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25% My Sheldon Cooper-TBBT (The Big Bang Theory) / Chapter 2: 2) The Fuzzy Boots Corollary (S1)

Capítulo 2: 2) The Fuzzy Boots Corollary (S1)

Two weeks passed since they met Penny, nothing really changed in their lives, they still lived how they did, though they did see her a lot more. Since Leonard had taken to stealing her mail so that he could he talk to her about anything, they also learned that she was a messy person.

When Sheldon saw the inside of her apartment he stopped at the door and went no further while shaking his head, the place was his nightmare. He didn't get the urge to go inside and clean it, instead he got the urge to just run in the opposite direction avoiding it at all cost.

The tiger people kept him updated but it seemed the tiger that they had pregnant was only a week into it, so it would be awhile before he got it. Leonard went berserk but calmed down when he learned what Sheldon went through to get it, he also couldn't deny it so he was now waiting on it too.

At the moment Sheldon was at a bar, although he didn't drink heavily that didn't mean he didn't get a drink every now and then, he mainly did it to pick up women. Looking around the bar he was in he hasn't found anyone who has caught his eye yet, that was until he saw a woman with red hair standing off to the side, she was with a group of friends but she was looking at him too.

Smiling at her he picked up his drink and made his way over, he laughed on the inside seeing that she was fussing with her hair seeing that he was walking over to her. Taking a sip of his drink he stopped in front of her, he saw her friends move back some giving them space, "Sheldon." he said holding out his hand.

"Tiffany." She said with just a hint of a blush on her cheeks.

"So what is a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?" He asked while moving in a little closer to her.

"Wow did you really just go with that line?" She said with a smile while looking at him twirling a piece of her hair on her finger.

He laughed, "Yeah I did, and it still has you talking to me doesn't it?" he said with a smile taking said piece of hair and twirling it as she blushed and looked down into her cup.

She nodded her head.

Leaning down he got close to her ear, "Want to get out of here?"

"No what type of girl---" She said before he leaned down pushing his lips to hers, he didn't want to get to know her. Instead he just wanted to take her home, he hadn't been with anyone in two weeks so he wanted to actually sleep with someone, he wasn't in the dating mood.

She didn't push him away and leaned into the kiss, although he didn't sleep with the same person twice unless he was dating them this would be a fun night for him, he could tell. "So wanna go back to my place now?" He said pulling back and nipping at her lips.

She nodded in a daze before smiling brightly, "Yes."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out his I.D, "Go ahead and take a picture and send it to your friends, that way they won't be worried about you. And they can always find you just in case your phone dies and something happens that they need to get a hold of you for."

If possible her smile got wider and she took the picture and sent it to her friends, he could see two of them look down at their phones the moment the message was sent. "Let's get out of here." She said with a grin while stroking his chest.

He nodded taking her hand and leading her out of the bar, since she came by taxi they didn't need to worry about her driving her car, though she would have to stay the night with him. Which was something that he didn't want, but he was okay with it for a night at least, later then that and he would not allow it.

The drive was quiet though she did talk a little about being and aspiring musician making him roll his eyes on the inside, this seemed to be the only type of girls he could attract. That or all the ones that he ran into had the same dreams of either being in film or they tried to be in music, hell he even ran into one that wanted to be a model.

Pulling up to his place he led her inside, "Sorry about the long walk up the stairs, I swear I need to call the maintenance guy about fixing the elevator, these stairs are a killer."

"No problem. My building has the same problem and I live on the sixth floor so I completely understand what it is like." she said with a small smile.

"Wow, well you have it worse then me. We only need to go to the fourth floor here, though it is only a six floor building." He explained as they made it to his floor, standing in front of her own was Penny, though she wasn't alone instead with a spiky hair guy.

"Oh hey Sheldon!" Penny said breaking away from the guy as she saw him and the girl getting ready to go into the apartment.

He sighed but stopped and looked at her, "Hello there Penny, have a fun night out?" He asked while grabbing Tiffany's hand.

She beamed at him, "Sure did, oh this is my friend Doug, Doug this is my neighbor Sheldon and his friend..." She trailed off as she stared at the girl next to him, it seemed that she just realized there was someone with him.

"This is Tiffany. Well you two have a fun night, see you later." As he turned to go inside the door opened and Leonard walked out holding mail, which he knew was hers. He rolled his eyes, she was going to catch on eventually about that.

"Penny the mailman did it again...." Leonard trailed off seeing all four of them in the hall, he raised a brow but walked past the guy as he was looking between the four of them.

"That was my roommate Leonard, and it seems that Raj and Howard are here too. It was good seeing you guys but you need to leave, it is all ten and you know my rules." Sheldon said not stopping as he made his way to the room, he actually had the one further in the back it was bigger then the other one.

"Your rules?" Tiffany asked as they went into the room.

He raised a brow while taking off his shirt, "Do you really want to hear them or would you rather do something else?"

She didn't need to be told twice as she slipped out of her dress letting it spill on to the floor, with a flirty smile she put a hand on his chest before pushing him on to the bed, "Well then no more talking." she purred while climbing on to him.

The next morning Sheldon made breakfast for the two of them, one of her friends was already on the way to pick her up, which he was glad about since he didn't want to drive her home. He still needed to be at work soon so he was actually hoping she would leave soon.

Leonard walked in as she was taking off, "Fun night?"

Sheldon nodded while collecting hi bag for work, "Yeah it was fun. She wasn't half bad but she could have been better. She was the type that tried to act like those porn stars, way to much fake moaning and stuff, you know the things that she thought a guy would like."

"Are you complaining?! I wish I could bring a girl that hot home, it would be amazing to bring someone like that here. How are you not satisfied!!!" He said while looking at Sheldon as if he was crazy.

Sheldon shrugged while grabbing his car keys, "Simple, I don't like fake people."

With that he walked out the house, though he dreaded the headache he might have later after he spends a whole day looking at equations again. If the pay wasn't so good he might switch to something else, he didn't really want to be famous or anything but he could make money off of stuff that wasn't in this world.

Though it was a little harder seeing as all the Marvel and DC were in this world along with a lot of popular things, the only real difference in this world was some famous people really. Other then that this place could just be called an alternate earth compared to his own with how many similarities there were to his previous one.

Sheldon spent a full day at work looking over his board and writing things, that was literally his entire job, his only break being when he went to lunch or took a short break. When it was finally over he rushed out, although he didn't have anything going on after work it didn't mean that he wanted to spend his entire time looking at the board.

After being home five minutes Raj and Howard showed up, he welcomed Raj with open arms but Howard he just allowed in, he always thought the creators of the show screwed Raj. What was the point of getting him over his fear of speaking to women just to keep him single?

Their entire group was paired and married off, even Sheldon, but somehow the nicest of them all ends up alone with nothing but a dog. That didn't work for him, he was going to make it his mission to help the guy get himself a wife in the end, he was not going to be single.

Soon they all jumped into Halo as Howard asked, "Sheldon, if you were a robot, and I knew and you didn't, would you want me to tell you?"

"That depends. When I learn that I'm a robot, will I be able to handle it? Like would I be able to handle the fact that I am now a self aware robot, would I want to do something about it?" He asked wondering what he would feel about that.

"Maybe, although the history of science-fiction is not on your side." Howard said while throwing an impulse grenade at Raj who was hiding.

Sheldon nodded, those movies did tend to go sideways sometimes, "Okay, let me ask you this. When I learn that I'm a robot, would I be bound by Asimov's three laws of robotics?"

"You might be bound by them right now." Raj said with a smile trying to make a joke, which he knew. He was nothing like the other Sheldon so he had more of a personality.

"That's true. Have you ever harmed a human being, or through inaction allowed a human being to come to harm?" Howard said with a chuckle while getting shot in the head.

"Nope. Well not that I am aware of, since it could technically happen but I just wasn't paying attention so I didn't see it happen." He said while thinking it over.

"Have you ever harmed yourself, or allowed yourself to be harmed except in cases where a human being would have been endangered?" Raj continues as Howard had taken a drink at that moment.

"Nope, I have prevented someone from being harm though, but that was helping out at the gym it wasn't a lie threatening situation so I wouldn't say anyone was endangered." He said while shooting in the air randomly since they went into hiding instead of actually going to attack him.

"I smell robot." Howard joked making them all laugh as they turned to the door seeing that Howard was entering.

"Hey, what's going on." Leonard asked entering the apartment looking at all of them since they were laughing.

"The internet has been down for half an hour, so we have been doing local co-op against each other for the past hour." Sheldon said while pausing the game as they all looked over at him.

"Also, Sheldon may be a robot." Raj said as they all chuckled while Howard and Sheldon nodded along to his words.

"So, how did it go with Lesley?" Howard asked since he was the one who told him to go after the girl after all.

"Oh, we tried kissing, but the earth didn't move. I mean any more than the 383 miles that it was going to move anyway." Leonard said while pouting a little since he didn't get the girl that he thought would be so easy to get, though if he really knew her he should have known it wouldn't be simple.

Sheldon sighed, this has happened a lot and he knew that Leonard would go into his teenage emo type personality, the guy did the same routine when someone rejected him and hurt his feelings. It mainly happened because he thought that he deserved the girl, he was possessive that way, which Sheldon didn't see how the man actually deserved them.

"Well, as usual, Wolowitz has the solution. I happen to know a place where there are plenty of eligible women, and Leonard could have his pick. Though I will only take you if Sheldon actually agrees to come." Howard said with a big grin as they all looked over to Sheldon who was brought back into the conversation.

Sheldon sighed, he had been better at remembering the episodes not that he paid attention most of the time but he still was checked in, he knew where Howard was going to take them. He didn't mind it though, might as well spend a little time with them, "Sure, why not?"

They all cheered before getting ready and taking off.

The next day though Sheldon sighed while Leonard walked in with two bags while singing some depressing song, he didn't bother to say anything to the man. The guy would need to work his own problems out, he wasn't going to coddle him, if he liked Penny so much then he needed to man up and ask the woman out.

Going back to his painting that he was working on he let Leonard being taking out the things for the cat he wanted, he sighed. The tiger he was going to get got canceled, the mother died from a snake bite, they couldn't even figure out how it got into the enclosure but it killed the mother and babies in her stomach.

Since finding that out he didn't want another pet, plus he couldn't really find another pet that he wanted to get, no one else was willing to give him another tiger after all. That made him a little upset, but there was nothing that he could really do about it, so he shrugged it off.

"OH MY GOSH!!! STOP SINGING!!!" Sheldon said after twenty minutes when they guy never took out his headphones and went around the apartment with his awful singing.

"What is your problem?" Leonard asked while taking out his headphones.

"Stop being a whiny emo loser and go ask the woman out already! You can't sit here and mope about her dating someone else or seeing someone if you haven't even taking the time to try and ask the woman out." He said rubbing his forehead feeling a headache coming on.

Leonard stood there a moment before nodding, "You're right, I should go over there and ask her out. There is no way that I will know the answer unless I actually ask her myself."

"Right, no go and please.....Stop the singing." Sheldon said while going back to his painting ignoring the man as he made his way out of the apartment with a determined look on his face.

Sheldon knew what would happen but didn't see the need to change things, though a slight smile did go on his face as he thought about messing with the man. The grin slowly grew as the plan formed in his head, though it actually wasn't much of a plan more like he was just going to crash the date, he needed some fun in his life.

Leonard came back more confident then when he left, though he was slightly nervous, he didn't even stop to tell him and went straight to his room. Seeing that he was in his painting clothes Sheldon didn't bother to change yet, it was only three in the afternoon, if the time kept he still had three and a half hours to go.

Shrugging he kept working while waiting.


It was twenty minutes until Leonard needed to meet Penny, he was nervous as he walked into the living room, Sheldon chuckled seeing what he was wearing, "How do I look?"

Sheldon raised a brow, "Seeing as you have nothing better to wear then that, I would say it looks great. Though you might want to change the undershirt and open a window with all that cologne that you are wearing, plus those pit stains are doing you no good."

"Dang it, well I am going to go change shirts hang on. Oh yeah, if it should ever come up, you didn't join us because you stuffed yourself with some dinner you decided to make tonight." Leonard tried to say real fast.

"Nope. Sorry but I am joining this lackluster 'date', Penny texted me earlier asking if I wanted to join, while I don't eat outside my own cooking doesn't mean that I can't join for fun." Sheldon said with a grin as he stood up while grabbing his car keys, this was so they wouldn't take Leonard's or god forbid Penny's old thing.

Leonard was looking terrified as he heard that, he went to speak but nothing was coming out, even worse was that he needed to change since Penny would be there any moment. Smiling Sheldon shooed him off while walking to the door when he heard a knock, Penny was standing there smiling "Hey Sheldon."

"Good to see you Penny." He responded with a nod as he looked her over. She really wasn't seeing this as a date, she was dressed in a blue strapless shirt with a green jacket over it, with blue jeans that had a brown belt, her shoes were golden flip flops. All around she was in a casual wear.

"So you are actually joining us? I thought that the message you sent earlier was just a joke." She said with a wide smile while leaning against the door frame.

"Yeah. I might not be able to eat at the restaurants but that doesn't mean that I can't join at the table every now and then, I just don't trust the staff in the back to mess up my food or to not do something to it." He explained while sighing.

"Well if you ever come to the cheesecake factory and get in my section I will make sure to watch the entire process of your food, that way you can try someone else's cooking for once." She said while slapping his shoulder.

He paused then smiled at her, "You have yourself a deal there, but remember what you said."

She nodded, "Don't worry I won't forget."

"Ready guys?" Leonard asked coming into the room while looking a lot better then he was ten minutes ago, though he still looked really nervous for some reason. He should lighten up, it wasn't like they were going to be alone tonight, he should just treat it as a practice date if anything.

"Yeah, let's go!" Penny cheered while walking out first.

"Leonard chill out, treat this as a practice date. With me being the 'third wheel' you don't have to try so hard, just try to be your normal self while impressing her some." Sheldon explained as Leonard was locking the door, he only said it since Penny was already walking down the stairs.

When they finally made it to the restaurant they were seated at a table for four, Leonard was still nervous from thinking that it was still a date between him and Penny, he didn't listen at all. Sheldon though found it funny as he wasn't eating so he got to watch everything up close, though he noticed Penny sending him looks.

Shaking his head he didn't think Leonard even noticed but he did, hell since they met he could tell she had a lady boner for him, though he didn't comment on it. He wasn't sure how to feel abut Penny she was cool he thought, but they hadn't spent much time together for him to make a clear decision on her yet.

"So how are things in the Physics world? Anything new?" She asked after they all ordered their food, well her and Leonard, he ignored the waiter all together when the man asked for his order.

"Nothing for me. Kind of the same old same old, headaches from looking at the board a lot though." Sheldon said as he looked at his glass of water ignoring her bright smile, strangely he was drawn in by it but he wasn't trying to be.

He would admit that he found her beautiful but she was his neighbor, he didn't want to sleep with her and since that is all he could see doing with her at the moment he tried to ignore her.

After a moment he watched her as she talked to Leonard about her break up with Kurt and how she is just rebounding, and about her sex life. Which caused Leonard to blush as she sat there talking about how she had sex over a thirty-six hour weekend, he could only laugh a little at that.

He didn't judge the woman it was her process, everyone had their own process so why shouldn't she have her own of sleeping with someone for an entire weekend.

As Leonard went under the table he looked over at her catching her looking right back at him 'He likes you a lot' Sheldon mouthed not wanting to waste years before she knew, though she might already know.

'I know.' She mouthed right back as she shook her head sadly, she then pointed at her phone before typing a message and sending it to him making his own phone chime off. As he went to look at the message Leonard bumped his head on the table groaning, "Penny did you spill Ketchup?" He asked.

"No, why?" She asked looking down slightly.

"Then I am currently not okay, can I get some help here." He asked while crawling out from under the table while holding on to the back of his head.

While she was helping Leonard he looked over the message that she had sent him,


From: Penny

I know that Leonard likes me, but there is no way that I could do something like that with him. He is to sweet of a guy and I am not good enough for him, so there can't be anything between us, plus I am still getting over Kurt. I can't make him a rebound.


He nodded respecting what she sent, he could understand her point of view, though he was still wondering if somehow Leonard would turn it around, or would something change. Sheldon honestly didn't know what girl he wanted to be with but it wouldn't be Amy, they weren't alike at all, plus he didn't really care for her much.

There honestly weren't a lot of girls that he could remember in the series that he liked, some side characters but since they didn't really go in depth with them he didn't know which one to choose. He also considered Raj's sister she was beautiful and also an amazing Lawyer, he just needed to play his cards right if he wanted her.

He also thought about Alice, the beautiful comic book girl that Leonard kisses cheating on Priya Raj's sister, she was honestly super beautiful and he could get behind the geeky thing. Though he would need to find her, the only thing he did know was that she lived in the same apartments as Amy, though since he hasn't met her then he doesn't know.

"Sheldon, a little help here." Penny says drawing him out of his thoughts to look over at the two of them.

He stood walking around and helping her pick up Leonard, avoiding the blood he helped walk the man out the building while paying, even if no one ate any food, "Do you need to go to the hospital? You head is bleeding and you look like you are about to throw up." Sheldon said moving slightly away from him.

"No I am good, just get me home so I can lie down." He said while waving his hand.

Sheldon rolled his eyes but followed what the guy said, for the whole ride they stopped four times so that he could throw up, which was something he really didn't want happening in his car. Penny carried the to-go containers they got as they walked up the stairs, Sheldon did threaten to push him down them if he got even a drop of blood on him.

Penny giggled at that.

"Alright well this is us... sorry for the night Penny, I should probably get him inside though." Sheldon said leaning Leonard against the wall while he got the key out to open the door.

"No worries, accidents happen. When Leonard is feeling better and everyone can get together then we will all go out for some food, I enjoy hanging around you guys." Penny said with a smile while giving him a hug before going to her own door and going inside.

"Did I blow it?" Leonard asked while they walked inside.

"Sure did buddy." Sheldon said patting him on the back with a smile while walking away from the tiny man, he could handle himself.

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