, what methods she employed didn't worry her the least. This was Sakura failed to sense about Karin.

"That doesn't matter," She states. "What you need to that I know something about you that Sasuke doesn't...something that I'm certain no one else does-aside from Ino, that is..."

Sakura's eyes widened with disbelief. Could Karin have known about...? No! She couldn't have! She was nowhere in sight while they did those things-and Ino was certain about that. Karin was fibbing...she had to be! There was no way she had proof about her "unique" mutation!

Karin couldn't help but grin after witnessing her reaction to her words. It appeared that it was the reaction she was yearning to see upon her face when she exchanged the news that Sakura was a lesbian. Surely Sasuke was going to stay away from her after hearing that she played for the opposite team. It was foolproof!

"So if you ever consider going near Sasuke again, just remember this important detail: I know your secret. And if you fail to comply with my rules, I will make it my personal mission to tell him everything. Everything!" Karin threatens Sakura.

Sakura was the one that was silent now. What was it with everyone knowing her secret?! Better yet, how the hell did she even find out?! And what makes it even more worse was that SHE was blackmailing her now and threatening to tell Sasuke everything. This was bad...Way worse than Ino founding out about her special mutation.

"Well Sakura, do we have a deal?" Karin asks.

"...yes..." Sakura utters beneath her breathe.

"What? I can't seem to hear you. Try saying that a little louder for me." Karin requests with her right hand cupped behind her ear, purposely irking the pinkette.

"I said, yes!" Sakura exclaims, revealing just how acrimonious she was about the terms of agreement. Her hands were balled up into fists, and she wished to just unleash all this aggression upon this red-head until she didn't have none remaining. That would definitely teach her about messing with her.

Karin couldn't do anything more than giggle in response. She had made her mad, but she simply percieved her anger and malicious intentions as unthreatening as a barking puppy. It was just comedy to Karin.

"Now that we understand each other, I'll take my leave," Karin says, turning away. "And be sure to give Ino my greetings as well, since she is included in this as well. See ya~!" Karin says as her farewell to Sakura as she waves her hand and leaves the rooftop. Sakura was still fuming with anger, to an extent that she was actually baring her fangs like a snarling dog.

"Sakura, you alright?" Ino asks. It was lunch time now, and she and Sakura were sitting at a table where they sat and ate lunch...well, atleast Ino was. She had noticed that Sakura was fairly quiet and had been poking at her pudding for quite some time now.

"Yeah...I'm just fine..." Sakura assured her solemnly, resuming to play with her food. She made it that much obvious by her doing so that she wasn't in the most chippy of moods.

Ino knew that she wasn't indeed fine at all. But, before she would go pestering her for an answer, she would rather have Sakura gain enough confidence to inform her of what is bothering her. This way, they could bypass the jejune information and get right to the point.

"Ino..." Sakura utters as she places her spoon down. "I seen Karin today..."

Ino's hand paused midway, before the spoon entered her mouth, as if suddenly frozen. "What?" She asks in utter disbelief as she remained in this frozen position.

"...She told me-she told me that she knew my secret...and that if I go near Sasuke, she would tell him about it..." Sakura informs Ino. And Ino, who couldn't believe what she was hearing, had her eyes grow owlish in response to Sakura's words.

"You mean...she knows about your...?"


"And that we...?"


"And she has proof of this?"


"...Oh shit..."


This news was vexing for Ino. If Karin-someone who truly despised Sakura because of her love for Sasuke-really had such ammunition at her disposal to use against Sakura, it could prove to be quite devastating towards her-especially if she mentions it to Sasuke. It would eradicate any chances of them being together if it were to get out, and Ino knew that it would have a detrimental effect on Sakura the most. Ino was even questioning how she managed to get such evidence despite her not seeing her around.

"So what do we do now?" Ino asks Sakura.

"What else can we do?" Sakura answers. "I know my love for Sasuke the deep, however, I can't jepordize everyone knowing my secret and having not only the world know about me, Sasuke will never accept me..."

Ino had never seen Sakura so disheartened before. Seeing her in such a glum mood and seeming falling into an abyss of depression had put Ino in a melancholy too. If only there was something she could do. And if she can get her mind off of that, then they could be just fine-for the time being, anyway. Maybe they could...

Leaning over towards Sakura, Ino whispers into her left ear; Sakura then turns to look at her, curious if she was serious. Ino nods and departs from the table and exits the lunchroom. Sakura waits for a moment before leaving the table, following Ino. They both make their way towards the bathroom, which was vacant at this time, and close the door behind them. Ino waits for Sakura in the middle stall, Sakura entering it soon after. Closing that door and pulling the latch through the hole they locked the door, securing their privacy in that instant.

Ino steps before Sakura, wrapping her arms aroud her neck. Their lips were so close, yet they had yet to connect. Trepidation had overcome them, hesitation taking over. Was this really the necessary action needed in order to make her omit her problems? Sakura soon felt her Ino's lips touch her own, pressing them together. It was a plain kiss, for starters, and Ino was just trying to recover Sakura from her gloomy mood and help her forget her worries, but it appeared that it was going to take a moment before they could progress with that, given the current circumstances.

"She's really doing help me?" Sakura thinks to herself as they resumed to kiss. Realizing that Ino was going out of her way to make Sakura feel good, she felt some guilt. Here she was, all sad and mopping about because of Karin, when she had such a devoted friend right here that was willing to go out of her way to make her happy-when she wasn't being controlling, herself. So woukd it hurt if she indulged herself, would it? wouldn't hurt at all...

"Oh, come on...when are you going to start to-eek!"

Ino was surprised. After feeling Sakura's hands grip her behind, she squeaked in response from the abrupt action, eliciting Sakura to smirk.

"Wow...I didn't know you could make such cute sounds, Ino," Sakura teases Ino, this causing red to appear upon her cheeks as a reply. Ino's face scrunched up into a sort of pouting face, something that was very adorable to Sakura. Though, after being grasped by the shoulders and spun around so that she was standing before the closed toilet, Ino forcibly sat Sakura down and stood before her with her arms crossed.

"You honestly mistake my kindness for weakness, don't you?" Ino ask. And even though she was serious, she resumed to blush.

"And what if I did? What are you planning to do?" Sakura retorts.

Ino was surprised that she was acting so daring. Apparently, the exposure to her sadistic behavior had made Sakura more optimistic about their encohnters, seeing as they both felt great pleasure from this. She had succeeded in currupting Sakura. Ino smirks as she removes her shoe from her right foot, placing said foot against Sakura's crotch, stroking it and making her moan. Gradually, her erection began to bloom in her skirt, which then made its presence established as it began to rise, the discomfort from the lack of expansion space was reflecting upon Sakura, whom was grimacing as this occurred.

"Oh, lookie lookie~" Ino coos. " Looks like someone is finally awake. Care to come out and play?" Flipping her skirt back, Ino revealed Sakura's black bike shorts, as well as the protrusion of Sakura's erection. It was twitching as it was covered in the spandex material. It must've been utter torture to have something like that in such tight-fitting undergarments...

Sakura desired nothing other than alleviation at this point, the reason why she peeled back the spandex material from around her penis, the erection flinging up to greet them. A sigh of relief passed through her lips. Her erection was now free, allowing Ino to stroke the shaft with the sole of her foot. It was a footjob.

Sakura's eyes closed as she relaxed herself against the toilet, slouching somewhat. She was gradually becoming more and more immersed, permitting Ino to pleasure her with her feet. It was new, yes, but it definitely felt good as she stroked her off. This served as a great stress-reliever, since she couldn't really get the opportunity to release all this potential sperm inside her due to her mood being sullied lately. But now she did, and she wasnt going to let this chance pass her by.

"It feels amazing, does it not?"

"Yeah, Ino, it feels really good."

Ino was getting off on the authority she had over Sakura. It was the thrill of being in control, explaining why she she appeared rather satisfied while giving Sakura a footjob. But Sakura was getting rather close; she could feel the tension developing in her erection, her cock growing turgid under the pressure that was gradually escalating by the second. This was also conveyed upon Sakura's visage, which was contorted with a mix of pleasure and discomfort. It would be only a matter of seconds before she eventually releases.

Ino realized how hard Sakura had become, informing her that Sakura was approaching her end. Knowing this, Ino increases her foot movement, increasing the friction and pleasure to even higher heights. Sakura's hips began to jerk involuntarily at this point, an desperate attempt from her body to bring her climax that much closer; yet it wasn't necessary, because Sakura was already on the verge of exploding, so it made no point in her taking control at the moment. She just didn't voice it to Ino that she was going to finish.

After a few seconds, the tension had reached its peaked, and Sakura was granted a blissful finish. She popped like the cork off a champagne bottom, her pearly load erupting from the tip and splashing against Ino's foot, coating it and making it a mess. Ino's blush only intensifies because of this.

"Wow...she really released a lot this time...She must've been really pent up..." Ino thinks to herself, analysing her foot. After a moment, she then hops her way to the sink, running her right foot under some hot water to clean it off.

Meanwhile, as Ino was doing so, Sakura was recuperating from her euphoric ejaculation, her mind finally clearing up after a few seconds of resting.

"Thanks...Ino...I really needed that..." Sakura says, expressing her gratitude.

"You seemed so worried; I wanted to take your mind off Karin." Ino replies, cleaning off her foot.

"...If she were to tell Sasuke my secret, it would all be over, and my chances with him would be nothing. I can't afford to let that happen. Sasuke is everything to me-"

"-I get it, alright," Ino interrupts. She had grown irritated of hearing Sakura talk about Sasuke. Was he the one that pleasures her? No. Was he the one that helped her in her most desperate of times? No. But Ino did, and all she got in return was nothing!

"All you ever seem to talk about is him! Sasuke this, Sasuke that-it's annoying to hear after so damn long! It's like there is no one else exist except for him!"

Sakura was surprised about the abrupt change in Ino's attitude. Since when did she oppose Sakura talking about Sasuke...? This was so out-of-the-blue with Sakura, and to be frank, it really startled her.

"Ino, what's up...? Why are you acting this way?"

Hearing this question, Ino paused.

"Really? Why am I acting this way?" Ino reiterates. "Oh, let me see...I sit here and sexually please you this whole time, yet you express no gratitude for that?"

Sakura was oblivious to what Ino meant. Was she implying that Sakura should be grateful, despite the fact that she was blackmailing her just the same as Karin was, just the difference being that she got sex out of it-which was forced, by the way. So who was she to complain?

"You talk as if I have a choice," Sakura states.

"You act as if having sex with you is voluntary, as if I have a decision whether or not I can give consent!" Sakura snaps back at Ino. "You are just as bad as Karin, with the exception that she doesn't use sex as an ultimatum! You have no room to talk, since you do the same by threatening me with pictures just as well as she does! You're both a bunch of sick people that get a kick out of manipulating people!"

"Well, atleast I'm not the one that was born a natural freak to begin with," Ino remarks, Sakura's eyes going wide from hearing this.

"You really believe Sasuke can love someone like you? Someone with that kind of defect about them?"

"-Shut up, Ino..."

"-He'd look at you with disgust the moment he sees the real you...the moment he sees that thing dangling between your legs!"

"-Ino, I'm warning you..."

"-Just face it Sakura, you and Sasuke will never be a thing! He won't ever love you! Just face facts!"

"-And what the hell gives you the right to say that,huh!? You make it seem like you'll be a better lover than him!"

"-Maybe I can be!" Ino shouts back.

Silence fell around them. Tempers were running so high, and Ino had lost herself in the heat of the moment, saying something that she surely didn't mean to, which they both heard. It was like all the anger in them had sudden dissipated in thin air, shock suddenly taking its place. Sakura looks at Ino with disbelief.

"Ino, what did you..." Sakura asks, utterly surprised.

Ino, realizing just what she had said, reacted on impulse and fled from the bathroom in a hurry, abandoning Sakura there. It was the only thing she could think off doing, seeing as she just admitted something that she shouldn't have in the first place.

Sakura was stunned...Ino really liked her? Well this was...surprising. Since when did she harbor such intense emotions like that? This was all so confusing! Ino had feelings for her, yet she couldn't realize it? However, it was hard to figure that with all the treatment she had been receiving. Then again, Ino has been really supportive recently...and that time at her house...Oh, this was all so confusing!

Leaving the bathroom a minute later, Sakura discovered that Ino was already gone. The bell signalling the end of lunch soon rung, students soon spilling into the halls. Sakura headed to her fifth period.

Sakura sighs as she removes her phone from her ear. This was the sixth time that she attempted to call Ino, only for her to once again reach her voicemail. She was tempted to leave a message, however, if she didn't want to answer her anyway, what would that achieve? Maybe leaving her alone would be a good thing... Still, Sakura couldn't fathom how Ino liked her. Could it be because of the tension of their argument? Whatever it was, Sakura was heavily fixated on it now more than the whole situation with Karin, that was for sure.

Ino had heard her phone ring multiple times. She knew that it was Sakura, though, she refused to answer from how abashed she felt. She couldn't talk to her-no, not at this time. She had indirectly confessed her feelings for Sakura! And It had to be the most embarrassing moment that she had experienced! She was hoping to reveal her feelings a lot later, but he had gotten so immersed in her feelings that she had just blurted it out. She was such an idiot! She knew they were eventually going to have to hash things out soon enough. It wasn't like they weren't going to same school or something. Funny...just when things seemed to be going so well, this happens. So what's going to to happen now?

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