Bessie walked behind me, the Cowkin trying her hardest to remain inconspicuous, and surprisingly she did a semi decent job, controlling her nervous expression and walking rather softly down the street as we trailed just behind the three robed figures, who were rather easy to track through the crowds.
My eyes flickered over towards the rooftop that Anput was resting on, the Jackalkin nodding at me before slipping into a nearby alleyway and moving to cut the targets off whenever they turned into an alley, with Jahi and Leone already waiting inside the dark corridors.
If they went to my right - where Anput was located - we would converge on them and work together, but if they went to the left I would pursue on my own for a few moments before the others joined me; either way, we were getting these three idiots tonight, and I was going to figure out what they had planned for us.
Where I would then respond accordingly.