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My Lycan Original

My Lycan

Celebrities 23 Capítulos 48.9K Visitas
Autor: Taekooksangel

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I dread my eighteenth birthday with every fiber of my body. Why? You must ask. Let me tell you. I'm a werewolf and when we turn eighteen everyone expects you to find your mate. What people don't get is your mate can accept or reject you. They are usually like "My mate going to accept me because of such and such." Fuck no, it doesn't work like that all the time.

Guess what today is. Ding. Ding. Ding. You got it right. Here's a cookie for you. Today is my birthday and I want to fall in a hole.

Can someone dig one for me or must I do it myself? No? I guess I'll have to. All jokes aside there is more, I have to go to school. That is just plain bad luck there.

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