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5.08% My Life in Blue Exorcist / Chapter 1: Wake up (Rewrite)

Capítulo 1: Wake up (Rewrite)

'Urgh, what's that bitch doing to me now?'

I thought as I woke up from the sudden blue light that's annoyingly hitting me in the face. I expected a kick to the stomach or something but nothing happened, even after I waited for a while. Strange... I don't believe that mother of mine would be so kind as to not kick me out of the room on a weekend. I think that as I reluctantly open my eyes, ready to face another day of hell.

When I opened my eyes, I felt like I was going to go blind from how bright the damn light is. Since when did that bitch of a mother get the money for such an expensive torture method? Looks like next week is gonna be hell. I think that as I use my hands to block out the light and look at what she's doing.

That's when I noticed it. I'm holding onto something. Sticks? But why am I holding two sticks?

I focus my eyes to get a better look at the 'sticks'. Either this is some elaborate plan by that whore of a mother or probably one of her boyfriends' pranks again. For fuck sake, could they be any more annoying?

I think that as my eyes finally adjust to the bright light as I look down on the 'sticks'. Seriously, what's causing that light? That's when I realised that I'm holding onto a sword and its sheath.

The fuck? A Sword? Why the fuck am I holding a sword? What the heck is going on? Where am I? And why the fuck is the Sword covered in Blue Flames?! The surprise was so much that I nearly dropped the Sword but for some reason, my gut told me not to.

I decided to listen to my gut as a million questions crowded my mind as I looked around in a daze. Just what the fuck is happening? I seem to be in some underground room, or a basement, that has walls that are burnt black and charred. Everything is a mess from the furniture to the walls as if all hell broke loose. Again, what the hell is going on?

"Holy shit!"

It was then that I noticed it. Or him. A corpse. A corpse of a man that looks to be in his 40's with a goatee made of stubble, grey hair and a cross mark on his forehead, probably formed from wrinkling his forehead but that wasn't the important part. He's covered in both dried and fresh blood and his entire body is covered in burn marks. Just what the hell happened here?!

It was then that I had a bad thought. That bitch couldn't have... She couldn't have kidnapped me while I was sleeping and sent me here, could she? I know she's never loved me, heck I question if she even can, but this is fucking crazy! I mean, this man is dead with burn marks and covered in blood whereas I'm stuck with him with a fucking sword in my hand!

I nearly had a mental breakdown before I forcefully calmed myself down by punching myself in the face.


Putting a lot more force than I expected, my face became numb as a small bruise formed. What the? That surprised me. It was then I looked down and saw my hands.

Eh? This isn't my hand? My hands usually have scars and burn marks. Where did they go? Scar removal therapy? We're too poor for that.

"Wait, I got new clothes?"

I said in surprise as I looked down. When did I start wearing unripped clothes? Something isn't right. I'm worried. I searched around the room to find a mirror or anything reflective.

"This… is me?"

I said as I touched the mirror, lost in thought as I just stared at myself. Dark blue messy hair, two blue flame-like horns, eyes of the same colour of blue with red pupil, pointy elf-life ears, sharp canine-like teeth and what I felt at my back… a black fluffy tail. So that's why it was uncomfortable...

"What the fuck is happening to me?"

I ask myself as I was too confused to even move. Blue flames? A tail? Pointy ears? The fuck kind of situation is this!? Cosplay? No wait, it's real. Is this… Transmigration? Did I get-


As I was thinking of what my situation was, I suddenly felt a headache as I screamed in pain. It hurts! It feels like something is bashing itself inside my head! Like a fucking drill was getting shoved in there!


I was barely able to make a different noise as I started seeing still images moving like one of those old school picture books. It feels like I'm hallucinating but the images are so clear. I saw the life of a kid, raised by a single father along with his little brother. There were people around him too. People wearing a priest's cassock. In a monastery.

The scene changed again. This time it was them playing in the snow. Another again. One where he's in a fight with a child. Another. Getting scolded and truanting lessons. Another. Another. Another one. Being called a demon child.

I see many scenes like these as I feel sympathy for the kid. That's when I noticed it, the man next to me is the kid's father... just what the fuck is going on? Why am I able to see his story in the first place?

"So that's how…"

I said to myself as the pain finally stopped. So I'm him now… Rin Okumura. Son of Satan.

I didn't get a chance to properly think of my situation as I suddenly blacked out.

I guess I've escaped that place at least.

-Yukio pov-

I heard a loud noise and ran towards the basement where Nii-san is at along with the priest. Dammit, how did this happen? Everything should be alright with father being there with Rin, but I still have to see them with my own eyes.

A few minutes ago I was at the station to go to True Cross Academy. I had to unpack my stuff there since it already arrived in the afternoon. Before that, I tried calling father to see what Rin was up to. They informed me of him going to a job interview so I was nervous for him.

"The number you have dialled is currently unavailable. Please try again-"

When I heard the voice machine I knew something happened. Father had a habit of always answering his phone no matter what the situation was. Even if he was in a meeting with our teacher. He'll prioritise the phone over what's happening, a habit he gained from his years of being an exorcist.

Thinking there's something wrong, I decided to run back to the monastery. Even if father is the strongest, he isn't invincible.

(Yukio): "Shit.".

I swore when I took a turn and saw the state of the monastery. It's a mess. The front gates were destroyed, parts of the buildings are missing pieces and there was a truck sticking out in the main building.

Shit, the bad feeling was right. I ran faster as more worries were coming to my head but I quickly suppressed those as I approached the other priests who seem to be cleaning up the aftermath

Phew, everyone's safe.

(Yukio): "Nagamoto-san, what happened?"

I asked one of the priests, Nagamoto-san, a man with short wavy brown hair and brown eyes wearing typical Priests cassocks who was giving orders to the other priests to tidy up or fix the seals.

(Nagamoto): "Yukio... Rin awakened his flames. The situation at hand is already being taken care of. Right now-"


Just as Nagamoto was about to inform me of Rins situation, we suddenly hear Rins blood-curdling scream of pain. My body moved on its own as I ran in the direction of the sound as I feared for the worst. Nii-san awakened his flames?

No wonder the Demons attacked. Since I was young I was told that Nii-san and I are both twin sons of Satan. However, unlike me, who was too weak to handle Satan's flames from birth, Nii-san was able to inherit it. Although I've never seen them before, I've been told by many how frightening they are, especially by my older superiors.

I ran to the underground room with Nagamoto-san and the rest of the priests following behind. I had Nagamoto-san open the lock to the door with a specialised key and a chant before we entered. Only to see chaos remaining.

(Yukio): "Father! Rin!"

The room inside was charred black with the smell of blood lingering in the air. Everything from the scrolls and the talismans on the wall to the spare furniture and antiques got burnt or are destroyed. At the centre of the room is an unconscious Rin, still covered in a small number of blue flames along with demon-like features that he never had until now. As for our father, he was in serious condition, laying on the ground covered in blood and burns.

I ran towards the duo to see if they were still alive. Please. Please tell me they're still alive. When I got closer to them the disgusting smell of blood and burnt flesh intensified, making me feel ill, but I endured and got closer to their bodies. Rin looks like he's out cold whereas father... his pulse is not there anymore.

He isn't even breathing anymore… I sit there with Father in my hands as I try processing the situation.

(Yukio): "Father! Please don't leave me!"

I hugged father as hard as I could, hoping that holding him like this would keep his soul from leaving. But reality isn't like that, and even though I'm aware that my actions are meaningless. Tears are streaming down my face as I hold my father's cold corpse.

The other priest came soon after me. All with shock on their faces. Why? Father was the strongest. There's no way Satan could've possessed him now when he's failed for the last 16 years.

While I was crying, thoughts of doubt appeared in my mind. Father was the strongest. He was a Paladin. He had the will to resist Satan. How did he manage to fall now of all times? Did all the stress till now get to him?

(Nagamoto): "Yukio... We need to cremate his body and build him a grave... Else demons will soon possess his body... Let's let Father Fujimoto leave this world with his dignity remaining."

Nagamoto-san approached the crying me, patted my back and told me to... part ways with my father. Why? I haven't shown you how much I've grown. I wanted you to still teach me stuff. Why did you have to die?

I had to have Nagamoto-san peel me off of my father before I could scream this question burning inside of me.

When I left my father's embrace these thoughts didn't decrease at all. Father was the strongest. He was a legend. But he's dead. By Satan.

But... How? How did Satan manage to do something he failed to for many years now? And why now? Something must've happened.

I got my answer when I looked over my shoulder. Rin. It must be. Father wouldn't have lost his will even for a moment unless it was something that hurt him at an emotional level.

(Yukio): "Rin!"

I raised my guns towards my brother, the brother that I swore to protect. In a blind rage, my body acted even though my mind didn't want it.

(Nagamoto): "Yukio, stop this at once!"

Nagamoto yelled at me before grabbing my gun when he realised what I was about to do. Why did my body move like that? It felt like a whisper was telling me to move.

(Yukio): "Let go of me."

In a cold voice that surprised even me, I told Nagamoto-san to release me. He eventually let go of me before I put my pistol away.

(Yukio): "He's awakened his flames, there's no telling what he's going to do when he wakes up."

I said as I didn't know what the Order would do. Rin will have to stay hidden for the rest of his life else he risks getting executed.

(Nagamoto-san): "Trust me, Yukio. Whatever you were about to do, I know it's something you'll regret till your death as Rin's brother or as an exorcist. Go rest up, the rest of the priests will take care of the funeral and the mess here. Remember to go to Sir Pheles' office after the funeral and report the death of Father Fujimoto... Don't let Shiro's death be in vain."

Nagamoto-san said as he picked Rin up. The anger I had before mysteriously vanished and shame replaced it. Why did I do that?

(Yukio): "Fine."

I replied before taking a deep breath then started counting down from 10 to calm down. Once I did that I took one last look at my father and Nii-san before walking out. I guess I'll report this to Mephisto.

(A/N: Alternative Titles: "The journey begins", "Sleepy boi", "Damn Yukio")

Edited by Xenoblade.

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S_jay S_jay

The official release of MLIBE! Word of warning, although this is going to include the story of blue exorcist and the characters, I'm going to include my OC's in the story. Please stick with the story until the end! Proofreader is my lil bro!

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