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22.22% My Wish Fulfillment Multiverse Journey / Chapter 1: Life & Death

Capítulo 1: Life & Death

My life was full...but hollow. I had 2 kids, an ex wife and worked paycheck to paycheck. By middle age the only thing keeping me going was my children. Even with them, some days I just wanted it to end, see what, if anything, was next.

I held on and pushed through until my babies graduated and got married. All I hoped for was for them to find the happiness I never did.

I didn't take any meds or pull a trigger. I just gave up 1 night as I went to sleep. My heart just stopped beating.


I opened my eyes to see Morgan Freeman sitting in front of me.

"So..." I said.

"So." M said. (MF didn't work right(wrong black guy))

"What now?" I asked.

"As 1 of the Multiverse believers, you get to reincarnate into your own Multiverse. With a few wishes, and the ability to travel it of course." M answered.

"So our beliefs determine where we go after?" I asked.

"Yes. You end up wherever you want, technically. Your beliefs throughout your life just lean you that way. A devout Christian could decide they want to continue their journey in another universe before they join everyone else in "heaven", but most decide heaven can not wait. They also get the "Travelers" as entertainment. Congratulations! You're going to star in your own TV show." M said with a blinding smile.

" I get any "debuffs" if I don't want to be "watched"?" I asked.

"You're wishes." M stated simply.

"Shit. Alright, how many wishes and what universe?" I asked.

"3 and whichever universe you want. Your back story and appearance don't cost you a wish either. But everyone in heaven will know who you are. Especially your ancestors. They actually asked that I grant you an additional boon." M said with a smirk of amusement.

"What boon?" I asked excitedly.

"For each new world, you gain an additional ability/bloodline/item/etc. etc. Normally I wouldn't consider it, but you are the first of your line to accept. I'm Omnipotent and Omniscient. I already know your answers, but most people like to feel like they have some control over themselves. If I were to just give it to you, you would think you had been given no choice." M explained.

"Hmm...yes. I can understand that. World: Twilight. Good world for starting off or as a "base". Appearance: hmm...Sephiroth. And back story: Bellas elder brother by 4 years and I stayed with Charlie, but I don't want to "awaken" til just before she gets to Forks. I'm to old to deal with school and teenagers." I said.

"Acceptable. Do you want Sephiroths powers?" M asked.

"Only if they don't cost me a wish. His powers are cool, but i can wish for FAR greater powers." I stated resolutely.

"Yes. That's why I have no issues with giving them to you as a free bloodline." M stated.

"Alright, but i want my hair as white instead of silver. Wish # 1: Adaptability and potential unlocked to the max. I'm only stating both because they should work together anyway." I stated hopefully.

"You are correct. But to keep it as a single wish, you potential will "adapt" to its full potential. Basically it's still just 1 wish this way. Normally your potential is "locked or set" so to speak. And it will apply to your bloodlines and abilities as well. So good wish." M conceded.

"Sweet! Wish # 2: Controlled material creation? I'm not sure what I want to call it, but I want to be able to create gold to sell or weapons/armor at will. Be it Valyrian steel or adamantium, Uru, Nth metal. Even cash. I just don't want to HAVE to work to survive in whatever worlds I end up going to basically." I stated.

"Matter creation mixed with reality manipulation basically. I'll allow it, but you can't use reality manipulation in the traditional sense. You may gain that ability in the future though, so it can grow more powerful." M informed me.

"Understandable. And wish # 3: ...can I wish for happiness?" I asked hopefully.

"There are some wishes even I can not grant. Free will is something I made that even I can not take away." M said while looking at me sadly.

"I understand." I said, looking at my feet.

"But... I CAN push the universes you are going to in a direction that could help you in that category." M said with a small smile.

"Universes?" I asked.

"Yes. I know you aren't into harems." ('Wierdo' M thought to himself) "But soulmates are a real thing in MANY MANY universes. Such as the Twilight universe." M said deviously.

"...I don't get a say in this, do I?" I asked.

"NOPE! Your ancestors got their 2ed boon with that 1. It's always entertaining to watch a man of culture grow from nothing." M said excitedly.

"DAMNIT GRANDPA!" I yelled at the sky, swearing I heard his laughter.

"Haha, yes. It was your grandfather that asked for it. He remembered how unhappy you always were after your ex wife abandoned you and your children. You deserve the happiness only a harem can give you. Do not worry, I'll "sensor" your "alone time". And your grandfather said by marrying you would give he more granddaughters for him to spoil. I will grant you an additional boon, this time from me, if you accept it." M said.

".....what boon?" I hesitantly asked.

"I'll make you MY grandson as well!" M offered.

"...what perks do I gain?" I asked after a few seconds.

"My counterparts in any universe you visit, if they exist there, will guard over you and yours. You'd also gain many Aunts and Uncles through the Angels. In every universe. It would also compliment your Jenova bloodline." M answered.

"DAMN! That's 1 hell of a boon!" I said.

"I think so too. So how about it, grandson?" M asked.

After thinking for a few minutes I released a massive sigh. "Alright. I can't pass up the safety I gain. The TVA and even Yao or other gods are to big of a threat. Do i get a 4th wish since I'm basically being forced into this?" I admitted.

"They aren't an issue for you anyway. This is YOUR Multiverse. All the big players have been informed that if you "die", which would be temporary anyway, that universe would be destroyed. Including the TVAs own universe if they try anything. And yes, I'll allow a 4th wish for compensation. Just keep it harem worthy." M assured me.

"Then I accept. For my 3ed wish: can I have a universe where my ancestors, and any ancestors of my mates can visit and spend time with us and any children I may have? I'd love to be able to see my children again." I asked, hopefully.

".....normally, I would say no. But as my grandson you can visit heaven at any time along with your mates. I'll even allow their ancestors into heaven so everyone can visit there. Choose again, no limits this time." M stated with a large smile.

" for my first true power I want copy/paste. I can copy any power/bloodline/ability and use it myself AND still share it with one or ALL of my mates or anyone I so choose, but I can delete it from anyone I have "pasted" a power to." I said.

"A worthy wish. Done. And your final wish?" M asked expectantly.

"I'm assuming through your bloodline I can read/write/understand all languages?" I asked.

"Yes. You will have All-Speak/Write, for a better term." M confirmed.

"Then I wish for.....time travel to be added to my Multiverse travel. I don't want to help Diana or Steve in WW2 then have to wait 60 years before anything interesting enough happens for me to want to go back. And I'm fine with only moving forward through time in the universes I've been to." I finally stated.

"As my descendant, you already have that, try again." M said with a smirk.

"Dang, alright. Then the best regenerative ability you can grant me? No memory wipes from a gunshot to the brain and anything left in my body is either pushed out or dissolved almost instantly after it stops moving?" I asked.

"Now that, I can do." M said.

"Alright. Now what?" I asked.

"Now? You wake up!" M said just before snapping his fingers.


Opening my eyes, I stared at a ceiling I had never seen before just as a voice called me from downstairs.

"Lucian! I'm leaving to go get Bella. Try not to burn the house down, please!" Charlie yelled playfully.

"IT WAS ONE TIME!" I yelled back as I had a lifetime of memories slam into my brain. I climbed out of bed, hearing nothing but laughter before the front door closed.

After my head stopped pounding I realized something. If M is my grandfather, which of his son's is my father via bloodline?


I'm probably only gonna write a few chapters before I start stocking them up, so here's the first of a few teasers. I think I'll do better if I don't just try to write them all out ASAP. Wish me luck!

next chapter

Capítulo 2: Bella & History





"Questions for another time!" I told myself.

First, "TO THE WOODS!" I yelled out just before running down the stairs, humming the Batman theme song. I made it to the back door before I froze. "...can we just delete this pilot episode? Please?!" I asked, looking at the ceiling. After receiving no response I shrugged, giving up.

After making it a few hundred feet into the woods, I walked into a clearing.

"Alright! Sephiroths blade. How about an alloy of all the best metals i know of?" I thought aloud just before a black Masamune appeared in my hand.

After swiping through a few trees I was left speechless. No resistance. No vibrations through the blade to the handle.

"This weapon is to over powered for this world. I can't even practice my slashes because they are to attention grabbing!" I ranted aloud.

"I can't even practice my flight until after dark...but I can see my wing!" I said excitedly before 4 pitch black wings popped out the back of my shirt. 2 on each side.

"Huh! That boon WAS overpowered." I admitted just before a golden halo appeared above my head.

".....shit!" Was all I could say.


Back in the house

I sat on the couch just waiting for Bella to arrive.

"This world was a mistake. It's so boring!" I said aloud as I continued flipping through channels on the TV. "The irony. A TV character, watching TV while being watched. I hope yall are as bored as I am!" I said aloud, hoping I wasn't alone in my boredom. That thought actually helped.

A minute later I heard a car pull into the driveway just as I switched to Tom & Jerry.

"Finally. I was about to go to a random Marvelverse just to fight in the battle of New York!" I ranted. I swear I heard some *AWWWWW MAN!*s from somewhere around me. "...I'm assuming my viewers work as a sound audience but only certain things come through...great." I mumbled just before the door opened.

"Lucian? Ah, there you are. Mind helping Bella get her things out of the car while I grab a beer? I'm all stiff from the long drive." Dad asked.

"Of course. Trunk open already?" I asked.

"It is." He answered as he walked into the kitchen.

I stepped outside to see Bella struggling to grab more than she could carry. As I reached her I started grabbing everything off her in 1 hand and the last few items from the trunk in the other.

"Close the trunk then get the door. I got it all." I told her with a smile as she stared at my 6' 6" form in shock, only nodding before proceeding to do as I said.

(Going off remake height in this 1. He wa 6' 1" in the original game but 6' 6" or 7" in the remake)

After making it to her room across from mine, I set all her stuff onto her bed before turning to her.

"Hello baby sis." I managed to get out before she threw herself into my arms as I copied her power and pasted it to myself.

"Lucian! I've missed you big bro!" She said as she held on like I'd dissappear.

(NO! NO INCEST IN MY NOVEL.....well...maybe a little. BUT NOT HERE IN TWILIGHT!)

"I've missed you too. Mom stopped letting us visit each other 4 years ago because I wouldn't lie to the police. And I'm sorry fo..." Bella interrupted me.

"NO! It wasn't your fault. That boyfriend Mom had, Andy, laid his hands on me and you defended me. Yes, you broke his arms and almost killed him. But he thought he was alone with me and was going to..." it was my turn to interrupt her.

(Little shout out to another movie she played in. It would actually explain why she was so...Bella. Movies name: Speak)

"Don't remind me." I said as I tightened my hug. "He's lucky the cops showed up when they did but he got what he deserved in prison. I was told he didn't make it a week before the other prisoners got ahold of his paperwork. Most of them have kids so kiddy diddlers don't last long in there." I said with a smirk.

"Let's change the subject. You're 21 now, almost 22. Any girls i need to get through to spend time with you?" She asked with a smirk.

"No. Nobody really talks to me besides Dad and now you. My appearance shocks them." I said as I ran a hand through my white hair that now had a golden sheen in certain light.

"Fuck them! If they treat you that way just because your looks don't adhere to their sensibilities, they don't deserve to know you at all!" She said.

"Normally!" Dad said as he walked into the room. "I do not condone cursing! But this time she's right, Lucian. Fuck them! You look amazing just the way you are. I know most people think you dye you hair and wear makeup to keep your skin so pale and even wear colored contacts. But I raised you and was there the day you were born and I know it's all natural. Don't let them get to you." He finished as he wrapped us both in a hug. A hug within a hug. "My babies are both back home. Where they belong." Dad mumbled just loud enough for us to hear.

"I know. It's just been a bit difficult, feeling like a leper anytime I need to go into town. I'll be honest. I want to buy a house a bit further from town so we can all still stay together but I can go outside without feeling like a zoo animal. Even going to and from my car has the neighbors staring through their windows until I leave or go back inside." I said.

"So your investing from grandma and grandpa's inheritance work out well?" Bella asked me. "I saw that beauty you have sitting out there. Is she a 68 or 69?"

"1969 Ford Mustang Mach 1. And yeah. I've turned my 60k into a few million. What about yours? I helped you set it up in that high yield savings account so it could grow safely until you turned 18 or bought your first car. It should be around 70k now, right?" I asked.

"About spent it all on lawyers for Andy." Bella said before she felt Dad and I both stiffen. Both for different reasons.

"Lucian..." dad said, trying to calm me down.

"...she...did...WHAT?!" I yelled.

"Please calm down! I've already put it behind me. It's actually because of that that I was able to move back here." Bella said calmly.

"...fine. But we're going to get you a car tomorrow. I'm paying!" I said, giving no room for argument.

"Okay. That's fine. Just calm down. Please." Bella begged, still holding me in her arms.

"That money was for a car and hopefully college if you decided you wanted to go. I won't do anything, but I'm NEVER going to forgive her for that." I said.

*Party pooper. Almost had some action there* I heard.

'Yeah well, if I make this world burn, Bella would suffer in 1 form or another.' I thought silently, hoping my thought would be heard by them.

*They are. Not everything, but anything you intend for us to hear is. You won't here from me much but I'm basically your narrator. Have fun!* the voice said before going silent once more.

"Okay, enough of these topics. We're going to the Cafe for dinner. Get dressed and meet me downstairs in 10." Dad said as he walked back out the door.

"Aight. We'll be down shortly." I said before finally releasing Bella from our hug. "Lets get this over with." I said to Bella as she nodded in understanding. In this world, I was the quiet shut in that disappeared into the woods for days at a time while Bella was outgoing(ish) and Dad didn't spend years alone so he was somewhere between the 2 of us, and at times motherly.

"Maximum effort." I mumbled, trying to motivate myself, as I walked down the stairs with Bella giggling behind me before jumping onto my back.

"You know, I'm sure I could find you a girlfriend..." Bella started to say.

"No! Thank you though." Was all I said as I pulled her legs up so she was dangling like a rag doll.

"Don't bother Bells. I've been trying that for years now." Dad said as he opened the door for us to head out.


I struggled there at the beginning, but i think I'm getting back into it.

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